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Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) share food even if separated by a mesh restraint. Pairs of capuchins were moved into a test chamber in which one of them received apple pieces for 20 min, and the other received carrot pieces for the next 20 min. Previous research had shown a correlation between the rate of food transfer in both directions across female-female dyads. The present study confirmed this result. Reciprocity across dyads can be explained, however, by symmetry in affiliative and tolerant tendencies between two individuals, provided these tendencies determine food sharing. The present study was designed to exclude this symmetry-based explanation by testing each pair (N=16) of adult females on six separate occasions. There existed a significant covariation across tests of sharing in both dyadic directions, a result unexplained by relationship symmetry. Moreover, control procedures (i.e. testing of a food possessor without a partner, or testing of two individuals with the same food or two different foods at the same time) indicated that behaviour during food trials is not fully explained by mutual attraction or aversion. The monkeys take the quality of their own and the partner's food into account, and possessors limit transfers of high-quality foods. Instead of a symmetry-based reciprocity explanation, a mediating role of memory is suggested, and a mirroring of social attitude between partners. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   
1. Respiratory electron transport system (ETS) activity and oxygen consumption were measured at 10 °C for the hypogean amphipods Niphargus stygius (from two epikarst locations) and N. krameri (from a sinking river in a cave) and the epigean amphipod Gammarus fossarum (inhabiting a spring and a river). 2. ETS activity and oxygen consumption were compared between caves and the two surface locations, and between hypogean and epigean amphipods. ETS activities were found not to differ between animals from different locations, or between epigean and hypogean amphipods. As expected, the oxygen consumption of N. krameri and N. stygius was lower than that of G. fossarum. 3. The high ratio between ETS activity and oxygen consumption (ETS/R ratio) showed that N. krameri and N. stygius possess high metabolic potential that can be exploited for energy recovery and rapid restoration of body reserves immediately following the appearance of favourable conditions (food and/or oxygen). In contrast, G. fossarum exhibited a low ETS/R ratio, indicating exploitation of a great proportion of the metabolic potential for standard metabolism. 4. Feeding in N. stygius increased oxygen consumption but not ETS activity, and thus fed N. stygius had a much lower ETS/R ratio than starved ones. 5. A relatively high metabolic potential (i.e. high ETS/R ratio) may be an adaptation to hypogean life in amphipods, in that it improves survival under poor food and/or oxygen conditions.  相似文献   
Limitation of photosynthesis and light activation of ribulose,1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCO) were examined in the 5thleaf of seedlings of red clover (Trifolium pratense L. cv. Renova)for 5 d following an increase in photosynthetic photon fluxdensity (PPFD) from 200 to 550µmol quanta m–2 s–1.Net photosynthesis and its stimulation at 2.0 kPa O2 initialactivity of rapidly extracted RuBPCO, standard activity of RuBPCOafter incubation of the extracts in the presence of CO2, Mg2+,and inorganic phosphate and contents of soluble protein, starch,soluble sugars, and various photosynthetic metabolites weredetermined. Photosynthesis decreased and starch content increased.No decrease in photosynthesis was found if, when PPFD was increased,all leaves except the investigated 5th leaf were removed, suggestingthat the decrease in photosynthesis was due to accumulated carbohydrates.The stimulation of photosynthesis at 2.0 kPa O2 did not decreaseand the ratio of the total foliar steady-state contents of triosephosphate to 3-phosphoglycerate increased suggesting that thedecrease in photosynthesis was not due to limiting inorganicphosphate in chloroplasts. Intercellular CO2 partial pressureand RuBP content were not decreased. Nevertheless, the ratioof photosynthesis to initial RuBPCO activity decreased, suggestingthat the catalysis per active RuBPCO site was decreased. Theincrease in PPFD in the growth cabinet and the PPFD at whichleaves were preconditioned for 1 h, affected not only initialactivity but also the standard activity of RuBPCO. The resultssuggest that a varying proportion of RuBPCO was bound to membranesand was contained in the insoluble fraction of the extracts.A comparison of photosynthesis with extracted RuBPCO activitysuggested that membrane bound RuBPCO did not contribute to photosyntheticCO2 fixation and that the binding and release to and from membranesmodulated actual RuBPCO activity in vivo. Key words: Photosynthesis, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, starch  相似文献   
The ovary and young fruit of Jackiopsis ornata has internal, unbranched, septate hairs which are more or less evenly dispersed over the entire interior surface of the locules and present in quite large numbers. This is the first record of intra-ovarian trichomes in the Rubiaceae. The trichomes do not seem to have an obvious function in that they do not appear to serve as a specialized pollen transmitting tissue or play a role in directing pollen tube growth.  相似文献   
Abstract: Larval and metamorphosed Ferganobatrachus riabinini (Temnospondyli, Brachyopoidea), metamorphosed Kokartus honorarius (Caudata, Karauridae), an indeterminated karaurid (Karauridae indet.) and, presumably, anurans (?Anura indet.) are represented by isolated cranial and postcranial skeletal elements in the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian–Callovian) Balabansai Svita of the Fergana Depression, Kyrgyzstan. The Balabansai vertebrate assemblage is one of the few faunas in which non‐lissamphibian temnospondyls, stem caudates and anurans occur together. The presence of a supraglenoid foramen and a complex strap‐like glenoid on the scapulocoracoid in Kokartus supports its basal phylogenetic position within the Caudata.  相似文献   


Exposure to toxins/chemicals is considered to be a significant risk factor in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD); one putative chemical is the naturally occurring herbicide rotenone that is now used widely in establishing PD models. We, and others, have shown that chronic low dose rotenone treatment induces excessive accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), inclusion body formation and apoptosis in dopaminergic neurons of animal and human origin. Some studies have also suggested that microglia enhance the rotenone induced neurotoxicity. While the effects of rotenone on neurons are well established, there is little or no information available on the effect of rotenone on microglial cells, and especially cells of human origin. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of chronic low dose rotenone treatment on human microglial CHME-5 cells.


We have shown previously that rotenone induced inclusion body formation in human dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells and therefore used these cells as a control for inclusion body formation in this study. SH-SY5Y and CHME-5 cells were treated with 5 nM rotenone for four weeks. At the end of week 4, both cell types were analysed for the presence of inclusion bodies, superoxide dismutases and cell activation (only in CHME-5 cells) using Haematoxylin and Eosin staining, immunocytochemical and western blotting methods. Levels of active caspases and ROS (both extra and intra cellular) were measured using biochemical methods.


The results suggest that chronic low dose rotenone treatment activates human microglia (cell line) in a manner similar to microglia of animal origin as shown by others. However human microglia release excessive amounts of ROS extracellularly, do not show excessive amounts of intracellular ROS and active caspases and most importantly do not show any protein aggregation or inclusion body formation. Human microglia appear to be resistant to rotenone (chronic, low dose) induced damage.
1. Invertebrate drift is commonly investigated in streams, with the majority of studies focussed on temporal (typically diel) variation. In comparison, few studies have investigated spatial variation in drift and there is little consensus among them. We tested the hypothesis that spatial variation in invertebrate drift is as important as temporal variation. 2. The density of drifting invertebrates in a chalk stream was sampled using an array of nets arranged to determine vertical, lateral and longitudinal variation. Samples were collected at dawn, during the day, at dusk and by night, on four separate monthly occasions. Insecta and Crustacea were analysed separately to identify the effect of differing life history strategies. The density of drifting debris was also recorded, to act as a null model. 3. Time of day and vertical position together explained the majority of the variance in invertebrate drift (79% for Insecta and 97% for Crustacea), with drift densities higher at dusk and night, and nearer the stream bed. Independently, time of day (38%, Insecta; 52%, Crustacea) and vertical position (41%, Insecta; 45%, Crustacea) explained a similar amount of the observed variance. Month explained some of the variance in insect drift (9%) but none for Crustacea. 4. Variation in the density of drifting debris showed little in common with invertebrate drift. There was little variation associated with time of day and only 27% of the observed variation in debris could be explained by the factors investigated here, with month explaining the largest proportion (20%). We suggest the difference in drifting debris and invertebrates provides further evidence for a strong behavioural component in invertebrate drift. 5. Spatial variation in invertebrate drift can be of the same order of magnitude as the much‐described diel temporal variation. The extent of this spatial variation poses problems when attempting to quantify invertebrate drift and we recommend that spatial replication should be incorporated into drift studies.  相似文献   
We investigated the patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in the global population of the commercial mushroom Agaricus bisporus . Through the analysis of RFLP's among 441 isolates from nine countries in North America and Eurasia, we found a total of 140 mtDNA haplotypes. Based on population genetic analysis, there are four genetically distinct natural populations in this species, found in coastal California, desert California, France and Alberta (Canada). While 134 of the 140 mtDNA haplotypes were unique to single geographical regions, two mtDNA haplotypes, mt001 and mt002, were found in almost every population surveyed. These two mtDNA haplotypes also predominate among cultivars used throughout the world for at least the last two decades. These two mtDNA haplotypes are more similar to the cosmopolitan groups of mtDNA haplotypes than to the indigeneous clusters of mtDNA haplotypes from the two Californian regions.  相似文献   
Road traffic is one of the most pervasive forms of anthropogenic disturbance, but its impact on pollination, a potentially sensitive ecosystem process, has not been investigated. Such an assessment is needed in order to evaluate the potential for roadside verges to act as biodiversity refugia and corridors in otherwise transformed landscapes. Here, we document the impact of a two‐lane tar road on pollination by birds in the Cape fynbos of South Africa. To do so, we developed a quick and widely applicable method of determining pollination rates in bird‐pollinated members of the large genus Erica. Experiments with caged birds showed that the status of the anther ring (broken/perfect) indicated a sunbird visit with 92% accuracy, while field surveys confirmed anther ring status also serves as a proxy for pollen receipt to stigmas. Using this technique we determined pollination rate in Erica perspicua at three distances from the road (0–10, 20–30 and 40–50 m). After controlling for flower colour, robbing rate and plant density, significantly fewer anther rings were disturbed in close proximity to the road. The documented twofold decline in pollination along roadsides could have important implications for the way we view and manage road verges as refugia for species and ecological processes.  相似文献   
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