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Pyraloidea, one of the largest superfamilies of Lepidoptera, comprise more than 15 684 described species worldwide, including important pests, biological control agents and experimental models. Understanding of pyraloid phylogeny, the basis for a predictive classification, is currently provisional. We present the most detailed molecular estimate of relationships to date across the subfamilies of Pyraloidea, and assess its concordance with previous morphology‐based hypotheses. We sequenced up to five nuclear genes, totalling 6633 bp, in each of 42 pyraloids spanning both families and 18 of the 21 subfamilies, plus up to 14 additional genes, for a total of 14 826 bp, in 21 of those pyraloids plus all 24 outgroups. Maximum likelihood analyses yield trees that, within Pyraloidea, differ little among datasets and character treatments and are strongly supported at all levels of divergence (83% of nodes with bootstrap ≥80%). Subfamily relationships within Pyralidae, all very strongly supported (>90% bootstrap), differ only slightly from a previous morphological analysis, and can be summarized as Galleriinae + Chrysauginae (Phycitinae (Pyralinae + Epipaschiinae)). The main remaining uncertainty involves Chrysauginae, of which the poorly studied Australian genera may constitute the basal elements of Galleriinae + Chrysauginae or even of Pyralidae. In Crambidae the molecular phylogeny is also strongly supported, but conflicts with most previous hypotheses. Among the newly proposed groupings are a ‘wet‐habitat clade’ comprising Acentropinae + Schoenobiinae + Midilinae, and a provisional ‘mustard oil clade’ containing Glaphyriinae, Evergestinae and Noordinae, in which the majority of described larvae feed on Brassicales. Within this clade a previous synonymy of Dichogaminae with the Glaphyriinae is supported. Evergestinae syn. n. and Noordinae syn. n. are here newly synonymized with Glaphyriinae, which appear to be paraphyletic with respect to both. Pyraustinae and Spilomelinae as sampled here are each monophyletic but form a sister group pair. Wurthiinae n. syn. , comprising the single genus Niphopyralis Hampson, which lives in ant nests, are closely related to, apparently subordinate within, and here newly synonymized with, Spilomelinae syn. n.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms express a densely packed surface coat consisting of identical variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) molecules. This surface coat is subject to antigenic variation by sequential expression of different VSG genes and thus enables the cells to escape the mammalian host's specific immune response. VSG turnover was investigated and compared with the antigen switching rate. Living cells were radiochemically labeled with either 125I-Bolton-Hunter reagent or 35S-methionine, and immunogold-surface labeled for electron microscopy studies. The fate of labeled VSG was studied during subsequent incubation or cultivation of labeled trypanosomes. Our data show that living cells slowly released VSG into the medium with a shedding rate of 2.2 ± 0.6% h−1 (t1/2= 33 ± 9 h). In contrast, VSG degradation accounted for only 0.3 ± 0.06% h−1 (t1/2= 237 ± 45 h) and followed the classical lysosomal pathway as judged by electron microscopy. Since VSG uptake by endocytosis was rather high, our data suggest that most of the endocytosed VSG was recycled to the surface membrane. These results indicate that shedding of VSG at a regular turnover rate is sufficient to remove the old VSG coat within one week, and no increase of the VSG turnover rate seems to be necessary during antigenic variation.  相似文献   
Following a precultivation with pedospheric nitrogen nutrition, Ricinus plants were supplied with nitrogen solely by spraying nitrate or ammonium solution onto the leaves during the experimental period. The chemical composition of tissues, xylem and phloem exudates was determined and on the basis of the previously determined nitrogen flows (Peuke et al., New Phytologist (1998), 138 , 657–687) the flows of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride and ABA were modelled. These data, which permit quantification of net-uptake, transport in xylem and phloem, and utilization in shoot and root, were compared with results obtained in plants with pedospherically-supplied nitrate or ammonium and data in the literature. Although the overall effects on the chemical composition of supplying ammonium to the leaves were not as pronounced as in pedospherically supplied plants, there were some typical responses of plants fed with ammonium (ammonium syndrome). In particular, in ammonium-sprayed plants uptake and transport of magnesium decreased and chloride uptake was increased compared with nitrate-sprayed plants. Furthermore, acropetal ABA transport in the xylem in ammonium-sprayed Ricinus was threefold higher than in nitrate-sprayed plants. Additionally, concentrations of anions were more or less increased in tissues, particularly in the roots, and transport fluids. The overall signal from ammonium-sprayed leaves without a direct effect of ammonium ions on uptake and transport systems in the root is discussed.  相似文献   
Fabry disease (FD) is a lysosomal storage disorder, which develops due to a deficiency in the hydrolytic enzyme, α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A). Alpha-Gal A hydrolyzes glycosphingolipid globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), and an α-Gal A deficiency leads to Gb3 accumulation in tissues and cells in the body. This pathology is likely to involve multiple systems, but it is generally considered to affect primarily vascular endothelium. In this study, we investigated mutations in the GLA gene, which encodes α-Gal A, in Mexican families with FD. We included seven probands with FD that carried known mutations. We analysed pedigrees of the probands, and performed molecular screening in 65 relatives with the potential of carrying a GLA mutation. Five mutations (P40S, IVS4 +4, G328V, R363H, R404del) were detected in seven unrelated Mexican families with the classic FD phenotype. Of the 65 relatives examined, 42 (64.6%) had a GLA gene mutation. In summary, among seven Mexican probands with FD, 65 relatives were at risk of carrying a known GLA mutation, and molecular screening identified 42 individuals with the mutation. Thus, our findings showed that it is important to perform molecular analysis in families with FD to detect mutations and to provide accurate diagnoses for individuals that could be affected.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Two new tridacnine species are described from the Chattian and Aquitanian of the Arabian Peninsula. For these, the new names Omanidacna eos gen. et sp. nov. and Tridacna evae sp. nov. are erected. Omanidacna is interpreted as an Oligocene ancestor of Hippopus , being the oldest record of this tridacnine lineage. The Aquitanian Tridacna evae is the first occurrence of the genus Tridacna . These Arabian taxa imply that the modern tridacnine lineages are rooted in the Palaeogene and early Neogene of the East African-Arabian Province, although their Eocene ancestors, such as Byssocardium , are Western Tethyan taxa. During the Neogene they successfully settled the Indo-Polynesian Province and became typical elements of the entire Indo-West Pacific Region. The tridacnines are thus an example of a successive transformation and gradual eastward dispersal of an originally Tethyan element contributing to late Neogene diversity in the Indo-West Pacific.  相似文献   
Spatiotemporal fire occurrence in Borneo over a period of 10 years   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
South-east Asia's tropical rainforests are experiencing the highest rate of deforestation worldwide and fire is one of the most important drivers of forest loss and subsequent carbon dioxide emissions. In this study, we analyzed all fire events in Borneo recorded by satellites over a period of 10 years. About 16.2 Mha, which corresponds to 21% of the land surface, have been affected by fire at least once and 6% more than one time. During El Niño conditions, which cause prolonged droughts in the region, the fire-affected area was on average three times larger than during normal weather conditions. Similarly, fires in forests affected 0.3 Mha in normal years and 1 Mha during El Niño years. Carbon rich peat swamp forest ecosystems were most severely affected. There is a pronounced difference in fire occurrence between different countries and provinces in Borneo although ecosystem and land use are very similar across the island. Compared with Sarawak, Sabah (Malaysia) and Brunei the relative annual fire-affected area in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo, was on average five times larger. During El Niño conditions the fire-affected area increased only in Kalimantan and not in Brunei and the Malaysia. A similar pattern was observed in National Parks. This suggests, that El Niño related droughts are not the only cause of increased fire occurrence and do not necessarily lead to a higher number of fire events. These results improve our understanding of existing fire regimes and drivers of fire in SE Asian tropical ecosystems and may help to better protect the remaining rainforests.  相似文献   
We present a revision of the genus Troglophilus in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula based on morphological and genetic analysis, and provide distribution data for the species. The results of these analyses reduced the number of the known taxa within the genus Troglophilus in this area to five valid species: Troglophilus cavicola ( Kollar, 1833 ), Troglophilus neglectus Krauss, 1879 , Troglophilus ovuliformis Karny, 1907 , Troglophilus brevicauda Chopard, 1934, and Troglophilus lazaropolensis Karaman, 1958. A new species Troglophilus zorae sp. nov. is described and Troglophilus neglectus serbicus Maran, 1958, Troglophilus neglectus vlasinensis Maran, 1958, Troglophilus bukoviki Karaman, 1968 and Troglophilus pretneri Us, 1970 are synonymized. The distribution pattern of the western Balkan species supports a general east?west migration route. We also determined the centres of origin and spreading directions of particular species according to the distribution of the taxa and the structure of the haplotypes. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1035–1063.  相似文献   
We used 179 tree ring chronologies of Douglas‐fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] from the International Tree‐Ring Data Bank to study radial growth response to historical climate variability. For the coastal variety of Douglas‐fir, we found positive correlations of ring width with summer precipitation and temperature of the preceding winter, indicating that growth of coastal populations was limited by summer dryness and that photosynthesis in winter contributed to growth. For the interior variety, low precipitation and high growing season temperatures limited growth. Based on these relationships, we chose a simple heat moisture index (growing season temperature divided by precipitation of the preceding winter and current growing season) to predict growth response for the interior variety. For 105 tree ring chronologies or 81% of the interior samples, we found significant linear correlations with this heat moisture index, and moving correlation functions showed that the response was stable over time (1901–1980). We proceeded to use those relationships to predict regional growth response under 18 climate change scenarios for the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s with unexpected results: for comparable changes in heat moisture index, the most southern and outlying populations of Douglas‐fir in Mexico showed the least reduction in productivity. Moderate growth reductions were found in the southern United States, and strongly negative response in the central Rocky Mountains. Growth reductions were further more pronounced for high than for low elevation populations. Based on regional differences in the slope of the growth–climate relationship, we propose that southern populations are better adapted to drought conditions and could therefore contain valuable genotypes for reforestation under climate change. The results support the view that climate change may impact species not just at the trailing edges but throughout their range due to genetic adaptation of populations to local environments.  相似文献   
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