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A mouse kidney cDNA clone, pMK174, identifies restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) that map to two unlinked loci. One, designated D17Rp17, has been mapped near quaking, (qk), on chromosome 17 using three sets of recombinant inbred (RI) strains. A study of several t haplotypes resulted in the identification of t-specific alleles of D17Rp17 that map to the proximal half of the t complex. Neither t-specific nor wild-type D17Rp17 alleles are present in chromosomes carrying either the T Orleans (TtOrl) or the T hairpin tail (Thp) deletions. Comparison with other molecular markers indicates that pMK174 identifies a new proximal t complex locus, Rp17. The second locus identified by pMK174, termed D4Rp18, is tentatively assigned to chromosome 4 by mouse-Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrid analysis.  相似文献   
In this report, we have examined the effector T cell repertoire in the spontaneous interstitial nephritis of kdkd mice. Lymph node cells from nephritic kdkd mice are capable of transferring this disease into thymectomized, irradiated, and bone marrow-reconstituted CBA/Ca recipients. CBA/Ca mice do not spontaneously develop interstitial nephritis and are normally resistant to the adoptive transfer of nephritic cells, a resistance that in the short term can be attenuated with low-dose cyclophosphamide. We therefore used delayed-type hypersensitivity responses and direct transfer of immune cells under the renal capsule to characterize nephritogenic effector cells from kdkd donor mice. Lyt-2+, L3T4- T cells from the peripheral lymphoid organs of nephritic kdkd mice, after adoptive transfer into cyclophosphamide-pretreated CBA/Ca recipients, mediate an antigen-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity response to renal tubular basement membrane antigens. These cells are restricted by gene products in H-2Kk; they are also present in nephritic, but not in control kidneys. We have also observed this same phenotypic subpopulation of kdkd lymphocytes mediate a destructive interstitial renal lesion within 7 days of being placed under the kidney capsule of CBA/Ca mice. These findings suggest that T lymphocytes reactive to a parenchymal tubular antigen are of substantial importance in the development of spontaneous interstitial nephritis in kdkd mice.  相似文献   
Data for river populations of common freshwater species including dace, chub, roach, gudgeon and pike are examined to assess the magnitude of natural density-independent fluctuations in the strength of year-classes. Both in the cyprinid populations and in those of some salmonids, only occasional years give rise to large cohorts of adult fish. Correlations with temperature indicate that for the cyprinid populations these are often years when temperatures are high. In the River Frome, Dorset there is a significant relationship between the growth of O-group dace and subsequent year-class strength. Faster-growing larvae may be better able to avoid predation. Both the habitat and feeding requirements of these young fish are different from those of the adults. A practical approach to improving recruitment in a population of a given species would be to first characterize, and then increase, the availability of suitable habitats and food organisms for the larval stages.  相似文献   
The efficiency of pike removal from a chalkstream trout fishery, by an angling society using electrofishing, was estimated over five successive autumns using mark-recapture methods. It averaged c . 50% for pike aged 1+ years or more. Numbers of 3+ and older pike decreased from 3.7 ha-1 (1980) to 1.4 ha-1 (1984), but there was no corresponding reduction in recruitment success. Both pike immigration and an inverse relationship between natural and fishing mortality could have reduced the effect of the pike culls. The mean weight of 0+ pike increased from 19.4 g to 48.2 g over the 5 years, but there was no change in the growth rates of older pike. Only the larger pike were able to eat the larger trout stocked, and the reduction in numbers of 3 + and older pike appears to have reduced the predation pressure on the trout population. Angling effort increased more than three-fold over the 5 years studied and rod-catches more than doubled, but catch-per-unit-effort was extremely variable between years. The increased rod catch occurred despite the decrease in numbers of large (> 33 cm) trout stocked in the spring and early summer. Compared with pre-cull years, the angling society saved about ş850 (present day prices) by stocking fewer trout.  相似文献   
The effector T cell repertoire in experimental interstitial nephritis was examined in a variety of susceptible and nonsusceptible mice. We observed that L3T4+ effector T cells in disease-susceptible mice disappear soon after immunization in preference to the emergence of Lyt-2+ effector cells. These latter cells respond with delayed-type hypersensitivity to tubular antigen in the context of H-2K. Such cells also express idiotypes (RE-Id) shared with kidney-bound alpha TBM-Ab that are regulated by an interactional effect of genes in Igh-1 and H-2K. These Lyt-2+ effector cells can be removed from renal infiltrates, and the transfer of similar cells under the renal capsule of naive mice results, within 5 days, in local interstitial nephritis. Nonsusceptible mice, however, not having these immune response genes, produce either L3T4+, Lyt-1+, RE-Id- effector T cells, which only respond to tubular antigen in the context of I-A, or Lyt-2+, RE-Id- T cells, which may lack very fine specificity. These findings suggest that susceptible mice carry a unique set of immune response genes that promote a T cell selection process that operates after induction, during the differentiation and development of disease-producing effector T cells.  相似文献   
Various ring- and nitrogen-substituted benzenesulphonamides have been prepared and tested as potential inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase. N-Methoxysulphonamides showed no inhibitory activity, as predicted by the classic work of Krebs on N-substituted inhibitors. By contrast, N-hydroxysulphonamides proved to be very effective inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase. Using 111Cd-NMR it has been possible to analyse the molecular interaction of 4-fluoro-N-hydroxybenzenesulphon[15N]amide, with 111Cd-substituted bovine carbonic anhydrase. A large cadmium-111:nitrogen-15 spin-coupling shows that this inhibitor is directly bound to the metal via its nitrogen rather than through an oxygen atom. The mode of this binding is similar to that for the unsubstituted sulphonamide inhibitor, 4-fluorobenzenesulphon[15N]amide. The 111Cd-chemical shift of the signal for the inhibited enzyme shows that the N-hydroxysulphonamide is bound as its anion. From the relative intensities of free and complexed enzyme signals it can be deduced that the cadmium enzyme complex with the N-hydroxysulphonamide has a longer life-time than that formed with the unsubstituted sulphonamide. By contrast, native zinc-containing bovine carbonic anhydrase shows similar I50 values with both of these sulphonamides. Attempts to monitor the binding using 15N-NMR were unsuccessful, possibly due to a very long relaxation time for the nitrogen nucleus in the N-hydroxysulphonamide when bound to the enzyme leading to loss of the 15N signal.  相似文献   
Synopsis Prespawning female dace were examined in 7 successive years; in 6 years mean egg size (mm3) and egg number were inversely related and hence the ovary weights of equivalent-sized females were constant. Fecundity increased logarithmically with fish length, and an index of reproductive effort (ovary weight ÷ length cubed) also increased. The number of eggs per gram of ovarian tissue decreased with fish length; this was because mean egg size (mm3) increased and not because of a change in the proportion of connective tissue in the ovary. But in 1977, both egg number and mean egg size were low, although very high somatic growth had occurred in the previous, very warm, summer of 1976. Eggs from different-sized female dace were artificially fertilized, and incubated at a constant temperature. Dry weights of larvae, egg dry weights, mean egg size and larval starvation times showed linear correlations with each other and with parental (female) lengths. The progeny from the very smallest parent died several days earlier than those from the other parents. Size-related predation rates may be of more consequence than starvation death in natural populations. The optimum position of dace along the continuum between many small eggs and fewer larger eggs may vary at different levels of reproductive effort.  相似文献   
Prothrombinase is a Ca2+-dependent, 1:1, enzymatic complex of Factor Xa and Factor Va that assembles on the surface of negatively charged phospholipid vesicles or platelets. It catalyzes the proteolytic conversion of prothrombin to the blood-clotting enzyme thrombin. Experimentally determined kinetic parameters, plus Kd and n values for the interaction of substrate, cofactor (Factor Va), and serine protease (Factor Xa) for both phospholipid and each other, were used to develop a model that simulates the functional properties of the enzymatic complex. Through the use of a desk-top computer and a program designated "Clotspeed," the distribution of enzymatic components and substrate between the bulk fluid and phospholipid is determined for a given set of initial concentrations of reaction components. Simulated reaction rates are then calculated from the calculated distributions, fractional binding, and local and bulk concentration of reactants. Predicted behavior includes formal Michaelis-Mentenlike properties for the reaction, increasing apparent Km with increased levels of phospholipid, and apparent inhibition by excess substrate, enzyme, and phospholipid. Inhibition by excess enzyme and phospholipid was demonstrated experimentally in quantitative agreement with predicted results. The model is useful in that it rationalizes well the seemingly unusual properties of prothrombinase in straightforward physical terms, provides a means of rationally choosing experimental conditions to both further test and refine the model, and explores the properties not only of prothrombinase but also other blood-clotting or surface-bound enzymatic complexes.  相似文献   
Niflumic acid is a noncompetitive inhibitor of chloride exchange, which binds to a site different from the transport or modifier sites. When the internal Cl- concentration is raised, at constant extracellular Cl- , the inhibitory potency of niflumic acid increases. This effect cannot be attributed to changes in membrane potential, but rather it suggests that niflumic acid binds to the anion exchange protein band 3 only when the transport site faces outward. When the chloride gradient is reversed, with Clo greater than Cli , the inhibitory potency of niflumic acid decreases greatly, which indicates that the affinity of niflumic acid for band 3 with the transport site facing inward is almost 50 times less than when the transport site faces outward. Experiments in which Cli = Clo show no significant change in the inhibition by niflumic acid when Cl- is lowered from 150 to 10 mM. These data suggest that the intrinsic dissociation constants for Cl- at the two sides of the membrane are nearly equal. Thus, the chloride- loaded transport sites have an asymmetric orientation like that of the unloaded transport sites, with approximately 15 times more sites facing the inside than the outside. The asymmetry reflects an approximately 1.5 kcal/mol free energy difference between the inward-facing and outward-facing chloride-loaded forms of band 3. High concentrations of chloride (with Cli = Clo), which partially saturate the modifier site, have no effect on niflumic acid inhibition, which indicates that chloride binds equally well to the modifier site regardless of the orientation of the transport site.  相似文献   
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