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1. We tested whether or not the simultaneous hermaphrodite Dugesia polychroa mates randomly with respect to partner size, a strong indicator of female fecundity.
2. The number and duration of copulations were recorded in forty-eight pairs over 5 days. To minimize effects of individual differences in copulatory activity, all animals were each tested twice: once with an equally large partner ( n = 24 equal-sized pairs) and once with a partner of different size (smaller or larger, respectively, ratio 1 : 1.5,
n = 24 unequal-sized pairs).
3. The animals copulated frequently. No significant differences were observed between treatments in the number of pairs that copulated. Mating behaviour of equal-sized and unequal-sized pairs was compared in a pair-wise analysis. Latency to the first copulation and the average number of copulations did not differ when mating with an equal- or unequal-sized partner. Average copulation duration increased with increasing size in equal-sized pairs, but not in unequal-sized pairs.
4. In an additional experiment, where three large and three small animals were combined (three replicates) and observed for 1–3 days, the mating pattern did not differ from random mating by size.
5. Our data indicate that in D. polychroa the decision to mate is essentially random with respect to size. We argue that this is not caused by, for example, high costs of mate searching, but that simultaneous hermaphrodites with reciprocal insemination mate indiscriminately when (i) matings are easy to obtain and (ii) the cost of mating is low or compensated for by sperm digestion.  相似文献   
In an experimental trial lasting approximately 6 months, 10 different vaccination regimes against furunculosis were studied in Atlantic salmon pre-smolts. Single and repeated administration of vaccine by the intraperitoneal (i.p.), immersion or oral route, and revaccination by combinations of these methods, were tested. In challenge assays initiated 8 and 16 weeks after vaccination, fish injected once with a trivalent vaccine, and fish injected twice with a monovalent vaccine, both containing aluminium phosphate as adjuvant, were moderately protected. Non-injection vaccination protocols consistently failed to protect the fish. Compared with unvaccinated fish, protected groups showed elevated antibody responses toAeromonas salmonicidaantigens throughout the study. Increasedin vitroproliferation of head kidney leucocytes from i.p. vaccinated fish was found 16 weeks after vaccination. The use of a polyvalent vaccine preparation, and revaccination by injection or the oral route improved both immune responses and survival, compared to a single inoculation of monovalent vaccine. In all groups subjected to i.p. administration of vaccine, minor to moderate intraperitoneal lesions were found. In conclusion, i.p. administration of adjuvanted vaccine, preferably in a polyvalent formulation, is the optimal method of inducing anti-furunculosis immunity in Atlantic salmon, and is apparently necessary for an effective immunoprophylaxis of salmonid fish against furunculosis.  相似文献   
We reassess the phylogenetic relationships of genera of hemiphractine hylid frogs (Marsupial Treefrogs) and discuss the evolution of several distinctive characters within this group using parsimony analysis. Fifty-one morphological and life-history characters were sampled from two species of Cryptobatrachus , three species of Flectonotus , 17 species of Gastrotheca , all five species of Hemiphractus , and one species of Stefania as the ingroup and three hyline, one phyllomedusine, and one pelodryadine species as outgroups. Our results support the mon-ophyly of Flectonotus, Cryptobatrachus , and Hemiphractus. Gastrotheca is paraphyletic with respect to Hemiphractus , dorsal pouches were lost in the ancestor of Hemiphractus. Direct development is a synapomorphy for Hemiphractinae and tadpoles were regained independently several times. These results stand in stark contrast to the prevailing paradigm regarding marsupial frog relationships.  相似文献   
The rate of translocation of naturally-loaded, radiolabelledassimilate has been studied in leaves of wheat treated withIAA. The velocity was measured directly by following the movementof 11C-labelled material along the leaf. The kinetics of translocationwere also estimated by using a two-compartment model to calculatethe rate constant of disappearance of 14C from the fed area.IAA was applied at three different sites on the leaf and atvarious times up to 24 h before 14CO2 feeding. No effects ofIAA were observed on: (1) direction and velocity of transport;(2) loading of assimilate into the phloem; or (3) the site andkinetics of unloading. These results are discussed with referenceto the movement of IAA along the transport path and the useof different tissues as experimental systems.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrase (CA), the enzyme which catalyzes the reactionCO2+H2OH2CO3, was found in both active and resting accessoryboring organs (ABO) of Urosalpinx, using a modification of theWaldeyer and Häusler (1959) technique in which the tissuesection is floated on the substrate solution. The intense reactivityof this gland exceeded the activity of other pedal tissues ofthis muricid gastropod. The ventral pedal gland of the femalealso exhibited strong activity, but theconcentration in thistissue was not as intense as that observed in the ABO. No discernible differences between the microvilli of restingand boring ABOs were noted after fixation in acetone, formalin,or glutaraldehyde. However, notable nuances in reactivity ofthe pedal structures occurred when the comparative effect offixatives was evaluated. All variations of the immersion technique, as opposed to flotationprocedures, exhibited a strong stain only in the microvilliof active ABOs, and little or no activity in resting ABOs. Thisdifference between active and resting ABOs (immersion techniqueonly) appears to be due to the binding (chelation) of calciumwith subsequent replacement of cobalt (probably as a carbonatecomplex) in the substrate. The markedly greater CA activity in the ABO, relative to othersecretory tissues inthe snail, suggests a vital role for thisenzyme in the process of penetrating shell. Thelow pH of thesecretion from the active ABO during boring indicates that atleast one phase of the boring process is a chemical reactionassociated with production of acid.  相似文献   
Variation in Nitrate Reductase Activity in Lolium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nitrate reductase activity was studied in the leaves and rootsof Lolium perenne. Growth temperatures of 8, 15, or 20 °Cdid not affect activity, but the same temperatures during assayhad differential effects on the nitroso couple used to measureenzyme activity. Activity increased with increasing light intensity,reaching a high plateau value at around 40 W m–2. Nitratecontent of leaves, also measured in this experiment, did notvary significantly with different light intensities. Increasingnitrate in the nutrient solution up to 0.5 mM N also increasedactivity. Adding ammonium chloride at similar levels to thenitrate caused no marked repression of activity. Removal ofnitrate from the nutrient solution decreased enzyme activitywithin 24 h. Marked diurnal fluctuations occurred in activity,apparently in response to light intensity, since the nitratelevel in the plant varied little. The enzyme activity of rootswas much less than that of leaves. In the parents and progeny from a half diallel cross, the parentalgenotypes differed significantly in activity, but the numberof families involved was too small for the regression of progenyon parents (b = 1.74) and the correlation coefficient (r = 0.44NS) to achieve significance. In this experiment a significantpositive regression was obtained between nitrate reductase activityand dry matter yield.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Ignoring wasted material at the surface and sides, the variation in pH in six months old pit silage was smaller from side to side than from top to bottom. At the 2-foot level, where the best quality silage was found, variation was very slight. A correlation was found between pH and the logarithm of the microscopical count of bacteria, the total number of bacteria falling with decreasing pH.  相似文献   
The partitioning of photosynthetically fixed carbon betweencarbohydrate fractions and the processes of export and storagewere compared in mature leaf blades and sheaths of the grassPoa pratensis L. Most of the fixed carbon was destined for exportfrom the leaf blade with only 1% of the carbon fixed duringthe photoperiod being stored after 24 h. Although most of theassimilates imported to the sheath from the blade were subsequentlyexported, there was some unloading and storage of assimilates.Autoradiography was used to compare the translocation of 14C-labelledassimilates through non-fed areas of leaf blade and sheath andrevealed that the veins in the sheath showed a greater capacityfor storage of assimilates compared to the leaf blade. Biphasickinetics of sucrose and glucose uptake were observed in segmentsof leaf blade and sheath. Although similar carriers for eachof the sugars appear to exist in the blade and sheath, the rateof uptake via these carriers was significantly lower in thesheath compared to the blade. Assuming that unloading proceedsvia a symplastic pathway, it would appear that the conversionof sucrose to starch in the sheath could be an important meansof regulating unloading and in determining sink strength ofthe sheath. It is concluded that although the net amount ofsugars unloaded in the sheath is small, the storage of assimilatesin the vein network could be an important means of bufferingchanges in sucrose concentration in the translocate during periodsof fluctuating assimilation. Key words: Poa pratensis, autoradiography, sugar uptake, leaf blade, leaf sheath  相似文献   
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