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The vaginal and cervical epithelia provide an initial barrier to sexually acquired HIV-1 infection in women. To study the interactions between HIV-1-infected cells or cell-free HIV-1 and the reproductive epithelium, the transmission of HIV-1 by infected cells or cell-free virus across human cervical epithelial cells was examined using a Transwell culture system. Cell-associated HIV-1 was transmitted more efficiently than cell-free virus, and monocyte-associated virus was transmitted most efficiently. Abs to ICAM-1 added to the apical side of the epithelium blocked cell-mediated transepithelial HIV-1 transmission in vitro. When used in a previously described model of vaginal HIV-1 transmission in human PBL-SCID mice, anti-murine ICAM-1 Abs (0.4 microg/10 microl) also blocked vaginal transmission of cell-associated HIV-1 in vivo. To evaluate a candidate delivery system for the use of this Ab as an anti-HIV-1 microbicide, anti-ICAM single-chain variable fragment Abs secreted by transformed lactobacilli were evaluated for their protective efficacy in the Transwell model. Like the intact Ab and Fab derived from it, the single-chain variable fragment at a concentration of 6.7 microg/100 microl was able to reduce HIV-1 transmission by 70 +/- 5%. These data support the potential efficacy of an anti-ICAM Ab delivered by lactobacilli for use as an anti-HIV-1 microbicide.  相似文献   
Gastric peristaltic contractions are driven by electrical slow waves modulated by neural and humoral inputs. Excitatory neural input comes primarily from cholinergic motor neurons, but ACh causes depolarization and chronotropic effects that might disrupt the normal proximal-to-distal spread of gastric slow waves. We used intracellular electrical recording techniques to study cholinergic responses in stomach tissues from wild-type and W/W(V) mice. Electrical field stimulation (5 Hz) enhanced slow-wave frequency. These effects were abolished by atropine and the muscarinic M(3)-receptor antagonist 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine methiodide. ACh released from nerves did not depolarize antral muscles. At higher rates of stimulation (10 Hz), chronotropic effects were mediated by ACh and a noncholinergic transmitter and blocked by muscarinic antagonists and neurokinin (NK(1) and NK(2))-receptor antagonists. Neostigmine enhanced slow-wave frequency, suggesting that the frequency of antral pacemakers is kept low by efficient metabolism of ACh. Neostigmine had no effect on slow-wave frequency in muscles of W/W(v) mice, which lack intramuscular interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC-IM). These muscles also showed no significant chronotropic response to 5-Hz electrical field stimulation or the cholinergic agonist carbachol. The data suggest that the chronotropic effects of cholinergic nerve stimulation occur via ICC-IM in the murine stomach. The capacity of gastric muscles to metabolize ACh released from enteric motor neurons contributes to the maintenance of the proximal-to-distal slow-wave frequency gradient in the murine stomach. ICC-IM play a critical role in neural regulation of gastric motility, and ICC-IM become the dominant pacemaker cells during sustained cholinergic drive.  相似文献   
We discuss the use of a photoactivated polycarbonate (PPC) microfluidic chip for the solid-phase, reversible immobilization (SPRI) and purification of genomic DNA (gDNA) from whole cell lysates. The surface of polycarbonate was activated by UV radiation resulting in a photo-oxidation reaction, which produced a channel surface containing carboxylate groups. The gDNA was selectively captured on this photoactivated surface in an immobilization buffer, which consisted of 3% polyethylene glycol, 0.4 M NaCl and 70% ethanol. The methodology reported herein is similar to conventional SPRI in that surface-confined carboxylate groups are used for the selective immobilization of DNA; however, no magnetic beads or a magnetic field are required. As observed by UV spectroscopy, a load of ~7.6 ± 1.6 µg/ml of gDNA was immobilized onto the PPC bed. The recovery of DNA following purification was estimated to be 85 ± 5%. The immobilization and purification assay using this PPC microchip could be performed within ~25 min as follows: (i) DNA immobilization ~6 min, (ii) chip washout with ethanol 10 min, and (iii) drying and gDNA desorption ~6 min. The PPC microchip could also be used for subsequent assays with no substantial loss in recovery, no observable carryover and no need for ‘reactivation’ of the PC surface with UV light.  相似文献   
Retinoblastoma is a pediatric retinal tumor caused by mutational inactivation of the tumor suppressor pRb. Additional genetic changes, as yet unidentified, are believed to be required for tumor initiation. Mutations in the Wnt signaling pathway have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many cancers. Multiple Wnt pathway genes are expressed in the retina and the pRb and Wnt pathways interact biochemically, raising the possibility that alterations in the Wnt pathway contribute to retinoblastoma. Our studies showed that Wnt signaling activation significantly decreased the viability of retinoblastoma cell lines by inducing cell cycle arrest, which was associated with upregulated p53. Furthermore, immunolocalization of the Wnt signaling mediator beta-catenin in human and mouse retinoblastoma tissue indicated that canonical Wnt signaling is suppressed in tumors in vivo. These studies are consistent with the Wnt pathway acting as a tumor suppressor in retinoblastoma and suggest that loss of Wnt signaling is tumorigenic in the retina.  相似文献   
Traditional colorimetric protein assays such as Biuret, Lowry, and modified Lowry (U-1988) are unsuitable for colored biological samples. Here we describe an improved Lowry protein assay (U-2012), which utilizes stable reagents and offers enhanced sensitivity over the U-1988 assay. U-2012 circumvents interference from colored pigments and other substances (for example sugars) bound to perchloric acid (PCA) precipitated proteins by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced oxidation at 50°C. Unused hydrogen peroxide is neutralized with sodium pyruvate before protein estimation for a stable end color. The U-2012 assay is carried out on the PCA precipitated protein pellet after neutralization (with Na2CO3 plus NaOH), solubilization (in Triton-NaCl), decolorization (by H2O2) and pyruvate treatment. Protein contents in red wine and homogenates of beetroot and blueberry are calculated from standard curves established for various proteins and generated using a rectangular hyperbola with parameters estimated with Microsoft Excel's Solver add-in. The U-2012 protein assay represents an improvement over U-1988 and gives a more accurate estimation of protein content.  相似文献   
The extracellular matrix (ECM), important for maintaining tissue homeostasis, is abnormally expressed in mammary tumors and additionally plays a crucial role in angiogenesis. We hypothesize that breast cancer cells (BCCs) deposit ECM that supports unique patterns of vascular morphogenesis of endothelial cells (ECs). Evaluation of ECM expression revealed that a nontumorigenic cell line (MCF10A), a tumorigenic cell line (MCF7), and a metastatic cell line (MDA-MB-231) express collagens I and IV, fibronectin, and laminin, with tenascin-C limited to MCF10A and MCF7. The amount of ECM deposited by BCCs was found to be higher in MCF10A compared with MCF7 and MDA231, with all ECM differing in their gross structure but similar in mean fiber diameter. Nonetheless, deposition of ECM from BCC lines was overall difficult to detect and insufficient to support capillary-like structure (CLS) formation of ECs. Therefore, a coculture approach was undertaken in which individual BCC lines were cocultured with fibroblasts. Variation in abundance of deposited ECM, deposition of ECM proteins, such as absent collagen I deposition from MDA231-fibroblast cocultures, and fibril organization was found. Deposited ECM from fibroblasts and each coculture supported rapid CLS formation of ECs. Evaluation of capillary properties revealed that CLS grown on ECM deposited from MDA231-fibroblast cocultures possessed significantly larger lumen diameters, occupied the greatest percentage of area, expressed the highest levels of von Willebrand factor, and expressed the greatest amount of E-selectin, which was upregulated independent of exposure to TNF-α. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report tumor cell ECM-mediated differences in vascular capillary features, and thus offers the framework for future investigations interrogating the role of the tumor ECM in supporting vascular morphogenesis.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial homeostasis via mitochondrial dynamics and quality control is crucial to normal cellular functions. Mitophagy (mitochondria removed by autophagy) stimulated by a mitochondrial uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), requires Parkin, but it is not clear why Parkin is crucial to this process. We found that in the absence of Parkin, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone induced the formation of mitochondrial spheroids. Mitochondrial spheroid formation is also induced in vivo in the liver by acetaminophen overdose, a condition causing severe oxidative mitochondrial damages and liver injury. Mitochondrial spheroids could undergo a maturation process by interactions with acidic compartments. The formation of this new structure required reactive oxygen species and mitofusins. Parkin suppressed these mitochondrial dynamics by promoting mitofusin degradation. Consistently, genetic deletion of mitofusins without concomitant expression of Parkin was sufficient to prevent mitochondrial spheroid formation and resumed mitophagy. Mitochondrial spheroid formation and mitophagy could represent different strategies of mitochondrial homeostatic response to oxidative stress and are reciprocally regulated by mitofusins and Parkin.  相似文献   
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