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Chemotherapy through Lysosomes with a DNA-Daunorubicin Complex   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
WHEN a drug can pass freely across cell membranes, it becomes distributed throughout the body fluids whichever its route of administration and invades all cells by diffusion at comparable rates. But if it is firmly associated with a non-permeant, pino-cytizable and digestible carrier, it will tend to remain confined within a smaller fluid space determined by its route of administration, its excretion will be slow and its intracellular penetration will be restricted to the endocytic route (Fig. 1). Free drug will then appear first within lysosomes, following digestion of the carrier. From the lysosomes it will diffuse into the other parts of the cells and eventually into the extracellular fluids. The intracellular concentration of the drug thus becomes dependent on the pinocytic activity of the cells and on the digestive potential of their lysosomes and must exceed the extracellular concentration in the most active cells. Obviously, this model requires the complex to be stable in the body fluids and to dissociate inside lysosomes. The drug itself must be resistant to lysosomal inactivation.  相似文献   
Research from the Patagonian‐Andean region is used to explore challenges and opportunities related to the integration of research on wildfire activity into a broader earth‐system science framework that views the biosphere and atmosphere as a coupled interacting system for understanding the causes and consequences of future wildfire activity. We examine how research in disturbance ecology can inform land‐use and other policy decisions in the context of probable future increases in wildfire activity driven by climate forcing. Climate research has related recent warming and drying trends in much of Patagonia to an upward trend in the Southern Annular Mode which is the leading pattern of extratropical climate variability in the southern hemisphere. Although still limited in spatial extent, tree‐ring fire history studies are beginning to reveal regional patterns of the top‐down climate influences on temporal and spatial pattern of wildfire occurrence in Patagonia. Knowledge of relationships of fire activity to climate variability in the context of predicted future warming leads to the hypothesis that wildfire activity in Patagonia will increase substantially during the first half of the 21st century. In addition to this anticipated increase in extreme fire events due to climate forcing, we further hypothesize that current land‐use trends will increase the extent and/or severity of fire events through bottom‐up (i.e. land surface) influences on wildfire potential. In particular, policy discussions of how to mitigate impacts of climate warming on fire potential need to consider research results from disturbance ecology on the implications of continued planting of flammable non‐native trees and the role of introduced herbivores in favouring vegetation changes that may enhance landscape flammability.  相似文献   
1. In 2002 Microdon myrmicae, a social parasite of Myrmica ants, was taxonomically separated from Microdon mutabilis. The original study in the U.K. found Microdon myrmicae to be specific to one ant species, Myrmica scabrinodis, yet it became apparent that the range of Microdon myrmicae includes at least the western Palaearctic. 2. Current knowledge of the European distributions of both Microdon myrmicae and Microdon mutabilis in Europe is reviewed. Also, in detailed studies of two Polish populations, Microdon myrmicae was found to survive equally well with two Myrmica ant species. We examine, however, the possibility that this reflects the presence of two separate Microdon species, each connected to one species of Myrmica. 3. Forty populations of Microdon myrmicae and 37 populations of Microdon mutabilis are currently known in Europe. All the populations in central and southern Europe that were visited after the separation of the two species were identified as Microdon myrmicae, while Microdon mutabilis’ recognised range is now restricted to the British Isles and Scandinavia. Myrmica scabrinodis was found to host Microdon myrmicae in 26 out of 31 populations investigated. Four other Myrmica species were identified to the host Microdon myrmicae: Myrmica gallienii (eight populations), Myrmica rubra (four), Myrmica vandeli (one), and Myrmica sabuleti (one). Microdon myrmicae occurs in waterlogged grassland habitats, mainly of the ‘Molinietum’ type, resulting in a patchy distribution relative to its host ants. 4. In two populations Myrmica scabrinodis and Myrmica gallienii are both abundant and rear Microdon myrmicae in equal proportions. Microdon myrmicae pupae from Myrmica gallienii nests were heavier and the anterior respiratory organs were of significantly different shape. In contrast, the comparisons of Microdon myrmicae pupae among all other populations showed no significant differences, suggesting only one species throughout the European range.  相似文献   
1. Body postures adopted by an animal can serve behavioural functions, homeostasis, or energy balance. 2. We investigated the function of holding the gaster curled forward under the thorax in acacia ants, Pseudomyrmex spinicola Emery, by testing whether ants adopted this posture for defence, thermoregulation, or for efficient locomotion. 3. For the defence hypothesis, we expected an increase in the proportion of ants with curled gasters after a visual threat, a vibrational disturbance of a branch, or the release of nestmate's alarm pheromones. Our data did not support these predictions. 4. For the thermoregulation hypothesis, we found a positive correlation between temperature and proportion of curled‐gaster ants. However, we did not find a reduction in the proportion of curled‐gaster ants after shading them, as predicted by this hypothesis. 5. Our data supported the locomotion hypothesis: curled‐gaster ants walked 1 cm s?1 faster than ants with the gaster held straight. Straight‐gaster ants walked with the thorax closer to the surface, a posture that likely shifts the centre of gravity closer to the surface in a manner similar to gaster curling. 6. Studying the role of the body posture in acacia ants and other insects will provide a better understanding of the kinematics of walking in challenging angles with respect to gravity.  相似文献   
1. As species' physiological breadth determines their potential to deal with environmental changes, and influences individuals' survival and the persistence of populations, information about lethal and sublethal responses could be fundamental for conservation purposes. 2. We used a standard experimental approach to explore mortality and behavioural avoidance responses (i.e. flight and emersion from the water) to a combination of acute heat and osmotic stress on six species of saline water beetles (belonging to Enochrus, Nebrioporus, and Ochthebius genera). 3. Heat stress affected survival and behavioural responses in all of the species, whereas osmotic stress and the interaction between both stressors only showed significant effects for the Ochthebius genus. Behavioural and survival patterns were highly interrelated across the stress gradients. The Enochrus and Nebrioporus studied species showed maximum avoidance activity at 35–40 °C, and a short (< 30 min) exposure to 45 °C was lethal. Ochthebius species were the most heat tolerant and displayed increasing behavioural responses with increasing temperature. In the Nebrioporus and Ochthebius genera, the species occupying lotic, more environmentally stable habitats, showed greater mortality, and avoidance responses were higher or initiated at lower stress thresholds than lentic species. In contrast, both Enochrus species displayed a similar mortality, and the lentic species E. bicolor emerged and flew more than the lotic E. falcarius, in concordance with its higher dispersal capacity. 4. Avoidance responses could provide interesting information about species' physiological amplitudes as a complement to lethal responses. The lotic species here studied showed narrower physiological amplitude (i.e. N. baeticus and O. glaber) or lower dispersal ability (i.e. E. falcarius) than their lentic relatives; both traits could result in a higher vulnerability of lotic species to thermal habitat changes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) telemetry is increasing in wildlife studies and has provided researchers and managers with new insight into animal behavior. However, performance of GPS collars varies and a major concern is the cause of unsuccessful fixes. We examined possible factors causing missed fixes in GPS collars on sympatric free-ranging Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and wolverines (Gulo gulo) in northern Sweden. We tested for effects of species, activity, habitat, individual, and collar on fix rate. Species was the most important factor affecting fix rate. Fix rate of GPS collars on lynx (80%) was almost twice as high as on wolverines (46%). Fix rate decreased during periods of low activity (day beds) for both species. Fix rate also decreased for females (both lynx and wolverine) for a period after they gave birth. We found no effect of proportion of forest within individual home range on fix rate. We conclude that species behavior, characteristics, and activity pattern are important factors affecting fix rate that we recommend be taken into consideration prior to analyzing GPS location data.  相似文献   
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