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86Rb uptake was examined in two species of unicellular greenalgae, Chlamydomonas nivalis isolated from snow, and a cellwall-less mutant of the temperate freshwater Chlamydomonas reinhardii.In C. reinhardii cells grown at 20°C and cooled rapidlyto 0°C, 86Rb uptake was abolished. Cells cooled rapidlyto –5°C in the absence of ice accumulated 86Rb veryrapidly but the time course of this uptake suggested non-selectiveaccumulation through a damaged plasmalemma. Cells grown at 8°Cwere viable, able to divide and motile; they showed no signsof cold-shock and 86Rb uptake, albeit slow, was measurable at–5°C in the absence of extracellular ice. Cells ofC. nivalis grown at 20°C were damaged at sub-zero temperaturesalthough they did show an enhanced 86Rb uptake at 0°C. Cellsgrown at 5°C were able to accumulate 86Rb from media undercooledto -5°C in the absence of extracellular ice, and again showedenhanced uptake at 0°C. The process of acclimation to lowtemperature appears to differ in the two species. Key words: Chlamydomonas, temperature, 86Rb uptake, membrane  相似文献   
A survey has been made of the leaf anatomy of 43 woody species in three montane vegetation types of Isla Margarita, Venezuela, differing in levels of cloud cover (and hence wetness) and exposure to wind. The only character that varies significantly with increasing probability of periodic drought is specific leaf area, which can be related to the higher proportion of deciduous species in the drier habitat. Leaves become significantly smaller and thicker with increased exposure to wind, and have thicker outer epidermal walls and cuticles. Most characters, including stomatal density, guard cell length, palisade: non-palisade ratios, and the incidence of such features as hypodermis, sclerenchyma, crystals and secretory structures are highly variable and show few or no trends according to habitat. Some of these characters are apparently more constrained by phylogeny than by immediate ecological circumstances. As a contribution to the continuing debate on the significance of xeromorphy in tropical montane forest leaves, it is suggested that low light levels due to cloud cover can be discounted as an important determining factor; in the case of the Isla Margarita vegetation, the need to avoid excessive leaf temperatures may be of greater significance.  相似文献   
Maturational delay of young female mice as the result of exposureto grouped female odors and reproductive inhibition as the resultof exposure to isolated adult females have both been observed(Drickamer, 1974; Skryja, 1978). Each has the potential to reducethe growth rate of populations. Reductions in a female's reproductionfacilitated by social stimulation from other females, whileeffective in reducing population growth, may in the case, ofmaturational delay and reproductive inhibition be an epiphenomenonor exadaptation of selection for improved relative reproductivesuccess in the females possessing these abilities. The ultimateoutcome of these selective processes may be the buffering ofpopulation numbers, but the selective forces may operate tomaximize a female's relative reproductive success. A females'relative reproductive success can be maximized by either increasingher own reproduction or decreasing the reproductive output ofother females. A body of evidence exists to suggest that inPeromyscus mamculatus and Peromyscus leucopus, females are physiologicallyconstrained and unable to increase their own reproduction. Ifthe assumption of physiological restraint is correct, then themost effective way for females to maximize their relative reproductivesuccess is to reduce the reproductive output of their competitors.In this paper, maturational delay and reproductive inhibitionas they affect both the adult female and young females are discussed.Examination of these effects reveals that while they can beeffective in population regulation, their main function andthe selective process that produced them is at the level ofindividual reproduction.  相似文献   
Trifluralin inhibited root elongation and induced root tip swellingof Zea mays and Triticum aeslivum. Time-course experiments showedthese effects occurred within 6 hr of treatment. As the rootstreated with trifluralin enlarged, there was a concomitant increasein root growth inhibition. Bioassays were devised to quantitativelymeasure the radial enlargement of trifluralin-treated roots.Histological observations indicated that swollen root tissuewas growing in a non-polar manner. The root swelling effectof trifluralin was inhibited 70% by the reducing agent, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol.Trifluralin had no effect on SH content of root tip proteinof Z.mays. 1 Published with the approval of the Director of die West VirginiaAgricultural Experiment Station as Scientific paper No. 1177. 2 Present address: Department of Biology, Mercyhurst College,Erie, Pennsylvania 16501, U.S.A. (Received March 19, 1971; )  相似文献   
CYTOCHROME b5 is a haem-containing protein in the microsomes of liver tissue. It interacts specifically with a flavo-protein, cytochrome b5 reductase, which catalyses the transfer of electrons from NADH to the haem iron of the cytochrome1. The microsomal cytochrome b5 system has been implicated in fatty acid desaturation reactions2 and a similar system in erythrocytes may catalyse the reduction of methaemoglobin3. Calf liver cytochrome b5, solubilized by pancreatic lipase, has a molecular weight of 11,000 and consists of ninety-three amino-acids in the sequence shown in Fig. 1 (refs. 4 and 5). The haem group is non-covalently bound to the protein and can be removed reversibly by acid acetone treatment6.  相似文献   
Agonistic Behavior of Mice and Rats: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the results of research on the agonisticbehavior of wild and tame strains of house mice (Mus musculus)and the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) and covers papers thathave appeared since an earlier review (Scott and Fredericson,1951) Various methods for observing, measuring, and eliciting fightingare described and their appropriate uses discussed. Measuresof latency and frequency are more satisfactory than arbitraryrating scales. Situations involving competition over food presentcomplex motivational problems. The basic agonistic behavior patterns (ethograms) of rats andmice are compared. Differences appear in the lack of playfulfighting and weaning threats in mice, the dual "boxing" postureof rats, and the unique "tail rattling" in mice. Both speciesare alike in their inability to form complex dominance hierarchiesin which fighting is reduced to threat and avoidance. As a general theory, each species has evolved behavior patternsand physiological mechanisms of behavior which are adaptivelyrelated to its own social organization and population dynamics.Mice and rats have evolved along different lines both from eachother and other species of mammals.  相似文献   
"Analytic work begins with material provided by our vision of things, and this vision is ideological almost by definition. It embodies the picture of things as we see them, and wherever there is any possible motive for wishing to see them in a given rather than another light, the way in which we see things can hardly be distinguished from the nay in which we wish to see them. The more honest and naive our vision is, the more dangerous it is to the eventual emergence of anything for which general validity can be claimed. The inference for the social sciences is obvious, antl it is not even true that he who hates a social system will form an objectively more correct vision of it than he who loves it. For love distorts indeed, but hate distorts still more."  相似文献   
Sea urchins are widely considered to be the major grazers in temperate subtidal systems, with herbivorous fish being browsers of minor importance. This paper reviews spatial and temporal patterns in these herbivores on rocky reels in temperate Australasia, with the aim of assessing their relative impacts on patch structure and dynamics. Herbivorous fishes are widespread and make up a significant numerical component the reel fish fauna. Sea urchins are also abundant, but not all geographic locations support actively grazing species. Both fish and sea urchins exhibit distinct patterns of distribution among depth strata. Within depth strata, all herbivores are restricted to (sea urchins) or forage preferentially in (fish) particular habitat patches, causing a mosaic of different feeding activities. These patches are either related to specific features of the habitat (e.g. Kelp patches, topography) or behavioural interactions. Foraging by sea urchins and demersal-nesting damselfishes is intense and persistent, whereas in the kelp-feeding fish Odax cyanomelas, foraging reaches greatest intensity at predictable locations during a few months of every year. Many fish and sea urchins consume some algae in preference to others. However, feeding preferences may determine the nature of the impact only in fishes. For sea urchins, preference may occasionally determine the order in which algae are consumed, but at high densities they consume all available macroalgae. Impacts of both types of herbivore on the abundance of algae have been recorded. Some sea urchins (e.g. Evechinus chloroticus, Centrostephanus rodgersii) appear to severely modify biogenic habitat structure by maintaining ‘barrens’ (areas devoid of macroalgae) over long periods. In contrast to this, the effects of fishes may be more transitory (e.g. seasonal impact of Odax cyanomelas on brown algae) or occur at smaller spatial scales (e.g. nest sites maintained by male Parma victoriae) Herbivorous and other fishes appear to respond to spatial patterns in algal distributions, rallier than having it major impact upon them. The relative effects of fish and sea urchins on the long-term dynamics of kelp forests are unknown, hut temporal patterns in herbivore abundance and behaviour, and algal demography arc urgent targets for research.  相似文献   
Understanding WaveShrink: Variance and bias estimation   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
BRUCE  ANDREW G.; GAO  HONG-YE 《Biometrika》1996,83(4):727-745
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