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This study employed nuclear and mitochondrial markers to assess the present-day composition of the population of Agaricus bisporus in coastal California. Favourable weather in the fall, winter and spring of 1990–91 furnished an uncommon opportunity to collect and study field material of the ‘button mushroom’A. bisporus, a cultivated species, from the region. The previous such season occurred 13 years earlier. Ninety-five nonredundant cultures from field material were prepared and genotypically characterized. These data were combined with data from earlier studies. Multilocus nuclear and mitochondrial genotypes were determined for 123 individuals. Genotypes were compared in pairwise fashion both within the sample and between this sample and others of diverse geographical origin or commercial provenance. Using parametric analysis and cluster analysis of nuclear similarities, and also mitochondrial data, two elements – indigenous and European – were apparent within the sample. This was consistent with our earlier results on a much smaller sample. At least 10 mitochondrial haplotypes (MTs) were present; based on genotypic similarities of associated nuclei, five (or six) MTs were Californian, four were European, and one was ambiguous. Based on MT origins, 54% of the 121 classifiable individuals in California were of European ancestry; natives constituted a minority at 46%. Even in the indigenous Monterey cypress habitat, where 84% of all individuals from California were sampled, non-native A. bisporus appeared to have achieved parity (at 48–49%) with the native population. In all other habitats, which are far more extensive, European individuals outnumbered Californian natives by 4:1. Some evidence of hybridization between the two ancestral groups was found. European strains appear to have been resident in California for approximately one century. The extensive occupancy of the native habitat by non-native germ plasm, the apparent inability of native strains to occupy or compete in non-native habitats, and the disproportionately large inoculum reservoirs represented by non-native habitat and agronomic activities all suggest that the native population is under considerable competitive pressure in what may be a very dynamic situation. If this surmise is correct, the native population may be at serious risk of further contraction, irreversible dilution through interbreeding, and possibly even extinction.  相似文献   
Several specialized adaptations of the reproductive and respiratory systems associated with the retention and expulsion of larvae in ovoviviparous Cephenemyia species (Diptera: Oestridae) are described and illustrated. In these flies the anterior section of the common oviduct is modified into a large sac‐like uterus that contains larvae, and the posterior section is modified into a larvipositor with a central tubular vagina. During larviposition, contraction of abdominal muscles forces haemolymph into a perivaginal sinus, causing a hydraulically driven exsertion of the larvipositor. A group of larvae and uterine fluid sealed off within the lumen of the vagina are then expelled from the vulva via hydraulic pressure as the stretched vagina is compressed. A one‐way, non‐return valve between the uterus and vagina prevents a reflux of larvae upward into the uterus during larviposition. All mutually dependent actions associated with larviposition occur almost simultaneously. All species have evolved a similar mechanism of expelling their larvae, but the shape of the non‐return valve is different in each species studied.  相似文献   
Chinese nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have played a significant role in the battle against AIDS in the People's Republic of China. This article provides a brief overview of the structure of these organizations, as well as an analysis of their principle accomplishments. Of great significance in this analysis is the fact that Chinese NGOs have effectively dealt with many sensitive health education areas that government authorities have felt reluctant to handle directly. As such, they have provided an indispensable component in the HIV/AIDS prevention and control calculus on the mainland.  相似文献   
West Nile virus spread rapidly from east to west across North America, despite the north‐south migratory flyways of its avian hosts. In this issue, Venkatesan & Rasgon (2010) present new data on the population genetics of Culex tarsalis, the dominant West Nile virus vector in the Western United States, suggesting that patterns of mosquito gene flow may better reflect the virus’s expansion from the Midwest to the Pacific than patterns of bird movement. These findings suggest a more significant role for vector dispersal in arboviral range expansion than has previously been appreciated, and they highlight the value of molecular genetic studies of insect vector populations for understanding epidemiology and disease ecology.  相似文献   
While some activity patterns in seals have been related to tidal rhythms, little work was done on diurnal rhythms until the recent development of image intensifying devices which facilitate night viewing. Individual bulls were studied over several 24-hour periods and the frequency of behavioural items was recorded during 10-min periods each hour. No significant differences were recorded between day and night activity levels, except in the frequency of 'Looks', nor was there any relationship between activity and tide state. The thesis that optimization of time spent ashore (and therefore 'at risk' both ecologically and energetically) is achieved by maintaining a constant level of activity through the 24-hour period is discussed. It is concluded that night time activity of Grey seal bulls can be inferred from observations made in daylight hours.  相似文献   
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