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Little is known about the effects of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) on the health of sub-Saharan African infants. We have evaluated the safety of IPTp with mefloquine (MQ) compared to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for important infant health and developmental outcomes.

Methods and Findings

In the context of a multicenter randomized controlled trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of IPTp with MQ compared to SP in pregnancy carried out in four sub-Saharan countries (Mozambique, Benin, Gabon, and Tanzania), 4,247 newborns, 2,815 born to women who received MQ and 1,432 born to women who received SP for IPTp, were followed up until 12 mo of age. Anthropometric parameters and psychomotor development were assessed at 1, 9, and 12 mo of age, and the incidence of malaria, anemia, hospital admissions, outpatient visits, and mortality were determined until 12 mo of age. No significant differences were found in the proportion of infants with stunting, underweight, wasting, and severe acute malnutrition at 1, 9, and 12 mo of age between infants born to women who were on IPTp with MQ versus SP. Except for three items evaluated at 9 mo of age, no significant differences were observed in the psychomotor development milestones assessed. Incidence of malaria, anemia, hospital admissions, outpatient visits, and mortality were similar between the two groups. Information on the outcomes at 12 mo of age was unavailable in 26% of the infants, 761 (27%) from the MQ group and 377 (26%) from the SP group. Reasons for not completing the study were death (4% of total study population), study withdrawal (6%), migration (8%), and loss to follow-up (9%).


No significant differences were found between IPTp with MQ and SP administered in pregnancy on infant mortality, morbidity, and nutritional outcomes. The poorer performance on certain psychomotor development milestones at 9 mo of age in children born to women in the MQ group compared to those in the SP group may deserve further studies.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00811421  相似文献   
ObjectiveMaize is an important crop for fodder, food and feed industry. The present study explores the plant-microbe interactions as alternative eco-friendly sustainable strategies to enhance the crop yield.MethodologyBacterial diversity was studied in the rhizosphere of maize by culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques by soil sampling, extraction of DNA, amplification of gene of interest, cloning of desired fragment and library construction.ResultsCulturable bacteria were identified as Achromobacter, Agrobacterium, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Brevibacillus, Bosea, Enterobacter, Microbacterium, Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, Stenotrophomonas and Xanthomonas genera. For culture-independent approach, clone library of 16S ribosomal RNA gene was assembled and 100 randomly selected clones were sequenced. Majority of the sequences were related to Firmicutes (17%), Acidobacteria (16%), Actinobacteria (17%), Alpha-Proteobacteria (7%), Delta-proteobacteria (4.2%) and Gemmatimonadetes (4.2%) However, some of the sequences (30%) were novel that showed no homologies to phyla of cultured bacteria in the database. Diversity of diazotrophic bacteria in the rhizosphere investigated by analysis of PCR-amplified nifH gene sequence that revealed abundance of sequences belonging to genera Azoarcus (25%), Aeromonas (10%), Pseudomonas (10%). The diazotrophic genera Azotobacter, Agrobacterium and Zoogloea related nifH sequences were also detected but no sequence related to Azospirillum was found showing biasness of the growth medium rather than relative abundance of diazotrophs in the rhizosphere.ConclusionThe study provides a foundation for future research on focussed isolation of the Azoarcus and other diazotrophs found in higher abundance in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
Overproduction of desired metabolites usually sacrifices cell growth. Here we report that quorum sensing (QS) can be exploited to coordinate cell growth and lactic acid production in Escherichia coli. We engineered two QS strains: one strain overexpressing acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) synthesis genes (“ON”), the other strain overexpressing both AHL synthesis and degradation gene (aiiA) (“ON to semi-OFF”). To clarify the impact of the QS system on lactic acid production, D-lactate dehydrogenase gene ldhA was deleted from the E. coli genome, and Enhanced Green Fluorescence Protein (eGFP) was used as the reporter. Compared to the “ON” strain, the “ON to semi-OFF” strain showed delayed log growth and decreased egfp expression at stationary phase. When egfp was replaced by ldhA for lactic acid production, compared to the wild-type strain, the “ON to semi-OFF” strain demonstrated 231.9% and 117.3% increase in D-lactic acid titer and space-time yield, respectively, while the “ON” strain demonstrated 83.6%, 31%, and 36% increase in growth rate, maximum OD600, and glucose consumption rate, respectively. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that both ldhA and the genes for phosphotransferase system were up-regulated in ldhA-overexpressing “ON” strain compared to the strain only harboring QS system. Moreover, the “ON” strain showed considerable increase in glucose consumption after a short lag phase. Compared to the reference strain harboring only ldhA gene in vector, both the “ON” and “ON to semi-OFF” strains demonstrated synchronization between cell growth and D-lactic acid production. Collectively, QS can be leveraged to coordinate microbial growth and product formation.  相似文献   
新疆北部森林生态系统地衣植物生活型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Life forms of lichen of forest ecosystem in Northern Xinjiang were researched in the Kanas National Natural Reservation Area.They have been grouped into 6 types:Epipetria,Soil-epipetria,Epiphytia arboricosa,Epiphytia moss,Epiphytis grass and Dry-radicantia,in which the species of Epiphytia arboricosa account for 36.89% of the total species in this area,the species of Epipetria for 22.33% and Epiphytia grass the least.The results show that life forms of lichem at the srea in Northem Xinjiang are relatively rich,which indicates the biodiversity characteristics of lichen.  相似文献   
栖息地状况对小型兽类种群动态具有明显影响。在质量好,食物资源丰富,隐蔽条件优良的栖息地中小型兽类具有较高的存活率,种群繁殖时间更长,体重比较高。有关栖息地和种群动态方面国内外已有研究报道(Brown,1988;Corp et al.,1997;Quinn et al.,2003;Schnurr et al.,2004)。  相似文献   
目的:将新疆南疆地区栽种的主要经济作物之一小白杏应用于化妆品领域,发挥其保持皮肤弹性、柔软和透明的功效。方法:以小白杏杏仁油为原料,运用正交实验设计,加入一定量的乳化剂,通过改变乳化温度、时间、转速,使油相与水相搅拌均匀。结果:最佳配方为:杏仁油13%,羊毛脂4%,蜂蜡3%,尿素3%,乳化剂1.5%,温度85℃,时间7 min,转速140 r/min。结论:以新疆小白杏杏仁油为主要原料,可研制适合于干性皮肤的防皲裂护手霜。  相似文献   


Early diagnosis and effective treatment with an appropriate drug form the main components of the World Health Organization's strategy to reduce malaria related mortality. The few available drugs might be safeguarded if combined with artesunate. The addition of artesunate to a standard antimalarial treatment substantially reduces treatment failure, recrudescence and gametocyte carriage.


During late 2004, the efficacy of artesunate (4 mg/kg. day, on days 0–2) plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (25 mg/kg, on day 0) for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria was investigated in four sentinel areas in Sudan, with different malaria transmission (Damazin, Kassala, Kosti, and Malakal).


Two hundreds and sixty-nine patients completed the 28-day follow-up. On day one, 60 (22.3%) patients were febrile and 15 (5.5%) patients were parasitaemic. On day three, all the patients were afebrile and aparasitaemic. While two patients (0.7%, Kassala) showed late Clinical and Parasitological Failures, the rest (99.3%) of the patients demonstrated Adequate Clinical and Parasitological Response. A gametocytaemia were detected during the follow-up in one patient (0.37%, Kassala). Adverse drug effects were detected in 32 (11.9%) patients


The study showed that AS plus SP is an effective, safe drug in the treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in Sudan.  相似文献   
松萝酸研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自从松萝酸于1844年第一次被分离出来,它已经成为研究最广泛的地衣物质之一。对于松萝酸的抗菌功能、化学性质及其在医药、环境监控等各个领域的应用研究,可见于各种外文文献的报道。美国、日本及德国的应用研究较多;而中国、智利、南斯拉夫、印度尼西亚等国仍然在致力于松萝酸的提取、抗菌、抗病毒等基础方面的研究。中文文献不多。目前发现松萝酸只存在于地衣中,在以下种属中较为丰富:树发属、石蕊属、茶渍衣属、松萝属、树花属及扁枝衣。  相似文献   
应用双向指示种分析和除趋势对应分析对阿尔泰山两河源国家级自然保护区的朽木生地衣群落进行了数量分类。初步结果表明,该自然保护区朽木生地衣共有43种,隶属于5目、14科、20属,它们组成了以下4个地衣群落。群落(Ⅰ):分布在样点1、2、3、4、5中,包括15种地衣种类,命名为对开蜈蚣衣+半羽蜈蚣衣+红心黑蜈蚣衣群落。群落(Ⅱ):分布在样点6、7、8、9、11中,包括25种地衣,命名为尖头石蕊+粉石蕊+矮石蕊群落。群落(Ⅲ):由样点10、12、13、14、16组成,常见的地衣种类有19个种,命名为蜡黄橙衣+茎口果粉衣+冷杉粉衣群落。群落(Ⅳ):包括样点15、17、18、19和20,由22个地衣种组成。命名为疑小梅衣+同色黄烛衣+脱落网衣群落。群落Ⅰ和群落Ⅱ的相似性最高为0.723,其次为群落Ⅰ和群落Ⅲ为0.609,群落Ⅲ和群落Ⅳ之间的相似性最低为0.262。群落Ⅲ的多样性最大为1.954;其次为群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅰ,分别为1.742和我1.685,群落Ⅳ的多样性最低为0.543。各群落的相似性和多样性之间的差异与其所处环境和朽木树种的多样性有关。同时发现在研究地区的朽木生地衣群落的分布与海拔高度、朽木腐蚀程度、朽木大小、森林郁闭度等因子具有密切的关系。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has been promoted as a means to reduce malaria transmission due to their ability to kill both asexual blood stages of malaria parasites, which sustain infections over long periods and the immature derived sexual stages responsible for infecting mosquitoes and onward transmission. Early studies reported a temporal association between ACT introduction and reduced malaria transmission in a number of ecological settings. However, these reports have come from areas with low to moderate malaria transmission, been confounded by the presence of other interventions or environmental changes that may have reduced malaria transmission, and have not included a comparison group without ACT. This report presents results from the first large-scale observational study to assess the impact of case management with ACT on population-level measures of malaria endemicity in an area with intense transmission where the benefits of effective infection clearance might be compromised by frequent and repeated re-infection. METHODS: A pre-post observational study with a non-randomized comparison group was conducted at two sites in Tanzania. Both sites used sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) monotherapy as a first-line anti-malarial from mid-2001 through 2002. In 2003, the ACT, artesunate (AS) coadministered with SP (AS + SP), was introduced in all fixed health facilities in the intervention site, including both public and registered non-governmental facilities. Population-level prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum asexual parasitaemia and gametocytaemia were assessed using light microscopy from samples collected during representative household surveys in 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006. FINDINGS: Among 37,309 observations included in the analysis, annual asexual parasitaemia prevalence in persons of all ages ranged from 11% to 28% and gametocytaemia prevalence ranged from <1% to 2% between the two sites and across the five survey years. Amultivariable logistic regression model was fitted to adjust for age, socioeconomic status, bed net use and rainfall. In the presence of consistently high coverage and efficacy of SP monotherapy and AS + SP in the comparison and intervention areas, the introduction of ACT in the intervention site was associated with a modest reduction in the adjusted asexual parasitaemia prevalence of 5 percentage-points or 23% (p < 0.0001) relative to the comparison site. Gametocytaemia prevalence did not differ significantly (p = 0.30). Interpretation The introduction of ACT at fixed health facilities only modestly reduced asexual parasitaemia prevalence. ACT is effective for treatment of uncomplicated malaria and should have substantial public health impact on morbidity and mortality, but is unlikely to reduce malaria transmission substantially in much of sub-Saharan Africa where individuals are rapidly reinfected.  相似文献   
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