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In the present work, a comparative molecular study of Ctenocephalides felis and Ctenocephalides canis isolated from dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) from different geographical regions (Spain, Iran and South Africa) was carried out. We found morphological variations in C. felis that do not correspond with molecular differences. The Internal Transcribed Spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1, ITS2) and 18S rRNA partial gene, and cytochrome c‐oxidase 1 (cox1) mtDNA partial gene sequences were determined to clarify the taxonomic status of these two species, and to assess interpopulation variation and interspecific sequence differences. In addition, a comparative phylogenetic study with other species of fleas using Bayesian, Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood analysis was performed. The 18S rRNA partial gene fragment was useful neither to discriminate C. canis and C. felis nor to infer phylogenetic relationships at this level, whereas ITS1 and ITS2 assessed for specific determination in the genus Ctenocephalides. The cox1 mtDNA sequences of C. felis revealed three main haplotypes and we suggest that there has been introgression of C. canis cox1 mtDNA into C. felis by Wolbachia pipientis. Based on cox1 sequences, restriction mapping identified many endonucleases that could be used to delineate different haplotypes of C. felis and to differentiate C. felis and C. canis.  相似文献   
ANTONIO ROLANDO 《Ibis》1996,138(3):384-390
In the Mont Avic Natural Park (NW Italian Alps), the Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes occurred in coniferous forests where Arolla Pines Pinus cembra, its preferred habitat, were absent. A radiotelemetric study carried out during autumn 1992 and 1993 showed that, from September, Nutcrackers concentrated in the few Hazel Corylus avellana hedges of the rural zones of the park to collect nuts, which were eaten or stored. Individual home ranges overlapped to a high degree until October, when birds started to abandon the Hazel areas. From October onward, individual home ranges significantly expanded and their degree of overlap diminished compared to September. The home range analysis and the observations in the field suggested that the population of Nutcrackers in the park during autumn was made up of at least three different categories of birds, which displayed different ranging behaviour patterns. A few untagged birds probably stored nuts in their breeding territories, whereas all the radio-tagged birds ( n = 15) gave no indication of territorial use, since from October they either stored nuts in the coniferous woods near the Hazel hedges or abandoned the park to fly to other Hazel areas. Hence, during autumn the ranging behaviour of the Nutcrackers seems to be largely independent of their reproductive territorial system. Habitat selection analysis and transect counts revealed that birds positively selected Hazels, especially in the coniferous woods around Hazel hedges, and avoided the other coniferous forests. Nevertheless, from October some individuals reversed their habitat choices and positively selected coniferous forests (especially Mountain Pine Pinus uncinata woods) while avoiding Hazel.  相似文献   
Gossypol, a polyphenolic compound from the cotton plant, immobilizes and structurally alters cultured Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. Ultrastructural changes observed in gossypol-treated parasites were first detected in the kinetoplast and mitochondrion. At 50 μM concentration, much disorganization was evident after 5 min of incubation. With 25 μM gossypol, the same effect occurred after 30 min. Most epimastigotes were rounded, containing various membranous structures that could not be related to known cell components.  相似文献   
Tropical vegetation is a major source of global land surface evapotranspiration, and can thus play a major role in global hydrological cycles and global atmospheric circulation. Accurate prediction of tropical evapotranspiration is critical to our understanding of these processes under changing climate. We examined the controls on evapotranspiration in tropical vegetation at 21 pan-tropical eddy covariance sites, conducted a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of 13 evapotranspiration models at these sites, and assessed the ability to scale up model estimates of evapotranspiration for the test region of Amazonia. Net radiation was the strongest determinant of evapotranspiration (mean evaporative fraction was 0.72) and explained 87% of the variance in monthly evapotranspiration across the sites. Vapor pressure deficit was the strongest residual predictor (14%), followed by normalized difference vegetation index (9%), precipitation (6%) and wind speed (4%). The radiation-based evapotranspiration models performed best overall for three reasons: (1) the vegetation was largely decoupled from atmospheric turbulent transfer (calculated from Ω decoupling factor), especially at the wetter sites; (2) the resistance-based models were hindered by difficulty in consistently characterizing canopy (and stomatal) resistance in the highly diverse vegetation; (3) the temperature-based models inadequately captured the variability in tropical evapotranspiration. We evaluated the potential to predict regional evapotranspiration for one test region: Amazonia. We estimated an Amazonia-wide evapotranspiration of 1370 mm yr−1, but this value is dependent on assumptions about energy balance closure for the tropical eddy covariance sites; a lower value (1096 mm yr−1) is considered in discussion on the use of flux data to validate and interpolate models.  相似文献   
Triggering of defences by microbes has mainly been investigated using single elicitors or microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), but MAMPs are released in planta as complex mixtures together with endogenous oligogalacturonan (OGA) elicitor. We investigated the early responses in Arabidopsis of calcium influx and oxidative burst induced by non-saturating concentrations of bacterial MAMPs, used singly and in combination: flagellin peptide (flg22), elongation factor peptide (elf18), peptidoglycan (PGN) and component muropeptides, lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) and core oligosaccharides. This revealed that some MAMPs have additive (e.g. flg22 with elf18) and even synergistic (flg22 and LOS) effects, whereas others mutually interfere (flg22 with OGA). OGA suppression of flg22-induced defences was not a result of the interference with the binding of flg22 to its receptor flagellin-sensitive 2 (FLS2). MAMPs induce different calcium influx signatures, but these are concentration dependent and unlikely to explain the differential induction of defence genes [pathogenesis-related gene 1 ( PR1 ), plant defensin gene 1.2 ( PDF1.2 ) and phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene 1 ( PAL1 )] by flg22, elf18 and OGA. The peptide MAMPs are potent elicitors at subnanomolar levels, whereas PGN and LOS at high concentrations induce low and late host responses. This difference might be a result of the restricted access by plant cell walls of MAMPs to their putative cellular receptors. flg22 is restricted by ionic effects, yet rapidly permeates a cell wall matrix, whereas LOS, which forms supramolecular aggregates, is severely constrained, presumably by molecular sieving. Thus, MAMPs can interact with each other, whether directly or indirectly, and with the host wall matrix. These phenomena, which have not been considered in detail previously, are likely to influence the speed, magnitude, versatility and composition of plant defences.  相似文献   
Rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide have been predicted to stimulate the growth of forest trees. However, long-term effects on trees growing to maturity and to canopy closure while exposed to elevated CO2 have never been examined. We compared tree ring chronologies of Mediterranean Quercus ilex which have been continuously exposed to elevated CO2 (around 650 μmol mol–1) since they were seedlings, near two separate natural CO2 springs with those from trees at nearby ambient-CO2‘control’ sites. Trees grown under high CO2 for 30 years (1964–93) showed a 12% greater final radial stem width than those growing at the ambient-CO2 control sites. However, this stimulation was largely due to responses when trees were young. By the time trees were 25–30 y old the annual difference in tree ring width between low and high CO2 grown trees had disappeared. At any given tree age, elevated CO2 had a relatively greater positive effect on tree ring width in years with a dry spring compared to years with more rainfall between April and May. This indicates a beneficial effect of elevated CO2 on tree water relations under drought stress. Our data suggest that the early regeneration phase of forest stands can be accelerated in CO2-enriched atmospheres and that maximum biomass per land area may be reached sooner than under lower CO2 concentrations. In our study, high CO2 grown Q. ilex trees reached the same stem basal area at the age of 26 y as control trees at 29 y, i.e. three years earlier (faster turnover of carbon?). Reliable predictions of the future development of forests need to account for the variable responses of trees over their entire lifetime. Such responses to elevated CO2 can presently only be assessed at such unique field sites.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of the microtubular systems to cold and nocodazole treatments as well as the cellular distribution of microtubules containing acetylated a-tubulin have been studied in Paramecium. Our results indicate that the microtubular systems of Paramecium show marked differences in stability. Cold and nocodazole treatments produce the depolymerization of the major part of the cytoplasmic microtubular network while the cortical structures remain stable under treatment. This differential stability of the microtubular systems is associated with the acetylation of the a-tubulin. The use of the antibody 6-11B-1, specific for acetylated α-tubulin, shows that the microtubular systems containing acetylated a-tubulin are the same as those that remain stable after depoly-merizing treatments. Finally, the images obtained during the repolymerization by heating suggest that the cortical dikinetids are able to nucleate the microtubules of the cytoplasmic network.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Interference with the water-air interface, both direct (by contact with a flat, rigid surface) and indirect (by inducing a meniscus) caused the ciliated protozoa we investigated to actively collect in the water column or on the substrate directly under the area of altered surface tension. A crowding effect is observed in this "rest area" reaching plateau values within one hour after onset of the experiment. The simple experimental procedures described here induced analogous behaviour in both Paramecium caudatum (a swimmer) and Oxytricha bifaria (a crawler). The ciliates seem in this reaction to be seeking a refuge from vibrations transmitted by the free interface. Our discovery is discussed in its implications for the adaptive biology and ecology of these micro-organisms.  相似文献   
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