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The present study aimed to isolate, select, and evaluate bacterial isolates with potential for use as biological indicators for sterilization with glutaraldehyde and/or formaldehyde. A total of 340 local Bacillus isolates were screened for glutaraldehyde and/or formaldehyde resistance by determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs), and extinction time and were compared with B. subtilis (var. niger) ATCC 9372, the biological indicator for ethylene oxide sterilization, as reference. Of these, 85 isolates had glutaraldehyde MICs of 0.5% or higher, while 29 had formaldehyde MICs of 0.04% or higher. Of the 29 resistant isolates, 15 had MBCs of 0.05% or more. Extinction times were used to evaluate the bactericidal/sporicidal activity of glutaraldehyde. Eight had inactivation times of more than 5 h in 2% glutaraldehyde (pH 8), whereas 12 had inactivation times of more than 3 h in l% formaldehyde, with one isolate in common. These 19 isolates were selected and evaluated as potential biological indicators for aldehydes by determination of the decimal reduction times (D values), compared with the reference strain. Eight glutaraldehyde-resistant isolates exhibited D values 2.0- to 3.5-fold higher than the reference strain (30 min.). Only five of 12 formaldehyde resistant isolates had D values higher than that of the reference strain. Using six resistant isolates, temperature coefficient values between 2.11 and 3.02 were obtained for 2% formaldehyde. Finally, 14 isolates were tested for potential pathogenicity and were identified to species level. All of the eight glutaraldehyde-resistant isolates, including the isolate with dual resistance, and three formaldehyde-resistant isolates were B. licheniformis, while two other formaldehyde-resistant isolates were B. cereus. Six of the selected B. licheniformis isolates are potential biological indicators for sterilization processes using aldehydes. Three can be suggested for glutaraldehyde only and three for both aldehydes. Electronic Publication  相似文献   


The present study aims to understand the influence of rearing practices and the contributions of production phases of fish farming to their environmental impacts and determine which practices and technical characteristics can best improve the farms’ environmental performance. Another objective is to identify the influence of variability in farming practices on the environmental performances of sea cage aquaculture farms of sea bass and sea bream in Tunisia by using principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering on principal components (HCPC) methods and then combining the classification with life cycle assessment (LCA).


The approach consisted of three major steps: (i) of the 24 aquaculture farms in Tunisia, 18 were selected which follow intensive rearing practices in sea cages of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and then a typology was developed to classify the studied farms into rearing practice groups using HCPC; (ii) LCA was performed on each aquaculture farm and (iii) mean impacts and contributions of production phases were calculated for each group of farms. Impact categories included acidification, eutrophication, global warming, land occupation, total cumulative energy demand and net primary production use.

Results and discussion

Results revealed high correlation between rearing practices and impacts. The feed-conversion ratio (FCR), water column depth under the cages and cage size had the greatest influence on impact intensity. Rearing practices and fish feed were the greatest contributors to the impacts studied due to the production of fish meal and oil and the low efficiency of feed use, which generated large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions. It is necessary to optimise the diet formulation and to follow better feeding strategies to lower the FCR and improve farm performance. Water column depth greatly influenced the farms’ environmental performance due to the increase in waste dispersion at deeper depths, while shallow depths resulted in accumulation of organic matter and degradation of water quality. Cage size influences environmental performances of aquaculture farms. Thus, from an environmental viewpoint, decision makers should grant licences for farms in deeper water with larger cages and encourage them to improve their FCRs.


This study is the first attempt to combine the HCPC method and the LCA framework to study the environmental performance of aquacultural activity. The typology developed captures the variability among farms because it considers several farm characteristics in the classification. The LCA demonstrated that technical parameters in need of improvement are related to the technical expertise of farm managers and workers and to the location of the farm.
Patients with a decrease in limb perfusion with a potential threat to limb viability manifested by ischemic rest pain, ischemic ulcers, and/or gangrene are considered to have critical limb ischemia (CLI). Because of this generally poor outcome, there is a strong need for attempting any procedure to save the affected limb. The aim of this work is to evaluate the possibility to use stem cell therapy as a treatment option for patients with chronic critical lower limb ischemia with no distal run off. This study includes 20 patients with chronic critical lower limb ischemia with no distal run off who are unsuitable for vascular or endovascular option. These patients underwent stem cell therapy (SCT) by autologous transplantation of bone marrow derived mononuclear cells. 55 % of patients treated with SCT showed improvement of the rest pain after the first month, 60 % continued improvement of the rest pain after 6 months, 75 % after 1 year and 80 % after 2 years and continued without any deterioration till the third year. Limb salvage rate after STC was 80 % after the first year till the end of the second and third years. SCT can result in angiogenesis in patients with no-option CLI, providing a foundation for the application of this therapy to leg ischemia.  相似文献   
The World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed diagnosis of leprosy (also known as Hansen’s disease) entirely based on clinical cardinal signs, without microbiological confirmation, which may lead to late or misdiagnosis. The use of slit skin smears is variable, but lacks sensitivity. In 2017–2018 during the ComLep study, on the island of Anjouan (Union of the Comoros; High priority country according to WHO, 310 patients were diagnosed with leprosy (paucibacillary = 159; multibacillary = 151), of whom 263 were sampled for a skin biopsy and fingerstick blood, and 260 for a minimally-invasive nasal swab. In 74.5% of all skin biopsies and in 15.4% of all nasal swabs, M. leprae DNA was detected. In 63.1% of fingerstick blood samples, M. leprae specific antibodies were detected with the quantitative αPGL-I test. Results show a strong correlation of αPGL-I IgM levels in fingerstick blood and RLEP-qPCR positivity of nasal swabs, with the M. leprae bacterial load measured by RLEP-qPCR of skin biopsies. Patients with a high bacterial load (≥50,000 bacilli in a skin biopsy) can be identified with combination of counting lesions and the αPGL-I test. To our knowledge, this is the first study that compared αPGL-I IgM levels in fingerstick blood with the bacterial load determined by RLEP-qPCR in skin biopsies of leprosy patients. The demonstrated potential of minimally invasive sampling such as fingerstick blood samples to identify high bacterial load persons likely to be accountable for the ongoing transmission, merits further evaluation in follow-up studies.  相似文献   
Neutral lipids (NLs) are apolar oil molecules synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum bilayer upon diverse biological stimuli. NLs synthesized are released in the hydrophobic core of the bilayer. At a critical concentration, NLs condense by phase separation and nucleate a lipid droplet (LD). After an LD forms, a fraction of NLs can be present in the bilayer but at a concentration below that of the nucleation. Here, we study whether and how the accumulation of NLs alters a lipid bilayer’s mechanical properties. In synthetic systems, we found that NLs proffer unusual bilayer stretching capacities, especially in the presence of negatively curved phospholipids. This impact becomes spectacular when an LD is contiguous with the bilayer and supplies it with NLs. The tested NLs markedly decrease the bilayer area expansion modulus and significantly increase lysis tension but had opposite effects on membrane bending rigidity. Our data unveil how NL molecules modify overall membrane mechanics, the alteration of which may be linked to pathologies or anticancer treatments targeting NLs.  相似文献   


Following an epidemiological study carried out in 2006 showing a high prevalence of blinding trachoma in the Far North Region of Cameroon, a trachoma elimination programme using the SAFE strategy was initiated: three yearly trachoma mass treatments were to be performed.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The entire district population (120,000 persons) was treated with azithromycin 1.5% eye drops in February 2008 and January 2009. To assess the effect of treatment on the prevalence of active trachoma, three epidemiological studies were conducted on a representative sample of children aged between 1 and 10 years. The first study was performed just prior to the first treatment, the second just prior to the 2nd treatment and the third one, one year later. The prevalence of active forms of trachoma (TF + TI) dropped from 31.5% (95%CI 26.4–37.5) before treatment to 6.3% (95%CI 4.1–9.6) one year after first treatment; a reduction of nearly 80%. One year after the second treatment, the prevalence decreased to 3.1% (95%CI 2.0–4.9), a total reduction of 90%. Furthermore, there were no more TI cases (only TF). There was no report of serious or systemic side effects. Tolerance was excellent.


Active trachoma mass treatment with azithromycin 1.5% eye drops is feasible, well tolerated, and effective.  相似文献   
Clostridium cellulolyticum secretes large multienzymatic complexes with plant cell wall-degrading activities named cellulosomes. Most of the genes encoding cellulosomal components are located in a large gene cluster: cipC-cel48F-cel8C-cel9G-cel9E-orfX-cel9H-cel9J-man5K-cel9M. Downstream of the cel9M gene, a new open reading frame was discovered and named rgl11Y. Amino acid sequence analysis indicates that this gene encodes a multidomain pectinase, Rgl11Y, containing an N-terminal signal sequence, a catalytic domain belonging to family 11 of the polysaccharide lyases, and a C-terminal dockerin domain. The present report describes the biochemical characterization of a recombinant form of Rgl11Y. Rgl11Y cleaves the alpha-L-Rhap-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalpA glycosidic bond in the backbone of rhamnogalacturonan I (RGI) via a beta-elimination mechanism. Its specific activity on potato pectic galactan and rhamnogalacturonan was found to be 28 and 3.6 IU/mg, respectively, indicating that Rgl11Y requires galactan decoration of the RGI backbone. The optimal pH of Rgl11Y is 8.5 and calcium is required for its activity. Rgl11Y was shown to be incorporated in the C. cellulolyticum cellulosome through a typical cohesin-dockerin interaction. Rgl11Y from C. cellulolyticum is the first cellulosomal rhamnogalacturonase characterized.  相似文献   
Pellet-group counts can be useful in monitoring ungulate population trends, particularly in elusive species. In semi-arid areas, ambient conditions conserve the pellets during the dry season. Thus, dating of accumulated pellet groups should be helpful in approximating the numbers of ungulates present during any chosen part of the dry season. The aims of this study were to confirm that the decay rate of pellet groups was low during the dry season, to identify the major causes of decay and to test the usefulness of criteria, easily measurable in the field, in dating pellets. Every month during the dry season pellet groups of five African savanna ungulates were collected fresh and deposited on bare ground at an experimental site. The levels of hardness, cracking, scattering, attack by insects and shade of colour of the pellets were monitored until the rainy season started. As expected, only a few pellet groups decayed completely during the dry season. The pellets’ shade of colour was the best criterion to date them. We discuss pellet colour as an original tool for monitoring the trends in ungulate use of target areas in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   
The fungal flora of wheat flour and baladi bread in upper Egypt were investigated. Most of the isolated fungal species belong to the genus Aspergillus. The presence of non heat resistant fungi of the both flat surfaces of baladi bread, came from contamination after baking and from improper handling at homes. Among the heat resistant fungi, A. fumigatus and A. niger, were recorded to inhabit the spongy crumb although the high temperature of baking process which reached approximately 100 ° C in the center of the bread.The mutagenic effects of the fungal metabolites of the extract of mouldy bread was investigated. Several kinds of aberrations were observed in all stages of mitotic division. The most interesting effect of these fungal metabolites were the induction of tripolar and quadripolar spindle. Multinucleate and polyploid cells were also observed under relatively high concentrations. It was noticed that at either higher concentrations or lower concentrations with long exposure, damaged cells were observed. The hazards involved through the consumption of individuals to such mouldy bread, is accumulation of possible deleterious effects from both long and short term exposure to these toxic metabolites.  相似文献   
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