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Background:The tremendous global health burden related to COVID-19 means that identifying determinants of COVID-19 severity is important for prevention and intervention. We aimed to explore long-term exposure to ambient air pollution as a potential contributor to COVID-19 severity, given its known impact on the respiratory system.Methods:We used a cohort of all people with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, aged 20 years and older and not residing in a long-term care facility in Ontario, Canada, during 2020. We evaluated the association between long-term exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ground-level ozone (O3), and risk of COVID-19-related hospital admission, intensive care unit (ICU) admission and death. We ascertained individuals’ long-term exposures to each air pollutant based on their residence from 2015 to 2019. We used logistic regression and adjusted for confounders and selection bias using various individual and contextual covariates obtained through data linkage.Results:Among the 151 105 people with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in Ontario in 2020, we observed 8630 hospital admissions, 1912 ICU admissions and 2137 deaths related to COVID-19. For each interquartile range increase in exposure to PM2.5 (1.70 μg/m3), we estimated odds ratios of 1.06 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01–1.12), 1.09 (95% CI 0.98–1.21) and 1.00 (95% CI 0.90–1.11) for hospital admission, ICU admission and death, respectively. Estimates were smaller for NO2. We also estimated odds ratios of 1.15 (95% CI 1.06–1.23), 1.30 (95% CI 1.12–1.50) and 1.18 (95% CI 1.02–1.36) per interquartile range increase of 5.14 ppb in O3 for hospital admission, ICU admission and death, respectively.Interpretation:Chronic exposure to air pollution may contribute to severe outcomes after SARS-CoV-2 infection, particularly exposure to O3.

By November 2021, COVID-19 had caused more than 5 million deaths globally1 and more than 29 400 in Canada.2 The clinical manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection range from being asymptomatic to multiple organ failure and death. Identifying risk factors for COVID-19 severity is important to better understand etiological mechanisms and identify populations to prioritize for screening, vaccination and medical treatment. Risk factors for severity of COVID-19 include male sex, older age, pre-existing medical conditions and being from racialized communities.35 More recently, ambient air pollution has been implicated as a potential driver of COVID-19 severity.610Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution, a major contributor to global disease burden,11 could increase the risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes by several mechanisms. Air pollutants can reduce individuals’ pulmonary immune responses and antimicrobial activities, boosting viral loads.8 Air pollution can also induce chronic inflammation and overexpression of the alveolar angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE) receptor,7 the key receptor that facilitates SARS-CoV-2 entry into cells.12,13 Exposure to air pollution contributes to chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, that are associated with unfavourable COVID-19 prognosis, possibly owing to persistent immune activation and excessive amplification of cytokine development.10 Thus, greater exposure to long-term air pollution may lead to severe COVID-19 outcomes.Reports exist of positive associations between long-term exposure to particulate matter with diameters equal to or smaller than 2.5 or 10 μm (PM2.5 and PM10), ground-level ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and metrics of COVID-19 severity (e.g., mortality and case fatality rate).810 However, most studies to date have used ecological and cross-sectional designs, owing to limited access to individual data, which leads to ambiguity in interpreting the results, thus hindering their influence on policy. 6,14 Ecological designs do not allow for disentangling the relative impacts of air pollution on individual susceptibility to infection and disease severity.14 Residual confounding by factors such as population mobility and social interactions is also problematic. Therefore, a cohort study with data on individuals with SARS-CoV-2 is a more appropriate design.6,14 Studies that have used individual data were conducted in specific subpopulations15,16 or populations with few severe cases,17 or had limited data on individual exposure to air pollutants.18 In Canada, 1 ecological study found a positive association between long-term exposure to PM2.5 and COVID-19 incidence,19 but no published study has explored the association between air pollution and COVID-19 severity.We aimed to examine the associations between long-term exposure to 3 common air pollutants (PM2.5, NO2 and O3) and key indicators of COVID-19 severity, including hospital admission, intensive care unit (ICU) admission and death, using a large prospective cohort of people with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in Ontario, Canada, in 2020. The air contaminants PM2.5, NO2 and O3 are regularly monitored by the Canadian government, and are key pollutants that are considered when setting air-quality policies. They originate from varying sources (NO2 is primarily emitted during combustion of fuel, O3 is primarily formed in air by chemical reactions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, and PM2.5 can be emitted during combustion or formed by reactions of chemicals like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in air) and they may affect human health differently.20,21,22  相似文献   
Ultrasound increases the rate of bacterial cell growth   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Ultrasound was employed to increase the growth rate of bacterial cells attached to surfaces. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli cells adhered to and grew on a polyethylene surface in the presence of ultrasound. It was found that low-frequency ultrasound (70 kHz) of low acoustic intensity (<2 W/cm(2)) increased the growth rate of the cells compared to growth without ultrasound. However, at high intensity levels, cells were partially removed from the surface. Ultrasound also enhanced planktonic growth of S. epidermidis and other planktonic bacteria. It is hypothesized that ultrasound increases the rate of transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and increases the rate of transport of waste products away from the cells, thus enhancing their growth.  相似文献   
We report on a novel mouse in vitro brain slice preparation that contains intact callosal axons connecting anterior cingulate cortices (ACC). Callosal connections are demonstrated by the ability to regularly record epileptiform events between hemispheres (bilateral events). That the correlation of these events depends on the callosum is demonstrated by the bisection of the callosum in vitro. Epileptiform events are evoked with four different methods: (1) bath application of bicuculline (a GABA-A antagonist); (2) bicuculline+MK801 (an NMDA receptor antagonist), (3) a zero magnesium extracellular solution (0Mg); (4) focal application of bicuculline to a single cortical hemisphere. Significant increases in the number of epileptiform events, as well as increases in the ratio of bilateral events to unilateral events, are observed during bath applications of bicuculline, but not during applications of bicuculline+MK-801. Long ictal-like events (defined as events >20 seconds) are only observed in 0Mg. Whole cell patch clamp recordings of single neurons reveal strong feedforward inhibition during focal epileptiform events in the contralateral hemisphere. Within the ACC, we find differences between the rostral areas of ACC vs. caudal ACC in terms of connectivity between hemispheres, with the caudal regions demonstrating shorter interhemispheric latencies. The morphologies of many patch clamped neurons show callosally-spanning axons, again demonstrating intact callosal circuits in this in vitro preparation.  相似文献   
Cell signalling and Trypanosoma cruzi invasion   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Mammalian cell invasion by the protozoan pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi is critical to its survival in the host. To promote its entry into a wide variety of non-professional phagocytic cells, infective trypomastigotes exploit an arsenal of heterogenous surface glycoproteins, secreted proteases and signalling agonists to actively manipulate multiple host cell signalling pathways. Signals initiated in the parasite upon contact with mammalian cells also function as critical regulators of the invasion process. Whereas the full spectrum of cellular responses modulated by T. cruzi is not yet known, mounting evidence suggests that these pathways impinge on a number of cellular processes, in particular the ubiquitous wound-repair mechanism exploited for lysosome-mediated parasite entry. Furthermore, differential engagement of host cell signalling pathways in a cell type-specific manner and modulation of host cell gene expression by T. cruzi are becoming recognized as essential determinants of infectivity and intracellular survival by this pathogen.  相似文献   
Comparative genomics as a tool for gene discovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the increasing availability of data from multiple eukaryotic genome sequencing projects, attention has focused on interspecific comparisons to discover novel genes and transcribed genomic sequences. Generally, these extrinsic strategies combine ab initio gene prediction with expression and/or homology data to identify conserved gene candidates between two or more genomes. Interspecific sequence analyses have proven invaluable for the improvement of existing annotations, automation of annotation, and identification of novel coding regions and splice variants. Further, comparative genomic approaches hold the promise of improved prediction of terminal or small exons, microRNA precursors, and small peptide-encoding open reading frames--sequence elements that are difficult to identify through purely intrinsic methodologies in the absence of experimental data.  相似文献   
Clades that predate the origin of biomes that they inhabit provide unique opportunities to examine both when major environmental transitions occurred, and how lineages adapted to these changes. The isolated island continent Australia has undergone a profound environmental transition through the Miocene, from relatively mesic to predominantly arid; however, we have much to learn about both the timing of this change, and how organisms may have responded to it. The family Carphodactylidae is an ancient Gondwanan group of geckos that occurs across all major Australian biomes. A multilocus (ND2, Rag-1, c-mos) phylogenetic and dating analysis of the most ecologically diverse clade within this group, the genus Nephrurus (sensuBauer, 1990) reveals that two of three morphological taxa historically recognized (the 'spiny knob-tails' and 'Underwoodisaurus') are relatively species depauperate, pleisomorphic basal grades that diversified through the late Oligocene and early Miocene, and are now absent from most of the arid biome. Based on their deep divergence and morphological distinctiveness we recognize two lineages (milii and sphyrurus) as monotypic genera, the later of which is named herein (Uvidicolus nov. gen). In contrast, a third morphological group, the 'smooth knob-tails,' is a monophyletic group of five exclusively arid zone burrowing species that has radiated relatively recently (mid-Miocene). Our phylogeny indicates that successful colonization of this novel and challenging biome by Nephrurus correlates with an initial shift to terrestriality and adaptation to at least seasonally arid conditions around the early Miocene, and the eventual evolution and subsequent mid-Miocene radiation of a lineage specialized for burrowing.  相似文献   
The effects of a new Class III antiarrhythmic drug, GLG-V-13, on the 4-aminopyridine sensitive transient outward current, on the inward rectifier potassium current, on the ATP sensitive potassium current and on the rapid and slow components of the delayed rectifier potassium current were studied in single rabbit ventricular myocytes using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. GLG-V-13 blocked the rapid component of the delayed rectifier potassium current in a dose-dependent manner, with an estimated EC50 value of 0.36 microM. At high concentration, the slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current was also depressed by the drug (40% effect at 10 microM concentration). The transient outward current, the inward rectifier potassium current and the ATP sensitive potassium current were not influenced by GLG-V-13, even at 10 microM concentration. Thus, GLG-V-13 blocks predominantly the rapid component of the delayed rectifier potassium current which may play a significant role in the prolongation of repolarization by the drug in ventricular tissue.  相似文献   
Responses to innocuous stimuli often habituate with repeated stimulation, but the mechanisms involved in dishabituation are less well studied. Chan et al. (2010b) found that hermit crabs were quicker to perform an anti-predator withdrawal response in the presence of a short-duration white noise relative to a longer noise stimulus. In two experiments, we examined whether this effect could be explicable in terms of a non-associative learning process. We delivered repeated presentations of a simulated visual predator to hermit crabs, which initially caused the crabs to withdraw into their shells. After a number of trials, the visual stimulus lost the ability to elicit the withdrawal response. We then presented the crabs with an auditory stimulus prior to an additional presentation of the visual predator. In Experiment 1, the presentation of a 10-s, 89-dB SPL noise produced no significant dishabituation of the response. In Experiment 2 we increased the duration (50 s) and intensity (95 dB) of the noise, and found that the crabs recovered their withdrawal response to the visual predator. This finding illustrates dishabituation of an antipredator response and suggests two distinct processes—distraction and sensitization—are influenced by the same stimulus parameters, and interact to modulate the strength of the anti-predator response.  相似文献   
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