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The effects of Cd and Zn on cross-colonization by Paxillus involutus of Scots pine seedlings was examined by using pairs of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and non-mycorrhizal (NM) seedlings grown in the same vessel. This was done to assess, first, the ability of P. involutus to colonize NM Scots pine seedlings by growth from colonized roots of other Scots pine seedlings in the presence of Cd or Zn, and, second whether ECM colonization of Scots pine by P. involutus provided a competitive advantage over NM seedlings. Ectomycorrhizal colonization of Scots pine was shown to be more sensitive than Scots pine itself to Cd and Zn, but prior colonization did provide a competitive advantage with respect to biomass production. This beneficial effect over NM seedlings was, however, equal in the control, Cd and Zn treatments, and was due simply to growth stimulation in the presence of ECM colonization. Cross-colonization from an ECM to a NM seedling was reduced but not prevented by Cd and Zn. Cd had a more negative effect on cross-colonization than on initial colonization of seedlings, whereas Zn had an equally inhibitory effect on both parameters. These results have important implications for plant establishment on metal-contaminated sites. If cross-colonization between plants is reduced by toxic metals, plant establishment on contaminated sites might be retarded.  相似文献   
Rooting molecular trees: problems and strategies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In constructing phylogenies from molecular data both the composition of the ingroup and the choice of outgroup can strongly affect the chances of obtaining the correct topology. This is because tree topology and uneven rates of molecular evolution affect the ability of tree-building algorithms to find the correct tree. Outgroups can be added in one of two ways, either to a single sister clade (preferably the closest) or through addition of single taxa from different clades. On theoretical and empirical grounds the former strategy is shown to be much more beneficial, both in terms of redressing balance and reducing stemminess. For parsimony to perform well some selection of sequence data, through omission or weighting, is also often necessary to reduce levels of homoplasy.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Crayfish have a long evolutionary history in temperatefresh water (FW). Ion regulation is challenged by low externalconcentrations of Na, Cl, and Ca (<1 mM). In intermolt theprimary concern is Na and Cl balance; around ecdysis the emphasisswitches to Ca regulation as the cuticle is decalcified/calcified.Compared with marine crustaceans, intermolt crayfish maintaina reduced extracellular (EC) osmolality and have lower permeabilityto both ions and water. Hyperregulation involves active branchialuptake of Na and Cl and the unique ability to produce a hypotonicurine. Ion uptake involves apical electroneutral ion exchange(Na$ for H$; Cl for HCO3–; counterions providedfrom CO2 via carbonic anhydrase) followed by active basolateraltransport of Na via the Na pump, with Cl following passively.Reabsorption of 95% of filtered electrolytes at the antennalgland (kidney) involves similar subcellular mechanisms in amorphologically differentiated region of the distal tubule.Intermolt crayfish exhibit negative Ca balance (passive effluxunopposed by uptake) tolerable in view of the large cuticularCaCO3 reserve. In premolt, cuticular Ca is reabsorbed. A smallamount is stored as gastroliths, the remainder is lost via branchialexcretion and in the discarded exuviae. At ecdysis, FW uptakegenerates the physical force for shedding, leaving the crayfishwith dilute hemolymph and a Ca deficiency. Levels of EC Na andCl are restored by intensive postmolt branchial uptake. Mineralizationof the soft exoskeleton involves remobilization of stored Caand branchial uptake of Ca and HCO3. Transepithelial Ca transportinvolves Ca2$ ATPase and Ca2$/Na$ exchange. The importance ofexternal electrolytes and pH in postmolt ion regulation is explored,as are some allometric considerations.  相似文献   
1. Cross-species macroecological comparisons in freshwater invertebrates have been restricted by a lack of large-scale distributional data, and robust phylogenies. Here, we use data from the OdonataCentral database to explore body length–range size and wing length–range size relationships in damselflies from the genus Enallagma ; the recent publication of a phylogeny for this group meant that, as well as a cross-species analysis, we were able to assess relationships in a phylogenetically controlled manner.
2. For cross-species comparisons, only wing length showed significant (positive) regression relationships with range size and occupancy, although the inclusion of body length in multiple regressions increased the fit of the models. Damselflies with larger wings relative to their body length had larger distributions, a result confirmed by a significant positive relationship between range size and residuals from the regression of wing size on body size.
3. For the phylogenetically controlled analyses, only wing length contrast scores were significantly related to distribution patterns and entered into regression models; the significant positive relationships between wing length contrasts and both range size and occupancy contrasts suggested that evolutionary increases in wing length had occurred alongside range expansions.
4. Together these results suggest that species of Enallagma with larger wings (both absolute and relative to body length) tend to be more widely distributed in North America and that the evolution of wing size may have played a role in range expansion. No such relationships were evident for body size. We discuss the potential importance of wing morphometrics for studying the evolutionary ecology of freshwater insects.  相似文献   
Although mature black spruce forests are a dominant cover type in the boreal forest of North America, it is not clear how their carbon (C) budgets vary across the continent. The installation of an eddy covariance flux tower on an Old Black Spruce (OBS) site in eastern Canada (EOBS, Québec) provided a first opportunity to compare and contrast its annual (2004) and seasonal C exchange with two other pre-existing OBS flux sites from different climatic regions located in Saskatchewan [Southern OBS (SOBS)] and Manitoba [Northern OBS (NOBS)]. Although there was a relatively uniform seasonal pattern of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) among sites, EOBS had a lower total annual NEP than the other two sites. This was primarily because warmer soil under a thicker snowpack at EOBS appeared to increase winter C losses and low light suppressed both NEP and gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) in June. Across sites, greater total annual GEP and ecosystem respiration ( R ) were associated with greater mean annual air temperatures and an earlier beginning of the growing season. Also, GEP at all three sites showed a stronger relationship with air temperature in spring and early summer compared with later in the growing season, highlighting the importance of springtime conditions to the C budget of these boreal ecosystems. The three sites had different parameter estimates describing the responses of R and GEP at the half hour time scale to near surface temperature and light, respectively. On the other hand, the responses of both R and GEP to temperature at the monthly scale did not differ among sites. These results suggest that a general parameterization could be sufficient at coarse time resolutions to model the response of C exchange to environmental factors of mature black spruce forests from different climatic regions.  相似文献   
The first edrioasteroid to be discovered from the Iberian Peninsula is reported from the Emsian (late Lower Devonian) of the north Spanish coast. It belongs to the species Krama devonica (Bassler) but is unusual in being a mirror image form. This is interpreted as the product of situs inversus during larval development whereby the coeloms on the right side rather than the left side of the bilateral larva have given rise to the definitive adult structures. Thus the hydropore lies in its mirror image position vis-à-vis the anterior/posterior axis and this axis must be homologous with Lovén's symmetry plane in echinoids. The phylogenetic position of Krama is analysed cladistically and, by combining this with available stratigraphical information, the most parsimonious phylogenetic tree is produced for the subfamily Agelacrinitinae.  相似文献   
The germination and endosperm-mobilization responses of twogenetically pure lines (AN-51 and Mont 73) of Avena fatua (wildoat) to gibberellic acid (GA3, ) and three substituted phthalimides(experimental compounds AC-92, 803, AC-94, 377 and AC-99, 524)were studied. The line AN-51 showed a much greater responseto GA3, in terms of the percentage and the rate of stimulationof germination, than Mont 73. These lines also differed significantlyin their response to AC-94, 377 and AC-99, 524. The relativegermination response of the two lines to these phthalimideswas very similar to that for GA3. The phthalimide AC-94, 377was more effective at stimulating germination than AC-99, 524,whereas AC-92, 803 had little or no effect. Salicylhydroxamate,an inhibitor of alternative respiration, did not inhibit theAC-94, 377-induced germination. Like GA3, AC-94, 377 induced -amylase production and the releaseof reducing sugars by 3 mm endosperm segments. GA3, was mosteffective at inducing endosperm mobilization, followed by AC-94,377, AC-99, 524 and AC-92, 803, respectively. The line AN-51showed a significantly greater response to both AC-94, 377 andGA3, than Mont 73. It is concluded that: (1) genetically pure lines of wild oatsdiffer in their response to substituted phthalimides - the lineAN-51 being more responsive than Mont 73, (2) the phthalimideAC-94, 377 is the most effective at inducing germination andAC-92, 803 the least, (3) like GA3, phthalimides induce endospermmobilization and pure lines differ in the degree of this response,and (4) salicylhydroxamate-sensitive respiration is not necessaryfor the stimulation of germination by AC-94-77. The similaritiesin the effects of AC-94, 377 and GA2, (two structurally dissimilarcompounds), and in the relative response of the two lines tothese chemicals may provide a useful system for the investigationof wild oat seed physiology. The differential susceptibilityof pure lines to phthalimides also indicates that use of thesecompounds to deplete wild oat seed banks may increase the proportionof less responsive biotype(s) in field populations. Wild oats, weed seed bank, dormancy, germination, endosperm mobilization, -amylase, Avena fatua, phthalimides, gibberellic acid  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Clones of in vitro-cultured Babesia bigemina-infected erythrocytes were concentrated by several density gradient procedures. The density range of infected erythrocytes containing pairs of parasites was 1.077 to 1.089 g/ml, whereas the density range of infected erythrocytes containing single parasites was 1.092 to 1.100 g/ml. Three enzymes-lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-phosphate isomerase, and glutamate dehydrogenase-were found associated with infected erythrocytes. The parasite-specific enzyme and/or isoenzymes were shown to have different mobility patterns in starch gel electrophoresis from those found in the normal bovine erythrocytes. The enzyme 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was not detected as a parasite-specific enzyme in B. bigemina-infected erythrocytes.  相似文献   
3-(3',4'-Dichlorophenyl)-1',1'-dimethyl urea (DCMU) inducedthe photobleaching of chlorophylls and carotenoids in isolatedchloroplasts of Hordeum vulgare. In chloroplasts illuminatedin both the absence and presence of DCMU (5.0 mmol m–3),the destruction of carotenoid preceded that of the chlorophylls.The rate of photodestruction was accelerated by the presenceof DCMU. After only 2 h illumination the rates of loss of ß-caroteneand of the epoxyxanthophylls, neoxanthin and violaxanthin, weresimilar (approximately 40–50% loss in the presence of5–0 mmol m–3 DCMU) but weremuch greater than thatof lutein (25% loss). Analysis of the individual pigment-proteincomplexes, isolated from chloroplasts following such treatment,showed that whilst pigment destruction had occurred in all complexes,the relative content of the LHCP2/CPa complexes (containingthe PSII core) had fallen to the greatest extent. Further illuminationof the chloroplasts, for up to 22 h, resulted in far greaterbleaching but showed a similar pattern of pigment loss, withDCMU again accelerating the rate at which this loss occurred.ß-Carotene-5,6-epoxide was identified as a productof such photo-oxidative conditions. Key words: DCMU, carotenoids, chlorophylls, photobleaching, ß-carotene-5,6-expoxide  相似文献   
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