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We examined the functional response of Nesidiocoris tenuis to varying densities of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae and found that the data fit a Type II response, with the attack rate (a) increasing with increased predator size. N. tenuis can be considered as a potential biological control agent of this pest in tomato.  相似文献   
EcoHealth - Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis with a global prevalence in the world. A large proportion of human illness is most frequently associated with consuming raw and undercooked meat...  相似文献   
The majority of the world's coral reefs are in various stages of decline. While a suite of disturbances (overfishing, eutrophication, and global climate change) have been identified, the mechanism(s) of reef system decline remain elusive. Increased microbial and viral loading with higher percentages of opportunistic and specific microbial pathogens have been identified as potentially unifying features of coral reefs in decline. Due to their relative size and high per cell activity, a small change in microbial biomass may signal a large reallocation of available energy in an ecosystem; that is the microbialization of the coral reef. Our hypothesis was that human activities alter the energy budget of the reef system, specifically by altering the allocation of metabolic energy between microbes and macrobes. To determine if this is occurring on a regional scale, we calculated the basal metabolic rates for the fish and microbial communities at 99 sites on twenty-nine coral islands throughout the Pacific Ocean using previously established scaling relationships. From these metabolic rate predictions, we derived a new metric for assessing and comparing reef health called the microbialization score. The microbialization score represents the percentage of the combined fish and microbial predicted metabolic rate that is microbial. Our results demonstrate a strong positive correlation between reef microbialization scores and human impact. In contrast, microbialization scores did not significantly correlate with ocean net primary production, local chla concentrations, or the combined metabolic rate of the fish and microbial communities. These findings support the hypothesis that human activities are shifting energy to the microbes, at the expense of the macrobes. Regardless of oceanographic context, the microbialization score is a powerful metric for assessing the level of human impact a reef system is experiencing.  相似文献   
Identification of an intestinal heme transporter   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Dietary heme iron is an important nutritional source of iron in carnivores and omnivores that is more readily absorbed than non-heme iron derived from vegetables and grain. Most heme is absorbed in the proximal intestine, with absorptive capacity decreasing distally. We utilized a subtractive hybridization approach to isolate a heme transporter from duodenum by taking advantage of the intestinal gradient for heme absorption. Here we show a membrane protein named HCP 1 (heme carrier protein 1), with homology to bacterial metal-tetracycline transporters, mediates heme uptake by cells in a temperature-dependent and saturable manner. HCP 1 mRNA was highly expressed in duodenum and regulated by hypoxia. HCP 1 protein was iron regulated and localized to the brush-border membrane of duodenal enterocytes in iron deficiency. Our data indicate that HCP 1 is the long-sought intestinal heme transporter.  相似文献   
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that can affect metabolism of glucose and other metabolites. In this study, the normal- and obese-diabetic rats were compared to understand the diabetes disorders of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. This was done by evaluating their urine metabolites using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR)-based metabolomics and comparing with controls at different time points, considering the induction periods of obesity and diabetes. The biochemical parameters of the serum were also investigated. The obese-diabetic model was developed by feeding the rats a high-fat diet and inducing diabetic conditions with a low dose of streptozotocin (STZ) (25 mg/kg bw). However, the normal rats were induced by a high dose of STZ (55 mg/kg bw). A partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) model showed the biomarkers of both DM types compared to control. The synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies, tricarboxylic (TCA) cycles, and amino acid pathways were the ones most involved in the variation with the highest impact. The diabetic groups also exhibited a noticeable increase in the plasma glucose level and lipid profile disorders compared to the control. There was also an increase in the plasma cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels and a decline in the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) of diabetic rats. The normal-diabetic rats exhibited the highest effect of all parameters compared to the obese-diabetic rats in the advancement of the DM period. This finding can build a platform to understand the metabolic and biochemical complications of both types of DM and can generate ideas for finding targeted drugs.  相似文献   
Embodied theories of cognition propose that neural substrates used in experiencing the referent of a word, for example perceiving upward motion, should be engaged in weaker form when that word, for example 'rise', is comprehended [1-3]. This claim has been broadly supported in the motor domain (for example [4,5]), whilst evidence is supportive, but less clear cut, for perception (for example [6-8]). Motivated by the finding that the perception of irrelevant background motion at near-threshold, but not supra-threshold, levels interferes with task execution [9], we assessed whether interference from near-threshold background motion was modulated by its congruence with the meaning of words (semantic content) when participants completed a lexical decision task (deciding if a string of letters is a real word or not). Reaction times for motion words, such as 'rise' or 'fall', were slower when the direction of visual motion and the 'motion' of the word were incongruent - but only when the visual motion was at near-threshold levels (supporting [9]). When motion was supra-threshold, the distribution of error rates, not reaction times, implicated low-level motion processing in the semantic processing of motion words. As the perception of near-threshold signals is not likely to be influenced by strategies [9], our results support a close contact between semantic information and perceptual systems.  相似文献   
Cytokines are implicated in the anaemia of chronic disease by reducing erythropoiesis and increasing iron sequestration in the reticuloendotheial system. However, the effect of cytokines, in particular TNFalpha (tumour necrosis factor alpha), on small bowel iron uptake and iron-transporter expression remains unclear. In the present study, we subjected CD1 male mice to intraperitoneal injection with TNFalpha (10 ng/mouse) and then examined the expression and localization of DMT1 (divalent metal transporter 1), IREG1 (iron-regulated protein 1) and ferritin in duodenum. Liver and spleen samples were used to determine hepcidin mRNA expression. Changes in serum iron and iron loading of duodenum, spleen and liver were also determined. We found a significant (P<0.05) fall in serum iron 3 h post-TNFalpha exposure. This was coincident with increased iron deposition in the spleen. After 24 h of exposure, there was a significant decrease in duodenal iron transfer (P<0.05) coincident with increased enterocyte ferritin expression (P<0.05) and re-localization of IREG1 from the basolateral enterocyte membrane. Hepatic hepcidin mRNA levels remained unchanged, whereas splenic hepcidin mRNA expression was reduced at 24 h. In conclusion, we provide evidence that TNFalpha may contribute to anaemia of chronic disease by iron sequestration in the spleen and by reduced duodenal iron transfer, which seems to be due to increased enterocyte iron binding by ferritin and a loss of IREG1 function. These observations were independent of hepcidin mRNA levels.  相似文献   
Nine derivatives of three natural diarylheptanoids, curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin, were prepared. Their antioxidant, free radical scavenging, nitric oxide (NO) inhibitory and cytotoxic activities were evaluated and compared with those of the respective natural compounds. Curcumin (1), demethoxycurcumin (2), demethyldemethoxy-curcumin (C3), diacetyldemethoxycurcumin (AC2) and triacetyldemethylcurcumin (AC5) exhibited higher antioxidant activity than quercetin while products from demethylation of 1 and 2 exhibited higher free radical scavenging activity. Compounds AC2 and AC5 were found to be most active in inhibiting breast cancer cells (MCF-7) proliferation with IC50 values of 6.7 and 3.6 microM, respectively. The activity of AC2 is almost doubled and of AC5 almost tripled as compared to curcumin. Their selectivity towards different cell lines is also more noticeable. Compounds AC2 and AC5 also showed increased activity against a human prostate cancer cell line (DU-145) and non-small lung cancer cell line (NCI-H460) with IC50 values of 20.4, 16.3 and 18.3, 10.7 microM, respectively.  相似文献   
Polar cell-to-cell transport of auxin by plasma membrane–localized PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux carriers generates auxin gradients that provide positional information for various plant developmental processes. The apical-basal polar localization of the PIN proteins that determines the direction of auxin flow is controlled by reversible phosphorylation of the PIN hydrophilic loop (PINHL). Here, we identified three evolutionarily conserved TPRXS(N/S) motifs within the PIN1HL and proved that the central Ser residues were phosphorylated by the PINOID (PID) kinase. Loss-of-phosphorylation PIN1:green fluorescent protein (GFP) (Ser to Ala) induced inflorescence defects, correlating with their basal localization in the shoot apex, and induced internalization of PIN1:GFP during embryogenesis, leading to strong embryo defects. Conversely, phosphomimic PIN1:GFP (Ser to Glu) showed apical localization in the shoot apex but did not rescue pin1 inflorescence defects. Both loss-of-phosphorylation and phosphomimic PIN1:GFP proteins were insensitive to PID overexpression. The basal localization of loss-of-phosphorylation PIN1:GFP increased auxin accumulation in the root tips, partially rescuing PID overexpression-induced root collapse. Collectively, our data indicate that reversible phosphorylation of the conserved Ser residues in the PIN1HL by PID (and possibly by other AGC kinases) is required and sufficient for proper PIN1 localization and is thus essential for generating the differential auxin distribution that directs plant development.  相似文献   
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