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ABSTRACT. Spinal and cranial ganglia of American angler fish, Lophius americanus, are often infected with microsporidia. This protozoon elicits the formation of large, spore-filled, hypertrophied host cells, cysts. Previous reports of microsporidia in European lophiids identify the parasite as Spraguea lophii, a genus which has recently been shown to be dimorphic. The spores from L. americanus are monomorphic (2.8 × 1.5 μm) and uninucleate. Each spore contains a polar tube that forms six to nine coils. Spraguea lophii differs from the microsporidium described in L. americanus in several ways. Spraguea lophii has two spore types: a large spore (4.0 × 1.25 μm) containing a diplokaryon and three to four polar tube coils and a smaller uninucleate spore (3.5 × 1.5 μm) with five to six polar tube coils. Because of these major differences, the microsporidium from L. americanus is removed from the genus Spraguea and returned to its original genus, Glugea, as a new species, G. americanus n. sp. Other ultrastructural characteristics of G. americanus are included: the posterior vacuole encloses two distinct membranous structures; one is tubular and resembles a “glomerular tuft” and the second is lamellar and composed of concentric membrane whorls, additionally, the straight or manubroid portion of the polar tube proceeds beyond the posterior vacuole before it turns anteriorly and begins to coil.  相似文献   
1. Plant defence of Viburnum shrubs against oviposition by its specialist herbivore, the viburnum leaf beetle [VLB Pyrrhalta viburni(Paykull)], involves an egg‐crushing wound response in twigs. Although the response is variable among Viburnum species, it can have a strong impact on egg survivorship. Beetles typically aggregate egg masses with conspecifics along infested twigs, forming clusters that can overwhelm the twig response. It was investigated whether twig responses and beetle oviposition behaviour vary seasonally. 2. In a field experiment, twig defences decreased towards the end of the VLB oviposition period: wound response of the North American Viburnum dentatum L. and the European V. opulus L. was reduced by 100% and 54%, respectively, in September compared with the July to August period. 3. Oviposition trials demonstrated a corresponding behavioural change: VLB females displayed aggregative oviposition in August, but not in September. 4. Further tests revealed that late‐season VLB females reverted to aggregative oviposition after being kept on uninfested twigs, whereas females kept on heavily infested twigs did not. This behavioural change suggests that relaxation of aggregative oviposition originates from cues associated with high densities of egg masses. 5. Relaxation of aggregative oviposition may be adaptive (and beneficial for invasion) on shrubs with low levels of defences by reducing intra‐specific competition.  相似文献   
Agrarian legacy in soil nutrient pools of urbanizing arid lands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Today's worldwide expansion of dry land cities consumes cultivated and native ecosystems, providing laboratories for investigating imprints of former land use in places where people now live. Around Phoenix, USA, we compared soil nutrient pools in residential yards converted from farms with nutrient pools in yards developed on native desert. Organic matter, carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and soluble ions were >2-fold greater in yards that were previously agrarian than in yards that were not. These pools remain elevated 40 years after land conversion to residential use. Present N accumulation (1.5 g m−2 yr−1) is not affected by prior land use, suggesting that rates of residential fertilizer application and retention are not affected by antecedent soil fertility. Bioavailable, inorganic phosphorus (Pav) is elevated in soil with a recent agrarian past, but this signal disappears after 10–30 years of residential use owing to an accumulation of Pav in never-farmed yards. Our results indicate a 'direct agrarian legacy,' wherein agrarian amendment of nutrient pools endures urbanization, more so than an 'indirect legacy,' wherein present land management is molded by former land use. Agriculture in dry lands thus sequesters material in soils, and—as we also found higher material contents in residential soils than in contemporary agrarian soils—residential land use simply adds to the agrarian legacy these soils already bear. Intense human use of arid lands may cause increases in material pools in soils, a condition with potential global consequence.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates that Pleistophora schubergi Zwölfer, 1927, a microsporidium originally isolated from the midgut epithelium of Nygmia phaeorrhoea Don (Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.) and Porthetria dispar L., and subsequently reported in several other insects including the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (the host used in this investigation), does not belong in the genus Pleistophora Gurley, 1893. Pleistophora schubergi lacks the major features that are characteristic of Pleistophora typicalis, the type species of this genus. A comparison of ultrastructural observations reported for the type species of the genus Pleistophora, P. typicalis, and our observations of P. schubergi revealed significant differences. A thick (0.5 μm) amorphous coat, derived from parasite secretions and deposited external to the parasite plasmalemma, surrounds all developmental stages in P. typicalis. Double membranes, derived from host rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae encircle the parasite plasmalemma of all developmental stages in P. schubergi. The sporophorous vesicle encases the spores in P. typicalis, and originates from the parasite-secreted coat that is present around meronts. In P. schubergi, the host endoplasmic reticulum cisternae form the envelope that surrounds the meronts. Moreover, the sporophorous vesicle envelope in P. typicalis persists around groups of spores, while in P. schubergi this envelope breaks easily to release the spores in the host cytoplasm. By comparing the characteristics of the microsporidium found in the spruce budworm with those of the recently created polysporous genera that sporulate within a vesicle, we found that P. schubergi does belong in the new genus Endoreticulatus Brooks et al. 1988, and consequently rename it Endoreticulatus schubergi (Zwölfer, 1927) n. comb.  相似文献   
The relationship between uptake by barley roots and translocationto shoots has been examined under different conditions for sixherbicides and a systemic fungicide (four triazines, diuron,2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and ethirimol). For all thesecompounds a large proportion of the material taken up by rootsdoes not appear to move readily to the shoots. Elution withwater of the roots of intact plants which had previously beenplaced in labelled solutions of these compounds enabled thematerial released to be separated into three fractions differingin their rates of diffusion out of the roots. There was reasonablygood correlation between the concentration of the most readilydiffusible fraction in the roots and the concentration in thetranspiration stream. The results obtained were consistent withthe postulate that lipophilic compounds can diffuse into thevacuoles of the cortical cells where they are available fortransport to the shoots, whereas for lipophobic compounds materialreaching the shoots originates largely from the free space inthe roots.  相似文献   
This paper summarises our own accumulated experience from developing community-orientated mental health services in England and Italy over the last 20-30 years. From this we have provisionally concluded that the following issues are central to the development of balanced mental health services: a) services need to reflect the priorities of service users and carers; b) evidence supports the need for both hospital and community services; c) services need to be provided close to home; d) some services need to be mobile rather than static; e) interventions need to address both symptoms and disabilities; and f) treatment has to be specific to individual needs. In this paper we consider ten key challenges that often face those trying to develop community-based mental health services: a) dealing with anxiety and uncertainty; b) compensating for a possible lack of structure in community services; c) learning how to initiate new developments; d) managing opposition to change within the mental health system; e) responding to opposition from neighbours; f) negotiating financial obstacles; g) avoiding system rigidities; h) bridging boundaries and barriers; i) maintaining staff morale; and j) creating locally relevant ser- vices rather than seeking “the right answer” from elsewhere.  相似文献   
A comparative study has been made of the uptake by and translocationfrom roots of intact barley plants of six herbicides and a systemicfungicide (four triazines, diuron, 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D) and ethirimol). Relationships between uptake andtranspiration rate are discussed in the light of the physico-chemicalproperties of these compounds, notably their partition coefficientsin oil/water systems and their dissociation constants. Apartfrom 2,4-D, sorption of these compounds appears to be a passiveprocess. At pH4 the uptake of 2,4-D seems to be influenced bymetabolism; not only may the concentration of this compoundin the transpiration stream be considerably greater than thatin the medium surrounding the roots but absorption by rootsis markedly reduced at low temperatures and by sodium azide. The initial rate of uptake of these compounds correlates reasonablywell with their partition coefficients in olive oil/water orn-dodecane/water systems; likewise the concentration in thetranspiration stream is greater for lipophilic than for lipophobicsubstances. Whereas the hydrogen ion and calcium concentrations of the ambientmedium appear to have no effect on the uptake of compounds withlow pK's, the uptake of those substances which protonate betweenpH4 and pH6 is affected by them. These findings are discussedfrom the viewpoint that the pathways of transport of lipophilicand lipophobic compounds across the roots may differ. Although there is some evidence that retention by roots canlimit transport to shoots, there is no simple inverse correlationbetween the total concentration of the different substancesin the roots and that in the transpiration stream. This questionis discussed in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   
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