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1. Although macrophytes play a key role in the structure and functioning of lowland rivers, most of the basic plant, hydrodynamic and sediment‐water interactions have only been described qualitatively. We therefore studied quantitatively, the seasonal dynamics of matter deposition and mobilisation inside and outside (free path) a representative patch of arrowhead, Sagittaria sagittifolia, in the lowland River Spree, NE Germany, in August 2006. Our in situ study combined resuspension experiments, a hydrodynamically calibrated erosion chamber and concurrent measurements of the prevailing flow characteristics and bed load. 2. Increasing entrainment rates (E) of particles (ESPM) and total P (ETP), with increments of shear velocity (U*) from 0.53 to 2.42 cm s?1, were significantly higher inside the plant patch than outside. Indeed, ESPM and ETP at the lowest U* were 8‐ and 12‐fold higher inside than outside the patch, reflecting the resuspension potential of the upper nutrient‐enriched layer and the extent of pulsed P inputs even at small increases in U*. 3. Vertical distribution of velocity (u) revealed a flow pattern of a mixing layer inside the S. sagittifolia patch, and that of a boundary layer in the free path. The highest gradient of u in the mixing layer was located in the water column at about 0.5 m depth, whereas the highest gradient of u for the boundary layer was found near the riverbed. The maximum of U* (1.65 cm s?1) was only 4 mm above the sediment. 4. A plant mosaic provides a low‐energetic environment promoting extensive particle trapping and the accumulation of a fine‐grained, nutrient‐enriched sediment, and forming a large resuspension potential. Consequently, after plant decay and the concomitant increase of U* this material is preferentially entrained at higher rates. Hence, the key role of submerged macrophytes in lowland rivers is more directly related to modifying the dynamic equilibria between vegetation trapping and resuspension, than to the retention of nutrients, particularly P, and the reduction of P loads downstream to other waters.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate selection of male morphological traits during copulation, a laboratory experiment was performed with the promiscuous seedbug Lygaeus simulans. Three male traits suspected as putative targets of selection were measured: weight, fluctuating asymmetry of a measure on the forewings, and length of a conspicuous genital structure, the processus gonopori. As fitness measures we considered total fecundity (number of fertilized eggs), insemination and fertilization success (established if a female laid fertilized eggs after copulation), and the interval between copulation and oviposition. Eighty-four males were allowed a single copulation with one virgin female each. Out of 67 copulations, 27 (40.2%) resulted in fertilized eggs and the oviposition latency ranged from 6 to 26 days. Regressions of male traits on the fitness measures showed significant phenotypical selection of two male traits: (1) males of average weight are more likely to achieve fertilization and (2) the oviposition latency was shorter for males with lower asymmetry. The copulation-oviposition interval may be especially important for male fertilization success because Lygaeus males perform copulatory mate guarding and the last male copulating with a female fertilizes most of the eggs. No selection of the genitalic trait was detected.  相似文献   
Abstract: We redescribe the morphology of Yohoia tenuis (Chelicerata sensu lato) from the Cambrian Burgess Shale Lagerstätte. The morphology of the most anterior, prominent, so‐called great appendage changes throughout ontogeny. While its principal morphology remains unaltered, the length ratios of certain parts of the great appendage change significantly. Furthermore, it possesses a special jack‐knifing mechanism, i.e. an elbow joint: the articulation between the distal one of the two peduncle elements and the most proximal of the four spine‐bearing claw elements. This morphology might have enabled the animal to hunt like a modern spearer‐type mantis shrimp, an analogy enhanced by the similarly large and protruding eyes. For comparison, details of specimens of selected other great‐appendage arthropods from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte have been investigated using fluorescence microscopy. This revealed that the morphology of the great appendage of Y. tenuis is much like that of the Chengjiang species Fortiforceps foliosa and Jianfengia multisegmentalis. The morphology of the great appendage of the latter is even more similar to the morphology developed in early developmental stages of Y. tenuis, while the morphology of the great appendage of F. foliosa is more similar to that of later developmental stages of Y. tenuis. The arrangement of the elbow joint supports the view that the great appendage evolved into the chelicera of Chelicerata sensu stricto, as similar joints are found in various ingroup taxa such as Xiphosura, Opiliones or Palpigradi. With this, it also supports the interpretation of the great appendage to be homologous with the first appendage of other arthropods.  相似文献   
Two new genera, Fulvoscirtes n.gen. and Acanthoscirtes n.gen. , are established within the subtribe Karniellina of Conocephalini. Fulvoscirtes is based on Xiphidion kilimandjaricum Sjöstedt, 1909 and Acanthoscirtes on Phlesirtes kevani Chopard from northern Kenya. The majority of Fulvoscirtes spp. are confined to open grasslands in the submontane zone of mountains. Fulvoscirtes contains eight species, seven of which are newly described in this paper. Three species and one subspecies occur on Mt Kilimanjaro. These are F. kilimandjaricum (Sjöstedt) constricted to the southern slopes, F. legumishera n.sp. confined to the northern side and F. sylvaticus n.sp. occurring on the western side of Kilimanjaro and on the eastern slopes of Mt Meru. Fulvoscirtes fulvus n.sp. is divided into two subspecies, F. fulvus fulvus n.ssp. found in the submontane zone of east Kilimanjaro and F. fulvus parensis n.ssp. in submontane to montane localities of the North and South Pare mountains. Fulvoscirtes fulvotaitensis n.sp. occurs in the Taita Hills of southern Kenya. Fulvoscirtes viridis n.sp. is described from savannah habitats between Mts Longido and Meru. Fulvoscirtes laticercus n.sp. is found in the Kenyan highlands, while the most southerly occurring species, Fulvoscirtes manyara n.sp. , is found on Mt Hanang and the Mbulu highlands of northwestern Tanzania. Acanthoscirtes contains three species, of which A. albostriatus n.sp. is described newly from savannah habitas of eastern Kilimanjaro. Information is given on the ecology and the acoustic behaviour of some of the species together with keys to the genera of the Karniellina and the species of Fulvoscirtes and Acanthoscirtes. The genera of Karniellina probably evolved at a time when grasslands spread in East Africa due to an increasing aridification of the climate. The earliest lineage, the genus Karniella, is adapted to more forested habitats while the majority of the genera of Karniellina prefer open grasslands. Major splits within Karniellina probably occurred with the emergence of savannah grasslands due to the ongoing fragmentation of forest habitats several millions years ago, but most species within the genera are geologically young, their radiation being boosted by climatic fluctuations of the past 1–2 Ma.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Using monospecific antibodies, the presence and distribution of tubulin, actin, myosin, intermediate filaments, and lamins were examined in the exoerythrocytic liver schizont of Plasmodium berghei by conventional indirect fluorescent antibody methods and confocal laser scanning microscopy. the binding reactivity of the antibodies to parasite proteins was determined by Western blot analysis. the localisation of all antibodies in control host hepatocytes followed expected distributions in both uninfected and infected hepatocytes; by contrast, reactivity to the exoerythrocytic schizont was variable. the parasite reacted positively with selected anti-tubulin, -actin, and -myosin antibodies in both fluorescence and Western blot analysis. Anti-lamin antibodies were positive by confocal indirect fluorescent antibody labelling, but no labelling was detected with anti-intermediate filament antibody. Within the technical limits of resolution of the methods as applied to asynchronous parasite infections, not one of the antibodies reacting positively with the parasite by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique could be shown to identify unequivocally the classic architectural features associated with their respective target organelles, i.e. microtubules, stress-fibres or the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   
Pollination of the edelweiss, Leontopodium alpinum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes the pollinators, scent and nectar composition of the edelweiss ( Leontopodium alpinum). In contrast to former statements in the literature, the flowers of this famous plant are frequently visited by various insects in 29 familieS. However, in the two populations of L. Alpinum investigated here, flies (Muscidae) were the most frequent visitorS. Although the investigated insects carried pollen grains all over their bodies and qualify as mess and soil pollinators, pollen grains were not randomly distributed on the bodies of the insects but were most concentrated on their legs. Their loads of L. Alpinum pollen varied greatly, but more than 60% of all Leontopodium pollen grains found on the insects were carried by only 12% of the specimens collected, suggesting that a small fraction of the visitors is responsible for most of the pollen transfer. The number of pollen grains found on the insects also increased significantly with increasing body size of the insects. The scent of the flowers is sweet and honey-like (phenylethyl alcohol and phenylacetic acid) but also contains disagreeably smelling, sweat-like components (3-methyl-2-pentenoic acids, butyric acid and other fatty acids).Nectar is secreted in minute amounts in the tiny florets of the flower heads. The sugar composition of the nectar is dominated by the hexoses fructose and glucose. It also contains a high amino acid concentration with many different amino acidS. Nectar, scent and the shape of the flowers of L. Alpinum all fit the syndrome of fly pollination.  相似文献   
Land‐use change (LUC) is a major driving factor for the balance of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and the global carbon cycle. The temporal dynamic of SOC after LUC is especially important in temperate systems with a long reaction time. On the basis of 95 compiled studies covering 322 sites in the temperate zone, carbon response functions (CRFs) were derived to model the temporal dynamic of SOC after five different LUC types (mean soil depth of 30±6 cm). Grassland establishment caused a long lasting carbon sink with a relative stock change of 128±23% and afforestation on former cropland a sink of 116±54%, 100 years after LUC (mean±95% confidence interval). No new equilibrium was reached within 120 years. In contrast, there was no SOC sink following afforestation of grasslands and 75% of all observations showed SOC losses, even after 100 years. Only in the forest floor, there was carbon accumulation of 0.38±0.04 Mg ha?1 yr?1 in afforestations adding up to 38±4 Mg ha?1 labile carbon after 100 years. Carbon loss after deforestation (?32±20%) and grassland conversion to cropland (?36±5%), was rapid with a new SOC equilibrium being reached after 23 and 17 years, respectively. The change rate of SOC increased with temperature and precipitation but decreased with soil depth and clay content. Subsoil SOC changes followed the trend of the topsoil SOC changes but were smaller (25±5% of the total SOC changes) and with a high uncertainty due to a limited number of datasets. As a simple and robust model approach, the developed CRFs provide an easily applicable tool to estimate SOC stock changes after LUC to improve greenhouse gas reporting in the framework of UNFCCC.  相似文献   
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