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Sequencing small quantities of DNA is important for applications ranging from the assembly of uncultivable microbial genomes to the identification of cancer-associated mutations. To obtain sufficient quantities of DNA for sequencing, the small amount of starting material must be amplified significantly. However, existing methods often yield errors or non-uniform coverage, reducing sequencing data quality. Here, we describe digital droplet multiple displacement amplification, a method that enables massive amplification of low-input material while maintaining sequence accuracy and uniformity. The low-input material is compartmentalized as single molecules in millions of picoliter droplets. Because the molecules are isolated in compartments, they amplify to saturation without competing for resources; this yields uniform representation of all sequences in the final product and, in turn, enhances the quality of the sequence data. We demonstrate the ability to uniformly amplify the genomes of single Escherichia coli cells, comprising just 4.7 fg of starting DNA, and obtain sequencing coverage distributions that rival that of unamplified material. Digital droplet multiple displacement amplification provides a simple and effective method for amplifying minute amounts of DNA for accurate and uniform sequencing.  相似文献   
Using cultured cells from bovine and rat aortas, we have examined the possibility that endothelial cells might regulate the growth of vascular smooth muscle cells. Conditioned medium from confluent bovine aortic endothelial cells inhibited the proliferation of growth-arrested smooth muscle cells. Conditioned medium from exponential endothelial cells, and from exponential or confluent smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, did not inhibit smooth muscle cell growth. Conditioned medium from confluent endothelial cells did not inhibit the growth of endothelial cells or fibroblasts. In addition to the apparent specificity of both the producer and target cell, the inhibitory activity was heat stable and not affected by proteases. It was sensitive flavobacterium heparinase but not to hyaluronidase or chondroitin sulfate ABC lyase. It thus appears to be a heparinlike substance. Two other lines of evidence support this conclusion. First, a crude isolate of glycosaminoglycans (TCA-soluble, ethanol-precipitable material) from endothelial cell-conditioned medium reconstituted in 20 percent serum inhibited smooth muscle cell growth; glycosaminoglycans isolated from unconditioned medium (i.e., 0.4 percent serum) had no effect on smooth muscle cell growth. No inhibition was seen if the glycosaminoglycan preparation was treated with heparinase. Second, exogenous heparin, heparin sulfate, chondroitin sulfate B (dermatan sulfate), chondroitin sulfate ABC, and hyaluronic acid were added to 20 percent serum and tested for their ability to inhibit smooth muscle cell growth. Heparin inhibited growth at concentrations as low as 10 ng/ml. Other glycosaminoglycans had no effect at doses up to 10 μg/ml. Anticoagulant and non- anticoagulant heparin were equally effective at inhibiting smooth muscle cell growth, as they were in vivo following endothelial injury (Clowes and Karnovsk. Nature (Lond.). 265:625-626, 1977; Guyton et al. Circ. Res. 46:625-634, 1980), and in vitro following exposure of smooth muscle cells to platelet extract (Hoover et al. Circ. Res. 47:578-583, 1980). We suggest that vascular endothelial cells may secrete a heparinlike substance in vivo which may regulate the growth of underlying smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   
All four stereoisomers of the fragrance Jasmal of structure 3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-3-pentyl-2H-pyran-4-yl acetate were prepared by enzymatic resolutions of the corresponding alcohols. The absolute configurations were unambiguously determined by comparison with the enantiomer (3R,4S)-1 prepared from L-tartaric acid. The four stereoisomers of the fragrance Jessemal of structure 3-butyl-5-methyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-yl acetate were obtained starting from the epoxy alcohol 10, which was obtained in an optically pure state by enzymatic resolution of the racemic mixture. The olfactory evaluations of all stereoisomers are reported. (1)H-NMR Conformational analysis of diastereoisomers (3RS,4RS,5RS)-2 and (3RS,4SR,5RS)-2 is also reported.  相似文献   
Mosquito infections with natural isolates of Plasmodium falciparum are notoriously variable and pose a problem for reliable evaluation of efficiency of transmission-blocking agents for malaria control interventions. Here, we show that monoclonal P. falciparum isolates produce higher parasite loads than mixed ones. Induction of the mosquito immune responses by wounding efficiently decreases Plasmodium numbers in monoclonal infections but fails to do so in infections with two or more parasite genotypes. Our results point to the parasites genetic complexity as a potentially crucial component of mosquito-parasite interactions.  相似文献   
The restriction enzyme TaqI digests 0.2% of the genomic DNA from the grasshopper Caledia captiva to a family of sequences 168 bp in length (length of consensus sequence). The sequence variation of this "Taq family" of repeat units was examined among four races from C. captiva to assay the pattern of evolution within this highly repeated DNA. The Taq-family repeats are located in C-banded heterochromatin on at least one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes; the locations range from centromeric to telomeric. Thirty-nine cloned repeats isolated from two population 1A individuals along with 11 clones from seven populations taken from three of the races demonstrated sequence variation at 72 positions. Pairwise comparisons of the cloned repeats, both within an individual and between different races, indicate that levels of intraspecific divergence, as measured by reproductive incompatibility, do not correlate with sequence divergence among the 168-bp repeats. A number of subsequences within the repeat remain unchanged among all 50 clones; the longest of these is 18 bp. That the same 18-bp subsequence is present in all clones examined is a finding that departs significantly (P less than 0.01) from what would be expected to occur at random. Two other cloned repeats, from a reproductively isolated race of C. captiva, have sequences that show 56% identity with this 18-bp conserved region. An analysis showed that the frequency of occurrence of an RsaI recognition site within the 168- bp repeat in the entire Taq family agreed with that found in the cloned sequences. These data, along with a partial sequence for the entire Taq family obtained by sequencing uncloned repeats, suggest that the consensus sequence from the cloned copies is representative of this highly repeated family and is not a biased sample resulting from the cloning procedure. The 18-bp conserved sequence is part of a 42-bp sequence that possesses dyad symmetry typical of protein-binding sites. We speculate that this may be significant in the evolution of the Taq family of sequences.   相似文献   
Plant water content is a simple and promising parameter for monitoring drought-driven plant mortality risk. However, critical water content thresholds leading to cell damage and plant failure are still unknown. Moreover, it is unclear whether whole-plant or a specific organ water content is the most reliable indicator of mortality risk. We assessed differences in dehydration thresholds in leaf, stem and root samples, hampering the organ-specific rehydration capacity and increasing the mortality risk. We also tested eventual differences between a fast experimental dehydration of uprooted plants, compared to long-term water stress induced by withholding irrigation in potted plants. We investigated three species with different growth forms and leaf habits i.e., Helianthus annuus (herbaceous), Populus nigra (deciduous tree) and Quercus ilex (evergreen tree). Results obtained by the two dehydration treatments largely overlapped, thus validating bench dehydration as a fast but reliable method to assess species-specific critical water content thresholds. Regardless of the organ considered, a relative water content value of 60% induced significant cell membrane damage and loss of rehydration capacity, thus leading to irreversible plant failure and death.  相似文献   
Mixed cation/halide perovskites have led to a significant increase in the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells. However, mobile ionic defects inevitably exacerbate the photoinduced phase segregation and self‐decomposition of the crystal structure. Herein, ultrathin 2D nanosheets of oxo‐functionalized graphene/dodecylamine (oxo‐G/DA) are used to solve ion migration in cesium (Cs)‐formamidinium (FA)‐methylammonium (MA) triple‐cation‐based perovskites. Based on the superconducting carbon skeleton and functional groups that provide lone pairs of electrons on it, the ultrathin 2D network structure can fit tightly on the crystals and wrap them, isolating them, and thus reducing the migration of ions within the built‐in electric field of the perovskite film. As evidence of the formation of sharp crystals with different orientation within the perovskite film, moiré fringes are observed in transmission electron microscopy. Thus, a champion device with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 21.1% (the efficiency distribution is 18.8 ± 1.7%) and a remarkable fill factor of 81%, with reduced hysteresis and improved long‐term stability, is reported. This work provides a simple method for the improvement of the structural stability of perovskite in solar cells.  相似文献   
Adaptation is normally viewed as the enemy of the antibiotic discovery and development process because adaptation among pathogens to antibiotic exposure leads to resistance. We present a method here that, in contrast, exploits the power of adaptation among antibiotic producers to accelerate the discovery of antibiotics. A competition-based adaptive laboratory evolution scheme is presented whereby an antibiotic-producing microorganism is competed against a target pathogen and serially passed over time until the producer evolves the ability to synthesize a chemical entity that inhibits growth of the pathogen. When multiple Streptomyces clavuligerus replicates were adaptively evolved against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus N315 in this manner, a strain emerged that acquired the ability to constitutively produce holomycin. In contrast, no holomycin could be detected from the unevolved wild-type strain. Moreover, genome re-sequencing revealed that the evolved strain had lost pSCL4, a large 1.8 Mbp plasmid, and acquired several single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes that have been shown to affect secondary metabolite biosynthesis. These results demonstrate that competition-based adaptive laboratory evolution can constitute a platform to create mutants that overproduce known antibiotics and possibly to discover new compounds as well.  相似文献   
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