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Neotropical monkeys of the genera Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia (Pitheciidae) are considered to be highly arboreal, spending most of their time feeding and traveling in the upper canopy. Until now, the use of terrestrial substrates has not been analyzed in detail in this group. Here, we review the frequency of terrestrial use among pitheciin taxa to determine the ecological and social conditions that might lead to such behavior. We collated published and unpublished data from 14 taxa in the three genera. Data were gleaned from 53 published studies (including five on multiple pitheciin genera) and personal communications of unpublished data distributed across 31 localities. Terrestrial activity was reported in 61% of Pithecia field studies (11 of 18), in 34% of Chiropotes studies (10 of 29), and 36% of Cacajao studies (4 of 11). Within Pithecia, terrestrial behavior was more frequently reported in smaller species (e.g. P. pithecia) that are vertical clingers and leapers and make extensive use of the understory than in in the larger bodied canopy dwellers of the western Amazon (e.g. P. irrorata). Terrestrial behavior in Pithecia also occurred more frequently and lasted longer than in Cacajao or Chiropotes. An apparent association was found between flooded habitats and terrestrial activity and there is evidence of the development of a “local pattern” of terrestrial use in some populations. Seasonal fruit availability also may stimulate terrestrial behavior. Individuals also descended to the ground when visiting mineral licks, escaping predators, and responding to accidents such as a dropped infant. Overall, the results of this review emphasize that terrestrial use is rare among the pitheciins in general and is usually associated with the exploitation of specific resources or habitat types. Am. J. Primatol. 74:1106‐1127, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The influence of hypoxia and hypercapnia on the ventilatory rhythm of the hellgrammite Corydalus cornutus L. (Megaloptera) was studied. In intact animals the frequency of rhythmic retractions and protractions of abdominal gills is increased by hypoxia (10% O2, 90% N2) but no ventilatory response is elicited by hypercapnia (1–5% CO2, 20% O2, 75–79% N2).
The ventilatory motor pattern was examined by recording extracellularly from the gill retractor muscle or its efferent nerve. In response to hypoxia (8% 02, 92% N2), there are decreases in the cycle-time, the interspike interval, and the burst length of the gill retractor motorneuron. In addition, previously quiescent motorneurons associated with gill protraction are recruited.
Individual ganglia or small groups of abdominal ganglia can be isolated both from the central ganglionic chain and from the periphery by selective cutting of roots and connectives. When exposed to hypoxia, preparations that include the first abdominal ganglion show characteristic changes in the ventilatory motor pattern similar to those in intact animals. Thus sensitivity to oxygen appears to be located centrally and not peripherally. In small animals (head width < 7 mm), abdominal ganglia 2–3 and 2–7 respond characteristically to hypoxia, but in larger animals (head width > 9 mm), chains of ganglia lacking abdominal ganglion 1 fail to respond. In larger animals oxygen sensitivity may thus be concentrated in abdominal ganglion 1, whereas in smaller animals the ability to initiate a ventilatory response to hypoxia is distributed among the abdominal ganglia.  相似文献   
Segments of the roots of young, intact barley plants were treatedin solution culture with labelled nutrients, pesticides, andtritiated water (THO). Some of the labelled substances takenup were lost to the unlabelled solutions surrounding the remainderof the root system. The magnitude of this longitudinal movementand subsequent loss has been compared for phosphate, calcium,and nitrate, for the pesticides simazine and ethirimol, andfor THO. Losses of phosphate and calcium at a distance of 5mm from the treated segments were very small by comparison withthe amounts translocated to the shoots and did not appear tobe greater towards the basal than towards the apical portionof the root system when the labelled solutions were appliedto the middlle segments. There was a larger loss of nitrateand there was some suggestion that this loss was polar, beinggreater in a basipetal direction than towards the root tip.Losses of the two pesticides and in particular of THO were stronglypolar and sufficiently great that over a peried of 24 h onlysmall amounts of these substances which had been taken up bythe apical zones of the roots were translocated to the shoots.The polarity of longitudinal movement and loss of THO was stillvery marked even when transpiration was eliminated by removingthe shoots. Some consideration is given to the possibility ofthe existence of contrasting pathways of movement for the differentsubstances.  相似文献   
Abstract. The role of Juvenile Hormone (JH) during reproductive development and diapause was investigated in the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). JH sythesized by corpora allata (CA) in vitro of A.grandis was identified as JH-UJ by high-performance liquid chromatography and by conversion to the methoxyhydrin. Optimal conditions for the use of a short-term assay in vitro were established to examine profiles of CA activity. In addition, rates of JH degradation by JH-specific esterase were determined. Patterns of CA and JH-esterase activity during reproductive development and the diapause state were established with laboratory-reared reproductive weevils and diapausing weevils collected as larvae and pupae in the field after the cotton-growing season. The results indicate that JH production is elevated in reproductive females whereas males and winter field-collected females show no CA activity. Vitellogenin concentrations in haemolymph and rates of oviposition were studied in relation to CA activity and JH degradation. An attempt to induce diapause in the laboratory failed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The effects of division of labour on response behaviour to food in the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, were examined to determine if caste members differ in amount of food taken, in rate of food transfer, or in internal distribution of food; and to see if food availability, time, or temporal subcaste pairing affect feeding behaviour. To measure differences in behaviour we fed radioiodinated albumin mixed with egg yolk to colonies containing larvae, queens, and (a) foragers and nurses, or (b) foragers and reserves, or (c) nurses and reserves. Samples were taken over a 72-h period and radioactivity in the head, thorax and abdomen of each worker was determined. There were significant differences between nurses, foragers and reserves in quantity of food consumed, rate of transfer, and internal distribution of radioactivity. These differences were related to their respective roles of foraging, food storage and transfer, and brood tending. The quantity of food taken per subcaste was dependent on the total amount of food in the colony, with transfer rates differing between subcastes as the quantity of food in the colony increased. The rate at which protein was transferred between subcastes was slower in the reserves than that in either foragers or nurses. Therefore, reserves may serve as a temporary store of protein for the colony.  相似文献   
1. The arrival of the chrysomelid beetle Trirhabda virgata on isolated patches of its host Solidago altissima was closely monitored to determine how conspecific density and host condition influence colonization.
2. Experimental host patches, which were set on the roof of a four-storey building located 0.7 km from the nearest naturally occurring hosts, were frequently colonized by beetles over a 2-week dispersal period.
3. Females preferred lush host patches that were free from simulated Trirhabda chewing damage. Females colonized lush patches more often than defoliated patches at two spatial scales, when patches were 2 m and 25 m apart. Males did not show a strong preference for lush plants.
4. Males aggregated on plants that already contained adult conspecifics, apparently increasing their reproductive success. Females did not respond to the presence of adults on the patch.
5. Ninety-five per cent of the females arriving on the isolated plants had mated before flying, indicating that lone females are able to colonize empty stands.
6. By avoiding heavily defoliated plants, females should dissipate local outbreaks and spread their offspring away from over-exploited areas.  相似文献   
Sexual differences in foraging and provisioning behaviour have been observed in several size-dimorphic seabird species. These differences are usually thought to be driven by size-related mechanisms such as the ability to compete for food or defend the nest. However, recent studies on monomorphic species suggest that sexual differences in foraging may arise independently of size. Selective forces driving sex-specific patterns are poorly known but essential to understand parental strategies. In this study, we examine sex differences in the provisioning behaviour of a monomorphic species, the Little Auk Alle alle . Using automated recording systems during two consecutive seasons at two colonies, we found that both sexes used a bimodal foraging strategy in which they regularly alternated single foraging trips of long duration with a cycle of several short-trips. The duration of long-trips was substantially longer in females than in males, and the sexes differed in the number of short-trips they performed in between long-trips, resulting in male-biased provisioning rates in both years. In species with a bimodal foraging strategy, long-trips have been interpreted as self-feeding trips to replenish body reserves. Our results therefore suggest that female Little Auks allocate more time to self-maintenance at the cost of chick provisioning, possibly due to different energetic constraints of the sexes prior and/or subsequent to chick-rearing. Our findings contribute to accumulating evidence that sex-specific foraging patterns may be widespread in sexually size-monomorphic seabird species.  相似文献   
Abstract. Hormonal factors influencing reproductive development were examined in adult boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Long-day, high-temperature rearing conditions promote reproduction whereas short-day, low-temperature conditions do not. Implants of corpora allata (CA), brains, or brains plus retrocerebral complexes taken from long-day donors, or hormone analogue treatments were used to examine onset of vitellogenin synthesis and uptake in decapitated bodies of adult weevils reared in short-day, low-temperature conditions. Weevils decapitated within 2 days after eclosion and reared in short-day, low-temperature conditions never initiated vitellogenin production or ovarian development. Females and males decapitated on day 2 showed haemolymph vitellogenin within 5 days following treatment with Juvenile Hormone (JH) analogue or implantation of CA, but not after implantation of brain alone or implantation of muscle (sham). Uptake of vitellogenin into the oocytes did not occur unless both JH analogue and brain were given as replacement therapy. These experiments indicated that JH is necessary and sufficient to stimulate vitellogenin synthesis in this species but that a brain factor must be present for vitellogenin uptake.  相似文献   
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