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Components of partial resistance [disease incidence (DI), infection frequency (IF), latent period (LP), spores per lesion (SPL)] were assessed on glasshouse-grown barley seedlings following inoculation with spore suspensions of Rhynchosporium secalis at growth stage 12 (Zadoks, Chang & Konzak, 1974). Four experiments were carried out at different times during 1988. Three spring barley cultivars [two from Cyprus (cvs Kantara and Athenais) and one from the UK (cv. Triumph)] were used in the first three experiments. In the fourth experiment eight additional UK cultivars with NIAB resistance ratings ranging from 3 to 9 were used. Two races of R. secalis were used in the first three experiments and three in the fourth. The three cultivars, Kantara, Athenais and Triumph, were examined in all four experiments and significant differences detected for virtually all components of partial resistance in each. Differences, however, were often small and ranking of cultivars varied in different experiments. The greater susceptibility of cv. Kantara compared to cv. Athenais, observed under field conditions in Cyprus, would not be anticipated from the small differences in components of partial resistance observed in these experiments, but, for these cultivars, the possibility of a marked genotype x environment interaction cannot be discounted. Mean values for the components of partial resistance differed in the four experiments. LP was correlated with mean glasshouse temperature from inoculation to the onset of sporulation but differences in IF and SPL were not correlated with temperature. For these components, light quality and/or duration appeared to be more important. Overall, there were no differences between races but significant race X cultivar interactions were observed in two experiments. In the fourth experiment, examining 11 cultivars, there were significant differences between cultivars for all components of partial resistance. IF and LP were correlated but neither of these components was correlated with SPL indicating independent control of this latter component. Both IF and LP were correlated with field performance (NIAB ratings) but there was no correlation with SPL. However, combining IF with mean values of SPL restricted to the 5 days following the end of the LP, produced the best correlation (r= 0.92) with NIAB ratings. Problems of assessing components of partial resistance and possible means of improving assessments are discussed.  相似文献   
Plant respiration draws on substrate pools of different functional/biochemical identity. Little is known about the effect of nitrogen deficiency on those pools' sizes, half-lives and relative contribution to respiration, and consequently, of carbon residence time in respiratory metabolism. Here we studied how nitrogen fertilization affects the respiratory carbon supply system of shoots and roots of Lolium perenne , a perennial grass. Plants grown at two nitrogen supply levels in continuous light were labelled with 13CO2/12CO2 for intervals ranging from 1 h to 1 month. The rate and isotopic composition of shoot, root and plant respiration were measured, and the time-courses of tracer incorporation into respired CO2 were analysed by compartmental modelling. Nitrogen deficiency reduced specific respiration rate by 30%, but increased the size of the respiratory supply system by 30%. In consequence, mean residence time of respiratory carbon increased with nitrogen deficiency (4.6 d at high nitrogen and 9.2 d at low nitrogen supply). To a large extent, this was due to a greater involvement of stores with a long half-life in respiratory carbon metabolism of nitrogen-deficient plants. At both nitrogen supply levels, stores supplying root respiration were primarily located in the shoot, probably in the form of fructans.  相似文献   
Abstract: Eyes other than those of trilobites are rarely preserved in the fossil record. We describe here a set of six tiny, isolated, three‐dimensionally preserved compound eyes. These secondarily phosphatized eyes were etched from ‘Orsten’ limestone nodules dated to the Agnostus pisiformis Biozone from the Cambrian Alum Shale Formation of Sweden. The ovoid eyes arise from an elongated stalk, their surface being covered by a mosaic of regular and hexagonal‐shaped facets representing the surface of ommatidia. Facet size and pattern change within the same specimen from the posterior to the anterior end. With regard to some morphological criteria, we grouped the material in two different morphotypes, type A and B, the first being represented by specimens of two different developmental stages. From stage to stage, mostly growth in overall size and addition of new ommatidia was noticed. Among the meiobenthic ‘Orsten’ arthropods, only the crustacean Henningsmoenicaris scutula has been described as possessing stalked eyes, but the eyes of the largest specimen with preserved eyes of this species are much smaller than the new eyes and do not display any kind of ommatidia on their visual surface. However, fragments of larger specimens of H. scutula and the co‐occurrence of this species with the new isolated eyes in the sieving residues make it likely that the latter belong to this species but belong to more advanced stages than those described previously of H. scutula. Ontogenetically, the eye stalks of this fossil crustacean elongate progressively, while the regular hexagonal facets, lacking in early stages, appear later on.  相似文献   
1. The watercourses of Austria are mainly part of the Danube drainage system. Nonetheless, only few brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations of the Danubian phylogenetic lineage have been found in this region, not being introgressed by hatchery‐reared fish of the allochthonous Atlantic lineage. The present study was aimed at identifying further waterbodies that might harbour the non‐admixed gene pool of the Danubian clade trout. 2. In a first step, the complete mitochondrial DNA control region of 447 specimens from 20 sampling sites was sequenced to screen for the presence of specific haplotypes. In a second step, 332 individuals from 15 populations were analysed at 10 microsatellite DNA loci. 3. Although sampling concentrated on remote Alpine headwater streams, introgression of hatchery strains was more common than expected from existing stocking records. For seven populations, however, no evidence of recent hatchery trout introgression was found and it is suggested that they might represent the indigenous gene pool. 4. Populations showing no evidence of hatchery introgression displayed lower levels of intrapopulation variability and higher degrees of differentiation compared to purported admixed populations. 5. Our study demonstrates the necessity of combining different molecular markers to reveal the impact of introgression into wild populations, since at some sampling sites admixture would have remained undetected if only a single molecular technique was applied. 6. The identification and characterisation of non‐introgressed populations provides important information for setting conservation priorities and preventing further loss of genetic integrity of a unique element of the native fish fauna.  相似文献   
The tettigoniid genus Phlesirtes Bolivar and its allies are reviewed. Morphological, ecological and molecular data prompt the erection of the new genus Chortoscirtes gen.n. with type species Xiphidion meruense Sjöstedt. The genera Phlesirtes, Chortoscirtes, Karniella and Naskreckiella are characterized by morphological characters supported by molecular, acoustic, ecological and chromosomal data. Four species, Chortoscirtes pseudomeruensis sp.n. , C. masaicus sp.n. , C. puguensis sp.n. and C. serengeti sp.n. , are described from localities in northern and coastal Tanzania and one Karniella, K. crassicerca sp.n. , is described from Uganda. The following comb n. are proposed: Phlesirtes kibonotensis (Sjöstedt) and Phlesirtes kilimandjaricus (Sjöstedt). Subtribal status is proposed for the four investigated African genera. A key to the Chortoscirtes species is provided.  相似文献   
A new species of Nepenthes L., N. attenboroughii (Nepenthaceae), from Palawan Island in the Philippines, is described and illustrated. It is restricted to rocky, ultramafic soils that comprise the summit region of Mount Victoria, Municipality of Narra, where it occurs in isolation from other members of the genus. On the basis of the morphological features, this new taxon appears to be related to both N. mira Jebb & Cheek of Palawan and N. rajah Hook.f. of Borneo. Its substantial size places it among the largest of known pitcher plants. The diagnostic morphological characters are discussed and an updated key is provided for a revised complex of Nepenthes species from the Palawan and North Borneo phytogeographical region. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 195–202.  相似文献   
Social interactions in animal groups can buffer environmental stress and may enhance survival under unfavourable conditions. In the present study, the impact on starvation endurance of social group, access to larvae and cold shock is studied in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi Förster. Resource sharing is expected to lead to grouped workers surviving longer than isolated ones. Access to larvae may increase longevity if larvae serve as food, or may interfere with survival if they induce caring behaviour in workers. Cold shock serves as a stress factor and a negative influence on survival is expected. The results show that isolated workers have a shorter lifespan than grouped workers, which in turn live for a shorter period than grouped workers with larvae. Beneficial ‘group effects’ contribute to group survival and the presence of larvae increases worker survival because the workers presumably feed on the larvae. Thus, improved starvation endurance may reflect an additional benefit of a social lifestyle. Moreover, variance in survival is lower for grouped workers than for isolated workers: group members not only demonstrate improved survival, but also smaller within‐group differences. Although a negative influence on survival is the expected outcome, this type of thermal stress is found to have no direct impact on starvation endurance other than moderating the differences between isolated and grouped workers.  相似文献   
Six spring barley cultivars with no known genes for resistance to specific virulences but varying in partial resistance to Rhynchosporium secalis, were crossed in all combinations (6 × 6 diallel including reciprocals). In addition to seeds from naturally selfed plants, seeds of all parent cultivars were also produced by artificial selfing (emasculation followed by pollination using pollen from the same cultivar). This ensured comparability between seeds of parents and F1. Both sets of parents, F1 and F2 families were grown in the field as single spaced plants and inoculated at Zadoks growth stage 49 with spore suspensions (2 × 106 spores ml-1) of three races (pathotypes) of R. secalis (Zadoks, Chang & Konzak, 1974). Components of partial resistance, incubation period (ICP), infection frequency (IF) and spore production per lesion (SP/L) were assessed on each plant. There were highly significant differences for all three components of partial resistance in both sets of parent cultivars but rank order in both sets was similar as evidenced by correlation coefficients, r= 0.96 for ICP and IF and r= 0.87 for SP/L. All three components of partial resistance were strongly correlated with NIAB (National Institute of Agricultural Botany, Cambridge, UK) resistance ratings. Means of F1 and F2 families were correlated with mid-parent values for ICP and IF but not SP/L. No difference in aggressiveness was found between races but for each component of partial resistance there was a significant interaction between race and parent cultivar (artificial selfs) and, for IF and ICP, a significant interaction between race and F1 family. There was no evidence of interaction between parent (natural selfs) and race nor between race and F2 family. Examination of genetic control of resistance showed evidence of strong additive effects (combining ability) in both F1 and F2 for ICP and IF but not for SP/L. There was no evidence for maternal or reciprocal differences, but there was evidence for dominance effects although their nature differed between components of partial resistance and between F1 and F2 generations. In the F1, but not the F2 generation, several elements of dominance (direction, distribution of dominant genes between parent cultivars, specific combining ability) showed for ICP or IF (but not SP/L) significant interaction with race.  相似文献   
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