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Cocoon spinning was analysed, using video recording and playback, in eighteen Nearctic black fly species, comparing nine Simulium species, six Eusimulium species, Stegopterna mutata, Cnephia dacotensis and Prosimulium mixtum. Fourteen behavioural characters were revealed that produced twenty-two equally parsimonious trees (CI = 0.93, RI = 0.96). Another tree was constructed on the basis of five characters relating to the cocoon structure (end-product characters). The goal of the study was to determine whether characters relating to behavioural components of black fly cocoon spinning or those based on end-products of the behaviour are superior for revealing phylogenetic relationships. This was accomplished by comparing both data sets to a phylogeny constructed with the use of cytological and morphological characters. If taxa are grouped according to end-products (the cocoons) there are some spurious groupings. The behavioural analysis only required one extra step to duplicate the morphological and cytological tree. In the case of black flies, it is more informative to use characters resulting from the analysis of the cocoon spinning behaviour than cocoon morphology.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Plecopteran species disperse less than most other aquatic insects. Within stoneflies, members of different families vary in the degree of wing morphology and season of adult emergence.
2. Dispersal limitations were tested to determine if there were increased differences among the nearby, Chagrin and Grand River populations in north-eastern Ohio, by comparing genetic variation within the 16s rRNA region of mitochondrial DNA in two stoneflies. Allocapnia recta emerges in winter and often has rudimentary wings, and Leuctra tenuis emerges in summer with fully developed wings.
3. There was significant genetic variability between the samples of A. recta from two adjacent rivers (FST = 0.20), but not between samples of L. tenuis (FST = 0.07).
4. Distinct clades in A. recta were found to occur within the minimum spanning tree specific to the Chagrin River, which contributed to a significant difference in gene diversity between the two rivers. Haplotypes in L. tenuis appeared randomly distributed between the two rivers; however, nucleotide diversity was significantly less in samples from the Grand River.
5. Shared haplotypes of both species illustrate the inter-connectedness of the Chagrin and Grand River populations, and the lower genetic variability of L. tenuis between the two rivers is indicative of its greater dispersal capability.  相似文献   
The effects of irrigation, four fertiliser rates, fungicide, insecticide + molluscicide, and nematicide treatments were tested on an Italian ryegrass sward sown in May 1983, in a multi-factorial experiment that allowed treatment interactions to be examined. Pests and fungal diseases were monitored over a 2-yr period. No recognised grassland insect pests or slugs were found in the seedbed but there were an estimated 17 300 plant parasitic nematodes/litre soil. Other, non-pest invertebrate populations, e.g. earthworms, were not assessed. In the first year yields were increased most by irrigation. There were also large yield responses to fertiliser over the range 50–900 kg N/ha/yr. Responses to pesticide application were relatively small. However, there were significant yield responses in the first year to nematicide and to insecticide + molluscicide treatments. Yields in the second year were affected more by increased fertiliser use than by irrigation; increases after pesticide use were similar to the previous year, and there was also a small but significant yield gain over untreated plots at the second harvest from those treated with fungicide. Interactions between main factors occurred in both years, affecting yields and nematode abundance. Nematode numbers were decreased in both years where the larger, compared to the smaller fertiliser applications had been made. In the first year these differences were only apparent on irrigated plots. It was concluded that, in this trial, irrigation had the greatest effect on yields of spring-sown ryegrass during its establishment year but that increasing fertiliser rates had a greater effect the year after; that fungi had had little effect on ryegrass yields, and that nematodes were more important pests than insects during establishment but insects were more important subsequently.  相似文献   
Abstract. An apparatus is described to carry out pulse and pulse-chase experiments with 14CO2 on intact, attached leaves with known, steady-state rates of photosynthesis under defined conditions of temperature, vapour pressure deficit and photon flux density. Data are presented which show that the pattern of distribution of 14C between compounds in extracts of such leaves is a true reflection of the pathways of photosynthetic carbon metabolism in the leaf during steady-state photosynthesis.  相似文献   
  • 1 Swarms of Culicoides impunctatus males were examined in the field in Scotland. Most swarms were close to midge emergence/breeding grounds over a variety of vegetation, some of which clearly acted as swarm markers. Low light (0–1000 lux) and still/humid conditions favoured swarming.
  • 2 Swarm size ranged between less than 10 and more than one thousand midges. The modal size was 200 individuals. The smallest swarms were usually columnar in shape and the larger swarms ovoid.
  • 3 Midges behaved individually within swarms, moving in an elliptical manner characteristic of other dipterans in swarms.
  • 4 Swarms were classified as either ‘persistent’ or ‘transient’ in terms of their shape, size and stability. Wind was the most influential factor in disrupting swarms.
  • 5 Swarms were confirmed as mating sites for C.impunctatus.
The pattern of solute leakage from imbibing dead pea (Pisumsativum L.) embryos was the same as that from living embryos,with an initially high leakage declining to a low constant rateof leakage in the first 3 min of imbibition. The same patternof leakage occurred during each imbibition phase of repeatedimbibe/dry cycles of dead embryos. Living and dead seeds alsoshowed this pattern of leakage. These observations are usedto argue that leakage during imbibition of embryos and seedsis a physical diffusion phenomenon. Vital staining of livingembryos after imbibition revealed positive staining for dehydrogenaseenzymes in the cells on the outer surface of the cotyledonsonly when 0.5 mM sodium succinate solution was present duringimbibition and/or staining. This is discussed in relation tothe effect of rapid water uptake on these cells.  相似文献   
Over the years there has been much debate as to whether α-MSH has a role as a pigmentary hormone in humans. There are two main reasons for this. First, despite the observations in the 1960s that α-MSH increased skin darkening in humans, there are reports that the peptide has no effect on melanogenesis in cultured human melanocytes. Second, the human pituitary, unlike that of most mammals, secretes very little α-MSH and circulatory levels of the peptide in humans are extremely low. However, there is now evidence from several groups that α-MSH is capable of stimulating melanogenesis in cultured human melanocytes. Rather than producing an overall increase in melanin production, it appears that the peptide acts specifically to increase the synthesis of eumelanin. Such an action could well explain the previously observed skin darkening effects of α-MSH. It is also now known that α-MSH is not produced exclusively in the pituitary but has been found at numerous sites, including the skin where it is produced by several cell types. Related Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides such as ACTH are also produced in human skin. The ACTH peptides act at the same receptor (MC-1) as α-MSH and certain of these would appear to be more potent than α-MSH in stimulating melanogenesis. The ACTH peptides are also present in greater amounts than α-MSH in human epidermis and it is likely that they play an important role in regulating pigmentary responses. These POMC peptides are released from keratinocytes in response to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and it has been proposed that they serve as paracrine factors in mediating UV induced pigmentation. Their production by keratinocytes could therefore be critical in determining pigmentary responses and any changes in the availability of these POMC peptides might explain the variations in tanning ability seen in different individuals. However, the possibility that tanning ability is also dependent upon differences at the level of the MC-1 receptor cannot be ruled out and it has been suggested that an inability to tan may depend upon the presence of non-functional changes at the MC-1 receptor. α-MSH does, of course, affect human melanocytes in several ways and its stimulation of melanogenesis could be the consequence of some other fundamental action in the melanocyte. The peptide also has many other target sites in the skin and while it may have a role in regulating skin pigmentation in humans, it should not be viewed solely as a pigmentary peptide. α-MSH clearly has many different actions and its primary role in the skin may be to maintain homeostasis.  相似文献   
1. Tadpoles of the bullfrog ( Rana catesbeiana ) collected in a coal ash deposition basin (contaminated with As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Se and other elements) and a downstream drainage swamp had a reduced number of labial teeth and deformations of labial papillae when compared with tadpoles from reference areas. Tadpoles from the coal ash-affected areas had 90% fewer teeth in anterior tooth row number 2 and 40% fewer teeth in posterior row number 1 than reference animals. In the deposition basins, drainage swamp and reference ponds, respectively, 96.2, 85.1 and 2.9% of tadpoles had oral deformities.
2. Tadpoles with deformities were less able to graze periphyton than were normal tadpoles, when tested in the laboratory. When presented with periphyton as a sole food source, tadpoles with deformed teeth had lower (negative) growth rates than those with normal teeth, which had slightly positive growth rates. When particulate food was also available, tadpoles grew well regardless of deformities.
3. It appears that the morphological deformities associated with this coal ash-polluted environment can have ecological ramifications for the affected organisms by limiting the type of food that can be consumed and the ability to grow when multiple food types are unavailable.  相似文献   
River regulation and fish larvae: variation through space and time   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Patterns in abundance and distribution of larval fish in a heavily regulated and a mildly regulated Australian lowland river were compared over four breeding seasons to gain some insight into how river regulation affects fish populations.
2. Larvae from a total of 13 species from nine families were recorded from the two rivers. The mildly regulated Broken River supported twice as many species as the heavily regulated Campaspe River. The two rivers shared three introduced species but only two native species. The dominant species in the Campaspe was not found in the Broken River.
3. The two most abundant species in the Campaspe were classified as `opportunists'. They are small, short-lived species, which spawn for up to 9 months, encompassing extremes in temperature and flow. The extended spawning period may place a subset of larvae in optimal conditions for recruitment and is hypothesised as being the key to the success of these species.
4. Most species spawned each year, despite large interannual variation in flow and temperature conditions. Poor recruitment over several decades, rather than a failure to spawn, is considered the most likely explanation for differences in the larval fish faunas between the two rivers.
5. The highly regulated section of the Campaspe River downstream of the regulating impoundment is thought to provide suboptimal habitat conditions for larvae relative to the less regulated downstream sections.
6. The timing of occurrence of larvae of the dominant species varied by breeding season and may be the result of flexibility in the timing of spawning.  相似文献   
Behavioural thermoregulation is important for the success of cool‐climate lizards, and a basis of the cold‐climate hypothesis for the evolution of viviparity in squamate reptiles. The temperature (Tsel) selected by pregnant females in a thermal gradient is considered to be optimal for embryonic development; however, exposure to Tsel throughout pregnancy has been difficult to estimate in small‐bodied lizards as temperature‐sensitive telemetry is impractical. In addition, the value of maternal thermophily during pregnancy is controversial: some studies have shown elevated Tsel, whereas others have found lowered Tsel or no change during pregnancy. We estimated indirectly the overall exposure to Tsel during the 4–5 months of pregnancy of the cool‐climate, sub‐alpine species Oligosoma maccanni (McCann's skink, 3–6 g) from southern New Zealand. The thermal environment available to skinks was modelled using temperature loggers inside validated copper models in basking and retreat sites. Pregnant skinks were able to achieve mean Tsel (28.9 °C) in the field very infrequently (4–15% of each month during the final 4 months of pregnancy). In field thermoregulatory studies, pregnant females did not bask more frequently and did not show altered field body temperature compared with non‐pregnant adults, suggesting that all skinks (whether pregnant or not) thermoregulate maximally whenever conditions allow. Further research on cool‐climate lizards should address the significance for offspring phenotypes of low and variable exposure to Tsel during pregnancy, as well as the significance of temperatures for embryos in maternal bodies (viviparity) versus nest sites (oviparity) arising from differences in maternal body size. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 96 , 541–552.  相似文献   
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