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ABSTRACT Density estimates for small-mammal populations from capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data have played an important role in many studies of theoretical and applied ecology. Defining effective trapping area (ETA) is one of the main issues affecting accuracy of density estimates. Our objective was to assess sensitivity of CMR density estimates to correctors based on movement parameters calculated from trapping and radiotelemetry data. From May to November 2005, we conducted monthly CMR trapping in a beech (Fagus sylvaticus) forest of the province of Trento, northern Italy. In conjunction with CMR, we radio-marked 32 yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) captured from July to October and located them daily using radiotelemetry. We estimated population size (N) by model averaging with Program MARK. We calculated ETA using several definitions of the boundary strip, including full and half mean maximum distance moved (MMDM) from capture-recapture and telemetry data and mean radius of mean monthly home ranges. The boundary strip (W) increased with the amount of behavioral information embodied in the estimates. The largest W and lowest density values were based on radius of mean home ranges followed by MMDM calculated from telemetry data. The ETA based on movement distances increased more than proportionally when N decreased, suggesting that low population density combined with scarce resources results in rodents moving more in search of food, thus leading to overestimated ETA and underestimated density values. Although robust behavioral information would certainly improve density estimates, we suggest caution in relating ranging movements to capture probability and hence in using correctors based on movement distances to infer density values.  相似文献   

Reductions in salinity can have adverse effects on larval development and larval survival in some invertebrate taxa but not others. Salinity tolerance of larvae may be particularly important in echinoderms because they are both poor ion regulators and stenohaline. I examined the effect of six levels of salinity (15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 33 PSU) on survival and rate of development of larvae in the subtropical sea urchin Echinometra lucunter. In the short-term, mortality rate was significantly lower in 33 PSU than in all other salinities except 27 PSU, and it was significantly greater in 15 and 18 PSU than in all higher salinities. In the long-term, daily and cumulative mortality were significantly greater in 15 PSU than in most other salinities over 11 days of development (except for cumulative mortality in 18 PSU). They were significantly greater in 18 PSU than in 21 PSU or 33 PSU over a period of 13 days. Furthermore, daily mortality was significantly greater in 18 PSU than in 24 PSU or 27 PSU at 13 d after fertilization. Daily and cumulative mortality were significantly lower in 33 PSU than in 21, 24 or 27 PSU over a period of 17 days. Although in the control (33 PSU) 75% of larvae completed development to the 8-arm stage at 35 d, no larvae developed further than the 4-arm stage in 18, 21, 24 or 27 PSU; in 15 PSU, ~60% of larvae did not develop further than swimming blastulae. Since prolonged exposure to salinities as high as 27 PSU (frequently recorded in the adult habitat) can result in great larval losses, adaptive behaviours that prevent larvae from entering water layers of low salinity will enhance their chance for survival.  相似文献   

Background aims

Preclinical and observational reports indicate that adipose tissue (AT) is a safe and promising tool to treat non-healing venous leg ulcers (VLUs).


From an initial cohort of 38 patients, 16 patients affected by non-healing VLUs were randomly allocated to the experimental arm (5 men and 3 women) and control arm (5 men and 3 women). In the experimental arm, wounds were treated by debridement, centrifuged adipose tissue (CAT), advanced dressings and compression. No experimental treatment (CAT) was administered to the control arm. We investigated the functional and the immunophenotypical features of the harvested CAT-derived stem cells. The primary outcome measures were healing time and safety of the cell treatment. Secondary outcomes were pain evaluated by numeric rating scale (NRS), complete wound healing at 24 weeks by Margolis Index and wound-healing process expressed in square centimeters per week. The various immunophenotypic and functional characteristics of CAT-derived stem cells were then correlated with the clinical outcomes.


No major adverse events were recorded. The healing time was significantly faster by applying CAT, 17.5 ± 7.0 weeks versus 24.5 ± 4.9 weeks recorded in the control arm (P < 0.036). NRS dropped after the first week to 2.7 ± 2.0 in the experimental arm versus 6.6 ± 3.0 in the control group (P < 0.01). The rate of healing at the 24th week was not significantly different between arms. Interestingly, we found a strong reverse correlation between the percent of CD34+/CD45 non-hematopoietic cells, respectively, with the healing time (r?=?–0.894, P < 0.041) and NRS (r?=?–0.934, P < 0.020).


CAT is safe and may accelerate healing time in VLUs as well as reduce wound pain. The percentage of CD34+/CD45 cells in stromal vascular fraction (SVF) seems to be a predictive biomarker of successful CAT treatment in these patients.  相似文献   
We compared the distributions, abundances and ecological requirements of parthenogenetic lizard Darevskia ‘dahli’ and its bisexual progenitors, D. portschinskii and D. mixta, in Georgia. We developed a regression model relating the species abundances with the distribution of climates. Darevskia portschinskii lives in warmer and drier climates than D. mixta; D. ‘dahli’ has the intermediate requirements. Temperature is more important than humidity for D. portschinskii, humidity is more important for D. mixta and both temperature and humidity are important for D. ‘dahli’. Suitable habitats of all three species overlap broadly; however, the observed ranges partly overlap only for D. ‘dahli’ and D. portschinskii. The observed abundance of each species, related to its predicted abundance, is lower at the sites with potential competitors. Darevskia ‘dahli’ occupies a higher proportion of the suitable habitats and has higher abundances than the progenitor species. Competition with D. ‘dahli’ is an important factor determining current distribution pattern of D. portschinskii and D. mixta. The parthenogen is a stronger competitor than the bisexual breeders and potential advantages of the bisexual reproduction remain unrealized in the given temporal and spatial scale. To explain domination of bisexually breeding lizards on the global scale, considering climate changes in geological timescale is necessary. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 447–460.  相似文献   
Climate change may dramatically affect the distribution and abundance of organisms. With the world's population size expected to increase significantly during the next 100 years, we need to know how climate change might impact our food production systems. In particular, we need estimates of how future climate might alter the distribution of agricultural pests. We used the climate projections from two general circulation models (GCMs) of global climate, the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis GCM (CGCM2) and the Hadley Centre model (HadCM3), for the A2 and B2 scenarios from the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios in conjunction with a previously published bioclimatic envelope model (BEM) to predict the potential changes in distribution and abundance of the swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii, in North America. The BEM in conjunction with either GCM predicted that C. nasturtii would spread from its current initial invasion in southern Ontario and northwestern New York State into the Canadian prairies, northern Canada, and midwestern United States, but the magnitude of risk depended strongly on the GCM and the scenario used. When the CGCM2 projections were used, the BEM predicted an extensive shift in the location of the midges' climatic envelope through most of Ontario, Quebec, and the maritime and prairie provinces by the 2080s. In the United States, C. nasturtii was predicted to spread to all the Great Lake states, into midwestern states as far south as Colorado, and west into Washington State. When the HadCM3 was applied, southern Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Washington State were not as favourable for C. nasturtii by the 2080s. Indeed, when used with the HadCM3 climate projections, the BEM predicted the virtual disappearance of ‘very favourable’ regions for C. nasturtii. The CGCM2 projections generally caused the BEM to predict a small increase in the mean number of midge generations throughout the course of the century, whereas, the HadCM3 projections resulted in roughly the same mean number of generations but decreased variance. Predictions of the likely potential of C. nasturtii spatial spread are thus strongly dependent on the source of climate projections. This study illustrates the importance of using multiple GCMs in combination with multiple scenarios when studying the potential for spatial spread of an organism in response to climate change.  相似文献   
Mitotic or meiotic chromosome numbers for 42 accessions belonging to 39 species of different genera of Asteraceae were determined. First chromosome counts are reported for one genus ( Gymnocoronis ), 14 species, and one variety. These are as follows: Solidago chilensis var. megapotamica (2 n  = 2 x  = 18), Chromolaena barbacensis (2 n  = 3 x  = 30), Chromolaena christieana (2 n  = 3 x  = 30), Chromolaena hirsuta (2 n  = 4 x  = 40), Chromolaena verbenacea ( n  = 20 II, 2 n  = 4 x  = 40), Disynaphia multicrenulata (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), Gymnocoronis spilanthoides var. subcordata (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), Mikania thapsoides (2 n  = 4 x  = 68), Stevia commixta (2 n  = 2 x  = 22), Porophyllum brevifolium (2 n  = 4 x  = 44), Viguiera rojasii (2 n  = 2 x  = 34), Pterocaulon angustifolium (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), Gochnatia haumaniana (2 n  = 4 x  = 44), Senecio ostenii (2 n  = 4 x  = 40), Senecio pinnatus (2 n  = 8 x  = 80), and Lepidaploa amambaia (2 n  = 2 x  = 28). Chromosome numbers differing from those reported previously in the literature were found in Campuloclinium macrocephalum (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), Melanthera latifolia (2 n  = 4 x  = 60), Chrysolaena flexuosa (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), and Cyrtocymura cincta (2 n  = 4 x  = 40). The relevance of the results is discussed in relation to the available data for each of the analysed taxa. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 153 , 221–230.  相似文献   
Forest harvest residues are important raw materials for bioenergy in regions practicing forestry. Removing these residues from a harvest site reduces the carbon stock of the forest compared with conventional stem‐only harvest because less litter in left on the site. The indirect carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from producing bioenergy occur when carbon in the logging residues is emitted into the atmosphere at once through combustion, instead of being released little by little as a result of decomposition at the harvest sites. In this study (1) we introduce an approach to calculate this indirect emission from using logging residues for bioenergy production, and (2) estimate this emission at a typical target of harvest residue removal, i.e. boreal Norway spruce forest in Finland. The removal of stumps caused a larger indirect emission per unit of energy produced than the removal of branches because of a lower decomposition rate of the stumps. The indirect emission per unit of energy produced decreased with time since starting to collect the harvest residues as a result of decomposition at older harvest sites. During the 100 years of conducting this practice, the indirect emission from average‐sized branches (diameter 2 cm) decreased from 340 to 70 kg CO2 eq. MWh?1 and that from stumps (diameter 26 cm) from 340 to 160 kg CO2 eq. MWh?1. These emissions are an order of magnitude larger than the other emissions (collecting, transporting, etc.) from the bioenergy production chain. When the bioenergy production was started, the total emissions were comparable to fossil fuels. The practice had to be carried out for 22 (stumps) or four (branches) years until the total emissions dropped below the emissions of natural gas. Our results emphasize the importance of accounting for land‐use‐related indirect emissions to correctly estimate the efficiency of bioenergy in reducing CO2 emission into the atmosphere.  相似文献   
Shell repair assumed to result from failed predation is documented in 66 specimens of Ordovician-Carboniferous bellerophontiform tergomyan and gastropod molluscs to examine the relationship between the distribution and appearance of injuries, shell morphology and the internal anatomy of the molluscs, as well as the attack strategies of the presumed predators. Furthermore, the distribution of repaired injuries from failed attacks along the apertural margin as a reflection of the nature of the margin and emarginations is investigated. Bellerophontiform molluscs are ideal for this study because of their distinctive isostrophic morphology and the possibility to directly compare broad and narrow conchs with either deep or shallow medial emarginations. The results show that taxa with a deep medial emargination in the form of a slit have significantly more medial injuries than lateral ones. Near-equal frequencies of lateral and medial injuries in specimens with a shallow emargination (slit or sinus) suggest random distribution. Shell form (narrow or broad) does not exert overall control on the distribution of injuries except, perhaps, in some broad explanate shells with an insignificant medial emargination. While this suggests that it is the type of medial emargination that governs distribution of injuries in these forms, it is not clear if this is a result of passive selection due to structural geometry or preferential targeting by predators (i.e. site-specific mode of attack). Predation strategies on bellerophontiform molluscs thus seem to be dependent on the morphological features of the shells rather than their interpretation as tergomyan or gastropod.  相似文献   
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