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Abstract: Temperate pond-breeding amphibians are vulnerable to forest fragmentation because they must access upland terrestrial sites during the nonbreeding season but are prone to desiccation in hot, dry environments without canopy cover. Harvesting techniques that retain live trees in the cut block are advocated for sustaining forest biodiversity, but the effects of these practices on amphibians are unknown. We studied red-legged frogs (Rana aurora) in movement trials to assess: 1) how short-term use of residual trees was affected by tree patch size, streams, and neighborhood features; 2) whether residual tree patches were used as stepping stones in negotiating cut blocks; 3) the effects of patch size and patch proximity in altering movement paths; and 4) the effects of retention level and patch size on interpatch distance. Residual tree patches were potentially valuable short-term refugia but their value was size dependent. Virtually all frogs released at the base of single trees or inside small tree clusters left within 72 hours, but the proportion leaving decreased curvilinearly with increasing patch size. Frogs were less likely to leave tree patches with a running stream or where neighborhood stream density was high. Residual tree patches did not systematically alter movement paths. Frogs intercepted residual tree patches mostly at random and had to be within 5-20 m of a tree patch before moving to it in greater proportions than expected by chance. However, amphibian movements were biased toward large (0.8 ha) patches and away from small (0.3 ha) patches 50 m away. Our results indicated that residual trees should not be retained singly but should be aggregated in groups between 0.8 ha and 1.5 ha, preferably in stream locations.  相似文献   
Nitrate reductase activity was induced in Chlamydomonas reinhardi following addition of nitrate. Enzymic activity was assayed in cell-free supernatants and in whole cells whose permeability had been increased by freezing. Nitrate reductase activity in cells decreased rapidly when CO2-fixation was prevented by (a) darkening cultures, (b) aerating cultures with CO2-free air, or (c) addition of DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea). A smaller loss of nitrate reductase activity from darkened cells occurred when (a) acetate-adapted cells were supplied with acetate, or (b) cells were allowed to accumulate carbon reserves by nitrogen starvation before darkening. It was concluded that maintenance of nitrate reductase activity was dependent upon the availability of a suitable carbon source.  相似文献   
Electron Microscope Study of Toxoplasma Cysts in Mouse Brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. Toxoplasma aggregates in sub-acutely and chronically infected mouse brain were studied with special regard to interparasitic relationships, encapsulating wall formation and host-parasite interaction. The individual parasites within a cyst are separated from one another by an opaque substance which also appears as a component of the cyst wall. A second constituent in the wall consists of vesicular and membranous structures which presumably are derived from the endoplasmic reticulum of the host cell. In small cysts, the organising are loosely arranged and maintain the typical crescentic shape whereas, in large cysts, they are tightly packed and polygonal in outline. It is concluded from the data obtained that only the term "cyst" correctly designates these parasitic aggregates.  相似文献   
The interaction between legumes and rhizobia has been well studied in the context of a mutualistic, nitrogen‐fixing symbiosis. The fitness of legumes, including important agricultural crops, is enhanced by the plants’ ability to develop symbiotic associations with certain soil bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen into a utilizable form, namely, ammonia, via a chemical reaction that only bacteria and archaea can perform. Of the bacteria, members of the alpha subclass of the protebacteria are the best‐known nitrogen‐fixing symbionts of legumes. Recently, members of the beta subclass of the proteobacteria that induce nitrogen‐fixing nodules on legume roots in a species‐specific manner have been identified. In this issue, Bontemps et al. reveal that not only are these newly identified rhizobia novel in shifting the paradigm of our understanding of legume symbiosis, but also, based on symbiotic gene phylogenies, have a history that is both ancient and stable. Expanding our understanding of novel plant growth promoting rhizobia will be a valuable resource for incorporating alternative strategies of nitrogen fixation for enhancing plant growth.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Spinal and cranial ganglia of American angler fish, Lophius americanus, are often infected with microsporidia. This protozoon elicits the formation of large, spore-filled, hypertrophied host cells, cysts. Previous reports of microsporidia in European lophiids identify the parasite as Spraguea lophii, a genus which has recently been shown to be dimorphic. The spores from L. americanus are monomorphic (2.8 × 1.5 μm) and uninucleate. Each spore contains a polar tube that forms six to nine coils. Spraguea lophii differs from the microsporidium described in L. americanus in several ways. Spraguea lophii has two spore types: a large spore (4.0 × 1.25 μm) containing a diplokaryon and three to four polar tube coils and a smaller uninucleate spore (3.5 × 1.5 μm) with five to six polar tube coils. Because of these major differences, the microsporidium from L. americanus is removed from the genus Spraguea and returned to its original genus, Glugea, as a new species, G. americanus n. sp. Other ultrastructural characteristics of G. americanus are included: the posterior vacuole encloses two distinct membranous structures; one is tubular and resembles a “glomerular tuft” and the second is lamellar and composed of concentric membrane whorls, additionally, the straight or manubroid portion of the polar tube proceeds beyond the posterior vacuole before it turns anteriorly and begins to coil.  相似文献   
1. Plant defence of Viburnum shrubs against oviposition by its specialist herbivore, the viburnum leaf beetle [VLB Pyrrhalta viburni(Paykull)], involves an egg‐crushing wound response in twigs. Although the response is variable among Viburnum species, it can have a strong impact on egg survivorship. Beetles typically aggregate egg masses with conspecifics along infested twigs, forming clusters that can overwhelm the twig response. It was investigated whether twig responses and beetle oviposition behaviour vary seasonally. 2. In a field experiment, twig defences decreased towards the end of the VLB oviposition period: wound response of the North American Viburnum dentatum L. and the European V. opulus L. was reduced by 100% and 54%, respectively, in September compared with the July to August period. 3. Oviposition trials demonstrated a corresponding behavioural change: VLB females displayed aggregative oviposition in August, but not in September. 4. Further tests revealed that late‐season VLB females reverted to aggregative oviposition after being kept on uninfested twigs, whereas females kept on heavily infested twigs did not. This behavioural change suggests that relaxation of aggregative oviposition originates from cues associated with high densities of egg masses. 5. Relaxation of aggregative oviposition may be adaptive (and beneficial for invasion) on shrubs with low levels of defences by reducing intra‐specific competition.  相似文献   
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