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There is much human disadvantage and unmet need in the world, including deficits in basic resources and services considered to be human rights, such as drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, healthy nutrition, access to basic healthcare, and a clean environment. Furthermore, there are substantive asymmetries in the distribution of key resources among peoples. These deficits and asymmetries can lead to local and regional crises among peoples competing for limited resources, which, in turn, can become sources of discontent and conflict. Such conflicts have the potential to escalate into regional wars and even lead to global instability. Ergo: in addition to moral and ethical imperatives to level up, to ensure that all peoples have basic resources and services essential for healthy living and to reduce inequalities, all nations have a self-interest to pursue with determination all available avenues to promote peace through reducing sources of conflicts in the world. Microorganisms and pertinent microbial technologies have unique and exceptional abilities to provide, or contribute to the provision of, basic resources and services that are lacking in many parts of the world, and thereby address key deficits that might constitute sources of conflict. However, the deployment of such technologies to this end is seriously underexploited. Here, we highlight some of the key available and emerging technologies that demand greater consideration and exploitation in endeavours to eliminate unnecessary deprivations, enable healthy lives of all and remove preventable grounds for competition over limited resources that can escalate into conflicts in the world. We exhort central actors: microbiologists, funding agencies and philanthropic organisations, politicians worldwide and international governmental and non-governmental organisations, to engage – in full partnership – with all relevant stakeholders, to ‘weaponise’ microbes and microbial technologies to fight resource deficits and asymmetries, in particular among the most vulnerable populations, and thereby create humanitarian conditions more conducive to harmony and peace.  相似文献   
The behaviour of suspended particulate matter (SPM), salinity profile, dissolved nutrients, total (T.Chl-a) and size fractionated chlorophyll-a (F.Chl-a) were studied seasonally at Chilika Lagoon, east coast of India, during 2008–2009. The study showed large spatio-temporal variations among these parameters. The concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphate were found to be maximum during the monsoon, followed by post- and pre-monsoon, although the mean N:P ratios, which indicate the relative availability of N with respect to P, were 9.13 ± 3.09, 16.57 ± 11.53 and 5.47 ± 3.13, respectively. It was evident from the results that during pre-monsoon and postmonsoon, the lagoon exhibits nitrogen limitation. Mean T.Chl-a biomass in the lagoon showed distinct seasonality with maximum values during the pre-monsoon (23.12 ± 9.75 mg m?3) followed by monsoon and post-monsoon. Irrespective of seasons, maximum T.Chl-a was found in the northern part of the lagoon. SPM concentrations during the monsoon were relatively higher in the freshwater dominated zones compared to seawater dominated areas, indicating its riverine sources. The correlation between SPM and various dissolved nutrients (p < 0.05) suggests its influence on the physico-chemical conditions at varying levels. It is summarized that seasonal variation of SPM and nutrients contributed by rivers, wind induced re-suspension events and in situ  regeneration processes play a crucial role in the lagoon biogeochemical cycle.  相似文献   
The effect of growing Sesamum indicum L. on the dissipation of lindane (gamma-HCH) was studied in spiked soil. For this, S. indicum was grown with four different concentrations of lindane (5, 10, 15, and 20 microg g(-1)). Plant growth, yield, photosynthetic pigments, soluble protein, microbial biomass carbon, lindane uptake, residual lindane concentration in soil and percentage dissipation of lindane from soil were analyzed at 25, 90, and 124 d. The accumulation of lindane in test plants was linearly related to the soil concentration (r2 = 0.897-0.979). At maturity, the accumulation of lindane in S. indicum grown with four spiked concentrations reached up to 7.98, 13.72, 23.71, and 33.29 microg g(-1) dry matter, respectively. There was a marked difference in the dissipation of lindane in vegetated and non-vegetated soils (p < 0.01). After final harvesting, the residual lindane concentrations in four spiked concentrations were reduced by 77.56, 70.12, 62.51, and 58.7%, respectively. Agronomic practice for the onsite application of this species is discussed. Based on the present study, it was calculated that S. indicum could accumulate 2237-2611 mg lindane per acre after 124 d cultivation. S. indicum could thus be used for the phytoremediation of lindane contaminated soil.  相似文献   
Both oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions play a major role in alcoholic liver fibrosis. We evaluated the efficacy of ascorbic acid (AA) and silymarin in the regression of alcohol-induced inflammation in hepatocytes of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Animals were administered with ethanol at a daily dose of 4 g/kg body weight (b.wt) for 90 days. On the ninety-first day, ethanol administration was stopped and animals were divided into alcohol abstention group and silymarin- (25 mg/100 g b.wt) and AA- (25 mg/100 g b.wt) supplemented groups and maintained for 30 days. There was a significant increase in the activities of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase in the serum of the ethanol group. The intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and expressions of cytochrome P4502E1 and nuclear factor κB1, tumor necrosis factor-α, and transforming growth factor-β1 in hepatocytes were significantly increased in ethanol group. The fibrotic markers α-smooth muscle actin and α 1(I) collagen and activity of cytotoxicity marker caspase-3 were significantly increased and AA content was significantly reduced in hepatocytes of alcohol-treated guinea pigs. But the AA and silymarin supplementation significantly reduced these changes in comparison with alcohol abstention group. AA could induce greater reduction of inflammatory and fibrotic markers in hepatocytes than silymarin. This indicates that AA is superior to silymarin in inhibiting intracellular ROS generation and thereby reducing the ethanol-induced inflammation in hepatocytes.  相似文献   


Rabies is a fatal acute viral disease of the central nervous system, which is a serious public health problem in Asian and African countries. Based on the clinical presentation, rabies can be classified into encephalitic (furious) or paralytic (numb) rabies. Early diagnosis of this disease is particularly important as rabies is invariably fatal if adequate post exposure prophylaxis is not administered immediately following the bite.


In this study, we carried out a quantitative proteomic analysis of the human brain tissue from cases of encephalitic and paralytic rabies along with normal human brain tissues using an 8-plex isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) strategy.

Results and conclusion

We identified 402 proteins, of which a number of proteins were differentially expressed between encephalitic and paralytic rabies, including several novel proteins. The differentially expressed molecules included karyopherin alpha 4 (KPNA4), which was overexpressed only in paralytic rabies, calcium calmodulin dependent kinase 2 alpha (CAMK2A), which was upregulated in paralytic rabies group and glutamate ammonia ligase (GLUL), which was overexpressed in paralytic as well as encephalitic rabies. We validated two of the upregulated molecules, GLUL and CAMK2A, by dot blot assays and further validated CAMK2A by immunohistochemistry. These molecules need to be further investigated in body fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid in a larger cohort of rabies cases to determine their potential use as antemortem diagnostic biomarkers in rabies. This is the first study to systematically profile clinical subtypes of human rabies using an iTRAQ quantitative proteomics approach.  相似文献   
Wetlands Ecology and Management - Summer bleaching of corals has been prevalent in the coastal waters of India in recent years before the onset of monsoon. Repeated bleaching of shallow water...  相似文献   
A new species of the genus Euphlyctis is described from the Barisal district of Bangladesh and compared with its morphologically similar and geographically proximate congeners. The new species is highly divergent in comparison to other congeneric species on basis of sequence divergence in mitochondrial DNA gene sequences (ranging from 5.5% to 17.8% divergence). Euphlyctis kalasgramensis sp. nov. can be readily diagnosed by having the following combination of characters: snout-vent length (SVL) 30.44 – 37.88 mm, absence of mid-dorsal line, nostril–snout length 3% of SVL, nostril much closer to snout tip than eye, nostril–snout length 48% of distance from front of eyes to nostril, relative length of fingers (shortest to longest: 1 = 2 < 4 < 3), tibia length 59% of SVL, foot length 55% of SVL.  相似文献   
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