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Habitat loss and fragmentation are the leading causes of species’ declines and extinctions. A key component of studying population response to habitat alteration is to understand how fragmentation affects population connectivity in disturbed landscapes. We used landscape genetic analyses to determine how habitat fragmentation due to timber harvest affects genetic population connectivity of the coastal tailed frog (Ascaphus truei), a forest-dwelling, stream-breeding amphibian. We compared rates of gene flow across old-growth (Olympic National Park) and logged landscapes (Olympic National Forest) and used spatial autoregression to estimate the effect of landscape variables on genetic structure. We detected higher overall genetic connectivity across the managed forest, although this was likely a historical signature of continuous forest before timber harvest began. Gene flow also occurred terrestrially, as connectivity was high across unconnected river basins. Autoregressive models demonstrated that closed forest and low solar radiation were correlated with increased gene flow. In addition, there was evidence for a temporal lag in the correlation of decreased gene flow with harvest, suggesting that the full genetic impact may not appear for several generations. Furthermore, we detected genetic evidence of population bottlenecks across the Olympic National Forest, including at sites that were within old-growth forest but surrounded by harvested patches. Collectively, this research suggests that absence of forest (whether due to natural or anthropogenic changes) is a key restrictor of genetic connectivity and that intact forested patches in the surrounding environment are necessary for continued gene flow and population connectivity.  相似文献   
Ecological divergence has a central role in speciation and is therefore an important source of biodiversity. Studying the micro‐evolutionary processes of ecological diversification at its early stages provides an opportunity for investigating the causative mechanisms and ecological conditions promoting divergence. Here we use morphological traits, nitrogen stable isotope ratios and tooth wear to characterize two disparate types of North Atlantic killer whale. We find a highly specialist type, which reaches up to 8.5 m in length and a generalist type which reaches up to 6.6 m in length. There is a single fixed genetic difference in the mtDNA control region between these types, indicating integrity of groupings and a shallow divergence. Phylogenetic analysis indicates this divergence is independent of similar ecological divergences in the Pacific and Antarctic. Niche‐width in the generalist type is more strongly influenced by between‐individual variation rather than within‐individual variation in the composition of the diet. This first step to divergent specialization on different ecological resources provides a rare example of the ecological conditions at the early stages of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation and its genetic consequences are a critically important issue in evaluating the evolutionary penalties of human habitat modification. Here, we examine the genetic structure and diversity in naturally subdivided and artificially fragmented populations of the endangered tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi), a small fish restricted to discrete coastal lagoons and estuaries in California, USA. We use five naturally fragmented coastal populations from a 300‐ km spatial scale as a standard to assess migration and drift relative to eight artificially fragmented bay populations from a 30‐ km spatial scale. Using nine microsatellite loci in 621 individuals, and a 522‐base fragment of mitochondrial DNA control region from 103 individuals, we found striking differences in the relative influences of migration and drift on genetic variation at these two scales. Overall, the artificially fragmented populations exhibited a consistent pattern of higher genetic differentiation and significantly lower genetic diversity relative to the naturally fragmented populations. Thus, even in a species characterized by habitat isolation and subdivision, further artificial fragmentation appears to result in substantial population genetic consequences and may not be sustainable.  相似文献   
1. Human land‐use has altered catchments on a large scale in most parts of the world, with one of the most profound changes relevant for streams and rivers being the widespread clearance of woody riparian vegetation to make way for livestock grazing pasture. Increasingly, environmental legislation, such as the EU Water Framework Directive (EU WFD), calls for bioassessment tools that can detect such anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem functioning. 2. We conducted a large‐scale field experiment in 30 European streams to quantify leaf‐litter breakdown, a key ecosystem process, in streams whose riparian zones and catchments had been cleared for pasture compared with those in native deciduous woodland. The study encompassed a west–east gradient, from Ireland to Switzerland to Romania, with each of the three countries representing a distinct region. We used coarse‐mesh and fine‐mesh litter bags (10 and 0.5 mm, respectively) to assess total, microbial and, by difference, macroinvertebrate‐mediated breakdown. 3. Overall, total breakdown rates did not differ between land‐use categories, but in some regions macroinvertebrate‐mediated breakdown was higher in deciduous woodland streams, whereas microbial breakdown was higher in pasture streams. This result suggests that overall ecosystem functioning is maintained by compensatory increases in microbial activity in pasture streams. 4. We suggest that simple coefficients of breakdown rates on their own often might not be powerful enough as a bioassessment tool for detecting differences related to land‐use such as riparian vegetation removal. However, shifts in the relative contributions to breakdown by microbial decomposers versus invertebrate detritivores, as revealed by the ratios of their associated breakdown rate coefficients, showed clear responses to land‐use.  相似文献   
We characterized differences in carbon isotopic content (δ13C) and sugar concentrations in phloem exudates from Eucalyptus globulus (Labill) plantations across a rainfall gradient in south‐western Australia. Phloem sap δ13C and sugar concentrations varied with season and annual rainfall. Annual bole growth was negatively related to phloem sap δ13C during summer, suggesting a water limitation, yet was positively related in winter. We conclude that when water is abundant, variations in carboxylation rates become significant to overall growth. Concentrations of sucrose in phloem sap varied across sites by up to 600 mm, and raffinose by 300 mm . These compounds play significant roles in maintaining osmotic balance and facilitating carbon movement into the phloem, and their relative abundances contribute strongly to overall δ13C of phloem sap. Taken together, the δ13C and concentrations of specific sugars in phloem sap provide significant insights to functions supporting growth at the tree, site and landscape scale.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Research on effects of key weather stimuli influencing waterfowl migration during autumn and winter is limited. We investigated relationships between changes in relative abundances of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and other dabbling ducks (Anas spp.) and weather variables at midlatitude locations in North America. We used waterfowl survey data from Missouri Conservation Areas and temperature and snow cover data from the Historical Climatology Network to evaluate competing models to explain changes in relative abundance of ducks in Missouri, USA, during autumn-winter, 1995–2005. We found that a cumulative weather severity index model (CumulativeWSI; calculated as mean daily temp - degrees C + no. of consecutive days with mean temp ≤ 0° C + snow depth + no. of consecutive days with snow cover) had the greatest weight of evidence in explaining changes in relative abundance of ducks. We concluded the CumulativeWSI reflected current and cumulative effects of ambient temperatures on energy expenditure by ducks, and snow cover and wetland icing, on food availability for ducks. The CumulativeWSI may be useful in determining potential changes in autumn-winter distributions of North American waterfowl given different climate change projections and associated changes in habitat conservation needs. Future investigations should address interactions between CumulativeWSI and landscape habitat quality, regional waterfowl populations, hunter harvest, and other anthropogenic influences to increase understanding of waterfowl migration during autumn-winter.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT North temperate species on the southern edge of their distribution are especially at risk to climate-induced changes. One such species is the moose (Alces alces), whose continental United States distribution is restricted to northern states or northern portions of the Rocky Mountain cordillera. We used a series of matrix models to evaluate the demographic implications of estimated survival and reproduction schedules for a moose population in northeastern Minnesota, USA, between 2002 and 2008. We used data from a telemetry study to calculate adult survival rates and estimated calf survival and fertility of adult females by using results of helicopter surveys. Estimated age- and year-specific survival rates showed a sinusoidal temporal pattern during our study and were lower for younger and old-aged animals. Estimates of annual adult survival (when assumed to be constant for ages >1.7 yr old) ranged from 0.74 to 0.85. Annual calf survival averaged 0.40, and the annual ratio of calves born to radiocollared females averaged 0.78. Point estimates for the finite rate of increase (λ) from yearly matrices ranged from 0.67 to 0.98 during our 6-year study, indicative of a long-term declining population. Assuming each matrix to be equally likely to occur in the future, we estimated a long-term stochastic growth rate of 0.85. Even if heat stress is not responsible for current levels of survival, continuation of this growth rate will ultimately result in a northward shift of the southern edge of moose distribution. Population growth rate, and its uncertainty, was most sensitive to changes in estimated adult survival rates. The relative importance of adult survival to population viability has important implications for harvest of large herbivores and the collection of information on wildlife fertility.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations in the Midwestern United States experienced historic declines due to habitat loss and exploitation but have rebounded in recent decades. We investigated natal dispersal of juvenile bobcats from a population in south-central Indiana, USA, from 1999 to 2006. We radiocollared 16 juvenile bobcats (11 M, 5 F) and monitored them for 237–1,014 days (x̄ = 506). One female (20%) and 11 males (100%) dispersed from natal home ranges that averaged 14.6 km2 in size. Most juveniles (70%) initiated dispersal from mid-February through March, late in their first year. Only 5 bobcats (42%) ultimately established a final home range 63 ± 35 km2 in size 13–92 km (x̄ = 44) from their natal range 140 ± 45 days after initiating dispersal. Survival did not differ (P = 0.93) between dispersing (S = 0.73) and philopatric (S = 0.75) individuals, although 4 bobcats (3 M, 1 F) were killed in collisions with vehicles. We found dispersal of bobcats in fragmented landscapes is prolonged and often unsuccessful; the ability of dispersers to locate suitable vacant habitat patches may be vital to the continued growth of bobcat populations recolonizing the agricultural Midwest.  相似文献   
Abstract: Condensed tannins (CT) can reduce digestibility of forages for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), potentially confounding estimates of diet quality and nutritional carrying capacity. We collected 143 spring and 142 summer samples of 8 important deer forage species from 22 properties in Mississippi, USA, and tested for CT content using a modified butanol-HCl assay. Three species (partridge pea [Chamaecrista fasciculata], southern dewberry [Rubus trivialis], and roundleaf greenbrier [Smilax rotundifolia]) contained CT, ranging from 0.11% to 6.46% dry weight. Summer CT concentration was greater than in spring for 2 species. We ranked soil samples from least to most fertile using 8 chemical characteristics and found a positive correlation between fertility and CT concentration for 1 species and no correlation for 2 species. We tested effects of CT concentration on in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) and in vitro protein digestibility using samples of partridge pea and roundleaf greenbrier and rumen fluid from 3 free-ranging deer. Average IVDMD was reduced 1.9% for each 1% increase in CT concentration. In vitro protein digestibility was reduced 2.5% for each 1% increase in CT concentration. Assuming that our methods reflect the effects of CT on in vivo digestibility, maximum loss of available crude protein (CP) in our samples was 3.0 g/100 g dry-weight forage, and only 13 of the 112 CT-containing forage samples (12%) would have decreased available CP by >1 g/100 g dry-weight forage. Deer consuming equal portions of sampled forages would lose <1% of dietary CP to CT. Comparisons of foraging area quality using crude protein estimates should be unaffected by CT under reasonable restrictions of similar habitat types, soil fertility, and time. Given the ability of deer to forage selectively and the abundance of alternative forages in Mississippi, the potential for CT to substantially affect spring or summer diet quality of deer appears minimal.  相似文献   
Abstract: We investigated the precision and accuracy of an infrared burrowscope for detecting sooty shearwater (Pufffinus griseus) chicks at 13 plots from 3 islands in southern New Zealand in 2003. We partially excavated burrows systems to reveal the entire burrow contents after 2 teams of observers had prospected all burrow entrances. Accuracy was similar between islands and observer teams at approximately 85%. The majority of the inaccuracy stemmed from failure to detect some chicks. Logistic regression modeling identified 4 burrow characteristics occurring between the entrance and the nest-site that influenced detection of burrow occupants. Detection was lower at nest-sites further from burrow entrances, in burrows with a high rate of burrow division, and in burrows with a high level of curvature. There was a positive relationship between the interaction of rate of division and curvature and detection of chicks. Distance from the burrow entrance was the only parameter that could be reliably used as a predictor of detection rate, so a reduced model containing only this variable was constructed to correct for burrowscope bias. The correction factor performed well on The Snares and Bench Island where predicted bias was very similar to observed levels (within 5%), but bias was overestimated on Putauhinu by up to 19.1%. Consistent bias, lack of damage to burrows from excavation, and the successful application of a correction factor all indicate the value of further testing burrowscope accuracy on other burrow-nesting seabird species.  相似文献   
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