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Petioles of Sinapis cotyledons cultured in 6x10–2 M sucrosein the light increased 28-fold in total carbohydrate contentover a 7-d period compared with an 8-fold increase in petiolesof cotyledons cultured on water. The starch and reducing sugarfractions were the major components of this accumulation. Labelledsucrose applied to the petiole base moved quickly up the petioleand into the main veins of the lamina. Some basipetal redistributionoccurred subsequently and after 24 h radioactivity accumulatedstrongly at the petiole base. Culture in sucrose reduced basalaccumulation and increased acropetal movement of the label. Fixation of 14CO2 by petioles remained constant when cotyledonswere cultured in water, whereas in sucrose, fixation fell by50 per cent during the first 2 d. The pattern of inhibitionof fixation matched the pattern of sucrose distribution in thepetiole. Petiolar chlorophyll content remained constant in controlsbut fell rapidly after 4 d culture in sucrose. The results are discussed in relation to the role of petiolarcarbohydrate accumulation in the regulation of CO2 fixation,primordium development, and senescence in this system.  相似文献   
A flow-through apparatus for measuring nitrogenase activityin field-grown crops is described. The apparatus was used tomeasure nitrogenase activity in a sainfoin crop throughout agrowth season. A marked seasonal variation was observed whichwas partly the consequence of defoliation. The acetylene-basedestimate of the nitrogen fixed annually by sainfoin was less(146 kg N ha–1) than the nitrogen accumulated in the shoots.Reasons for this difference are discussed with special emphasison the validity of the technique and alternative sources ofnitrogen. There were no treatment differences between the ratesof growth of either sainfoin or lucerne when grown with or withoutfertilizer nitrogen in the field. This result is in marked contrastwith results from a glasshouse experiment where sainfoin plantsutilizing nitrate-nitrogen exhibited faster growth rates thansimilar plants that were solely dependent on symbiotic nitrogenfixation. Key words: Nitrogenase, photosynthesis, field-technique, sainfoin, lucerne  相似文献   
A relatively simple phenol extraction method, with EDTA as the nuclease inhibitor, is described for the isolation of purified, highly polymerized native DNA from Trichomonas vaginalis, Trichomonas gallinae, and Tritrichomonas foetus; it is applicable also to Tetrahymena pyriformis. RNase Tl, RNase A (Worthington's R), pronase, and α-amylase digestions constitute important steps in obtaining satisfactory yields of DNA. High degree of polymerization of the isolation product was estimated by hyperchromicity at O.D.260 after DNase treatment and by CsCl gradient analysis. The double-stranded condition of the DNA samples was estimated by the latter method and by denaturation with NaOH, and the molecular weight by sucrose gradient analysis. Purity of the samples was determined spectrophotometrically and by chemical analyses for protein and glycogen. DNA percent recovery was estimated by the diphenylamine reaction.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is used extensively to make inferences about populations of many North American bird species and is increasingly being used for avian conservation planning. How well BBS routes represent the landscape is poorly known, even though accuracy of representation could significantly affect inferences made from BBS data. We used digital landcover data to examine how well landcover within 400-m buffers around BBS routes represented the surrounding landscape (the route neighborhood) for 52 routes in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota and South Dakota. Differences in composition between landcover along BBS routes and the route neighborhood were not statistically significant for upland cover classes. The area of temporary and seasonal wetland basins was accurately represented by BBS routes in our study area, but the area of semipermanent and permanent wetland basins was significantly underrepresented along BBS routes. Number of wetland basins and upland patches was higher along routes. Area of urban, forest, and hay landcover classes was higher along routes, although differences were not statistically significant. Amount of bias in landcover representation was negatively correlated with the proportion of each landcover type in the study area, but bias was not correlated with area of the route neighborhoods. Differences between landcover along BBS routes and the route neighborhood were primarily attributable to increased anthropogenic activity along roads and siting of roads away from relatively large, deep water bodies. Our results suggest that inferences made from BBS data in our study region are likely biased for species that are associated with deeper-water habitats or are strongly influenced by landscape fragmentation. Inferences made from BBS data for species associated with uplands or shallow wetlands are less likely to be biased because of differences in landcover composition.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Vairimorpha invictae n. sp. infects the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, in Brazil. The parasite is dimorphic, producing two morphologically distinct types of spores, which develop sequentially in the same fat cells or oenocytes in the fat body. The binucleate free spores develop from disporous sporonts; the uninucleate octospores develop from multinucleate sporonts within a sporophorous vesicle. Infected cells are transformed into large sacs which contain both types of spores in mature adult hosts. Mature free spores are often present by the time the larvae pupate, but mature octospores are found only in adult hosts. Masses of spores may be seen through the intact cuticle by low power phase-contrast microscopy; there are no other physical signs and no behavioral signs of infection. Attempts to transmit the infection in the laboratory failed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Trophozoites of Entamoeba invadens IP-1 can be induced to encyst in simple solutions composed of semipermeable constituents (buffer, salts, or sugars) provided that their osmotic pressure is in the range of 60–160 mosmol/kg. Optimal yield of mature cysts was obtained when the osmotic pressure of the medium was 110 mosmol/kg. Encystation could be obtained in the absence of serum although higher yields were obtained in its presence. No difference in the yield of mature cysts was found when either dialyzed or full serum was used. High yields of encystation were obtained (>70%) in the presence of 5% serum in solutions of NaCl, KCl, or MgSO4, suggesting that the mechanism of encystation is not induced via sodium or potassium channels. Cysts were obtained in the presence of 72 mM glucose, indicating that depletion of a carbon source is not the only requirement for encystation. A rapid change in the density of the Entamoeba cells was observed upon transfer of trophozoites (density 1.061–1.073 g/ml) from growth medium to the low osmotic pressure encystation solutions. Within the first 2 min their density decreased (to 1.050 g/ml), but it soon increased, reaching within 30 min a density higher than 1.120 g/ml. As the encystation process continued to completion, the density of the cells gradually decreased, the mature cysts reaching a density of 1.049–1.061 g/ml.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Spinal and cranial ganglia of American angler fish, Lophius americanus, are often infected with microsporidia. This protozoon elicits the formation of large, spore-filled, hypertrophied host cells, cysts. Previous reports of microsporidia in European lophiids identify the parasite as Spraguea lophii, a genus which has recently been shown to be dimorphic. The spores from L. americanus are monomorphic (2.8 × 1.5 μm) and uninucleate. Each spore contains a polar tube that forms six to nine coils. Spraguea lophii differs from the microsporidium described in L. americanus in several ways. Spraguea lophii has two spore types: a large spore (4.0 × 1.25 μm) containing a diplokaryon and three to four polar tube coils and a smaller uninucleate spore (3.5 × 1.5 μm) with five to six polar tube coils. Because of these major differences, the microsporidium from L. americanus is removed from the genus Spraguea and returned to its original genus, Glugea, as a new species, G. americanus n. sp. Other ultrastructural characteristics of G. americanus are included: the posterior vacuole encloses two distinct membranous structures; one is tubular and resembles a “glomerular tuft” and the second is lamellar and composed of concentric membrane whorls, additionally, the straight or manubroid portion of the polar tube proceeds beyond the posterior vacuole before it turns anteriorly and begins to coil.  相似文献   
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