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Cell differentiation and the cytoskeleton in Acetabularia   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The interaction between legumes and rhizobia has been well studied in the context of a mutualistic, nitrogen‐fixing symbiosis. The fitness of legumes, including important agricultural crops, is enhanced by the plants’ ability to develop symbiotic associations with certain soil bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen into a utilizable form, namely, ammonia, via a chemical reaction that only bacteria and archaea can perform. Of the bacteria, members of the alpha subclass of the protebacteria are the best‐known nitrogen‐fixing symbionts of legumes. Recently, members of the beta subclass of the proteobacteria that induce nitrogen‐fixing nodules on legume roots in a species‐specific manner have been identified. In this issue, Bontemps et al. reveal that not only are these newly identified rhizobia novel in shifting the paradigm of our understanding of legume symbiosis, but also, based on symbiotic gene phylogenies, have a history that is both ancient and stable. Expanding our understanding of novel plant growth promoting rhizobia will be a valuable resource for incorporating alternative strategies of nitrogen fixation for enhancing plant growth.  相似文献   
1. Mutualisms are important drivers of co‐evolution and speciation. However, they typically imply costs for one or both partners. Each partner consequently tries to maximise benefits and minimise costs. Mutualisms can therefore develop towards commensalism or parasitism if one partner fails to provide sufficient benefits. This is particularly likely in diffuse interactions, where multiple species can associate with each other. If costs and benefits of a species vary with the identity of the partner species, this may result in a geographical mosaic of co‐evolution. 2. In the present study, inter‐specific interactions in two parabiotic associations of ants were studied (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). One Crematogaster species was associated with one of two closely related Camponotus species. We assessed cost and benefits by studying behavioural interactions, foraging behaviour, and nest defence in the associations. 3. While parabioses had been shown to be mutualistic, evidence was found for exploitation and aggressive competition between species. In spite of apparent costs of being exploited, we found no benefits for one partner (Crematogaster). The magnitude of potential costs to Crematogaster varied between the two Camponotus species. 4. We conclude that the cost/benefit ratio for Crematogaster varies between the two Camponotus partners, and between environmental conditions. Parabiosis can thus fluctuate between mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism, with Crematogaster being the species that may have higher costs than benefits. 5. We suggest that geneflow in the Crematogaster population hinders local adaptation to the resulting mosaic of locally varying selection pressures. This study demonstrates how diffuse interactions and environmental variation can result in a complex of local selection pressures.  相似文献   
Non-invasive and rapid determination of plant biomass would be beneficial for a number of research aims. Here, we present a novel device to non-invasively determine plant water content as a proxy for plant biomass. It is based on changes of dielectric properties inside a microwave cavity resonator induced by inserted plant material. The water content of inserted shoots leads to a discrete shift in the centre frequency of the resonator. Calibration measurements with pure water showed good spatial homogeneity in the detection volume of the microwave resonators and clear correlations between water content and centre frequency shift. For cut tomato and tobacco shoots, linear correlations between fresh weight and centre frequency shift were established. These correlations were used to continuously monitor diel growth patterns of intact plants and to determine biomass increase over several days. Interferences from soil and root water were excluded by shielding pots with copper. The presented proof of principle shows that microwave resonators are promising tools to quantitatively detect the water content of plants and to determine plant biomass. As the method is non-invasive, integrative and fast, it provides the opportunity for detailed, dynamic analyses of plant growth, water status and phenotype.  相似文献   
Genes for seven putative serine proteases (ChpA–ChpG) belonging to the trypsin subfamily and homologous to the virulence factor pat-1 were identified on the chromosome of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis ( Cmm ) NCPPB382. All proteases have signal peptides indicating export of these proteins. Their putative function is suggested by two motifs and an aspartate residue typical for serine proteases. Furthermore, six cysteine residues are located at conserved positions. The genes are clustered in a chromosomal region of about 50 kb with a significantly lower G + C content than common for Cmm . The genes chpA , chpB and chpD are pseudogenes as they contain frame shifts and/or in-frame stop codons. The genes chpC and chpG were inactivated by the insertion of an antibiotic resistance cassette. The chpG mutant was not impaired in virulence. However, in planta the titre of the chpC mutant was drastically reduced and only weak disease symptoms were observed. Complementation of the chpC mutant by the wild-type allele restored full virulence. ChpC is the first chromosomal gene of Cmm identified so far that affects the interaction of the pathogen with the host plant.  相似文献   
STUDIES1–6 of the molecular nature of antibiotic resistance (R) factors in Escherichia coli have shown that several of them consist of covalently closed molecules of circular DNA. Use was made of this property in the separation of the R factor from chromosomal DNA of E. coli, which has a similar nucleotide-base composition. In selecting for covalently circular R factor DNA molecules, however, the procedures used in these earlier experiments-caesium chloride-ethidium bromide centrifuga-tion7 and bulk nitrocellulose adsorption2—necessarily selected against isolation of other (non-circular) forms of R factor DNA that might have been present.  相似文献   
Localization of short-term memory in the brain of the bee, Apis mellifera   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Fixed honey-bees were conditioned to a scent in a one-trial learning paradigm. In contrast to free-flying colour-conditioned bees, fixed scent-conditioned bees do not show a biphasic time dependence of the conditioned response. Small metal probes were used to cool localized areas of the antennal lobes, alpha-lobes, and calyces of the mushroom bodies of the brain at various times after conditioning. Localized cooling impaired the formation of memory in all three structures. The susceptibility to impairment after conditioning lasted approximately 3 min in the antennal lobes, 7 min in the alpha-lobes, and 10 min in the calyx area. It was possible to determine the influence of the contralateral hemisphere (relative to the learning antenna) by conditioning bees with only one antenna. No contralateral impairment was found in the antennal lobes; there were minor effects in the alphalobes; contralateral cooling led to reductions of the conditioned response only in the calyx area. The temperature dependence of memory impairment was different for the antennal lobes and the mushroom bodies (alpha-lobes and calyces). The latter were most sensitive to cooling at 5°C. No correlation between cooling duration and impairment of memory was found in the antennal lobes, but there was a linear relation between impairment and cooling duration in the alpha-lobes. Brief cooling (5 or 10 s) resulted in significant impairment of memory formation only in the calyx area. A series of control experiments proved that the impairment of memory is due to a reversible block of neural activity. It was possible to show that the impairment is specific for the three neural structures analysed, by cooling the lobula of the optic system at various times after conditioning. Lesions of the brain or application of KCl also resulted in time-dependent reductions of the conditioned response. Cooling the entire animal at various times after conditioning led to similar memory impairment to that resulting from localized cooling of the alphalobes.  相似文献   
1. A comparative study of species diversity and assemblage patterns of herbaceous ground‐flora communities in riparian areas was performed along natural mid‐sized lowland streams and their channelised counterparts. The areas had open vegetation and were positioned along 18 similar‐sized third to fourth order stream reaches. 2. Alpha diversity was significantly higher along natural streams both at the sample plot and reach scale. Sample plot diversity peaked at intermediate distance from the natural stream reaches, whereas it increased with increasing distance from the channelised reaches. Both gamma diversity, measured and estimated from species‐area curves, and beta diversity, which is a measure of the change in diversity between areas, was similar along the two types of streams. 3. Alpha diversity correlated with several of the measured and calibrated environmental variables. The positive correlation between bank slope and alpha diversity indicates that flooding plays a key role in maintaining high levels of diversity along natural streams. 4. Species composition varied significantly between the two stream types. A cluster analysis identified four clusters of which two clusters (one and three) primarily included species associated with sample plots in areas along natural streams. Most cluster one and three species were also identified as indicator species for this stream type. 5. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that cluster one species were less productive species associated with high total soil carbon and nitrogen contents, whereas cluster three species were highly productive species associated with high soil moisture levels, probably partly resulting from flooding. Our results suggest that distance from the stream channel imposes a probabilistic gradient that sustains co‐occurrence of these two communities in riparian areas along natural mid‐sized lowland streams.  相似文献   
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