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Effective conservation management requires that genetically divergent populations potentially harbouring important local adaptations be identified and maintained as separate management units. In the case of the endangered Australian Leadbeater's possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri), an arboreal marsupial endemic to Victoria, uncertainty over the evolutionary origin of a potentially important extant wild population recently discovered in atypical habitat (lowland swamp) at Yellingbo is hampering such efforts. The population is rumoured to be a recent introduction. Microsatellite allele frequencies at Yellingbo differed substantially from those in sampled populations in montane ash forest (FST between 0.23 and 0.36), and Bayesian clustering analyses of genotypes strongly separated them (K = 2). We conducted a suite of bottlenecking tests which all indicated that Yellingbo had undergone a recent reduction in size. The extent to which the distinctiveness of Yellingbo animals might be expected solely through bottlenecking associated with a recent introduction, was tested by simulating population–history scenarios seeded with genotypes from candidate wild and captive sources. No bottleneck scenario reproduced anything approaching the genetic distinction of the Yellingbo population, with all structure analyses placing Yellingbo in a separate cluster to simulated populations (K = 2, minimum FST = 0.13). These results suggest that Yellingbo does not share recent ancestry with other extant populations and instead may be a remnant of an otherwise extinct gene pool. Importantly, this may include genes involved in adaptation to a lowland swamp environment, substantially adding to the conservation importance of this population, and suggesting that separate management may be prudent until evidence suggests otherwise.  相似文献   
1. We surveyed 62 Canadian Shield lakes (<50 ha) to determine the relationship between factors related to isolation and extinction and the occurrence of brook trout (BT) (Salvelinus fontinalis), for which local extinctions have been documented over the last century in half of the lakes. 2. Logistic regression and information–theoretic model selection were used to determine the importance for the occupancy of BT of (i) isolation factors (degree of lake connectivity and the proximity of source populations of BT in neighbouring bodies of water) and (ii) extinction factors (lake morphometry and trophic status, as proxies of the risk of lake anoxia; predation and competition; and flooding caused by beaver (Castor canadensis) dams, which could potentially increase the risk of anoxia). 3. Isolation factors were the best predictors of the absence of BT in these lakes. Among extinction factors, only the impact of beaver dams (as measured by an index of increased water level and mortality of shrubs and trees in the littoral zone) improved model fits. Beaver dams were present at the outlets of all study lakes, but extensive mortality of riparian trees and shrubs was more common in lakes where BT populations were extinct. 4. Taken together, these results suggest that recolonization is a major factor determining the occurrence of BT while flooding caused by beaver dams might contribute to BT extinction by increasing the likelihood of winterkill in these small lakes.  相似文献   
1. The evolutionary advantages that have driven the evolution of sex are still very much debated, and a number of benefits of parthenogenesis over sexual reproduction have been proposed. In particular, parthenogenetic individuals are thought to exhibit higher probabilities of establishment following arrival in new, isolated habitats such as islands. 2. One notable example of parthenogenesis occurring in islands is the damselfly Ischnura hastata, an American species that has colonised the Azores archipelago, where the populations consist only of females. This is the only known example of parthenogenesis within the insect order Odonata. 3. Here, two island populations of I. hastata were studied, one in the Galapagos and one in Cuba, to test whether island colonisation is consistently associated with parthenogenesis in this species. Field capture–mark–recapture studies and laboratory rearing of field‐collected eggs were undertaken in both areas. 4. Sex ratios in the field were found to be heavily female‐biased among mature individuals; however, fertility rates of field‐collected eggs were high, and the sex ratios in the laboratory did not differ from 1 : 1. Data from laboratory rearing showed that shorter larval development times and shorter adult life spans in males result in protandry, which might explain the skewed sex ratios in the field. 5. These findings are consistent with sex differences in key demographic parameters which could predispose I. hastata to parthenogenesis. However, the Azores population of I. hastata remains the only documented case of asexual reproduction in this insect group.  相似文献   
The American lobster (Homarus americanus), a commercially important benthic marine crustacean, is widely distributed along the continental shelf of the western North Atlantic. The population substructure of this species remains poorly understood despite its economic value. Informative markers are required to clarify relationships between local populations. To this end, we developed eight polymorphic short sequence repeats (SSR) for the American lobster, which were derived from expressed sequence tags. Additionally, we tested four SSRs previously identified for the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus L.) for cross‐species utility; only one of these showed polymorphism.  相似文献   
Within the ray-finned fishes, eel-like (extremely elongate) body forms have evolved multiple times from deeper-bodied forms. Previous studies have shown that elongation of the vertebral column may be associated with an increase in the number of vertebrae, an increase in the length of the vertebral centra, or a combination of both. Because the vertebral column of fishes has at least two anatomically distinct regions (i.e. abdominal and caudal), an increase in the number and relative length of the vertebrae could be region-specific or occur globally across the length of the vertebral column. In the present study, we recorded vertebral counts and measurements of vertebral aspect ratio (vertebral length/width) from museum specimens for 54 species representing seven groups of actinopterygian fishes. We also collected, from published literature, vertebral counts for 813 species from 14 orders of actinopterygian and elasmobranch fishes. We found that the number of vertebrae can increase independently in the abdominal and caudal regions of the vertebral column, but changes in aspect ratio occur similarly in both regions. These findings suggest that abdominal vertebral number, caudal vertebral number, and vertebral aspect ratio are controlled by separate developmental modules. Based on these findings, we suggest some candidate developmental mechanisms that may contribute to vertebral column patterning in fishes. Our study is an example of how comparative anatomical studies of adults can generate testable hypotheses of evolutionary changes in developmental mechanisms.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 97–116.  相似文献   
The species related to Vriesea paraibica (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) have controversial taxonomic limits. For several decades, this group has been identified in herbarium collections as V. × morreniana, an artificial hybrid that does not grow in natural habitats. The aim of this study was to assess the morphological variation in the V. paraibica complex through morphometric analyses of natural populations. Two sets of analyses were performed: the first involved six natural populations (G1) and the second was carried out on taxa that emerged from the first analysis, but using material from herbarium collections (G2). Univariate ANOVA was used, as well as discriminant analysis of 16 morphometric variables in G1 and 18 in G2. The results of the analyses of the two groups were similar and led to the selection of diagnostic traits of four species. Lengths of the lower and median floral bracts were significant for the separation of red and yellow floral bracts. Vriesea paraibica and V. interrogatoria have red bracts; these two species are differentiated by the widths of the lower and median portions of the inflorescence and by scape length. These structures are larger in the former and smaller in the latter. Of the species with yellow floral bracts, V. eltoniana is distinguished by longer leaf blades and scapes and V. flava is characterized by its shorter sepal lengths. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 163–181.  相似文献   
Fourteen polymorphic microsatellites were isolated from Neogobius kessleri, a benthic fish of Ponto‐Caspian origin which has been recently introduced into the Middle and Upper Danube River. Number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus in a sample of 32 fish individuals ranged from two to four and from 0.13 to 0.75, respectively. These primers will be useful in determining the population structure of N. kessleri. In addition, successful cross‐amplification was obtained for four related species, N. melanostomus, N. fluviatilis, N. gymnotrachelus and Proterorhinus marmoratus. These microsatellite loci may be useful for the evaluation of the origin of non‐native goby populations.  相似文献   
Identifying the processes maintaining genetic variability in wild populations is a major concern in conservation and evolutionary biology. Parasite-mediated selection may strongly affect genetic variability in wild populations. The inbreeding depression theory predicts that directional selection imposed by parasites should act against the most inbred hosts, thus favouring genetic diversity in wild populations. We have tested this prediction by evaluating the strength and shape of the relationship between the load of a harmful fin-feeder ectoparasite ( Tracheliastes polycolpus ) and the genome-wide genetic diversity (i.e. heterozygosity measured at a set of 15 microsatellites) of its fish host, the rostrum dace ( Leuciscus leuciscus ). Contrary to expectation, we found a nonlinear relationship between host genetic diversity and ectoparasite load, with hosts that were either homozygous or heterozygous harbouring significantly fewer parasites than hosts with an intermediate level of heterozygosity. This relationship suggests that parasites could increase the variance of global heterozygosity in this host population through disruptive selection on genetic diversity. Moreover, when genetic diversity was measured at each locus separately, we found two very strong positive associations between host genetic diversity and the ectoparasite load. This latter result has three main implications: (i) genome-wide effect cannot alone explain the nonlinear relationship between global heterozygosity and ectoparasite load, (ii) negative non-additive allelic interactions (i.e. underdominance) may be a mechanism for resisting ectoparasite infection, and (iii) ectoparasites may favour homozygosity at some loci in this host population.  相似文献   
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