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Gynoecium diversity and systematics of the Magnoliales and winteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carpel and ovule structure was compared in representatives of all 11 families of the Magnoliales (Annonaceae, Canellaceae, Degeneriaceae, Eupomatiaccae, Himantandraceae, Magnoliaceae, Myristicaceae) and winteroids (Austrobaileyaceae, Illiciaceae, Sehisandraceae, Winteraceae). Special attention was paid to features that are constant at family level. Bisexual flowers are always protogynous. In all representatives studied the carpels are closed at anthesis. Caipel closure is attained in three different ways: (1) postgenital fusion of inner surfaces (Degeneriaceae, Eupomatiaccae. Winteraceae), or (2) occlusion by secretion (Austrobaileyaceae, Sehisandraceae), or (3) a combination of (1) and (2): in Annonaceae, Canellaceae, Myristicaceae there is a conspicuous secretory canal in the innermost part of the ventral slit; in Illiciaceae and Magnoliaceae there is a narrow canal in the innermost part of the ventral slit; and in Himantandraceae the ventral slit is postgenilally fused in the style but completely open in the ovary. In most families the carpels have a double stigmalic crest or they have two tips in the transversal symmetry plane (i.e. at right angles to the median plane). Stigmas are unicellular papillate in most families but the papillae are bi-to multicellular (uniseriate) in Degeneriaceae and Eupomatiaceae. An unusual cryptic exlracarpellary compitum was found in Himantandraceae and Sehisandraceae. Intrusive oil cells were found in the carpel epidermis of Illiciaceae and Sehisandraceae. Mature ovules vary in length between 0.15 and 1.1 mm. The outer integument is fully annular (not semiannular) in Degeneriaceae, Himantandraceae, Canellaceae, Myristicaceae, and Illiciaceae. A rudimentary aril occurs in Canellaceae, and originates at the same site as in arillate Annonaceae and Myristicaceae. The results most strongly support an Annonaceae-Myristicaceae-Canellaceae alliance, to some degree also an Eupomatiaccac-Degeneriaceae-Himantandraceae-Magnoliaceae alliance, and an Illiciaceae-Schisandraceae-Winteraccae-Austrobaileyaceae alliance.  相似文献   
Gynoecium diversity and systematics of the basal eudicots   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gynoecium and ovule structure was compared in representatives of the basal eudicots, including Ranunculales (Berberidaceae, Circaeasteraceae, Eupteleaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Menispermaceae, Papaveraceae, Ranunculaceae), Proteales (Nelumbonaceae, Platanaceae, Proteaceae), some families of the former ‘lower’ hamamelids that have been moved to Saxifragales (Altingiaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Hamamelidaceae), and some families of uncertain position (Gunneraceae, Myrothamnaceae, Buxaceae, Sabiaceae, Trochodendraceae). In all representatives studied, the carpels (or syncarpous gynoecia) are closed at anthesis. This closure is attained in different ways: (1) by secretion without postgenital fusion (Berberidaceae, Papaveraceae, Nelumbonaceae, probably Circaeaster); (2) by a combination of postgenital fusion and secretion; (2a) with a complete secretory canal and partly postgenitally fused periphery (Lardizabalaceae, Menispermaceae, some Ranunculaceae, Sabiaceae); (2b) with an incomplete secretory canal and completely fused periphery (Tro-chodendron); (3) by complete postgenital fusion without a secretory canal (most Ranunculaceae, Eupteleaceae, Platanaceae, Proteaceae, all families of Saxifragales and incertae sedis studied here). Stigmas are double-crested and decurrent in most of the non-ranunculalian taxa; unicellular-papillate in most taxa, but with multicellular protuberances in Daphniphyllaceae and Hamamelidaceae. Carpels predominantly have three vascular bundles, but five in Proteales (without Nelumbonaceae), Myrothamnaceae and Trochodendraceae. The latter two also share ‘oil’ cells in the carpels. Stomata on the outer carpel surface are present in the majority of Ranunculales and Proteales, but tend to be lacking in the saxifragalian families. In basal eudicots, especially in the non-ranunculalian families there is a trend to form more than one ovule per carpel but to develop only one seed, likewise there is a trend to have immature ovules at anthesis. Ovule number per carpel is predominantly one or two. Proteales (without Nelumbonales) mainly have orthotropous ovules, the other groups have anatropous (or hemitropous or campylotropous) ovules. The outer integument is annular in the groups with orthotropous or hemitropous ovules, and also in a number of saxifragalian families with anatropous ovules. In Proteales the integuments are predominantly lobed but there is no distinct pattern in this feature among the other groups. Among Ranunculales two pairs of families (Lardizabalaceae/Menispermaceae and Bcrberidaceae/Papaveraceae) due to similarities in gynoecium structure can be recognized, which are not apparent in molecular analyses. The close relationship of Platanaceae and Proteaceae is supported by gynoecium structure but gynoecial features do not support their affinity to Nelumbonaceae. The alliance of Daphniphyllaceae with Hamamelidaceae s.l. is also supported.  相似文献   
Phenetic analyses of 24 morphological characters, collected in the field for 150 trees of Widdringtonia in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and northern South Africa, show two distinct clusters. One can be identified as W. whytei , a tall, wide-crowned forest tree endemic to Mt Mulanje in Malawi, while the other is W. nodi/bra , a multi-stemmed shrub or narrow-crowned tree, which is common on Mulanje and widespread in southern Africa. These two sympatric species are distinct on phenetic, phylogenetic, ecological and biological grounds. The distinguishing characters of the two species are analysed and discussed and the differences are related to different responses to fire. Widdringtonia whytei is a forest pioneer with limited fire survival ability, while W. nodiflora coppices after fire and is common in fire-prone heathlands. To date it has been assumed that there is a single species of Widdringtonia on Mt Mulanje, and this has led to faulty management and exploitation decisions. Extensive plantations of the economically useless W. nodiflora have been established, in the belief that they are the economically desirable Mulanje cedar, W. whytei , which is now in danger of extinction.  相似文献   
Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers suitable for population genetic studies and genetic mapping were developed for Leptosphaeria maculans, a fungal pathogen of canola (Brassica napus). Polymorphism was evaluated using 14 isolates from diverse geographical locations. Each locus had either two or three alleles. Cross‐species amplification was observed for almost all loci in L. biglobosa ‘brassicae’ and L. maculans ‘lepidii’.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Statistical population reconstruction offers a robust approach to demographic assessment for harvested populations, but current methods are restricted to big-game species with multiple age classes. We extended this approach to small game and analyzed 14 years of age-at-harvest data for greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Oregon, USA, in conjunction with radiotelemetry data to reconstruct annual abundance levels, recruitment, and natural survival probabilities. Abundance estimates ranged from a low of 26,236 in 1995 to a high of 39,492 in 2004. Annual abundance estimates for adult males were correlated with a spring lek count index (r = 0.849, P < 0.029). We estimated the average annual harvest mortality for the population to be 0.028, ranging from 0.021 to 0.031 across years. We estimated the probability of natural survival of adult females to be 0.818 ( = 0.052), somewhat higher than that of adult males (Ŝ = 0.609, = 0.163). Our precision in reconstructing the population was hampered by low harvest rates and the few birds tagged in the radiotelemetry investigations. Despite these issues, our analysis illustrates how modern statistical reconstruction procedures offer a flexible framework for demographic assessment using commonly collected data. This approach offers a useful alternative to small-game indices and would be most appropriate for species with 5 or more years of age-at-harvest data and moderate-to-heavy harvest rates.  相似文献   
Gynoecium diversity and systematics of the paleoherbs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gynoecium and ovule structure was compared in representatives of all families of the paleoherbs, including Nymphaeales (Cabombaceae, Nymphaeaceae), Piperales (Saururaceae, Piperaceae), Aristolochiales (Lactoridaceae, Aristolochiaceae), Rafflesiales (Hydnoraceae, Rafflesiaceae) and, in addition, Ceratophyllaceae and Nelumbonaceae, both of which were earlier included in Nymphaeales, but then segregated and with an unestablished position. In all representatives studied, the carpels are closed at anthesis. Carpel closure is attained in three different ways: (1) postgenital fusion of inner surfaces (Piperales, Aristolochiales); (2) occlusion by secretion or mutual appression of inner surfaces without postgenital fusion (Cabombaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Nelumbonaceae (?) or (3) strong secretion combined with postgenital fusion at the periphery of the carpel (Nymphaeaceae). In Cytinus (Rafflesiaceae), after an earlier developmental stage with apparent postgenital fusion there is strong internal secretion (within the cell walls). Stigma shape tends to be double-crested in the basal taxa of each order: Cabombaceae (Brasenia), Saururaceae, and Lactoridaceae. In some Aristolochiaceae and Cytinus (Rafflesiaceae) they have two lobes in the transverse symmetry plane (i. e. at right angles to the median plane) or, if the carpels are united, the stigmatic lobes are commissural, accordingly. Stigmas are unicellular papillate and secretory in most taxa, but the papillae are uniseriate-pluricellular in some (not basal) Nymphaeaceae, Asaroideae (Aristolochiaceae) and Cytinus (Rafflesiaceae). Ceratophyllaceae have smooth stigmas. Intrusive oil cells in the carpel epidermis were found in Piperales and Aristolochiaceae. Mature ovules vary in length between 0. 2 mm and 2. 5 mm. Mature nucelli vary in breadth between 0. 03 mm and 1. 6 mm. These differences are larger than in the other major magnoliid groups. The outer integument is fully annular (not semiannular) in all taxa with orthotropous ovules (all Piperales and Barclaya of Nymphaeaceae) and also in some with anatropous ovules (some Nymphaeaceae, some Aristolochiaceae). The integuments are variously lobed or unlobed; both integuments tend to exhibit the same behaviour within a family, either both lobed or both unlobed. The results strongly support three pairs of families in sister group relationships, as suggested by studies based on other characters: Cabombaceae-Nymphaeaceae, Saururaceae-Piperaceae, and Lactoridaceae-Aristolochiaceae, and Hydnoraceae-Rafflesiaceae to some extent. Piperales and Aristolochiales are closer to each other than either is to Nymphaeales. Nelumbonaceae is isolated, as is Ceratophyllaceae, but the status of the latter is more difficult to interpret owing to apparent reduction in morphological, anatomical and histological traits.  相似文献   
Twenty-one isolates of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus luteus were screened for their tolerance to the heavy metals Zn, Cd, Cu and Ni, measured as inhibition of radial growth and biomass production. Two populations from even-aged pine stands were investigated: 10 isolates were obtained from an area polluted with high levels of Zn, Cd and Cu, and 11 isolates were obtained from a control population located in a nearby unpolluted area. RFLP patterns of the internal transcribed spacer region of the isolates confirmed the morphological identification of the carpophores. All isolates were maintained on basic medium without elevated metals to avoid phenotypically acquired metal tolerance. The in vitro Zn and Cd tolerance of the S. luteus isolates from the polluted habitat were significantly higher than the tolerances measured in the isolates from the nonpolluted site. This observation suggests that the elevated soil metal concentrations might be responsible for the evolution of adaptive Zn and Cd tolerance. Tolerance was maintained in an isolate not exposed to elevated metals for 3 yr. The two S. luteus populations did not differ in tolerance to Cu and Ni. The mechanisms for the adaptive Zn and Cd tolerance are not identical as there was no correlation between response to the two metals; the most Zn-tolerant isolate was the most sensitive for Cd in the metal-tolerant population. Zinc did not accumulate in basidiocarp tissue, whereas Cd levels in basidiocarps were significantly higher in the population on the polluted site. Inter-simple sequence-repeat fingerprints showed that 90% of the isolates were from different individuals. The genetic variation in the population from the unpolluted site was considerably larger than that observed at the polluted site.  相似文献   
1. Electron transport system (ETS) activity and oxygen consumption were measured in three crustacean species (Gammarus fossarum, Asellus aquaticus and Niphargus sphagnicolus) that differ in their pH tolerance. Measurements were made under four different pH regimes: strongly acid (pH 4.5–5.0), weakly acid (5.5–6.0), ‘neutral’ (7.0–7.8) and alkaline (8.5–9.0). 2. The significantly lower ETS activity/respiration (ETS/R) ratios observed in strongly acid water than in neutral and alkaline water indicate an effect of acidity on metabolism of the organisms. The main reason for the lower ratios is not increased oxygen consumption (except for G. fossarum in strongly acid water) but decreased ETS activity. Metabolic potential was lower in strongly and weakly acid water than in neutral water. Therefore, efficient exploitation of metabolic potential (i.e. of relatively large production of ATP with the existing enzyme machinery) probably enables N. sphagnicolus and A. aquaticus to survive in an acid environment. 3. Increased oxygen consumption of G. fossarum in strongly acid water indicates an acid stress that leads to the collapse of metabolism and, consequent death of the animals. 4. Although N. sphagnicolus is found exclusively in permanently acid water, no negative effect of alkaline water on metabolism was observed. This species can, therefore, be best considered as an acid‐resistant species, not an acidobiont.  相似文献   
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