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By reacting [(C5Me5)M(SRF)2] (forM = Ir, Rf = C6F5 (1a) or C6F4H-p (1b); for M = Rh, Rf = C6F5 (2a) or C6F4H-p (2a)) in toluene with Na[AuCl4], ionic binuclear compounds with the general formula [(C5Me5)M(μ-SRF)2AuCl2]Cl for M = Ir, R = C6F5 (3a) or C6F4H-p (3a); for M = Rh, RF = C6F5 (4a) or C6F4H-p (4b) can be obtained, together with small amounts of [(C5Me5)2Rh2(μ-SRF)(μ-Cl)2]Cl (RF = C6F5 (5a) or C6F4H-p (5b)) as by-products when 2a and 2b were used.  相似文献   
A study on spatio-temporal distribution of microphytobhethos in intertidal zones of Tagus Estuary was carried out from 1990 to 1992. Near Lisbon, Portugal, Tagus Estuary is a shallow mesotidal estuary, covering an area of 320 km2. The intertidal area ranges from 20 to 40% off the total area and it is constituted mainly by mudflats. Intertidal flats are richly populated by microalgae, diatoms being the most important and ubiquitos group.Spatial variation of microphytobethos was studied in spring 1990, 21 different sites were sampled. Microphytobenthos biomass was evaluated as chlorophyll a content of the surface centimeter, ranging from 10 to 240 mg m–2. A Principal Component Analysis showed that 62% of the total variability found in intertidal flats of Tagus estuary could be attributed to two major factors: sediment type and tidal height. A hierarchical grouping defined 3 major groups of similar stations, each one representing a different strata of the ecosystem.One station from each group was chosen for the study of the temporal variation. A sampling, rogram took place from April 1991 to April 1992, with fortnightly sampling, the Chl a ranged from 20–300 mg m–2. No clear seasonal variation was found, and our results indicated that tidal height of sampledsite played an essential role in temporal biomass evolution, thus upper littoral sites were influenced by climatic parameters, whereas in lower sites action of tides mainly controlled microphytic biomass.
Résumé Une étude sur l'hétérogénéité spatio-temporelle du microphytobenthos dans les sédiments intertidaux de l'Estuaire du Tage a été accompli de 1990 á 1992.L'Estuaire du Tage, prés de Lisbonne (Portugal) est un estuaire peu profond, mesotidal, avec une aire total de 320 km2. L'aire intertidale est comprise entre 20 et 40% du total, et constituéé surtout par des vasiéres. Ces slikkes sont peuplées par une communauté assez riche de microalgues, ou les diatomées sont les plus abundantes.La variation spatialle du microphytobenthos était évalué au Printemps 1990, ou 21 différentes stations étaient échantillonnées. La biomasse était évalué par la concentration enchlorophylle a du premier centimétre de sédiment, qui a varié de 10 á 240 mg Chl a m–2. Une Analyse en Composants Principales a montré que 62% de la variabilité de la biomasse était lié á deux facteurs: le sédiment et l'hauteur vis-á-vis la marée. Une classification hiérarchique des stations par similitude a établi 3 groupes principaux, représantantles différents strates de écecosytéme.Une station de chaque groupement a été choisie pour l'étude de la variation temporelle, qui s'est deroulé d'avril 1991 á avril 1992, avec des prélévements deux fois par mois. Les valeurs de Chl a obtenus vont de 20 á 300 mg m–2. Les variations saisonniéres observées ne sont pas claires: nos résultats indiquent que l'hauteur de la station (m) joue un rôle essentiel dans l'évolution temporel de la biomasse, c'est á dire, la biomasse microalgal des sites du supra-littoral est influencié par les paramétres climatiques, tandis que dans l'infra-littoral c'est l'action des marées le facteur principal.
S-2-(3 aminopropylamino) ethylphosphorothioic acid (WR-2721) shown to surpass radical scavenging thiols in their radioprotective efficacy in cancer-type diseases has been tested for its protective potential in the reperfused heart. We investigated the radical scavenger properties of the compound in a radical generating systemin vitro as well as in isolated rat hearts subjected to 30 min ischaemia and 30 min reperfusion with the electron-paramagnetic resonance spin trap technique. The action on high-energy phosphates is observed by means of phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy while its influence on left ventricular systolic segmental length change (SSLC) during 60 min reperfusion following 60 min regional ischaemia was assessed with a fibreoptic system in anaesthetized open-chest rats. WR-2721 (0.1 mM) reduced the vascular concentration of radical adduct in isolated hearts by up to 78% (275±84% of pre-ischaemic baseline values vs 1260±413%, p<0.05) between 5 and 12.5 min reperfusion. This was accompanied by a reduction of the left ventricular end diastolic pressure to pre-ischaemic values at 30 min of reperfusion (9±6 mmHg vs 42±8 mmHg in the absence of WR-2721, p<0.02). An accelerated recovery of creatine phosphate levels (78±5% of pre-ischaemia values vs 41±5% within 60 min reperfusion; p<0.05) was observed under similar conditions with NMR-spectroscopy, although the post-ischaemic tissue content of adenosine triphosphate was not affected. The administration of WR-2721 (0.5 mmol/kg body weight) ledin situ to an accelerated restoration of contractile activity in the post-ligated left ventricular area reflected by the post-ischaemic recovery of SSLC (64±10% of pre-ischaemic values compared with 27±6% in control animals 60 min following reperfusion; p<0.02). The present data confirm an effective reduction in the exposure of the reperfused heart to endogenously released free radicals by WR-2721, a partial preservation of high-energy phosphates and an improvement in post-ischaemic contractility and encourage further investigation of such favourable action in injured myocardium.  相似文献   
Bovine acidic seminal fluid protein (aSFP) is a 1.29 kDa polypeptide of the spermadhesin family built by a single CUB domain architecture. The CUB domain is an extracellular module present in 16 functionally diverse proteins. To determine the three-dimensional structure of aSFP, the protein was crystallized at 21 degrees C by vapor diffusion in hanging drops, using ammonium sulfate, pH 4.7, and polyethyleneglycol 4,000 as precipitants, containing 10% dioxane to avoid the formation of clustered crystals. Elongated prismatic crystals with maximal size of 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 mm3 diffract to beyond 1.9 A resolution and belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with cell parameters a = 52.4 A, b = 41.5 A, c = 48.2 A. There is one aSFP molecule per asymmetric unit, which corresponds to a crystal volume per unit molecular mass of 2.04 A3/Da, and analytical ultracentrifugation analysis show that aSFP is a monomeric protein.  相似文献   
Abstract The degradation of mRNA plays a central role in the control of protein synthesis. In Escherichia coli , the rnb gene encodes ribonuclease II (RNase II), one of the two main exonucleases involved in mRNA decay. We have constructed strain CMA201, in which the rnb promoter region and the gene were deleted from the chromosome and replaced by a tettr cassette. This is the first rnb absolute deletion mutant that shows the complete absence of rnb -specific mRNA. This strain has growth characteristics similar to the wild-type, even though it has no RNase II activity, and it should be useful in studies of mRNA metabolism.  相似文献   
A series of new pyrido[1,2-a]- and pyridazino[1,6-a]benzimidazolium salts have been synthesized from readily available 1,3-disubstituted 2-alkylbenzimidazolium salts. Their affinity to DNA and in vitro cytotoxicity versus HT-29 have been tested. The initial results show that the title compounds are a new family of intercalating agents.  相似文献   
Summary The main features of the behavioural ecology of rocky intertidal species are compared both within families — though concentrated on blennies — and between habitats. It is suggested that, at the behavioural level, the reduction of vertical and swimming elements in the male sexual and agonistic displays of Blennioidei may constitute an adaptation to typical intertidal conditions, especially in those species that inhabit areas exposed to strong wave action. The other aspect which is discussed is the prevalence of parental care in rocky intertidal fishes. In these fishes parental care is much more frequent than for marine fishes as a whole. Taken alone, this could also suggest that guarding evolved as an adaptation during the process of colonization of these habitats. The hypothesis proposed in this paper is that guarding was already present in the ancestors of the resident species, at least in the majority of cases. Many differences in interhabitat studies may express the action of the environment, not as an agent of natural selection, but as a filter, which prevented some groups from invading a given habitat and, at the same time, made colonization easier for other groups. When a number of taxa that colonized a given habitat display clear similarities in their behaviour and their biology, adaptation is not necessarily demonstrated. There is evidence in the literature to support the hypothesis that those traits were already present in the ancestors of the rocky intertidal resident fishes, thus being best viewed as exaptations.  相似文献   
In subjects fed a cholesterol-free diet there are three possible sources of intestinal lymph cholesterol: a) mucosal synthesis; b) absorption of endogenous (biliary) cholesterol; and c) transudation of plasma lipoproteins into the lacteals of the intestinal wall. To test these possibilities, the extent of transudation was measured by means of [3H]beta-sitosterol administered intravenously as a marker. Absorption of biliary cholesterol was reduced by oral administration of beta-sitosterol (9 g/day), and mucosal synthesis of cholesterol was evaluated by comparisons of plasma/lymph [14C]cholesterol specific activity ratios after intravenous administration of a single dose of labeled cholesterol. Studies were carried out on six patients with filarial chyluria. In five patients fed a cholesterol-free diet the results indicated that lymph cholesterol was largely derived by transudation of plasma lipoproteins into the lacteals from the intestinal blood supply, without contribution from de novo mucosal synthesis or from absorption of endogenous cholesterol. The intestinal lymph of one patient fed cholesterol (2 g/day) contained cholesterol originating mostly from plasma transudation and from dietary absorption, with little contribution from absorbed endogenous cholesterol. In all experiments the larger part of the cholesterol transported away from the intestine in the lymph was carried in chylomicrons, even though it had its origin in plasma lipoproteins.  相似文献   
Methods for the preparation of antigens from clinically isolated cultures of Aspergillus were standardized. Sera from 25 suspected cases of pulmonary aspergillosis were tested against antigens prepared by us, from 4 strains of A. fumigatus and one strain of A. flavus, using the Ouchterlony double diffusion and immunoelectrophoretic techniques.Of the 25 sera tested, 18 reacted positively with antigens of A. fumigatus, one with A. flavus and 2 with both these species. Antigens of two non-pathogenic Aspergilli included in the study failed to react with any of the sera. Our antigen preparations gave more numerous as well as sharper precipitin lines than the commercial Bencard antigens which were used for comparison. Moreover, mycelial antigens from 48 to 96 h old cultures revealed precipitin lines comparable to that of the routine, 4 week old culture filtrate antigens, thus suggesting that the incubation period for obtaining antigens could be cut down considerably.Memoir No. 323 from the Centre of Advanced Study in Botany.Deceased  相似文献   
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