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The objective of this study was to compare developmental capacity of rabbit chimeric embryos and the allocation of the EGFP gene expression to the embryoblast (ICM) or embryonic shield. We produced chimeric embryos (TR< >N) by synchronous transfer of two or three blastomeres at the 16-cell stage from transgenic (TR) into normal host embryos (N) at the same stage. In the control group, two to three non-transgenic blastomeres were used to produce chimeric embryos. The TR embryos were produced by microinjection of EGFP into both pronuclei of fertilized rabbit eggs. The developmental rate and allocation of EGFP-positive cells of the reconstructed chimeric embryos was controlled at blastocyst (96 h PC) and embryonic shield (day 6) stage. All chimeric embryos (120/120, 100%) developed up to blastocyst stage. Using fluorescent microscope, we detected green signal (EGFP expression). In 90 chimeric (TR< >N) embryos (75%). Average total number of cells in chimeric embryos at blastocyst stage was 175+/-13.10, of which 58+/-2.76 cells were found in the ICM area. The number of EGFP-positive cells in the ICM area was 24+/-5.02 (35%). After the transfer of 50 chimeric rabbit embryos at the 16-cell stage, 20 embryos (40%) were flushed from five recipients on day 6 of pregnancy, of which five embryos (25%) were EGFP positive at the embryonic shield stage. Our results demonstrate that transgenic blastomeres in synchronous chimeric embryos reconstructed from TR embryos have an ability to develop and colonize ICM and embryonic shield area.  相似文献   
The aim of our in vitro studies was to understand the role of leptin in controlling proliferation, apoptosis, and protein kinase A (PKA) in human ovarian cells. We analyzed the in vitro effects of leptin (0, 1, 10 or 100 ng/ml) on the accumulation of proliferation-related peptides (PCNA, cyclin B1), apoptosis-associated peptide (Bax) and the intracellular signaling molecule PKA in cultured human granulosa cells using immunocytochemistry and Western immunoblotting. It was observed that leptin stimulated in a dose-dependent manner the accumulation of PCNA (at doses 1-100 ng/ml), cyclin B1 (at doses 10 or 100 ng/ml), Bax (at doses 10 or 100 ng/ml) and PKA (at doses 1-100 ng/ml) in cultured human ovarian cells. These observations suggest the ability of leptin to control directly human ovarian cell functions: proliferation, apoptosis, and intracellular messenger PKA.  相似文献   
Morphological signs of injury and subsequent regeneration following vitrification of either rabbit gene microinjected (Gene-Mi) or intact in vitro cultured embryos derived from in vivo fertilized eggs were evaluated by post-warming recovery in culture and analysed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The percentages of vitrified/warmed Gene-Mi embryos that reached the blastocyst stage (69%) and hatched (57%) did not differ significantly from those of intact embryos (78% and 56%, respectively). In contrast, in vitro development of embryos to the blastocyst stage among non-vitrified intact (96%) and Gene-Mi (90%) embryos compared with both the intact vitrified (78%) and Gene-Mi vitrified (69%) groups, as well as hatching rate (94%, 90% vs 56%, 57%, respectively) varied significantly (p < 0.001). Observations by TEM showed that the vitrified/warmed intact or Gene-Mi embryos without post-culture displayed severe degenerative changes among their cells. During 24 h of culture a proportion of the embryos were able to regenerate and complete the compaction process. Nevertheless the signs of previous injury were retained, such as swollen cytoplasmic organelles and remaining cellular debris in the perivitelline space. These observations indicate that the procedure of gene Mi does not significantly compromise embryo tolerance to cryopreservation and post-warming developmental ability. Severe changes in embryo morphology, observed at the ultrastructural level, can be attributed to a direct influence of the vitrification process rather than to the Mi procedure itself.  相似文献   
Regulation of the rate growth of Act. aureofaciens in batch fermentation by maintaining the concentrations of phosphorus, ammonium nitrogen, glucose and pH values at the levels favourable for intensive growth at the beginning of the process and after accumulation of the biomass at the levels optimal for retarded growth of the organism resulted in significant prolongation of the period of intensive antibiotic production, i.e. intensification of the fermentation process. Microscopic investigation of the organism development under conditions of regulated fermentation revealed the presence of significant amounts of free peripheral highly basophilic hyphae for a prolonged period of time. The hyphae possessed a capacity for growth and intensive metabolism unlike the control culture which was liable to early autolysis.  相似文献   
Microinjection (Mi) of gene constructs into pronuclei of fertilized eggs is a widely used method to generate transgenic animals. However, the efficiency of gene integration and expression is very low because of the low viability of reconstructed embryos resulting from cell fragmentation and cleavage arrest. As a consequence, only a few viable embryos integrate and express transgene. Since cellular fragmentation and cleavage stage arrest in embryos may be associated with apoptosis, we aimed to test the hypothesis that the low viability of Mi-derived eggs is caused by a high rate of apoptosis in embryos, as a result of the detrimental effect of Mi. Pronuclear stage eggs (19-20 hours post-coitum, hpc) were microinjected with several picolitres of DNA construct into the male pronucleus (gene-Mi); the intact eggs (non-Mi) or eggs microinjected with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS-Mi) served as controls. Epidermal growth factor (EGF; 0, 20 and 200 ng/ml) was added to the culture medium and the embryos were cultured up to 94-96 hpc. Apoptosis was detected using the TUNEL assay, and the ultrastructure was analysed using electron microscopy of Durcupan ACM thin sections of the embryo. Gene-Mi embryos had significantly lower (p < 0.05) blastocyst yields and a higher percentage of cleavage-arrested embryos than those in the non-Mi group. In gene-Mi groups, approximately 40% of all cleavage-stage-arrested embryos had fragmented blastomeres. Both gene-Mi- and PBS-Mi-derived blastocysts had a significantly higher TUNEL index (p < 0.001) and lower total cell number (p < 0.05) than the non-Mi embryos. Comparison of the quality of gene-Mi embryos with that of PBS-Mi embryos indicated that the deleterious effect of Mi on the embryo was caused by the Mi procedure itself, rather than DNA. EGF (at 20 ng/ml) had beneficial effects on the quality of gene-Mi-derived embryos, eliminating the influence of the Mi procedure on apoptosis and embryo cell number. Ultrastructural analysis confirmed a higher occurrence of apoptotic signs (nuclear membrane blebbing, areas with electron-dense material, numerous apoptotic bodies) in Mi-derived cleavage-arrested embryos compared with untreated or Mi-derived normal-looking embryos. These findings suggest an association between embryo cleavage arrest and apoptosis in Mi-derived embryos. Inclusion of EGF in the embryo culture medium can eliminate the detrimental effect of Mi on embryo quality.  相似文献   


The electroencephalography (EEG) is an attractive and a simple technique to measure the brain activity. It is attractive due its excellent temporal resolution and simple due to its non-invasiveness and sensor design. However, the spatial resolution of EEG is reduced due to the low conducting skull. In this paper, we compute the potential distribution over the closed surface covering the brain (cortex) from the EEG scalp potential. We compare two methods – L-curve and generalised cross validation (GCV) used to obtain the regularisation parameter and also investigate the feasibility in applying such techniques to N170 component of the visually evoked potential (VEP) data.


Using the image data set of the visible human man (VHM), a finite difference method (FDM) model of the head was constructed. The EEG dataset (256-channel) used was the N170 component of the VEP. A forward transfer matrix relating the cortical potential to the scalp potential was obtained. Using Tikhonov regularisation, the potential distribution over the cortex was obtained.


The cortical potential distribution for three subjects was solved using both L-curve and GCV method. A total of 18 cortical potential distributions were obtained (3 subjects with three stimuli each – fearful face, neutral face, control objects).


The GCV method is a more robust method compared to L-curve to find the optimal regularisation parameter. Cortical potential imaging is a reliable method to obtain the potential distribution over cortex for VEP data.
The aim of our experiments was to study the influence of genistein [tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitor with estrogenic activity] and lavendustin A (TK inhibitor without estrogenic activity) on female reproductive processes in domestic animals in vitro. It was found that genistein (0.001–1 μg/ml) increased IGF-I release by cultured bovine and porcine granulosa cells, but decreased its secretion by rabbit granulosa cells (0.01–10 μg/ml). Genistein stimulated progesterone secretion by bovine and rabbit granulosa cells (at 0.01–10 μg/ml), estradiol output by rabbit granulosa cells (at 1 μg/ml) and porcine ovarian follicles (at 10 μg/ml), as well as cAMP production by bovine (at 0.001–1 μg/ml) and rabbit (at 1 μg/ml) granulosa cells. No effects of genistein (at 10 μg/ml) on PGF-2 alpha and progesterone release by porcine ovarian follicles were observed. Genistein significantly (P < 0.05) stimulated the reinitiation and completion of nuclear maturation of porcine oocytes (at 5 μg/ml), as well as the preimplantation development of rabbit zygotes (at 1 μg/ml). Lavendustin A (0.001–1 μg/ml) increased IGF-I release by bovine (but not by porcine) granulosa cells, cAMP release by bovine granulosa cells, and PGF-2 alpha output by porcine ovarian follicles (at 10 μg/ml). Lavendustin (at 1 μg/ml) had no significant effect on IGF-I release by porcine granulosa cells, on estradiol and cAMP output by rabbit granulosa cells, or on progesterone secretion by porcine follicles (at 10 μg/ml). Inhibitory actions of lavendustin (at 10 μg/ml) on estradiol secretion by porcine follicles were also found. Furthermore, lavendustin, like genistein, promoted the reinitiation and completion of meiosis in porcine oocytes. The present study demonstrates a predominantly stimulatory effect of TK inhibition on endocrine and generative processes in domestic animals. The majority of these effects are similar for both compounds, indirectly suggesting that their action is due to tyrosine kinase inhibition and protein kinase A-stimulation, rather than estrogenic activity.  相似文献   
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