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ABSTRACT We assessed success of vaginal implant transmitters (VITs), deployed in 198 elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni), in locating elk calving sites in western Wyoming, USA, in 2006–2007. We identified 60.3% of expelled VIT locations as definite or probable event markers and an additional 21.8% as possible event markers. Failure rate for VITs was 10.6%, and we found an additional 7.3% in improbable or impossible parturition sites. Vaginal implant transmitters were effective in locating calving and abortion sites and will facilitate definition of parturition habitat selection and parturition ranges of specific subpopulations.  相似文献   
A total of 44 accessions of Brachiaria decumbens were analysed for chromosome count and meiotic behaviour in order to identify potential progenitors for crosses. Among them, 15 accessions presented 2n = 18; 27 accessions, 2n = 36; and 2 accessions, 2n = 45 chromosomes. Among the diploid accessions, the rate of meiotic abnormalities was low, ranging from 0.82% to 7.93%. In the 27 tetraploid accessions, the rate of meiotic abnormalities ranged from 18.41% to 65.83%. The most common meiotic abnormalities were related to irregular chromosome segregation, but chromosome stickiness and abnormal cytokinesis were observed in low frequency. All abnormalities can compromise pollen viability by generating unbalanced gametes. Based on the chromosome number and meiotic stability, the present study indicates the apomictic tetraploid accessions that can act as male genitor to produce interspecific hybrids with B. ruziziensis or intraspecific hybrids with recently artificially tetraploidized accessions.  相似文献   
Abstract: Assessing the impact of large carnivores on ungulate prey has been challenging in part because even basic components of predation are difficult to measure. For cougars (Puma concolor), limited field data are available concerning fundamental aspects of predation, such as kill rate, or the influence of season, cougar demography, or prey vulnerability on predation, leading to uncertainty over how best to predict or interpret cougar-ungulate dynamics. Global Positioning System (GPS) telemetry used to locate predation events in the field is an efficient way to monitor large numbers of cougars over long periods in all seasons. We applied GPS telemetry techniques combined with occasional snow-tracking to locate 1,509 predation events for 53 marked and an unknown number of unmarked cougars and amassed 9,543 days of continuous predation monitoring for a subset of 42 GPS-collared cougars in west-central Alberta, Canada. Cougars killed ungulates at rates near the upper end of the previously recorded range, and demography substantially influenced annual kill rate in terms of both number of ungulates (subad F [SAF] = 24, subad M [SAM] = 31, ad M = 35, ad F = 42, ad F with kittens <6 months = 47, ad F with kittens <6 months = 67) and kg of prey (SAF = 1,441, SAM = 2,051, ad M = 4,708, ad F = 2,423, ad F with kittens <6 months = 2,794, ad F with kittens >6 months = 4,280). Demography also influenced prey composition; adult females subsisted primarily on deer (Odocoileus spp.), whereas adult males killed more large ungulates (e.g., moose [Alces alces]), and subadults incorporated the highest proportion of nonungulate prey. Predation patterns varied by season and cougars killed ungulates 1.5 times more frequently in summer when juveniles dominated the diet. Higher kill rate in summer appeared to be driven primarily by greater vulnerability of juvenile prey and secondarily by reduced handling time for smaller prey. Moreover, in accordance with predictions of the reproductive vulnerability hypothesis, female ungulates made up a higher proportion of cougar diet in spring just prior to and during the birthing period, whereas the proportion of males increased dramatically in autumn during the rut, supporting the notion that prey vulnerability influences cougar predation. Our results have implications for the impact cougars have on ungulate populations and have application for using cougar harvest to manage ungulates.  相似文献   
1. Structure and diversity of the macroinvertebrate fauna were studied in relation to altitude and latitude among three groups of streams from Ecuador (lowland: 100–600 m, Central Valley: 2600–3100 m, páramo: 3500–4000 m), and one group from the temperate lowland region of Denmark. The streams in the four regions were comparable with regard to physical characteristics such as size, current and substratum.
2. In terms of faunal composition the Ecuadorian highland streams bore more resemblance to the Danish lowland streams than the Ecuadorian lowland streams. The greater similarity between the Ecuadorian highland and the Danish streams, however, was due to the large number of insect families in the Ecuadorian lowlands, many of which were not found in the other regions. Of ten physico-chemical parameters measured, maximum stream temperature explained by far the most variability in faunal composition.
3. The number of insect orders and families increased linearly with maximum stream temperature and therefore decreased with altitude and latitude. A compilation of literature data on insect richness and maximum water temperature from streams around the world confirmed this pattern, yielding a common linear relation for both temperate and tropical streams. This pattern may arise due to a direct temperature effect on speciation but is probably also related to geological history and the influence of climatic changes on stream ecosystems. We estimate that small, tropical, lowland streams have, on average, a two- to fourfold higher species richness than temperate lowland streams.  相似文献   
The fossil genus of rove beetles Apticax gen.n . with two new species, A. volans sp.n . and A. solidus sp.n., is described from the Nova Olinda Member of the Crato Formation in north‐eastern Brazil (Aptian–Albian, dated as 125–99.6 Ma old). Both species belong to the clade Staphylininae + Paederinae in the staphylinine group of subfamilies and are the first fossil true Staphylinidae to be described from the entire Southern Hemisphere. Although they resemble Paederinae, the low number of satisfactorily preserved characters do not allow definite placement of either A. volans or A. solidus in any of the subfamilies of Staphylinidae.  相似文献   
1. The evolutionary advantages that have driven the evolution of sex are still very much debated, and a number of benefits of parthenogenesis over sexual reproduction have been proposed. In particular, parthenogenetic individuals are thought to exhibit higher probabilities of establishment following arrival in new, isolated habitats such as islands. 2. One notable example of parthenogenesis occurring in islands is the damselfly Ischnura hastata, an American species that has colonised the Azores archipelago, where the populations consist only of females. This is the only known example of parthenogenesis within the insect order Odonata. 3. Here, two island populations of I. hastata were studied, one in the Galapagos and one in Cuba, to test whether island colonisation is consistently associated with parthenogenesis in this species. Field capture–mark–recapture studies and laboratory rearing of field‐collected eggs were undertaken in both areas. 4. Sex ratios in the field were found to be heavily female‐biased among mature individuals; however, fertility rates of field‐collected eggs were high, and the sex ratios in the laboratory did not differ from 1 : 1. Data from laboratory rearing showed that shorter larval development times and shorter adult life spans in males result in protandry, which might explain the skewed sex ratios in the field. 5. These findings are consistent with sex differences in key demographic parameters which could predispose I. hastata to parthenogenesis. However, the Azores population of I. hastata remains the only documented case of asexual reproduction in this insect group.  相似文献   
Background. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) promote wound healing, including after radiotherapy (RT) and surgery. The use of MSCs in regenerative medicine in the context of malignancy, such as to enhance wound healing post-RT/surgery in patients with soft tissue sarcomas (STSs), requires safety validation. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of human MSCs on STS growth in vitro and local recurrence and metastasis in vivo. Methods. Human primary STS and HT-1080 fibrosarcoma lines were transduced to express luciferase/eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein). Sarcoma cells were co-cultured or co-injected with bone marrow–derived MSCs for growth studies. Xenograft tumor models were established with STS lines in NOD/SCID/γcnull mice. To emulate a clinical scenario, subcutaneous tumors were treated with RT/surgery prior to MSC injection into the tumor bed. Local and distant tumor recurrence was studied using histology and bioluminescence imaging. Results. MSCs did not promote STS proliferation upon co-culture in vitro, which was consistent among MSCs from different donors. Co-injection of MSCs with sarcoma cells in mice exhibited no significant tumor-stimulating effect, compared with control mice injected with sarcoma cells alone. MSC administration after RT/surgery had no effect on local recurrence or metastasis of STS. Discussion. These studies are important for the establishment of a safety profile for MSC administration in patients with STS. Our data suggest that MSCs are safe in STS management after standard of care RT/surgery, which can be further investigated in early-phase clinical trials to also determine the efficacy of MSCs in reducing morbidity and to mitigate wound complications in these patients.  相似文献   
Careri, G., Giansanti, A. and Fensom, D. 1986. Dielectnc-gravimetricmeasurements on Fucus vesiculosus and Ascophyllum nodosum duringdehydration.—J. exp. Bot. 37: 375–378. Samples of the marine algae Fucus vesiculosus and Ascophyllumnodosum were dehydrated between plates of a condenser so thatsimultaneous measurements of dielectric properties and rateof water loss could be made. During the desiccation process,both the evaporation rate and the dielectric properties becomezero at a critical hydration Hc, indicating that for H <Hc,the residual water must be in a tightly bound state. The absolutevalues of Hc, depend on the nature of the sample, but they arein the range 0·1–0·3, well above the hydrationlimit for active ion uptake (H=0·02). It is concludedthat, in these fucoids, living cells are maintained in the hydrationregion where water is in the bound state only. Key words: Fucus, Ascophyllwn, dielectric, dehydration  相似文献   
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