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Membrane vesicles which constitute the sarcotubular system were separated and the fraction enriched in T-tubules purified by a calcium loading procedure. The preparations of unfractioned microsomes and T-tubules have been analyzed for their relative content of enzyme markers and acetylcholinesterase. The amount of this enzyme in the T-tubule fraction was higher than in mixed microsomes but less than two-fold the value of vesicles derived from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Arrhenius plots of membrane-bound and soluble acetylcholinesterase from either mixed microsomes or fractions enriched in T-tubules show an anomalous behaviour as two break points were obtained. The first discontinuity was found at about 17 degrees C for membrane-bound, and 12-14 degrees C for soluble acetylcholinesterase. The second one being at about 25 degrees C for both particulate and detergent-solubilized enzyme. The changes in activity with temperature suggest that lipid-protein, detergent-protein and protein-protein interactions might be involved in the stabilization of the enzyme both in the natural membrane and in the soluble state.  相似文献   
Formation and hydrolysis rate constants as well as equilibrium constants of the Schiff base derived from pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and n-hexylamine were determined between pH 3.5 and 7.5 in ethanol/water mixtures (3:17, v/v, and 49:1, v/v). The results indicate that solvent polarity scarcely alters the values of these constants but that they are dependent on the pH. Spectrophotometric titration of this Schiff base was also carried out. We found that a pKa value of 6.1, attributed in high-polarity media to protonation of the pyridine nitrogen atom, is independent of solvent polarity, whereas the pKa of the monoprotonated form of the imine falls from 12.5 in ethanol/water (3:17) to 11.3 in ethanol/water (49:1). Fitting of the experimental results for the hydrolysis to a theoretical model indicates the existence of a group with a pKa value of 6.1 that is crucial in the variation of kinetic constant of hydrolysis with pH. Studies of the reactivity of the coenzyme (pyridoxal 5'-phosphate) of glycogen phosphorylase b with hydroxylamine show that this reaction only occurs when the pH value of solution is below 6.5 and the hydrolysis of imine bond has started. We propose that the decrease in activity of phosphorylase b when the pH value is less than 6.2 must be caused by the cleavage of enzyme-coenzyme binding and that this may be related with protonation of the pyridine nitrogen atom of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate.  相似文献   
Treatment of HeLa cells with lymphoblastoid interferon leads to a drastic inhibition of infective poliovirus. Even relatively high concentrations of human lymphoblastoid interferon HuIFN-alpha (Ly) (400 IU/ml) do not prevent destruction of the cell monolayer after most of the cells have been infected with poliovirus. Analysis of macromolecular synthesis in a single step growth cycle of poliovirus in interferon-treated cells detected no viral protein synthesis. In spite of this inhibition of viral translation, the shut-off of host protein synthesis in interferon-treated cells is apparent when they are infected both at low and high multiplicities. Although viral RNA synthesis is inhibited considerably in cells treated with interferon, a certain amount is detected, suggesting that some viral replication takes place. Analysis of membrane permeability after poliovirus infection shows a leakage to 86Rb+ ions and modification of membrane permeability to the translation inhibitor hygromycin B at the moment when the bulk of virus protein synthesis occurs. These changes are delayed and even prevented if cells are pretreated with interferon. A situation is described in which host protein synthesis is shut-down with no major changes in membrane permeability, as studied by the two tests mentioned above. Prevention of viral gene expression by inactivation with ultraviolet light of the input virus or by treatment with cycloheximide blocks the shut-off of protein synthesis. This does not occur in the presence of 3 mM guanidine. These observations are in agreement with the idea that some poliovirus protein synthesis takes place in interferon-treated cells and this early gene expression is necessary to block cellular protein synthesis.  相似文献   
Summary The combined use of proteolytic digestion and lactoperoxidase catalyzed labelling with [125I] applied to membrane-bound or soluble pure F1-ATPase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus has allowed us to establish the topography of its , , and subunits within the protein molecule and with respect to the plane of the membrane.The subunit is most externally located to the membrane bilayer looking towards the cytoplasmic face, a position consistent with its proposed catalytic role. The and subunits lie in an intermediate layer between the subunits and the membrane, in which the subunit occupies a central position within the F1-ATPase molecule in contact with the subunit. The subunit appears to be tightly bound to the F0 component of the ATPase complex, probably buried in the membrane bilayer. A molecular arrangement of M. lysodeikticus ATPase is proposed that, taking into account the subunit stoichiometry 3 3 2 2 (MW 420 000), accommodates the role assigned to each subunit and most, if not all, the known properties of this bacterial energy-transducing protein.  相似文献   
Morphological comparisons are made from the study of 64 specimens belonging to the following species:Squalus acanihias, S. blainvillei, S. megalops andS. acutirostris. The results suggest conspecificity betweenS. acutipinnis andS. megalops. The differences betweenS. blainvillei andS. megalops in the E-Atlantic are stressed. The Indo-Pacific species calledS. blainvillei by Chen et al. (1979) is regarded in this paper as probably an undescribed species. Some consideration on the status of several nominal species and the species grouping withinSqualus are also made.  相似文献   
We have compared regeneration proficiency for cultured explants from different tissues of different ecotypes ofArabidopsis thaliana. Proficiency varies widely with both tissue and ecotype, and is highest when the flux of light during regeneration is low. Analysis of F1 hybrids suggests that high proficiency is dominant to low proficiency.  相似文献   
We reviewed 98 cases of fine needle aspiration of soft tissue tumors with histologic confirmation performed during an eight-year period and propose a working morphologic classification based on the most prominent cytologic features. Six main tumor groups are recognized: myxoid, round cells, spindle cells, pleomorphic cells, polygonal cells and well differentiated. We believe that this classification allows recognition of the most common soft tissue tumors while helping with the differential diagnosis of other neoplasia, primary or secondary, with similar morphology and a similar presentation.  相似文献   
毛喉鞘蕊花的化学成分研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
本文报导了,从产于滇东北的毛喉鞘蕊花(Coleus forskohlii Brig)的根茎中分离到四个二萜化合物,经光谱分析鉴定,其结构分别为1α,6β,7α-triacetyl-coleonol—B(1),I-acetyl—forskolin(2),coleonol-B(3),和deacetyl-forskolin(4)。化合物(1)和(2)是首次从该植物中分离到。  相似文献   
The action of porphyrins, uroporphyrin I and III (URO I and URO III), pentacarboxylic porphyrin I (PENTA I), coproporphyrin I and III (COPRO I and COPRO III), protoporphyrin IX (PROTO IX) and mesoporphyrin (MESO), on the activity of human erythrocytes delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, porphobilinogenase, deaminase and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase in the dark and under UV light was investigated. Both photoinactivation and light-independent inactivation was found in all four enzymes using URO I as sensitizer. URO III had a similar action as URO I on porphobilinogenase and deaminase and PROTO IX exerted equal effect as URO I on delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase. Photodynamic efficiency of the porphyrins was dependent on their molecular structure. Selective photodecomposition of enzymes by URO I, greater specificity of tumor uptake by URO I and enhanced porphyrin synthesis by tumors from delta-aminolevulic acid, with predominant formation of URO I, underline the possibility of using URO I in detection of malignant cells and photodynamic therapy.  相似文献   
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