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Certain sleep-wake schedule disorders (SWSDs) cannot be successfully managed clinically using conventional methods of sleep therapy. We describe two cases of SWSD, the first following head trauma and the second originating during childhood, that had been misdiagnosed by physicians for many years. After conventional treatment for SWSD with light therapy and melatonin failed to bring about substantial improvement, it was determined that they were suffering from an incurable disability. Hence, we propose new medical terminology for such cases—SWSD disability. SWSD disability is an untreatable pathology of the circadian time structure. Patients suffering from SWSD disability should be encouraged to accept the fact that they suffer from a permanent disability, and that their quality of life can only be improved if they are willing to undergo rehabilitation. It is imperative that physicians recognize the medical condition of SWSD disability in their patients and bring it to the notice of the public institutions responsible for vocational and social rehabilitation. (Chronobiology International, 18(6), 1019-1027, 2001)  相似文献   
The structure of the kidney and the localization of Na+, K+-ATPase (NKA) immunopositive cells were examined throughout the postembryonic development of the Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, from newly hatched prelarvae (10 mm) to 20 days post hatch (20 DPH) larvae (31 mm). Investigations were conducted through histology and immunohistochemistry by using the light and immunofluorescence microscopy. The pronephros was observed in newly hatched prelarvae. The cells lining the distal pronephric tubules and their collecting ducts showed laterally expressed NKA immunofluorescence that later extended throughout the whole cytoplasm. Mesonephrogenous placodes and pre-glomeruli were distinguished at 2 DPH along the collecting ducts posteriorly. Their tubules were formed and present in kidney mesenchyma, differentiated into neck, proximal, distal and collecting segments at 7 DPH when NKA immunopositive cells were observed. Their distal and collecting tubules showed an increasing immunofluorescence throughout their cytoplasm while the glomeruli remained unstained. From D 9 to D 17, the epithelial layer of pronephric collecting duct changed along the mesonephros to form ureters. Ureters, possessing isolated strong NKA immunopositive cells, appeared as two sac-like structures hanging under the trunk kidney. Since NKA immunopositive cells were not observed on the tegument or along the digestive tract of newly hatched prelarva, and also the gills are not formed yet, the pronephros is the only osmoregulatory organ until 4 DPH. At the larval stage, the pronephros and mesonephros are functional osmoregulatory organs and actively reabsorb necessary ions from the filtrate.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial oxidative stress is a complex phenomenon that is inherently tied to energy provision and is implicated in many metabolic disorders. Exercise training increases mitochondrial oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle yet it remains unclear if oxidative stress plays a role in regulating these adaptations. We demonstrate that the chronic elevation in mitochondrial oxidative stress present in Sod2 +/- mice impairs the functional and biochemical mitochondrial adaptations to exercise. Following exercise training Sod2 +/- mice fail to increase maximal work capacity, mitochondrial enzyme activity and mtDNA copy number, despite a normal augmentation of mitochondrial proteins. Additionally, exercised Sod2 +/- mice cannot compensate for their higher amount of basal mitochondrial oxidative damage and exhibit poor electron transport chain complex assembly that accounts for their compromised adaptation. Overall, these results demonstrate that chronic skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative stress does not impact exercise induced mitochondrial biogenesis, but impairs the resulting mitochondrial protein function and can limit metabolic plasticity.  相似文献   
BLAD is a hereditary disease in Holstein dairy cattle. The defective allele of CD18 gene, which is responsible for this disease, has recessive inheritance. The recessive homozygous form (BL/BL) is lethal and since carrier animals have viability, BLAD frequency increases by use of carrier bulls in Artificial Insemination (AI). BLAD carriers can be detected easily by means of polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction analysis of the amplicons. In this study DNA samples from Holstein (n = 30) and Brown Swiss (n = 10) bulls from Abbas Abad AI center (Khorasan state of Iran) were analysed. A 101-bp fragment from the polymorphic region of CD18 gene located on chromosome 1 was amplified by PCR. Restriction enzymes TaqI and HaeIII were used to identify genotypes. Digestion products were screened by electrophoresis on 8% non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Frequencies of BL/TL (carrier) genotypes in Holstein and Brown Swiss bulls were 3.33% and 0%, respectively. Our pedigree studies of the carrier bull in this experiment revealed that the mutation was inherited by him from Hawkeye bull (CANM 369995, BL). Although the elimination of BLAD-carrier bulls from the Holstein world would be the most efficient method to control this genetic disorder, many BLAD-carrier bulls are still listed commercially for AI, and BLAD is still occurring in Iran. Monitoring the prevalence of BLAD carriers in random selected herds may be helpful in judging the effectiveness of the BLAD-control program.  相似文献   
Mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for potato virus M (PVM) were prepared and the properties of three of them were studied. MAb M4C1 is IgG2b, it binds with high affinity to PVM coat protein, to purified virus preparations and recognises PVM in infected potato leaves and tubers. MAb M6D5 is IgG2a and also reacts with PVM coat protein, purified PVM and with PVM in potato leaf and tuber extracts. In double-antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS ELISA) MAbs M4C1 and M6D5 reacted with all 17 PVM isolates tested. MAb M7 is IgG2b and recognises PVM only in indirect dot ELISA on nitrocellulose filters and viral coat protein on Western blots. MAbs against PVM were used as capture antibodies and europium-labelled MAbs as conjugates in time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (EuTRFIA). The standard EuTRFIA curve of PVM detection is approximately linear over a range of PVM concentrations from 0.5 ng/ml to 1000 ng/ml. The lowest PVM concentration detectable in EuTRFIA was 0.5 ng/ml and correspondingly 6 ng/ml in DAS ELISA. The use of the europium chelate label allows PVM detection in potato leaf and tuber sap at dilutions greater than 10--4 with very low background fluorescence. EuTRFIA with MAbs, with either one or two incubations is about 10–20 times more sensitive for PVM detection than is DAS ELISA. PVM and PVX, mixed with healthy potato tuber sap, were simultaneously tested in a single sample at concentrations lower than 10 ng/ml by double-label TRFIA using europium-labelled MAbs to PVM and samarium-labelled MAbs to PVX.  相似文献   
Pongamia (Millettia pinnata) has been widely studied as a potential feedstock for biodiesel fuel, though little is known about its feasibility at a commercial level. Capital budgeting and cash flow analysis was conducted for a potential Pongamia plantation and crushing plant in Queensland, Australia. For annual seed yields ranging from 20 to 80 kg (in shell) per tree, the delivered cost of Pongamia oil was estimated to be between AUD $2.22 and AUD $0.64 per litre. The seed yield range of 20 to 80 kg per tree is roughly equivalent to between 7 and 29 t per hectare at a planting density of 357 trees per hectare. Major components of the delivered cost of (Pongamia) oil are the capital expenses of land acquisition, plantation establishment and the crushing plant construction. The major operational costs include mechanical harvesting; fertiliser; control of weed, pests and diseases; seed crushing; and freight of oil to a refinery. The cost items with the greatest volume sensitivity are the capital expenses, overheads (consisting mostly of salaries and wages of employees) and the expenses associated with harvesting and crushing operations. These costs could be significantly reduced if the seed yield could be increased. Several scenarios were tested to demonstrate the effect of seed yield and oil price on the profitability and cash flow of the Pongamia enterprise. At most plausible oil prices and seed yields, Pongamia oil is not expected to be economically viable.  相似文献   
Harwood’s Spurfowl Pternistis harwoodi is an endemic bird of Ethiopia. Globally, it is categorised as Vulnerable. Habitat loss and hunting are the major conservation threats to the species. This study investigated the activity patterns of Harwood’s Spurfowl in relation to biophysical variables in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. A species focal sampling method was applied to quantify the time budget of the target species during the dry and wet seasons of 2016. The time spent by the species on various activity patterns were significantly different (p < 0.05). The mean proportion of time utilised by the species for ‘calling’, ‘feeding’, ‘preening’ and ‘resting’ activities based on habitat types and seasons were also statistically different (p < 0.05). Except for ‘resting’, most activity patterns showed bimodal patterns with peaks during the early morning and late in the afternoon. The number of Harwood’s Spurfowl (birds per hour per square metre) detected was higher during the cooler wet season. The highest bird counts occurred during low temperature, low wind speed and high relative humidity in the early morning and late afternoon. The species was recorded most in the scrubland habitat where human disturbance was low. Thus, this habitat should be conserved and managed to sustain the population.  相似文献   
In a rapidly changing world understanding the capacity of populations to adapt to novel environments is increasingly urgent. Timing of breeding can be a highly flexible trait and adjustments in this trait can potentially buffer populations from climate change and facilitate the colonisation of new environments. Recent range‐expansions into novel climatic regimes provide a valuable opportunity to investigate the implications of plasticity in timing of breeding for population processes. Black sparrowhawks have recently colonised the Cape Peninsula of South Africa where they experience dramatically different weather patterns to those in their historical range. These include a total reversal in the rainfall regime, with the majority of rain falling in the winter as opposed to the summer months. We investigate the breeding phenology of black sparrowhawks in relation to both regional and local climate variation and, using a long‐term dataset, explore the implications of phenological shifts for reproductive success and population growth following colonisation. In the recently colonised Cape Peninsula the breeding season began up to three months earlier than within their historical range and these early breeding attempts produced more offspring. Population models suggested that this adjustment assisted the colonisation of the Cape Peninsula, reducing the probability of extinction by 23%. Contrary to expectations, we found little support for the hypothesis that black sparrowhawks were responding to local variation in rainfall. We suggest that shifts in breeding phenology may be driven in part by other novel processes, such as interspecific competition for nest sites and lower temperatures during late summer. These results provide insight into the processes that facilitated the colonisation of a novel climatic regime highlighting the potential role of a diverse range of factors.  相似文献   
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