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The extent of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization was assessed in 10 field-collected plant species, representing three annual forbs, three perennial forbs, three perennial grasses and one annual grass. Each root system of each plant was split into four portions, and for each portion, mycorrhizal structures were revealed with epifluorescence microscopy (under which only arbuscules are generally visible) and three commonly used stains (Chlorazol Black E, Acid Fuchsin and Trypan Blue). The aim of the study was not to evaluate the efficacy of each method, but to compare results obtained by each under standard laboratory conditions. The recorded colonization levels of arbuscules, total arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal material and total fungal (arbuscular mycorrhizal+non-arbuscular mycorrhizal) material differed significantly between visualization methods in a number of species. However, there were also interactions between stain and plant species, indicating that the performance of a stain is dependent on the plant species being examined. In some cases (e.g. Plantago lanceolata ), each visualization method produced the same colonization level, while in others (e.g. Dactylis glomerata ), each method gave a different result. These data therefore suggest that the level of mycorrhizal colonization recorded in any particular plant species at a particular time is dependent on the technique employed.  相似文献   
Abstract: Making the link between evolutionary processes and development in extinct organisms is usually hampered by the lack of preservation of ontogenetic stages in the fossil record. Planktic foraminifers, which grow by adding chambers, are an ideal target organism for such studies as their test incorporates all prior developmental stages. Previously, studies of development in these organisms were limited by the small size of their early chambers. Here, we describe the application of synchrotron radiation X‐ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) to document the ontogenetic history of the foraminifers Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia menardii. Our SRXTM scans permit resolution at submicrometre scale, thereby displaying additional internal structures such as pores, dissolution patterns and complexity of the wall growth. Our methods provide a powerful tool to pick apart the developmental history of these microfossils and subsequently assist in inferring phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   
Exposure of Solanum nigrum L. seeds to high temperatures duringimbibition affected their leakage pattern: (1) The rate of leakageof total electrolytes was markedly increased with elevationof temperature. The increase was highest during the first 3h of imbibition but with a reduced rate thereafter. (2) Leakageof Na+ was almost complete after 6 h of imbibition at both temperatures,but much more Na+ leaked out at 50?C than at 25?C. (3) A markedincrease in leakage of K+ occurred after 24 h of exposure to50?C so that after 96 h three times more K+ leaked out at 50?Cthan at 25?C. (4) After 6 h of imbibition Ca11 and Mg++ continuedto leak out at 25?C and at 50?C at a similar rate. (5) Imbibitionat an elevated temperature induced a marked increase in theleakage of both nucleic acids and proteins. (6) Malate dehydrogenasewas not detected in the leachate at 25?C, but was found after48 h at 50?C. It is assumed that this enzyme was of cytoplasmicorigin, indicating heat damage to membranes. The possible roleof the above phenomena in the loss of viability of the seedsdue to exposure to high temperature during imbibition is discussed. Key words: Leakage, Germination, S. nigrum  相似文献   
It was shown that in pea root tips grown in media salinatedwith NaCl the content of NAD + NADH decreased while the contentof NADPH+NADP increased with increasing salinity. In pea roottips, grown in sulphate salinated media, only the decrease inthe content of NAD+NADH was noted. The content of NADPH+NADPin such root tips remained more or less constant. The implicationof these results and of previous results for the explanationof the nature of salinity damage was discussed.  相似文献   
Floral nectar spurs are widely considered to influence pollinator behaviour in orchids. Spurs of 21 orchid species selected from within four molecularly circumscribed clades of subtribe Orchidinae (based on Platanthera s.l., Gymnadenia–Dactylorhiza s.l., Anacamptis s.l., Orchis s.s.) were examined under light and scanning electron microscopes in order to estimate correlations between nectar production (categorized as absent, trace, reservoir), interior epidermal papillae (categorized as absent, short, medium, long) and epidermal cell striations (categorized as apparently absent, weak, moderate, strong). Closely related congeneric species scored similarly, but more divergent species showed less evidence of phylogenetic constraints. Nectar secretion was negatively correlated with striations and positively correlated with papillae, which were especially frequent and large in species producing substantial reservoirs of nectar. We speculate that the primary function of the papillae is conserving energy through nectar resorption and explain the presence of large papillae in a minority of deceit‐pollinated species by arguing that the papillae improve pollination because they are a tactile expectation of pollinating insects. In contrast, the prominence of striations may be a ‘spandrel’, simply reflecting the thickness of the overlying cuticle. Developmentally, the spur is an invagination of the labellum; it is primarily vascularized by a single ‘U’‐shaped primary strand, with smaller strands present in some species. Several suggestions are made for developing further, more targeted research programmes. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 369–387  相似文献   
Thomandersia is an isolated genus that is currently unplaced in Lamiales. In the past it has been classified in Acanthaceae or Pedaliaceae, on the basis of intuitive assessments of a limited number of morphological characters. Recent molecular sequenced-based phylogenies have suggested a relationship to Bignoniaceae, Schlegeliaceae or Verbenaceae. Here we present new observations of the floral anatomy of Thomandersia , with particular emphasis on the structure of the retinaculum, a character shared with Acanthaceae, and calyx nectaries, which may be shared with other families in Lamiales. The morphological and anatomical characters of Thomandersia are discussed in the context of recent phylogenetic hypotheses for Lamiales, with the aim of identifying potential primary and secondary homologies between Thomandersia and related families in Lamiales. We find that Thomandersia shares a range of characters with each of the families to which it might be sister-group, and that some of these primary homologies must therefore be homoplastic. In particular, if the topology based on molecular sequence data is correct, the retinacula of Thomandersia and Acanthaceae are homoplastic and represent an example of parallel morphological evolution.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 469–482.  相似文献   
Exposure of Solanum nigrum L. seeds for 48 h to high temperature(50°C) during imbibition, lowered considerably the activityof malate dehydrogenase in the mitochondria and in the cytosol.The affinity of both isozymes for their substrates and co-enzymeswas strongly depressed by this treatment. Optimal pH and optimaltemperature for maximal specific activity were also changed.Enzyme from treated seeds, although much less active, was moreheat tolerant. Separation on a DEAE cellulose column showedtwo distinct peaks of activity for cytosolic malate dehydrogenasefrom both treated and control seeds. Gel filtration througha G-75 Sephadex column showed only one peak of activity in bothcases. Gel electrophoresis of s-MDH from control seeds showedtwo bands of enzyme activity for each of the peaks eluting fromthe DEAE column. Only one activity band could be detected forenzyme from heat treated seeds and this band corresponded toone of the activity bands found in the control. From analysisof the data it appears that while part of the enzyme was denatured,due to exposure of the seeds to 50°C, a conformational changein the other part of the enzyme might have occurred which resultedin a change of enzyme properties and activity. However, on thebasis of the reported results an induction of synthesis of anew ‘heat tolerant’ enzyme, due to the treatment,cannot be ruled out. Key words: Solanum nigrum L., malate dehydrogenase, heat treatment, seeds  相似文献   
Amino acid composition of the free amino acid pool and the TCA-insolubleprotein fraction were investigated in root tips of pea and Tamarixtetragyna plants grown at various levels of NaCl salinity. Salinitystress induced an increase of proline content, mainly in thefree amino acid pool in both plants, and of proline or hydroxyprolinecontent in the protein. Externally-supplied proline was absorbedand incorporated into protein, by pea roots, more effectivelythan by Tamarix roots. Salinity stress, apparently, stimulatedthe metabolism of externally-supplied labelled proline. Pearoots have a very large pool of free glutamic acid; however,70 per cent of the 14C from externally-supplied 14C-U-glutamicacid was released as CO2. Very small amounts of it were incorporatedinto protein. No measurable amount of radioactivity could bedetected in any one of the individual amino acids, either ofprotein hydrolysate or the free amino acid pool. Proline very effectively counteracted the inhibitory effectof NaCl on pea seed germination and root growth. A similar effectbut to a lesser degree was achieved with phenylalanine and asparticacid. The feasibility of proline being a cytoplasmic osmoticumis discussed.  相似文献   
Bone marrow thymocytes in part mediate the bone-preserving effects of estrogen by decreasing their production of osteoclast growth factors such as interleukin-1 and -6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha in the presence of physiological amounts of estradiol. Although several in vitro studies implicate the T-lymphocyte as a candidate mediator of estrogen signaling in the skeleton, whether these cells or any lymphocytes ordinarily express one or both nuclear estrogen receptors was previously unresolved. The purpose of our investigation was therefore to ascertain, by using real-time PCR, immmunoblotting, and cytometric techniques, if any of the nuclear estrogen receptors could be detected in normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) collected from healthy volunteers. The results of immunoblotting experiments revealed that both estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) and beta (ESR2) proteins are expressed in nuclei, but not in the cytoplasm of PBMNC harvested from all of the 15 healthy male and female volunteers (aged 23–50 years) we tested. PBMNCs contained mRNA coding for the two major full-length isoforms of ESR2 and the expression of ESR2 protein was localized within a lymphocyte subpopulation by cytometric analysis. Our data provide further evidence that lymphocytes and monocytes are responsive to estrogen and underscore its importance in modulating the immune response, as well as the vascular and skeletal health of men and women.  相似文献   
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