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Eleven new genera and 17 species are described, with one exception parasites on echinoderms: Trochostilifer gen. n. with T. domus sp.n. (type species) (Philippines) on Stylocidaris efftuens, T. mortenseni sp.n. (New Caledonia) on Prionocidaris australis and T. slriatus (Hedley) on P. baculosa annulifera; Ophioarachnicola biformis gen. et sp.n. (Solomon Is.) on Ophio-arachna incrassata; Hemiliostraca sloani sp.n. (Aldabra I.) on Ophiomyxa australis; Robil-lardia solida sp.n. (Loyalty Is.), host unknown. Ersilia Monterosato is transferred from Lacunidae to Eulimidae, E. stancyki sp.n. (Florida) is a parasite of Ophiolepis elegans. Hyper-mastus echinodisci sp.n. and H. sauliae sp.n. (both Borneo) are parasitic on Echinodiscus bisperforatus; Monogamus parasaleniae sp.n. (Tonga I.) on Parasalenia gratiosa. Scalari-balcis gen.n. is erected for Mucronalia angulata Mandahl-Barth. Concavibalcis scalaris gen. et sp.n. is described from the Philippines, host unknown. Echiuroidicola cicatricosa gen. et sp.n. (Malaysia) is a parasite on the echiuroid Ochetostoma erythrogrammon. Peasistilifer gen.n. (type species Mucronalia nitidula Pease) is erected for a group of holothurian parasites. Prostilifer gen.n. is erected for Eulima subpellucida Pease, parasitic on Pacific holo-thurians. Paramegadenus scutellicola sp.n. (Pacific) is parasitic on Stellaster incei, P. incerta sp.n. on an Australian starfish. Asterolamia hians gen. et sp.n. is described from Astropecten indicus and A. cingulata from Craspidaster hesperus , both Pacific. Microstilifer gen.n. is erected for Stilifer auricula Hedley. Vitreobalcis gen.n. is erected for Apicalia holdsworthi H. Adams, a parasite of Mespilia globulus and V. laevis sp.n. (from Synaptula purpurea , Australia) is provisionally placed here. Luetzenia asthenosomae gen. et sp.n. (Australia) and L. toki Habe are both parasites on Asthenosoma.  相似文献   
The structure and late development of the flowers of the South‐East Asian bee‐pollinated palm Licuala peltata are described with special focus on the architecture of the unusual labyrinthine nectaries. The nectaries are derived from septal nectaries by extensive convolution of the carpel flank surfaces below the ovary throughout the inner floral base, thus also encompassing the inner surface of the corolla–androecium tube. A comparison with septal nectaries elsewhere in Arecaceae and with labyrinthine nectaries in other monocots shows that labyrinthine nectaries situated below the ovary, as described here, are not known from any other palms, but are similar to those of a few Bromeliaceae and, less strongly convoluted, some Haemodoraceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae. In addition, the substantial participation of parts other than the gynoecium in the nectary architecture of Licuala appears unique at the level of monocots. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 66–77.  相似文献   
Storms can cause Europe-wide reduction in forest carbon sink   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disturbance of ecosystems is a major factor in regional carbon budgets, and it is believed to be partly responsible for the large inter-annual variability of the terrestrial part of the carbon balance. Forest fires have so far been considered as the most important disturbance but also other forms of disturbance such as insect outbreaks or wind-throw might contribute significantly to the largely unexplained inter-annual variability, at least in specific regions. The effect of wind-throw has not yet been estimated because of lack of data on how carbon fluxes are affected. The Gudrun storm, which hit Sweden in January 2005, resulted in ca. 66 million m3 of wind-thrown stem wood on an area of ca. 272 000 ha. Using a model (BIOME-BGC) calibrated to CO2 flux measurements at two sites, the annual net ecosystem productivity during the first year after the storm was estimated to be in the range −897 to −1259 g C m−2 yr−1. This is a much higher loss compared with harvested (clear-cut) forests in Europe, which ranged between ca. −420 and −100 g m−2 yr−1. The reduction in the carbon sink scaled to the whole wind-thrown area was estimated at ca. 3 million tons C during the first year. By historical data on wind-throw in Europe combined with modelling, we estimated that the large Lothar storm in 1999 reduced the European carbon balance by ca. 16 million tons C, this is ca. 30% of the net biome production in Europe. We conclude that the impact of increased forest damage by more frequent storms in future climate change scenarios must be considered and that intermittent large wind-throw events may explain a part of the large inter-annual variability in the terrestrial carbon sink.  相似文献   
Prior to the Holocene, the range of the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) spanned from France to the Northwest Territories of Canada. Although its distribution subsequently contracted to the steppes of Central Asia, historical records indicate that it remained extremely abundant until the end of the Soviet Union, after which its populations were reduced by over 95%. We have analysed the mitochondrial control region sequence variation of 27 ancient and 38 modern specimens, to assay how the species’ genetic diversity has changed since the Pleistocene. Phylogenetic analyses reveal the existence of two well‐supported, and clearly distinct, clades of saiga. The first, spanning a time range from >49 500 14C ybp to the present, comprises all the modern specimens and ancient samples from the Northern Urals, Middle Urals and Northeast Yakutia. The second clade is exclusive to the Northern Urals and includes samples dating from between 40 400 to 10 250 14C ybp. Current genetic diversity is much lower than that present during the Pleistocene, an observation that data modelling using serial coalescent indicates cannot be explained by genetic drift in a population of constant size. Approximate Bayesian Computation analyses show the observed data is more compatible with a drastic population size reduction (c. 66–77%) following either a demographic bottleneck in the course of the Holocene or late Pleistocene, or a geographic fragmentation (followed by local extinction of one subpopulation) at the Holocene/Pleistocene transition.  相似文献   
The effects of fertilization, irrigation or both on the seasonal changes of starch and soluble carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, myo-inositol, pinitol and sucrose) in needles of 20-year-old Scots pine trees (Pinus silvestris L.) were studied during three consecutive years. The starch content of the mature needles increased during spring and early summer to about 25% of dry weight. Neither fertilization nor irrigation affected the general pattern of starch accumulation during the spring. The starch reserves were mobilized when the shoot started to grow. Starch content decreased more rapidly in needles from fertilized than in those from unfertilized trees. The current needles from the control trees accumulated starch while they were still growing. The current needles of the fertilized trees did so to a lesser extent. The amount of starch was closely correlated to the air temperature and to the growth rate. Large amounts were found at low temperatures and low growth rates. The concentrations of soluble carbohydrates showed the well-known seasonal variation, with the highest value during the winter. The levels of sugars were nearly similar, irrespective of fertilization. An exception was sucrose, which was found in small quantities in needles from fertilized plots. Small amounts of sucrose were also found in growing current needles. The results are discussed in relation to growth limitation by assimilate availability and indicate that the ‘sink demand’ is the limiting factor.  相似文献   
Some major features of the anatomy of Benthonella nisonis Dall,1889 (Gastropoda, Rissoacea) have been examined and found tojustify a new genus, Thaleia gen. nov. for the species. Itssystematic position is discussed but no certain conclusionsreached (Received 29 September 1978;  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) availability is the main constraint on primary production in most Arctic ecosystems, with microbial fixation of atmospheric N as the primary source of N input. However, there are only few reports on N fixation rates in relation to climate change in the Arctic. In order to investigate the effects of anticipated global climate change on N fixation rates in a subarctic moist heath, a field experiment was carried out in Northern Sweden. Warming was induced by plastic tents, and in order to simulate the effects of future increased tree cover, birch litter was added each fall for 9 years before the measurements. We analyzed N fixation rates on both whole‐ecosystem level and specifically on two moss species: Sphagnum warnstorfii and Hylocomium splendens. The whole‐ecosystem N fixation of the warmed plots almost tripled compared with the control plots. However, in the Sphagnum and Hylocomium mosses we observed either no change or occasionally even a decrease in N fixation after warming. Both measured on whole‐ecosystem level and on the two moss species separately, litter addition increased N fixation rates. The results suggest that warming will lead to a general increased ecosystem N input, but also that the N fixation associated to some moss species is likely to decrease. Hence, this study shows that the scale of measurements is crucial when investigating on ecosystem responses to manipulations.  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from biomass combustion are traditionally assumed climate neutral if the bioenergy system is carbon (C) flux neutral, i.e. the CO2 released from biofuel combustion approximately equals the amount of CO2 sequestered in biomass. This convention, widely adopted in life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of bioenergy systems, underestimates the climate impact of bioenergy. Besides CO2 emissions from permanent C losses, CO2 emissions from C flux neutral systems (that is from temporary C losses) also contribute to climate change: before being captured by biomass regrowth, CO2 molecules spend time in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. In this paper, a method to estimate the climate impact of CO2 emissions from biomass combustion is proposed. Our method uses CO2 impulse response functions (IRF) from C cycle models in the elaboration of atmospheric decay functions for biomass‐derived CO2 emissions. Their contributions to global warming are then quantified with a unit‐based index, the GWPbio. Since this index is expressed as a function of the rotation period of the biomass, our results can be applied to CO2 emissions from combustion of all the different biomass species, from annual row crops to slower growing boreal forest.  相似文献   
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