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Light and temperature entrainment of a locomotor rhythm in honeybees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The circadian locomotor (walking) rhythms of forager honeybees (Apis mellifera ligustica L.) were entrained to eight different 24 h light-dark cycles. The phases of activity onset, peak activity, and offset were correlated with the lights-off transition, suggesting lights-off as the primary zeitgeber for the rhythm. Further support for this hypothesis was provided by LD 1:23 experiments, in which entrainment occurred when the light pulse was situated at the end, but not at the beginning, of the subjective photophase. Steady-state entrainment of the locomotor rhythm was achieved with square-wave temperature cycles of 10oC amplitude under constant dark: most of the activity occurred within the early thermophase. Smaller amplitude temperature cycles yielded relative coordination of the rhythm. Interactions of temperature and light-dark cycles resulted in entrainment patterns different from those elicited in response to either cycle alone or those formed by a simple combination of the two separate responses. Furthermore, temperature cycles having amplitudes insufficient for entrainment of the rhythm nevertheless modified the pattern of entrainment to light - dark cycles, suggesting a synergism of light and temperature effects on the underlying circadian clock system.  相似文献   
Mud puddling by butterflies is not a simple matter   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Invertebrate colonization of a new, man-made stream in southern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 The invertebrate colonization of a man-made stream, Flugströmmen, in southern Sweden was monitored for 18 months in 1988 and 1989. Benthic samples were taken on twelve occasions from three sites (upstream, middle and downstream) and community structure was compared with that at ten natural, permanent reference sites nearby.
  • 2 The number of species colonizing increased rapidly during the first 3 months. The increase was most rapid upstream but levelled off during the second year at this site, while numbers continued to increase downstream.
  • 3 Simuliid species were the earliest colonizers and reached high densities at upstream and middle sites during the first year. Ephemeropteran and plecopteran species also occurred early on, whereas Coleoptera, Odonata and Trichoptera were, on average, slower to colonize. Blackfly densities decreased upstream after the first year and hydropsychids became numerically dominant.
  • 4 The colonization order of functional feeding groups was as predicted: filter feeders first, grazers/collectors intermediate, predators and shredders last.
  • 5 After a year, the community structure in Flugströmmen closely resembled that in lake-outlet streams situated in the area, although communities at the three sites within the stream were most similar to one another.
  • 6 The possible role of competitive and predatory processes in determining the observed successional patterns are discussed.
Direction-sensitive partitioning of the honeybee optomotor system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. The horizontal motion-detecting system controlling optomotor head-turning behaviour in honeybees, Apis mellifera , was found to be partitioned into two separate subsystems. Each subsystem is direction-specific such that visual stimulation in the preferred direction elicited a high level of responses that correcly followed the movement, whereas stimulation in the non-preferred direction resulted in response levels comparable to or lower than those for blinded controls. The results indicate that medial eye regions are specialized for the detection of posterior-to-anterior movements and lateral regions are specialized for detecting anterior-to-posterior motion. A model suggesting possible neural correlates for this functional subdivision of the optomotor response is proposed.  相似文献   
DNA Polymerase Activity associated with Purified Kilham Rat Virus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
RNA tumour viruses contain an enzyme which can transcribe DNA from an RNA template1,2, an endonuclease and a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity3,4. RNA polymerase has been reported in vaccinia virus5,6, reovirus7,8 and cytoplasmic polyhidrosis virus9. I wish to describe a DNA polymerase activity associated with a highly purified preparation of the parvovirus, Kilham rat virus (KRV), which is thus the first report of a DNA polymerase associated with a DNA virus. KRV, a small virus first isolated from a rat sarcoma10, is antigenically related to the H viruses isolated from human transplantable tumours11. Those parvoviruses which have been characterized all contain single stranded DNA with molecular weights of 1.5 to 2.5 × 106 (refs. 12,13 and 14).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The DNA sequences of a portion of the 5-enolpyruvyl shikimate phosphate synthase domain of the arom gene, encoding the pentafunctional AROM protein, were determined from isolates of Pneumocystis carinii from five mammalian host species (rat, human, ferret, rabbit and mouse). High levels of genetic divergence were found among P. carinii derived from different hosts species, 7–22% at the DNA sequence level, and 7–26% at the derived amino acid sequence level. Two separate and distinct sequences were isolated from infected ferret lungs. Low levels of divergence were seen in human-derived organisms.  相似文献   
Recruitment of Infauna: Positive or Negative Cues?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The current paradigm for recruitment invokes passive transportof the larva in the water column followed by larval choice ofhabitat after deposition of the larva on or near the bottom.Larval choice is typically considered to be based on positivecues. I argue herein that the evidence for emphasizing rejectionof substrata by negative cues is at least as compelling as thatfor acceptance by positive cues. Data from the literature oncosts of rejection of settlement sites, types of emigrationby larvae and/or juveniles, and criteria by which infaunal larvaeand/or juveniles reject habitats are used to support this thes.  相似文献   
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