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The International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) offers great opportunities to geologists but suffers from a marked lack of identity in both public and professional perspective. This can be remedied by organizing the programme into a number of reasonably large projects with an identity of their own. Such a structure has to be attained according to a differentiated pattern, adjusted to accommodate groups and persons with initiative and dedication. The Board of the IGCP now has its great chance to act creatively by structurizing the programme. Now that the IGCP has become more widely known, geologists should make increased use of their formal powers to influence the programme, through the IUGS and individually.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Xiphophorus maculatus (platyfish) exhibits spots whichconsist of neoplastically transformed pigment cells (T-cells).The spots actually represent extreme benign melanomas. Transformationto T-cells is mediated by a "tumor gene" (Tu). Platyfish whichdevelop from X-irradiated embryos reveal an increase of Tu-expressionresulting in an overproduction of T-cells to benign melanomaswhich can be compared to that observed in certain hybrids betweenthe platyfish and Xiphophorus helleri (swordtail). Both theX irradiation-induced and the crossing conditioned increaseof Tu-expression represent a heritable alteration which mightbe related to a conversion from dispersed to condensed chromatinin the interphase nuclei.  相似文献   
To investigate the evolutionary mechanism (host specificity vs. random searching) maintaining mimicry between cuckoo egg appearance and that of different European cuckoo Cuculus canorus hosts, we studied the level of mimicry between the appearance of C. canorus eggs and that of their hosts' eggs in different habitats in southern Finland by using ultraviolet-visible reflectance spectrophotometry. In the main habitat used by C. canorus for reproduction, eggs laid in nests of different host species differed in appearance. Host use by C. canorus was not related to the abundance of hosts, and the level of mimicry was not related to host abundance in the habitat. Furthermore, a close match between C. canorus egg appearance and that of host eggs within habitats was detected after removing the potentially confounding effect of host abundance. In the only two suitable host species nesting in trees (namely chaffinch Fringilla coelebs and brambling Fringilla montifringilla ) we detected changes in C. canorus egg appearance that paralleled those of the two host species. Thus our findings suggest the existence of a correlation between the appearance of C. canorus eggs and that of their hosts' eggs within different habitat types, and suggest that mimicry is maintained by strict host preferences by each C. canorus female when laying.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 57–68.  相似文献   
Feeding innovations and parasitism in birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rate of behavioural innovation, such as opportunistic feeding innovation, may facilitate adaptation to novel environments. Because parasites may affect how their hosts adopt novel means of resource acquisition, or because opportunistic behaviours may involve the risk of being exposed to a large parasite fauna, we hypothesize an evolutionary link between the rate of feeding innovations and parasitism. We investigated the phylogenetic relationship between relative frequency of feeding innovations (adjusted for research effort and population size) and relative size of immune defense organs (as a relative measure of parasite-mediated selection) and the prevalence of blood parasites in birds. Using generalized least squares models, we found that species with relatively large bursa of Fabricius, thymus, and spleen had higher rates of feeding innovations than species with small immune defense organs. Similarly, there was a positive interspecific association between feeding innovation and haematozoa prevalence. These relationships were not confounded by migration, relative brain size, geographical distribution, and male plumage brightness. Analyses of causality relying on evolutionary modelling of discrete variables and path analysis suggest that increasing rate of feeding innovation may place species under intense selection due to parasitism. Therefore, behavioural adaptation by feeding innovation seems to have consequences for the coevolutionary arm race between parasites and hosts.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 441–455.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Total seston, and invertebrate drift were studied before and after lime addition to Fyllean River, a stream-iake system in Halland county, southwest Sweden, with poorly buffered waters undergoing acidification. 2. The largest effect of liming was on the chemistry of the water. Following liming with 23 mg CaCO3 l?1 the pH of the water changed from 5.8 to 6.8 and alkalinity from 0.04 to 0.13 meq l?1.Turbidity increased from 3.4 to 4.7 JTU with no change in colour. 3. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration of all samples was in the range 10.7–13.3 mg C l?1 with no significant change occurring due to liming. 4. Total seston increased from 4.35 mg DM 1?1 in unlimed conditions to 6.25 mg DM l?1 after lime addition. All significant changes in seston occurred in the smaller size fraction (0.45–25 μm). 5. Liming reduced the organic content of the partieulate material from an average of 61% to 39% immediately downstream of a lime silo (within 1 km) but had little effect when the river course was interrupted by lakes and impoundments. 6. The lakes in the river system had a larger effect on seston concentration than any effect of the lime addition by itself. Particle concentrations were reduced by 50–55% and DOC by about 1 mg C l?1as the water passed through the lakes. 7. Macroinvertebrate drift density was low in all samples before and after liming and typical of oligotrophic streams. Drift was significantly lower at limed (0.024 ind. m?3) than at unlimed (0.083 ind. m?3) locations. The decrease was only in total drift density with no significant change in the relative abundance of functional groups or in densities of single taxa, except for a reduction in drift of predators in the limed condition.  相似文献   
A fauna of provannid and provannid‐like shells is described from Upper Cretaceous seep carbonates in Hokkaido, Japan. We describe two new provannid species, Provanna tappuensis sp. nov. and Desbruyeresia kanajirisawensis sp. nov. , with preserved protoconchs of unquestionable provannid type with decollate apex. This material confirms the occurrence of Provannidae as early as the Middle Cenomanian. We also describe Hokkaidoconcha gen. nov. and a new family Hokkaidoconchidae fam. nov. , with two named species, H. hikidai sp. nov. and H. tanabei sp. nov . Hokkaidoconchidae are possibly related to the Provannidae, judging from a similar, but not decollate larval shell, although the juvenile teleoconch whorls differ in being of a general cerithimorph appearance and the details of the aperture are unknown. Furthermore, we review the published fossil record of Provannidae and Abyssochrysidae, and we consider that in those older than the Eocene, there is no evidence preserved that unequivocally supports a position there. The Jurassic Acanthostrophia acanthica from Italy seems to be the oldest known record of Abyssochrysidae, and the most reliable occurrence of the family, older than from the Miocene. Other fossil, pre‐Miocene species that have been classified in the Abyssochryssidae are provisionally referred to Hokkaidoconchidae. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 421–436.  相似文献   
Divergent natural selection is often thought to be the principal factor driving phenotypic differentiation between populations. We studied two ecotypes of the aquatic isopod Asellus aquaticus which have diverged in parallel in several Swedish lakes. In these lakes, isopods from reed belts along the shores colonized new stonewort stands in the centre of the lakes and rapid phenotypic changes in size and pigmentation followed after colonization. We investigated if selection was likely to be responsible for these observed phenotypic changes using indirect inferences of selection (FSTQST analysis). Average QST for seven quantitative traits were higher than the average FST between ecotypes for putatively neutral markers (AFLPs). This suggests that divergent natural selection has played an important role during this rapid diversification. In contrast, the average QST between the different reed ecotype populations was not significantly different from the mean FST. Genetic drift could therefore not be excluded as an explanation for the minor differences between allopatric populations inhabiting the same source habitat. We complemented this traditional FSTQST approach by comparing the FST distributions across all loci (n = 67–71) with the QST for each of the seven traits. This analysis revealed that pigmentation traits had diverged to a greater extent and at higher evolutionary rates than size‐related morphological traits. In conclusion, this extended and detailed type of FSTQST analysis provides a powerful method to infer adaptive phenotypic divergence between populations. However, indirect inferences about the operation of divergent selection should be analyzed on a per‐trait basis and complemented with detailed ecological information.  相似文献   
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