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ABSTRACT. The application of an immunocytochemical method to identify precystic stages and to analyse the encystment kinetics, by using a polyclonal antiserum against isolated cyst walls from the ciliate Colpoda inflata , is reported for the first time. Three different precystic phases were chosen on the basis of morphological changes and degree of cyst wall formation. By using this procedure a better identification of mature resting cysts with regard to precystic cells or young cysts is provided. An average consensus encystment kinetics of C. inflata , by using an accumulated class frequency analysis, is reported.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The unique features of the MacArthur-Wilson modelof equilibrium biogeography are the immigration and extinctioncurves. In the model, the immigration rate for each island isnegatively correlated with species number, and island extinctionrate is positively correlated with species number. Direct tests of the sign and statistical significance of immigrationand extinction curves were done, with data on arthropods oftiny Spartina alterniflora islets, in north Florida. Rey (1981)defaunated six islets in the spring, then censused the recolonizationweekly, for one year. Two control islets and a mainland plotwere also censused. Distinct tendencies in favor of MacArthur-Wilsoncorrelations were present for both immigration and extinction.But sufficient extraneous variation occurs in immigration andextinction rates to make correspondence to MacArthur-Wilsoncurves statistically non-significant, unless probabilities arecombined among islands. Thus, mathematical deductions from theMacArthur-Wilson model, which treat the curves as deterministiclines with no variance, are less appropriate than approachesthat incorporate stochastic variation. The study of community patterns, by models such as the MacArthur-Wilsonmodel, are not a substitute for careful autecological studies.Mechanisms of colonization and co-existence are only dimly hintedat by gross community patterns.  相似文献   
The relationship between the intramolecular dynamics and the spectra has been analyzed by means of the molecular dynamics technique. Time autocorrelation functions of bond lengths, bending angles and torsional angles have been evaluated in a crystalline trans-polyacetylene system. The Fourier transforms of such functions have been compared with the densities of states obtained both for carbon and hydrogen atoms. This comparison is aimed at investigating the microscopic origin of the peaks which appear in the densities of states. This approach can be used in the analysis of the spectroscopic data of any molecular or polymeric system.  相似文献   
Studies on Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol. in central Argentina indicate that the species is polygamous (andromonoecious), some plants having a high proportion of staminate heads. Though pollen/ovule ratios of flowers, inflorescences and plants are at a level common for 'facultative xenogamic' systems, controlled pollination shows a marked xenogamy. The ratio between pollen grains in the polyad and the maximum number of seeds per pod is close to one. Observations support the idea of the inflorescence as a specialized reproductive unit with gynoecia functioning as fixed modules in which all or none of its ovules develop into seeds. Mass flowering prior to the growing season, the absence of other floral resources in the community, the high degree of fruiting limitations and scarce insect visitation suggest that, as in other Acacia , the reproductive system of Acacia caven involves a great sacrifice of floral resources.  相似文献   
Swallow-tailed Gulls lay single-egg clutches, and so raise single-chick broods. As they are pelagic seabirds, this small brood size is expected to relate to proximate food limitation owing to infrequent food deliveries. However, a previous brood doubling experiment detected an 82% increase in fledging success from experimentally doubled broods compared to controls. We repeated the brood doubling experiment, and found that none of 50 enlarged broods produced more than one independent offspring. Control and experimental parents produced fledglings of similar body size, which also had indistinguishable rates of fledging and subsequent survival and reproduction. A variety of parameters estimating survival and breeding costs of reproduction showed no treatment effect. Since two-chick broods yield dramatically higher fledging rates at some times, apparently without excess costs of reproduction, selection on brood size appears to favour a two-chick brood. However, selection may not favour a two-egg clutch if egg production is very costly. Additionally, our estimates of reproductive success do not incorporate the performance of experimental and control offspring as adults, which could differ, since growth of chicks differed slightly by treatment.  相似文献   
The cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMGs) isolated from cassava plants expressing mild and severe symptoms of cassava mosaic disease (CMD) in 2002 in Uganda were investigated using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) molecular techniques and DNA sequencing. Two previously described cassava mosaic geminiviruses: African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) said East African cassava mosaic virus - Uganda variant (EACMV-UG2) were detected in Uganda. The RFLP technique distinguished two polymorphic variants of ACMV (ACMV-UG1 and ACMV-UG2) and three of EACMV-UG2 (EACMV-UG2[1], EACMV-UG2[2] and EACMV-UG2[3]). ACMV-UG1 produced the fragments predicted for the published sequences of ACMV-[KE]/UGMld/ UGSvr, while ACMV-UG2, which produced the RFLP fragments predicted for the West African ACMV isolates ACMV-[NG], ACMV-[CM], ACMV-[CM/DO2] and ACMV-[CI], was shown to be ACMV-UGMld/UGSvr after DNA sequencing. EACMV-UG2[1] produced the RFLP fragments predicted for the published sequences of EACMV-UG2/UG2Mld/UG2Svr. However, both EACMV-UG2[2] and EACMV-UG2[3], which produced East African cassava mosaic vzras-[Tanzania]-like polymorphic fragments with RFLP analysis, were confirmed to be isolates of EACMV-UG2 after DNA sequencing. Thus, this study emphasises the importance of DNA sequence analysis for the identification of CMG isolates. EACMV-UG2 was the predominant virus and occurred in all the surveyed regions. It was detected in 73% of the severely and 53% of the mildly diseased plants, while ACMV was less widespread and occurred most frequently in the mildly diseased plants (in 27% of these plants). Mixed infections of ACMV and EACMV-UG2 were detected in only 18% of the field samples. Unlike previously reported results the mixed infection occurred almost equally in plants exhibiting mild or severe disease symptoms (21% and 16%, respectively). The increasing frequency of mild forms of EACMV-UG2 together with the continued occurrence of severe forms in the field warrants further studies of virus-virus and virus-host interactions.  相似文献   
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