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IntroductionCutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is currently a health problem in several parts of Iran, particularly Kerman. This study was conducted to determine the incidence and trend of CL in Kerman during 2014–2020 and its forecast up to 2023. The effects of meteorological variables on incidence was also evaluated.Materials and methods4993 definite cases of CL recorded from January 2014 to December 2020 by the Vice-Chancellor for Health at Kerman University of Medical Sciences were entered. Meteorological variables were obtained from the national meteorological site. The time series SARIMA methods were used to evaluate the effects of meteorological variables on CL.ResultsMonthly rainfall at the lag 0 (β = -0.507, 95% confidence interval:-0.955,-0.058) and monthly sunny hours at the lag 0 (β = -0.214, 95% confidence interval:-0.308,-0.119) negatively associated with the incidence of CL. Based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC) the multivariable model (AIC = 613) was more suitable than univariable model (AIC = 690.66) to estimate the trend and forecast the incidence up to 36 months.ConclusionThe decreasing pattern of CL in Kerman province highlights the success of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions during the recent years. However, due to endemicity of disease, extension and continuation of such interventions especially before and during the time periods with higher incidence is essential.  相似文献   
Eicosanoids are crucial downstream signals in the insect immune responses. Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) catalyzes phospholipids, the initial step in eicosanoid biosynthesis. In mammals, the biological roles of Ca2+-independent Phospholipase A2 (iPLA2) have been extensively studied; however, only a few studies have attempted to explore iPLA2 functions in insects. In this study, we identified two iPLA2 genes (designated as BmiPLA2A and BmiPLA2B) in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. BmiPLA2A had a 2427 base pair (bp) open reading frame (ORF) that coded for a protein with 808 amino acids. In contrast, BmiPLA2B had a 1731 bp ORF that coded for a protein with 576 amino acids. Domain analysis revealed that BmiPLA2A had six ankyrin repeat domains, but BmiPLA2B lacks these domains. BmiPLA2A and BmiPLA2B were transcribed widely in various tissues and developmental stages with different expression patterns. The administration of 20-hydroxyecdysone increased their expression levels in the epidermis and hemocytes. Furthermore, challenged with virus, fungus, Gram-negative bacteria, and Gram-positive bacteria induced the expression of BmiPLA2A and BmiPLA2B with variable degrees along with different time points. Our findings imply that BmiPLA2A and BmiPLA2B may have important biological roles in the development and innate immunity of B. mori.  相似文献   
Theactin-binding proteins dystrophin and -actinin are members of afamily of actin-binding proteins that may link the cytoskeleton tomembrane proteins such as ion channels. Previous work demonstrated thatthe activity of Ca2+ channels can be regulated by agentsthat disrupt or stabilize the cytoskeleton. In the present study, weemployed immunohistochemical and electrophysiological techniques toinvestigate the potential regulation of cardiac L-type Ca2+channel activity by dystrophin and -actinin in cardiac myocytes andin heterologous cells. Both actin-binding proteins were found tocolocalize with the Ca2+ channel in mouse cardiac myocytesand to modulate channel function. Inactivation of the Ca2+channel in cardiac myocytes from mice lacking dystrophin(mdx mice) was reduced compared with that in wild-typemyocytes, voltage dependence of activation was shifted by 5 mV to morepositive potentials, and stimulation by the -adrenergic pathway andthe dihydropyridine agonist BAY K 8644 was increased. Furthermore, heterologous coexpression of the Ca2+ channel with muscle,but not nonmuscle, forms of -actinin was also found to reduceinactivation. As might be predicted from a reduction ofCa2+ channel inactivation, a prolonging of the mouseelectrocardiogram QT was observed in mdx mice. These resultssuggest a combined role for dystrophin and -actinin in regulatingthe activity of the cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel and apotential mechanism for cardiac dysfunction in Duchenne and Beckermuscular dystrophies.

A series of 4,5-diaryl-1H-imidazole-2(3H)-thione was synthesized and their inhibitory potency against soybean 15-lipoxygenase and free radical scavenging activities were determined. Compound 11 showed the best IC50 for 15-LOX inhibition (IC50 = 4.7 μM) and free radical scavenging activity (IC50 = 14 μM). Methylation of SH at C2 position of imidazole has dramatically decreased the 15-LOX inhibition and radical scavenging activity as it can be observed in the inactive compound 14 (IC50 >250 μM). Structure activity similarity (SAS) showed that the most important chemical modification in this series was methylation of SH group and Docking studies revealed a proper orientation for SH group towards Fe core of the 15-LOX active site. Therefore it was concluded that iron chelating could be a possible mechanism for enzyme inhibition in this series of compounds.  相似文献   
目的:将新疆南疆地区栽种的主要经济作物之一小白杏应用于化妆品领域,发挥其保持皮肤弹性、柔软和透明的功效。方法:以小白杏杏仁油为原料,运用正交实验设计,加入一定量的乳化剂,通过改变乳化温度、时间、转速,使油相与水相搅拌均匀。结果:最佳配方为:杏仁油13%,羊毛脂4%,蜂蜡3%,尿素3%,乳化剂1.5%,温度85℃,时间7 min,转速140 r/min。结论:以新疆小白杏杏仁油为主要原料,可研制适合于干性皮肤的防皲裂护手霜。  相似文献   
We have developed an integrase-defective lentiviral (LV) vector in combination with a gene-targeting approach for gene therapy of β-thalassemia. The β-globin gene-targeting construct has two homologous stems including sequence upstream and downstream of the β-globin gene, a β-globin gene positioned between hygromycin and neomycin resistant genes and a herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSVtk) suicide gene. Utilization of integrase-defective LV as a vector for the β-globin gene increased the number of selected clones relative to non-viral methods. This method represents an important step toward the ultimate goal of a clinical gene therapy for β-thalassemia.  相似文献   
Thiopaq biotechnology for partial sulfide oxidation to elemental sulfur is an efficient way to remove H2S from biogases. However, its application for high-pressure natural gas desulfurization needs upgrading. Particularly, an increase in alkalinity of the scrubbing liquid is required. Therefore, the feasibility of sulfide oxidation into elemental sulfur under oxygen limitation was tested at extremely haloalkaline conditions in lab-scale bioreactors using mix sediments from hypersaline soda lakes as inoculum. The microbiological analysis, both culture dependent and independent, of the successfully operating bioreactors revealed a domination of obligately chemolithoautotrophic and extremely haloalkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria belonging to the genus Thioalkalivibrio. Two subgroups were recognized among the isolates. The subgroup enriched from the reactors operating at pH 10 clustered with Thioalkalivibrio jannaschii–Thioalkalivibrio versutus core group of the genus Thioalkalivibrio. Another subgroup, obtained mostly with sulfide as substrate and at lower pH, belonged to the cluster of facultatively alkaliphilic Thioalkalivibrio halophilus. Overall, the results clearly indicate a large potential of the genus Thiolalkalivibrio to efficiently oxidize sulfide at extremely haloalkaline conditions, which makes it suitable for application in the natural gas desulfurization. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Nucleotide sequence accession numbers: The GenBank/EMBL accession numbers of the 16S rRNA gene sequence determined in this study are EU709849–EU709878.  相似文献   
Aedes aegypti L. is the major vector of the arboviruses responsible for dengue fever, one of the most devastating human diseases. From a preliminary screening of fungal phytotoxins, cyclopaldic acid ( 1 ), seiridin ( 2 ), sphaeropsidin A ( 4 ), and papyracillic acid ( 5 ) were evaluated for their biting deterrent and larvicidal activities against Ae. aegypti L. Because compounds 1, 2, 4 , and 5 exhibited mosquito biting deterrent activities and 1 and 4 demonstrated larvicidal activities, further structure? activity relationship studies were initiated on these toxins. In biting‐deterrence bioassays, 1, 2, 4 , and 5 , 3,8‐didansylhydrazone of cyclopaldic acid, 1F , 5‐azidopentanoate of cyclopaldic acid A, 1G , the reduced derivative of cyclopaldic acid, 1 H , isoseiridin ( 3 ), 2′‐O‐acetylseiridin ( 2A ), 2′‐oxoseiridin ( 2C ), 6‐O‐acetylsphaeropsidin A ( 4A ), 8,14‐methylensphaeropsidin A methyl ester ( 4B ), and sphaeropsidin B ( 4C ) showed activities higher than the solvent control. Sphaeropsidin B ( 4C ) was the most active compound followed by 2A , while the other compounds were less active. Biting‐deterrence activity of compound 4C was statistically similar to DEET. In the larvicidal screening bioassays, only compounds 1 and 4 demonstrated larvicidal activities. Based on LD50 values, compound 4 (LD50 36.8 ppm) was significantly more active than compound 1 (LD50 58.2 ppm). However, the activity of these compounds was significantly lower than permethrin.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Alzheimer's disease is a common neurodegenerative disease in the elderly population and a leading cause of dementia. Genetics and environmental risk factors were...  相似文献   
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