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The present study demonstrates the possibility of estimating species numbers of animal or plant communities from samples using relative abundance distributions. We use log‐abundance–species‐rank order plots and derive two new estimators that are based on log‐series and lognormal distributions. At small to moderate sample sizes these estimators appear to be more precise than previous parametric and nonparametric estimators. We test our estimators using samples from 171 published medium‐sized to large animal and plant communities taken from the literature. By this we show that our new estimators define also limits of precision.  相似文献   
We studied the variation of small-scale swimming behaviour in eight Bosmina cornuta and ten B. pellucida clones in response to key environmental factors to test whether swimming behaviour and genotypes are linked in non-Daphnia cladocerans. We quantified (1) the short-term responses to changes in temperature, light intensity and pH, (2) the response to long-term temperature acclimation, and (3) the pH-related survival rates. Vertical swimming activity S was quantified in cuvette experiments as crossings of a line at 2 cm height per individual an hour. S differed significantly among species and conspecific clones. At any temperature, light intensity and pH tested, B. cornuta (clone variation: 40-58 crossings/ind.× h) showed a higher vertical swimming activity than B. pellucida (clone variation: 25-48 crossings/ind.× h). A short-term change of water temperature (range tested: 10-25°C) only affected S of B. cornuta, whereas that of B. pellucida remained unaltered. In contrast, S increased with rising temperature following long-term temperature acclimation (range tested: 10-20°C) in both species. Swimming activity was inversely related to the light intensity (range tested: 60-60,000 lux), but decrease of activity was stronger in B. pellucida (44 → 12 crossings/ind × h) than in B. cornuta (50 → 40 crossings/ind.× h). Short-term changes of pH (range tested: 4-6) did not influence swimming activity in any species, although a prolonged exposure (24 h) to pH 4 was lethal. Thus, Bosmina showed behavioural responses which permit to distinguish between the species and which are related to their seasonal succession and distribution pattern.  相似文献   
The infection of plants with pathogens results in the induction of defence reactions as well as changes in carbohydrate metabolism. On the one hand, the pathogen attempts to manipulate the carbohydrate metabolism of the plant for its own advantage. On the other, the plant has to reorganize carbon fluxes to ensure fight against the pathogen. In order to further investigate the connection between pathogen infection and carbohydrate metabolism, the effects of two types of pathogen, biotrophic and necrotrophic, on gene expression, endogenous sugar levels and photosynthesis of tomato plants were analysed. Photosynthetic gene expression was downregulated on infection with Pseudomonas syringae and Botrytis cinerea . In contrast, expression of a sink-specific gene encoding a cell wall invertase and of defence genes was induced by both pathogens. These results provide evidence for a co-regulation of defence, sink and photosynthetic gene expression in planta in response to both types of pathogen. The brassinosteroid-containing plant restorative ComCat enhanced resistance against B. cinerea and counter-regulated the repression of photosynthetic gene expression. Endogenous sugar levels decreased and the hexose to sucrose ratio increased on treatment with B. cinerea . The application of chlorophyll fluorescence imaging revealed the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the pathogen response. At 24 h after infection, inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport was restricted to the direct vicinity of the infection site, which was surrounded by a circle of increased photosynthetic activity. The photosynthesis of the remaining leaf was not affected at this stage. These results show the usefulness of chlorophyll fluorescence imaging for the assessment of the complex spatio-temporal changes and for the definition of the areas relevant for other types of determination, e.g. gene expression.  相似文献   
Aphid suppression by natural enemies in mulched cereals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large populations of natural enemies are the basis for natural pest control. Effects of mulch on predator–prey interactions in arable fields are poorly known, despite its potential to enhance ground‐dwelling predators and thereby reduce pest infestations. We studied the densities of predators and parasitoids, and their impact on cereal aphids in the presence and absence of mulch. Released populations of the bird cherry aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), and two naturally occurring aphid species, were monitored under experimentally reduced densities of: (i) ground‐dwelling predators, (ii) flying predators and parasitoids, and (iii) with straw mulch. The three treatments were applied in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design in a field of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The exclusion of ground‐dwelling predators increased aphid populations by 55% in June and 40% in July, respectively. Mulched plots had 25% lower aphid densities in June. This was presumably due to enhanced densities of spiders (Araneida) in mulched plots. The exclusion of flying predators and parasitoids led to 94% higher aphid populations in late July (109 vs. 56 individuals per 100 shoots), irrespective of mulch or ground predator manipulation. This was attributed to the larvae of gall midges Aphidoletes cf. aphidimyza (Rondani) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae). The results indicate that a scarcity of predators and a bare soil surface renders crops more susceptible to arthropod pests. Farming schemes should aim at enhancing both ground‐dwelling and flying predators for elevated levels of natural pest control.  相似文献   
New rRNA-targeting oligonucleotide probes permitted the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) identification of freshwater fungi in an Austrian second-order alpine stream. Based on computer-assisted comparative sequence analysis, nine taxon-specific probes were designed and evaluated by whole-fungus hybridizations. Oligonucleotide probe MY1574, specific for a wide range of Eumycota, and the genus (Tetracladium)-specific probe TCLAD1395, as well as the species-specific probes ALacumi1698 (Alatospora acuminata), TRIang322 (Tricladium angulatum), and Alongi340 (Anguillospora longissima), are targeted against 18S rRNA, whereas probes TmarchB10, TmarchC1_1, TmarchC1_2, and AlongiB16 are targeted against the 28S rRNA of Tetracladium marchalianum and Anguillospora longissima, respectively. After 2 weeks and 3 months of exposure of polyethylene slides in the stream, attached germinating conidia and growing hyphae of freshwater fungi were accessible for FISH. Growing hyphae and germinating conidia on leaves and in membrane cages were also visualized by the new FISH probes.  相似文献   
Giant protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae of 10-35 µm in diameter were generated by multi-cell electrofusion. Thereby two different preparation strategies were evaluated with a focus on size distribution and “patchability” of electrofused protoplasts. In general, parental protoplasts were suitable for electrofusion 1-12 h after isolation. The electrophysiological properties of electrofused giant protoplasts could be analyzed by the whole-cell patch clamp technique. The area-specific membrane capacitance (0.66 ± 0.07 µF/cm2) and conductance (23-44 µS/cm2) of giant protoplasts were consistent with the corresponding data for parental protoplasts. Measurements with fluorescein-filled patch pipettes allowed to exclude any internal compartmentalisation of giant protoplasts by plasma membranes, since uniform (diffusion-controlled) dye uptake was only observed in the whole-cell configuration, but not in the cell-attached formation. The homogeneous structure of giant protoplasts was further confirmed by the observation that no plasma membrane associated fluorescence was seen in the interior of giant cells after electrofusion of protoplasts expressing the light-activated cation channel Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) linked to yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). Patch clamp analysis of the heterologously expressed ChR2-YFP showed typical blue light dependent, inwardly-directed currents for both electrofused giant and parental protoplasts. Most importantly, neither channel characteristics nor channel expression density was altered by electric field treatment. Summarising, multi-cell electrofusion increases considerably the absolute number of membrane proteins accessible in patch clamp experiments, thus presumably providing a convenient tool for the biophysical investigation of low-signal transporters and channels.  相似文献   
The cabbage webworm, Hellula undalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), a tropical pest on crucifers (Brassicaceae), differentiated among host‐plant species for oviposition in laboratory and field tests. White mustard, Sinapis alba (L.) var. Selinda, was the preferred host‐plant, followed by Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et. Coss var. Canadian brown mustard, and pak‐choi, Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. Joi Choi, Black Behi and Bai Tsai. Glucosinolates (GS), secondary plant compounds characteristic to the Cruciferae plant family, and their breakdown products were analyzed by using HPLC and GC‐MS‐techniques. Species differed in GS composition and concentration. Content of GS was highest in S. alba with progressively lower contents detected in B. juncea and B. chinensis. The aromatic GS, 4‐hydroxybenzyl‐GS and benzyl‐GS, were detected in S. alba. In B. juncea the alkenyl GS, allyl‐GS, dominated, whereas in varieties of B. chinensis indolyl and alkenyl GS predominated. Oviposition of H. undalis females on the non‐host‐plant Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis (L.) Fruwirth was stimulated by application of GS extracts from the crucifer species; the extract from S. alba was preferred, followed by extracts from B. juncea and B. chinensis. Hydrolysis of GS in the plant extract from B. chinensis causes loss of the oviposition stimulatory effect of the extract. Application of the GS, allyl‐GS, and benzyl‐GS also stimulated oviposition by H. undalis. Significantly more eggs were laid on leaves treated with the aromatic GS, benzyl‐GS, than with the alkenyl GS, allyl‐GS. Host‐plant odor attracted H. undalis females but not males, in behavioral assays conducted in a Y‐tube olfactometer. Low concentrations of the GS hydrolysis product, allyl‐isothiocyanate, induced anemotaxis of females, but a high concentration of allyl‐isothiocyanate was repellent. Oviposition by H. undalis females was not stimulated by host‐plant volatiles. Females laid eggs on inserted traps and the walls of the Y‐tube regardless of presence or absence of host‐plant odor. The relevance of these results in the context of crucifer‐insect interactions is discussed.  相似文献   
Several complementary NMR approaches were used to study the interaction of mastoparan, a 14-residue peptide toxin from wasp venom, with lipid membranes. First, the 3D structure of mastoparan was determined using 1H-NMR spectroscopy in perdeuterated (SDS-d25) micelles. NOESY experiments and distance geometry calculations yielded a straight amphiphilic alpha-helix with high-order parameters, and the chemical shifts of the amide protons showed a characteristic periodicity of 3-4 residues. Secondly, solid-state 2H-NMR spectoscopy was used to describe the binding of mastoparan to lipid bilayers, composed of headgroup-deuterated dimyristoylglycerophosphocholine (DMPC-d4) and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG). By correlating the deuterium quadrupole splittings of the alpha-segments and beta-segments, it was possible to differentiate the electrostatically induced structural response of the choline headgroup from dynamic effects induced by the peptide. A partial phase separation was observed, leading to a DMPG-rich phase and a DMPG-depleted phase, each containing some mastoparan. Finally, the insertion and orientation of a specifically 15N-labeled mastoparan (at position Ala10) in the bilayer environment was investigated by solid-state 15N-NMR spectroscopy, using macroscopically oriented samples. Two distinct orientational states were observed for the mastoparan helix, namely an in-plane and a trans-membrane alignment. The two populations of 90% in-plane and 10% trans-membrane helices are characterized by a mosaic spread of +/- 30 degrees and +/- 10 degrees, respectively. The biological activity of mastoparan is discussed in terms of a pore-forming model, as the peptide is known to be able to induce nonlamellar phases and facilitate a flip-flop between the monolayers.  相似文献   
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