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The olive originated in the Mediterranean region, and is most extensively cultivated oleiferous tree species in the world due to its high economic value. The olive has been introduced to China for more than 50 years, and some cultivars have showed good ecological suitability. The plantation of olive in China is increasing rapidly. However, many olive trees during the fruiting age showed the low fruit-setting rates and unstable fruit yields. Studies on pollination biology of olive are important to improve olive fruit-setting rates, genetic resources, and clonal selection and cross-breeding. Overseas much have been done about studies on pollination biology of olive, which are still scarce in China. In this paper, we presented a review of the recent advances in the pollination biology of olive, with the emphasis on blossom phenological characteristics, floral morphology, pollen germination, mating system, as well as their impacts on the fruit set of olive. The future researches in China were subsequently suggested as follows: (1) Strengthen the basic researches of olive pollination biology, including the ratio between monoecious and andromonoecious flowers in main introduced cultivars, the mechanisms for the maintenance of the olive sexual system, and the functional differences between monoecious and andromonoecious flowers and their relationship with wind-pollination, (2) Both field artificial pollination and molecular technology should be combined to elucidate the olive breeding system of cultivars, to explore the genetic and physiological mechanisms of self-infertility and cross-pollination, and to find the determinative factors of affecting the pollination compatibility of various cultivars, and (3) Studies on both olive pollination biology and breeding system should be combined to analyze comprehensively the effects of pollination and fertilization processes on fruit setting and early fruit development.  相似文献   
从20种中药中分离纯化得到48株芽孢杆菌,其中25株对10种植物病原菌中至少一种具有拮抗作用,7株抗菌谱较广,其中1株广谱抗菌能力极强。25株有抗性菌株经纯化培养对其进行菌体菌落形态观察和生理生化特征鉴定,其中8株芽孢杆菌被初步鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌,3株被初步鉴定为蜡样芽孢杆菌,1株被初步鉴定为纳豆芽孢杆菌,1株被初步鉴定为地衣芽孢杆菌,发现两种可能对芽孢杆菌有抑制作用的中药。  相似文献   
【目的】构建入侵种松树蜂Sirex noctilio毒腺转录组数据库,筛选并分析松树蜂毒腺基因数据。【方法】采用新一代高通量测序平台Illumina HiSeqTM 4000对松树蜂雌成虫毒腺进行转录组测序、数据组装和生物信息学分析。【结果】共获得12.7 Gb松树蜂雌成虫毒腺有效转录组数据,并组装到37 098条unigenes,平均长度968 bp,N50长度为2 364 bp。将所得的unigenes数据使用BlastX与各大数据库比对,共注释到13 515条unigenes,并且在NR数据库中注释的unigenes最多,共11 108条(占总数的29.94%),其中相似基因占比最高的物种为丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Nasonia vitripennis,达815条(占总数的7.29%)。在GO数据库中注释到5 726条unigenes,根据功能被分为生物学进程、细胞组分和分子功能3大类63个亚类。KEGG代谢通路分析表明,7 602条unigenes注释到357个代谢通路。根据基因注释信息进一步筛选到43条嗅觉相关基因,包括嗅觉受体(odorant receptor, Or)基因25条、化学感受蛋白(chemosensory protein, CSP)基因10条、离子型受体(ionotropic receptor, IR)基因5条和气味结合蛋白(odorant binding protein, OBP)基因3条。此外,还筛选出11条漆酶基因,包括漆酶1(laccase1, LAC1)基因5条、漆酶2(laccase2, LAC2)基因4条、漆酶4(laccase4, LAC4)基因1条和漆酶9(laccase9, LAC9)基因1条,且其中1条LAC2基因在所有被注释的基因中表达量最高(FPKM值=21 126)。【结论】本研究获得的松树蜂毒腺转录组数据为松树蜂毒液组分的鉴定和生物学功能的研究奠定了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
GATA proteins are considered to be broadly involved in yield associated biological process, such as photoresponse, chlorophyll biosynthesis, and carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Based on castor bean genome database, a total of 19 GATA genes were identified and classified into 4 subfamilies according to gene structure, protein structure and their phylogenetic relationships. Results exhibited that GATA factors were hydrophilic proteins. Analysis of gene structure and protein structure revealed the conserved structural features of GATA factors between castor bean and Arabidopsis thaliana. The high throughput RNA seq data were used to define the expressional profiles of GATA genes among tissues. The results showed that most of the castor GATA genes preferentially expressed in leaf and root in contrast to their expression in developing seeds. In particular, the expression of GATA genes responding to darkness treatment in leaves was detected using semi quantitative RT PCR. It was shown that expression of three genes was down regulated under darkness treatment, which suggests a role for GATA genes of castor bean in light mediated regulation. These results provide important theoretical basis to the functions identification of castor GATA genes and increase castor yields.  相似文献   
本文报道了6~18岁1993名达斡尔族学生8项体质指标(身高、坐高、体重、肩宽、骨盆宽、胸围、腰围和臀围)的测量结果,并计算了10项体质指数。结果发现,达斡尔族在我国属体质发育较高的民族,并表现为一定的城乡差异;20多年来达斡尔族学生身高、体重、胸围全面增长,男女生身高最大增长年龄均提前约1岁左右,男生高年龄组身高和身体充实度增幅较大,但女生变化不大且肩宽和骨盆宽呈下降趋势。提示达斡尔族青少年体质发育表现为以生长突增提前为主的生长长期趋势,但女生高年龄组身高增长不明显、身体充实度有待提高,应采取营养和锻炼等措施促进其生长发育水平全面提高。  相似文献   
酵母基因Pho85编码一个依赖于细胞周期蛋白 (cyclin)的蛋白激酶 (CDK) ,参与多种调控途径。PHO85功能的多效性归于其相关的细胞周期因子 ,现已经鉴定了 10个与PHO85相关的细胞周期因子 (PCL)。为了筛选PAP1 PHO85激酶复合物的特异底物 ,以PAP1为靶分子 ,利用酵母双杂交 (two hybrid)系统从酵母cDNA文库中克隆到一个与PAP1相互作用的蛋白质因子的基因 ,Ylr190w。Ylr190w编码 491个氨基酸的多肽链。体外翻译的YLR190w与纯化的融合蛋白GST PAP1可以被谷胱甘肽亲和柱共同吸附 ,这表明PAP1与YLR190w在体外也可以结合。用免疫沉淀获得的PAP1 PHO85复合物可以磷酸化在大肠杆菌中表达GST YLR190w ;并受到无机磷浓度影响 :高磷条件时磷酸化程度高 ,低磷条件时磷酸化程度低。它能与酵母细胞内YAF9结合 ,YAF9是人具有转录调控活性蛋白质因子AF9的酵母同源物。YLR190w与YAF9的相互作用受到磷条件影响 ,突变YLR190w蛋白S/TP位点的S和T后 ,它们的相互作用明显减弱 ,且不再受到磷条件影响  相似文献   
目的 调查中学生耳鸣的分布情况及相关因素,为制订防治策略提供科学依据.方法 采用分层随机整群抽样法,对银川市2 009名中学生进行问卷调查、耳科检查,数据用SPSS 15.0统计软件处理.结果 中学生耳鸣的总体患病率为4.3%;女生耳鸣患病率(5.4%)高于男生(3.2%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).随身听使用时间、失眠及耳疾等是耳鸣的危险因素,OR值分别为2.676,2.882,3.508.结论 耳鸣可影响中学生的学习和生活,其发生与多种因素有关.  相似文献   
人类Y染色体是研究父系血缘的最佳材料。得益于近年来二代测序技术的发展,以及本实验室在东亚范围内大规模的遗传调查,我们获得了大量具有区分力的Y染色体新遗传标记,并构建了约20万份含有Y-STR和Y-SNP信息的遗传数据库,从而可以根据Y-STR单倍型推断出需要测试的样本的单倍群归属。因此,我们可以有针对性地选择较少的SNP组成"微检版"(mini-panel)去确定样本的真实遗传类型。本次对元宝坑一号墓曹操叔祖父曹鼎古DNA实验,证明曹操及其后人的遗传类型属于O2-M268+,F1462+,PK4-,弥补了之前通过现代人家系推测曹操遗传类型和Y-STR推测Y-SNP的缺陷。这一技术改进将使历史人类学的研究工具更加完善和有效。  相似文献   
甘草酸的提取及其抑菌活性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对甘草酸的各种提取方法进行了对比研究。结果表明,超声提取与传统搅拌提取、酶解提取及反复冻溶提取相比,是较适于从甘草中快速高效提取甘草酸的新方法,其最优条件为用20倍量0.7%氨水超声处理2次,每次20min。此外,探讨了提取的甘草酸的体外抑菌活性,其对金黄色葡萄球菌,大肠埃希氏杆菌,绿脓杆菌和枯草杆菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)分别为:0.0625,0.125,0.25,0.03125mg/mL,表明其具有较好的抑菌活性。  相似文献   
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