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Lespérance, Pierre J., Barnes, Christopher R., Berry, William B. N., Boucot, Arthur J. & Mu En-zhi 1987 07 15: The Ordovician-Silurian boundary stratotype: consequences of its approval by the IUGS.
The Ordovician-Silurian stratotype at Dob's Linn, Scotland is the second systemic boundary approved by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). A review of the internationally accepted criteria required of a stratotype shows that few of these are possessed by the Dob's Linn section. The strongest attribute of the section is the presence of zonal graptolites, although the boundary is recognized primarily on a single biological event (base of acuminatus Zone) for which the evolutionary relationships of the taxa are not established. In approving this boundary proposal in 1985, which received only simple majority support within the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary Working Group (OSBWG) and which fails to meet most of the accepted prerequisites for a stratotype, the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) and the IUGS have established an unfortunate precedent. It follows that future systemic boundaries need not meet the accepted standards. It raises serious questions on the assessment and voting procedures of the International Commission on Stratigraphy and on the credence accorded the recommendations developed by the International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification of IUGS.  相似文献   
Cells of the euryhaline unicellular green alga Dunaliella tertiolectawere exposed to a range of osmotic potentials imposed by theaddition of NaCl, KCl, sucrose or ethylene glycol to the algalsuspending medium. The alga synthesized glycerol in responseto increased concentrations of NaCl, KCl or sucrose, but notto increased concentrations of ethylene glycol. The overallprocess of photosynthesis was inhibited by all four treatmentsduring the first 100 min, but especially by NaCl and KCl. Theinduction of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that photosystemIl was inhibited by such treatment although to a lesser extentthan the overall process. The size and half-time of decay ofthe flash-induced field-indicating absorption change at 519nm were decreased by NaCl and KCl but the effect of sucroseand ethylene glycol on the absorption change was much less.Therefore, the photosynthetic processes in intact Dunaliellacells are more markedly inhibited by the combined osmotic andionic stresses due to NaCl and KCl than by osmotic stress alone.In most cases some recovery of the inhibition of photosynthesiswas seen concomitant with the synthesis of intracellular glycerol,suggesting that the alga has the ability to overcome osmoticand ionic stresses. Key words: Dunaliella, Photosynthesis, Osmotic stress  相似文献   
Geophilomorph centipedes provide an unusual opportunity to examine patterns of variation in segment number within extant species. (Most other arthropod species are invariant in this respect.) Recent work on several geophilomorph species has revealed latitudinal clines in segment number, but has generally not called into question the identities of the species themselves. However, analysis of a unique pattern of variation in British populations of Geophilus carpophagus Leach, coupled with other morphological and enzyme data, reveals a cryptic species, Geophilus easoni sp. nov. This species has not yet been detected on the European mainland. Four distinct hypotheses are advanced regarding the speciation event through which G. easoni arose and the phylogeographic processes that resulted in the present distributions of the two species in Britain. Further study will be necessary to test these hypotheses. In any event, G. carpophagus and G. easoni provide something that has until now been absent: a case study of the genetic differences between closely-related geophilomorph species.  相似文献   
Current models of leaf water enrichment predict that the differences between isotopic enrichment of water at the site of evaporation (Δe) and mean lamina leaf water enrichment (ΔL) depend on transpiration rates ( E ), modulated by the scaled effective length ( L ) of water isotope movement in the leaf. However, variations in leaf parameters in response to changing environmental conditions might cause changes in the water path and thus L . We measured the diel course of ΔL for 18O and 2H in beech seedlings under well-watered and water-limited conditions. We applied evaporative enrichment models of increasing complexity to predict Δe and ΔL, and estimated L from model fits. Water-limited plants showed moderate drought stress, with lower stomatal conductance, E and stem water potential than the control. Despite having double E , the divergence between Δe and ΔL was lower in well-watered than in water-limited plants, and thus, L should have changed to counteract differences in E . Indeed, L was about threefold higher in water-limited plants, regardless of the models used. We conclude that L changes with plant water status far beyond the variations explained by water content and other measured variables, thus limiting the use of current evaporative models under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   
During the spring of 1981, trichodinid protozoa were collected from the gills or urinary bladder of the following species of fishes of Rybinsk Reservoir, USSR, located on the upper reaches of the Volga River system: Esox lucius, Rutilus rutilus, Leuciscus idus, Blicca bjoerkna, Abramis ballerus, Pelecus cultratus, Lota lota, and Perca fluviatilis. A total of 13 species of Trichodinidae was recovered from Rybinsk fishes, among which are three new species of the genus Trichodina: T. izyumovae n. sp. from the gills of L. idus, T. borokensis n. sp. from the gills of P. cultratus, and T. kupermani n. sp. from the gills of A. ballerus. Other species of trichodinids reported are T. modesta Lom, 1980; T. nigra Lom, 1969; T. pediculus (O. F. Müller, 1786); T. prowazeki Grupcheva & Lom, 1980; T. rostrata Kulemina, 1968; T. urinaria Dogiel, 1940; T. ophiocephalus Kostenko & Karaev, 1976; Paratrichodina incisa (Lom, 1959); Trichodinella epizootica (Raabe, 1950); and Tripartiella copiosa Lom, 1959. Photomicrographs and morphometric data are presented for each species and aspects of their host and geographic distribution discussed. Trichodina algonquinensis Li & Desser, 1983 is considered a synonym of T. urinaria Dogiel, 1940.  相似文献   
Abstract: The decline of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) has been attributed to anthropogenic landscape disturbances, but critical distance thresholds and time lags between disturbance and extirpation are unknown. Using a database of caribou presence and extirpation for northern Ontario, Canada, geo-coded to 10 times 10-km cells, we constructed logistic regression models to predict caribou extirpation based on distance to the nearest of each of 9 disturbance types: forest cutovers, fires, roads, utility corridors, mines, pits and quarries, lakes, trails, and rail lines. We used Akaike's Information Criterion to select parsimonious models and Receiver-Operating Characteristic curves to derive optimal thresholds. To deal with the effects of spatial autocorrelation on estimates of model significance, we used subsampling and restricted randomizations. Forest cutovers were the best predictor of caribou occupancy, with a tolerance threshold of 13 km to nearest cutover and a time lag of 2 decades between disturbance by cutting and caribou extirpation. Management of woodland caribou should incorporate buffers around habitat and requires long-term monitoring of range occupancy.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the taxonomic and historical backgroundof the genus Araucaria with a discussion and evaluation of charactersused as a basis for sectional division. The three existing sectionsare more clearly delimited and a new section-Sectio Bunya-isproposed for A. Bidwilli, which is removed from section Columbea.A key to the four sections is given.  相似文献   
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