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We modelled the future distribution in 2050 of 975 endemic plant species in southern Africa distributed among seven life forms, including new methodological insights improving the accuracy and ecological realism of predictions of global changes studies by: (i) using only endemic species as a way to capture the full realized niche of species, (ii) considering the direct impact of human pressure on landscape and biodiversity jointly with climate, and (iii) taking species' migration into account. Our analysis shows important promises for predicting the impacts of climate change in conjunction with land transformation. We have shown that the endemic flora of Southern Africa on average decreases with 41% in species richness among habitats and with 39% on species distribution range for the most optimistic scenario. We also compared the patterns of species' sensitivity with global change across life forms, using ecological and geographic characteristics of species. We demonstrate here that species and life form vulnerability to global changes can be partly explained according to species' (i) geographical distribution along climatic and biogeographic gradients, like climate anomalies, (ii) niche breadth or (iii) proximity to barrier preventing migration. Our results confirm that the sensitivity of a given species to global environmental changes depends upon its geographical distribution and ecological proprieties, and makes it possible to estimate a priori its potential sensitivity to these changes.  相似文献   
1. Despite carrying capacity being one of the most important parameters in population management and modelling, we lack substantial evidence for habitat limitations on freshwater species. Here we tested the ideal free distribution (IFD) hypothesis using an indirect behaviour‐based method for small closed populations assuming that animals can effectively estimate habitat suitability and distribute themselves accordingly in time and space. 2. We analysed spatiotemporal variations in the density of the European eel Anguilla, a catadromous species with good colonisation abilities in a small coastal catchment in France. The general linear model used enabled us to test simultaneously the effect of temporal, macro‐ and meso‐scale habitat factors on the presence and abundance of eels at 30 sites over an 8‐year period. 3. Almost every site sampled had eels, whatever its location on the catchment and its habitat characteristics. Density estimates (overall mean ± SD of 0.40 ± 0.48 m?2) were at the upper range of other values for European catchments. Moreover, eel densities were mainly influenced by the availability of suitable habitats (rocky substratum and instream cover), which suggests that their distribution reflects an IFD. 4. Despite marked variability in recruitment, the density of the oldest size‐class remained stable over the study, suggesting that density‐dependent mortality occurred, probably due to intraspecific competition for space and food and to predation. 5. These findings suggest that eel habitats are saturated in the Frémur. Therefore, we suggest that the mean abundance of eels observed could serve as a threshold value for other male‐dominated river stocks (provided they have a similar overall percentage of suitable habitats) that are common in small, low gradient streams on the north‐Atlantic coast of Europe.  相似文献   
Mountain ecosystems will likely be affected by global warming during the 21st century, with substantial biodiversity loss predicted by species distribution models (SDMs). Depending on the geographic extent, elevation range, and spatial resolution of data used in making these models, different rates of habitat loss have been predicted, with associated risk of species extinction. Few coordinated across-scale comparisons have been made using data of different resolutions and geographic extents. Here, we assess whether climate change-induced habitat losses predicted at the European scale (10 × 10' grid cells) are also predicted from local-scale data and modeling (25 m × 25 m grid cells) in two regions of the Swiss Alps. We show that local-scale models predict persistence of suitable habitats in up to 100% of species that were predicted by a European-scale model to lose all their suitable habitats in the area. Proportion of habitat loss depends on climate change scenario and study area. We find good agreement between the mismatch in predictions between scales and the fine-grain elevation range within 10 × 10' cells. The greatest prediction discrepancy for alpine species occurs in the area with the largest nival zone. Our results suggest elevation range as the main driver for the observed prediction discrepancies. Local-scale projections may better reflect the possibility for species to track their climatic requirement toward higher elevations.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Blackfly larvae were collected from twenty-one stations in five lake outlets in Southern Quebec. Tiles (total area=500cm2) were introduced in early March, and collected 4 weeks later: randomly selected rocks (30–500cm) from the surrounding area were collected at the same time. 2. Larval densities on tiles were significantly less variable than on rocks. The variance of density estimates on tiles averaged 36% of the observed variance on natural rocks, or 67% when variance on rocks was corrected for average rock size. 3. Tiles significantly overestimated densities on rocks in some streams, and significantly underestimated them in others. These differences could not be explained by microhabitat differences (distance from the lake, depth, current velocity) between rock and tile samples. The bias that tiles introduce in density estimates precludes their use in comparisons among sites.  相似文献   
1. Stream conditions have been evaluated using leaf breakdown, and aquatic hyphomycetes are a diverse group of fungal decomposers which contribute to this process. 2. In field surveys of three pairs of impact‐control stream sites we assessed the effect of eutrophication, mine pollution and modification of riparian vegetation on alder leaf breakdown rate in coarse and fine mesh bags and on mycelial biomass, spore production and species diversity of leaf‐colonizing fungi. 3. In addition, we gathered published information on the response of leaf‐colonizing fungi to these three types of perturbations. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 23 published papers to look for consistent patterns across studies and to determine the relevance of four fungal‐based metrics (microbial breakdown rate, maximum spore production, maximum mycelial biomass and total species richness) to detect stream impairment. 4. In our field surveys, leaf breakdown rates in coarse mesh bags were lower at impact than at paired control sites regardless of perturbation type. A similar trend was observed for leaf breakdown rates in fine mesh bags. Mycelial biomass and spore production were higher in the eutrophied stream than in the control stream. Spore production was depressed in the mine polluted stream, while it was slightly enhanced in the stream affected by forestry. Fungal diversity tended to be lower at impact than at paired control sites, though the mean and cumulative species richness values were often inconsistent. 5. Results of the meta‐analysis confirmed that mine pollution reduces fungal diversity and performance. Eutrophication was not found to affect microbial breakdown rate, maximum spore production and maximum mycelial biomass in a predictable manner because both positive and negative effects were reported in the literature. However, fungal species richness was consistently reduced in eutrophied streams. Modification of riparian vegetation had at most a small stimulating effect on maximum spore production. Among the four fungal‐based metrics included in the meta‐analysis, maximum spore production emerged as the most sensitive indicator of human impact on streams. 6. Taken together, our findings indicate that human activities can affect the diversity and functions of aquatic hyphomycetes in streams. We also show that leaf breakdown rate and simple fungal‐based metrics, such as spore production, are relevant to assess stream condition.  相似文献   
Abstract: The controversial taxon Colombitherium tolimense (Mammalia) (probably Late Eocene in age) from Colombia, although known for nearly 40 years, still bears much mystery. Aside from the problematic ordinal attribution of the holotype and only specimen, its determination as an upper or lower jaw remains a highly debated issue. New observations include the presence of a contact facet on the distal face of the most posterior tooth, which indicates that the fragmentary jaw preserves three premolars and two molars; the M3, unpreserved but present, being most probably reduced. This new interpretation completely fits the morphology of the teeth. Furthermore, the shape of these latter and the deeper wear encompassed by their lingual part relative to the labial one is typical of upper dentition. This is in agreement with the internal curving of the roots of the anterior premolars and with several other arguments that lead interpreting the holotype of C. tolimense as a maxillary bearing P2‐M2. This new interpretation deepens the morphological gap between Colombitherium and other pyrotherians (except Proticia) and challenges further its referral to Pyrotheria. The peculiar morphology of Colombitherium relative to other pyrotherians is indeed striking. In fact, Colombitherium has nothing in common with pyrotherians but bilophodont cheek teeth, a feature largely widespread in placental mammals. It is here referred to ?Pyrotheria until additional evidence of its relationships is known. Associated with the putative removal of Proticia from Pyrotheria as argued by some authors, the hypothetical removal of Colombitherium from the order would adjust the widely accepted assumption that the pyrotherian bilophodont cheek teeth originated from bunodont cheek teeth. It would also make an origin from lophodont forms plausible. This in turn would have critical relevance, especially to the hypothesis that pyrotherians are notoungulates.  相似文献   
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