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Two species of palo santo trees are distributed in the Galápagos archipelago, the native Bursera graveolens and the endemic Bursera malacophylla (Burseraceae). However, a zone of individuals morphologically intermediate between the two exists on northern Santa Cruz Island and south‐eastern Santiago Island, suggesting that they may not be reproductively isolated. Here we review the species' distributional and morphological differences and test for evidence of hybridization between the two species using DNA sequence and AFLP data. We find that the species lack distinguishing synapomorphies across the five nuclear and plastid regions examined. Population assignment tests and population genetic analyses of AFLP data indicate that genetically similar palo santo individuals (N = 87), including putative hybrids, partition into two genealogical groups that do not uniformly correspond to island‐ or taxon‐based membership. Furthermore, genotypic admixture levels among morphologically intermediate individuals do not indicate widespread hybridization. Thus, we recommend recognizing the endemic palo santo taxon as B. graveolens subspecies malacophylla (B.L.Rob.) A. Weeks & Tye comb. & stat. nov. in light of its close genetic relationship to B. graveolens subsp. graveolens and its distinctive morphology and distribution. Future research should quantify phenotypic variation in palo santo populations as another means for understanding the basis of morphological differences between the subspecies. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 396–410.  相似文献   
Spilled crude petroleum from oil wells contains numerous hydrocarbons, some of which are toxic and threaten life. We have studied the mobility and persistence of hydrocarbons in waterlogged soils that contain large proportions of fermented organic matter (Histosols) and large concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the State of Tabasco, Mexico. We sampled soil and phreatic water at sites polluted by oil spills for several decades, as well as at sites that had only recently (few weeks) been polluted, and compared their hydrocarbon contents with those of unaffected sites in the same area. Samples were analyzed for 16 non-alkylated polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and n-alkanes from nC9 to nC34. The spilled hydrocarbons had remained predominantly in the organic surface horizons of the soil where spillage occurred; there was little evidence of movement within the soil. The fraction of low molecular weight compounds was larger at sites of recent spills than where spills happened several decades ago. Nevertheless, sites of old spills still contained large concentrations of hydrocarbons, among which those of low molecular weight represented from 30 to 49% of total PAHs and from 50 to 84% of total n-alkanes, indicating that volatilization or microbial degradation is slow in these soils. In the peat horizons the measured organic carbon partition coefficients (K oc ) for the higher molecular weight PAHs were consistently smaller than those estimated by empirical equations by up to two orders of magnitude. The dissolved organic carbon of these peat soils seems to influence this behavior. At sites of old spills, partition coefficients for the PAHs were larger than at sites of recent spills.  相似文献   
Semiparametric regression estimation in the presence of dependent censoring   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We propose a semiparametric estimation procedure for estimatingthe regression of an outcome Y, measured at the end of a fixedfollow-up period, on baseline explanatory variables X, measuredprior to start of follow-up, in the presence of dependent censoringgiven X. The proposed estimators are consistent when the dataare ‘missing at random’ but not ‘missing completelyat random’ (Rubin, 1976), and do not require full specificationof the complete data likelihood. Specifically, we assume thatthe probability of censoring at time t is independent of theoutcome Y conditional on the recorded history up to t of a vectorof time-dependent covariates that are correlated with Y. Ourestimators can be used to adjust for dependent censoring andnonrandom noncompliance in randomised trials studying the effectof a treatment on the mean of a response variable of interest.Even with independent censoring, our methods allow the investigatorto increase efficiency by exploiting the correlation of theoutcome with a vector of time-dependent covariates.  相似文献   
Abstract: The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak in western Canada poses significant conservation concern; thus, insights into its effects on wildlife habitat are essential. We used generalized linear mixed models to examine the influence of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and mountain pine beetle—infected lodgepole pine (Pinus contortus) on nest patch selection of red-breasted nuthatches (Sitta canadensis) in central British Columbia, Canada. Prior to the outbreak, nuthatches selected nest patches with 64% more suitable nest trees (standing dead aspen, ≥12.5 cm dbh) than available (103 trees/ha vs. 63 trees/ha, respectively), but in outbreak years nuthatches chose nest patches with 37% more beetle-infected pine trees than available (63 trees/ha vs. 46 trees/ha, respectively). Our results suggest that nuthatches select sites that maximize nesting and foraging opportunities and, during food pulses, may trade off higher densities of suitable nest trees for higher densities of foraging trees. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):733–737; 2008)  相似文献   
Abstract: We evaluated the use of naturally occurring nose scars to identify individual sea otters (Enhydra lutris) in Simpson Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA. We spent 520 hours over 103 days conducting photo-identification surveys from June to August 2002 and 2003. Altogether, we identified 114 individuals. The number of sightings per individual ranged from 1 to 26, with an average of 3.3. The maximum number of sightings of an individual within a single year was 19. We saw 54 otters (47%)on >1 day, with an average of 8.1 sightings per individual for those seen more than once. We identified 8 individuals (19% of those identified in 2002) in both years. Males and otters of undetermined sex that we first sighted in June had the highest re-sighting rates. We considered 45% of all individuals encountered identifiable from nose scars. Nose scars were present in 63% (n = 19) of males, 45% (n = 45) of females, and 40% (n = 49) of otters of undetermined sex. Our results are similar to the results of photo-identification studies of other marine mammals, suggesting that this technique may be a useful tool for the individual identification of sea otters as well.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Conspicuousness to mates can bring benefits to both males (increased mating success) and females (reduced search costs), but also brings costs (e.g. increased predation and parasitism). Assassin bugs, Rhinocoris tristis, lay egg clutches either on exposed stems or hidden under leaves. Males guard eggs against parasitoids. Guarding males are attractive to females who add subsequent clutches to the brood. This is an excellent opportunity to study the effects of conspicuousness on the fitness of males and females. 2. Using viable eggs in a multi‐clutch brood as a correlate of fitness, the present study examined whether laying eggs on stems affected (1) female fitness, through exposure to parasitism and cannibalism, and (2) male fitness, through attracting further females. 3. Stem broods were more parasitised. However, males on stems accumulated more mates and more eggs, a net benefit even accounting for parasitism. The eggs gained from being on a stem were cannibalised. By contrast, higher mortality on stems suggests that females should gain by ovipositing on leaves. To the extent that egg viability represents fitness, male and female interests may therefore differ. This suggests a potential for sexual conflict that may affect other species with male care. 4. Despite higher costs, females actually initiated more broods, and subsequently added bigger clutches to broods, on stems than under leaves. This suggests either that viable eggs do not reflect fitness, or that females laid in unfavourable locations. The key is now to address lifetime fitness, since unmeasured factors may affect offspring viability post‐hatching, and to investigate who controls the location of oviposition in R. tristis.  相似文献   
Abstract Quediina, a mega‐diverse conventional subtribe of the rove beetle tribe Staphylinini, is remarkably species rich in the north and south temperate regions of the world. Tropical faunas of this group, and the fauna of the entire Afrotropical biogeographical region (= Ethiopian region, = sub‐Saharan Africa), in contrast, are remarkably poor. The taxonomic study of the quediine genera of Staphylinini from the Afrotropical region reveals misidentifications for many of them. Their phylogenetic study demonstrates polyphyly of Quediina and reveals a new evolutionary pattern for the entire tribe Staphylinini. In particular, the formerly quediine genera Euristus Fauvel, 1899 , Ioma Blackwelder, 1952, Natalignathus Solodovnikov, 2005 , all endemic in the Afrotropical region, belong to the non‐related ‘Staphylinina’, ‘Philonthina propria’ and ‘Tanygnathinina sensu novo’ lineages of Staphylinini, respectively. Contrary to earlier records, the genus Quedius Stephens, 1929 does not occur in Africa south of Sahara: Quedius angularis Cameron, 1948 and Quedius cinctipennis Cameron, 1951 are moved to the genus Philonthus Stephens, 1829. The same is established for the Asian genus Algon Sharp, 1874, formerly for a long time associated with Quediina: African species Algon robustus Wendeler, 1928 is moved to the genus Moeocerus Fauvel, 1899 (here in the ‘Philonthina propria’ lineage); and the misidentification of Algon africanus Bernhauer, 1915, a species that probably belongs to a new genus, is discussed. The phylogenetic affiliation of Afroquedius Solodovnikov, 2006 , a South African endemic, is still ambiguous. Overall, the formerly seen bipolar distribution pattern for the ‘Quediina’ is demonstrated to be an artefact, not a reality to explain. Historical biogeographical explanations are proposed for some of the Afrotropical endemics, partly as an attempt to apply biogeography as an external criterion for the evaluation of the new phylogenetic pattern revealed for Staphylinini. The monotypic genera Euristus and Ioma, as well as Heterothops megalops Cameron, 1959 , the only representative of this widespread genus in the Afrotropical region, are redescribed. Limits and synapomorphies of the genus Heterothops are discussed. The following new combinations and new names are proposed: Philonthus cinctipennis ( Cameron, 1951 ) comb.n. (preoccupied by Philonthus cinctipennis Fauvel, 1875), here replaced by Philonthus pseudoquedius Solodovnikov nom.n. ; Philonthus angularis ( Cameron, 1948 ) comb.n. ; Moeocerus robustus ( Wendeler, 1928 ) comb.n. [preoccupied by Moeocerus robustus (Gestro, 1881)], here replaced by Moeocerus wendeleri Solodovnikov nom.n. A lectotype is designated for Heterothops megalops Cameron, 1959 .  相似文献   
To study the influence of elevated CO2 and nitrogen (N) fertilization on wood properties and energy, Populus × euramericana trees were exposed to ambient CO2 (about 370 μmol mol−1 CO2) or elevated CO2 (about 550 μmol mol−1 CO2) using Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) technology in combination with two N levels. Elevated CO2 was maintained for 5 years. After three growing seasons, the plantation was coppiced, one half of each experimental plot was fertilized and secondary sprouts were harvested after two growing seasons. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of wood revealed significant effects of both elevated CO2 and N fertilization on wood chemistry, in particular, significant increases in lignin and decreases in N content. These results were corroborated by chemical analysis. Neither elevated CO2 nor N fertilization affected the calorific value of wood, which was 19.3 MJ kg−1. N fertilization enhanced the energy production per land area by 16–69% because of higher aboveground woody biomass production than on nonfertilized land. Estimates indicate that high yielding poplar short rotation cultivation may significantly contribute as an alternative feedstock for energy production.  相似文献   
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