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Two phylogeographical lineages of arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus , in Siberia are extensively characterized based on both molecular genetic (mtDNA control region sequences) and phenotypic (12 meristic characters) data. One lineage, occurring in the delta region of the Lena River as well as all other Arctic draining rivers sampled, corresponds to the subspecific taxon Thymallus arcticus pallasii , whose type locality is the Kolyma River. This taxon is proposed to be a postglacial colonizer of the Lena delta. The second lineage occurs throughout the rest of the Lena basin and is proposed to have survived in a glacial refugium in the middle reaches of the Lena. These lineages form reciprocally monophyletic groups based on mtDNA sequences (net divergence 3.2%), a relationship that is concordant with phenotypic data, and thus reflects distinct taxa. The upper Lena taxon is given the preliminary name of Thymallus arcticus lenensis . Phylogenetic analysis, together with previously published data from North America, reveals that mtDNA sequences from North American populations group within the diverse clade corresponding to T. a. pallasii in Siberia. Despite the relatively close genetic relationship of most North American haplotypes with those in northern Siberia, inferences of fragmentation between the continents are supported, but bidirectional movements between the two continents are seen as likely. Despite inclusion in the clade representing T. a. pallasii in Siberia, the source of the relatively divergent Nahanni refuge haplotypes in North America is not resolved. Otherwise, inferences of postglacial expansion across several thousand kilometres are well supported within North America, but only smaller-scale colonization events among drainages are supported in Siberia.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 511–525.  相似文献   
1. Surface ecosystems provide the primary source of organic matter to many cave communities. Variation in the strength of connectivity to the surface suggests that some caves may be more resource‐limited than others. To test this, we examined diet, prey availability and production of an obligate cave salamander Gyrinophilus palleucus (Plethodontidae), a top predator, in two south‐eastern U.S.A. caves with different levels of organic matter (Tony Sinks cave, 165 g AFDM m?2; Bluff River cave, 62 g AFDM m?2). 2. We quantified density, biomass, growth rate, production and diet of G. palleucus monthly for 21 months. Diet composition, differences in prey communities and seasonal patterns in prey consumption were also analysed. 3. Salamander density, biomass and secondary production were significantly greater in the high organic matter cave (0.10 m?2, 0.18 g AFDM m?2, 0.12 g AFDM m?2 year?1) than in the low organic matter cave (0.03 m?2, 0.03 g AFDM m?2, 0.01 g AFDM m?2 year?1). Although growth rates were not statistically different between the two cave salamander populations, low recaptures probably influenced this result. 4. Isopoda prey were the major contributor to salamander production in the high organic matter cave (69%). In the low organic matter cave, production was provided by isopods (41%) and oligochaetes (20%). The lower number of prey taxa contributing to salamander production in the high organic matter cave suggests the ability to forage more selectively. 5. The differences in foraging strategy, density, biomass and secondary production were probably related to differences in the strength of surface connectivity, which controls organic matter supply. Links between basal resource level and top predator performance show the importance of bottom‐up limitation in the food webs of caves and other detritus‐based ecosystems.  相似文献   
Thirty-six hour diurnal studies of Ng-fixation by Nostoc in a rocky-bedded stream were carried out during the peak of the seasonal cycle of growth on clear and cloudy days in 1971 and 1972. On both occasions an unexpected pattern of N2-fixation occurred with maximum fixation rates in the light but also in the dark portion of the day, with lowest fixation periods in the early evening. I postulate that competition for reductant between nitrogenase and other processes, especially photorespiration, controls this unusual diel cycle rather than variations in the intracellular N-pool. N2-fixation rates on a cloudless May day in 1971 ranged from 0.2 to 4.8 nmoles C2H4 cm−2 h−1 and from 0.3 to 3.3 nmoles C2H4 mg−1 h−1 dry weight of Nostoc, depending on time of day and favourableness of site. On the same site on a cloudy, rainy May day in 1972 fixation ranged from 0.5 to 3.1 nmoles C2H4 mg−1 h−1 dry weight, and from 1 to 4.5 nmoles C2H4 mg−1 h−1 ash-free dry weight of Nostoc. Since Nostoc is most abundant in unshaded areas, and since one-third of each day's nitrogen i s fixed in the dark, future studies should take dark fixation into account.  相似文献   
Rhamnolipids produced by the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa are known as very efficient biosurfactant molecules. They are used for a wide range of industrial applications, especially in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical formulations as well as in bioremediation of pollutants. In this paper, the role of rhamnolipids as novel molecules triggering defence responses and protection against the fungus Botrytis cinerea in grapevine is presented. The effect of rhamnolipids was assessed in grapevine using cell suspension cultures and vitro-plantlets. Ca2+ influx, mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and reactive oxygen species production form part of early signalling events leading from perception of rhamnolipids to the induction of plant defences that include expression of a wide range of defence genes and a hypersensitive response (HR)-like response. In addition, rhamnolipids potentiated defence responses induced by the chitosan elicitor and by the culture filtrate of B. cinerea . We also demonstrated that rhamnolipids have direct antifungal properties by inhibiting spore germination and mycelium growth of B. cinerea . Ultimately, rhamnolipids efficiently protected grapevine against the fungus. We propose that rhamnolipids are acting as microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) in grapevine and that the combination of rhamnolipid effects could participate in grapevine protection against grey mould disease.  相似文献   
  • 1 Production of chironomid communities of three first order, Appalachian Mountain streams was estimated and the effects of an insecticide-induced disturbance on chironomid production was examined.
  • 2 Annual production of non-Tanypodinae chironomids in the streams during the first study year (no treatment) ranged from 1366 to 3636 mg m?2, while production of Tanypodinae chironomids ranged from 48 to 116 mg m ?2. Production/biomass ratios ranged between 19 and 23 for non-Tanypodinae and from 6 to 7 for Tanypodinae chironomids.
  • 3 Insecticide applications resulted in significantly lower chironomid densities and biomass in the treated stream relative to the pretreatment year and reference stream. Annual production of non-Tanypodinae (703 mg m?2) and Tanypodinae (32 mg m ?2) chironomids in the treated stream decreased by 64% and 67%, respectively, compared with the pretreatment year. In contrast, production of non-Tanypodinae (2084 mg m?2) increased by 34% and production of Tanypodinae (96 mg m?2) by 57% in the reference stream.
1. Macroinvertebrate communities were studied from 1994 to 2001/2002 (except 1997) in six streams in Denali National Park, interior Alaska. All six streams were potential reference streams with no known impairment. 2. Abundance of individual taxa varied markedly from year to year. Overall, abundance decreased over the study period, particularly with respect to mayflies. Stonefly taxa showed lower persistence and were sometimes absent from a stream in any particular year. 3. Mean community persistence for the six streams, as measured by Jaccard's similarity coefficients between years, varied from 0.48 in the year pair 1999–2000 to 0.78 in 1998–99. Tattler Creek (a small stable stream) supported the most persistent macroinvertebrate community and Highway Pass Creek (a small, unstable creek) the least. Mean community persistence showed a significant relationship with mean winter snowfall (November to March) for the six streams. 4. The highest community compositional stability was found in Tattler Creek and the lowest in Highway Pass Creek, but stability varied markedly over time for the six streams, peaking in 1994–95 and reaching a minimum in 2000–01. Compositional stability was significantly related to the Pfankuch Index of channel stability. 5. The composition metrics % Chironomidae, % dominant taxa, %EPT, % Ephemeroptera and % Plecoptera, employed as part of the Alaska Stream Condition Index, varied over almost their entire range in these pristine streams across the 9 years of the study. 6. This study demonstrates the wide range of natural variation that occurs in benthic macroinvertebrate communities in these pristine central Alaskan streams, potentially limiting the applicability of composition metrics for the biological monitoring of water quality in these systems.  相似文献   
IMMUNOGLOBULIN polypeptide chains consist of two well defined regions designated the “variable region” and the “constant region”. Whereas great diversity exists in amino-acid sequences of variable regions, the constant regions of a given subclass of heavy chains (CH)* are essentially invariant in sequence1, 2. Exceptions are the allelic forms, such as the rabbit allotypes A14 and A153, 4, where a threonine-alanine interchange occurs in the constant region of γ chains (Appella, Chersi, R. G. M. and Dubiski, in preparation). The markers unique to a chains (for example, A14-A15) are closely linked to allotypic markers at the a locus (a1, a2, a3)3, 4 which seem to be present on four different Ig heavy chain classes (α, γ, ε, µ)5–7. These puzzling observations can be explained if the a locus determinants are variable region markers which reflect genetically controlled differences in some relatively constant residues within the VH region sequences7.  相似文献   
SUMMARY 1. Colonization and ecological development of postglacial freshwater communities was investigated in Glacier Bay National Park, south-eastern Alaska, following the rapid recession of a Neo-glacial ice sheet within the last 250 years.
2. Environmental variables shown to be most significant in stream development were temperature, flow regime and sedimentation.
3. The Chironomidae (Diptera) were the pioneer invertebrate colonizers of newly emergent streams arising as meltwater from receding ice sheets and displayed a distinct pattern of succession with stream maturity.
4. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera colonized warmer clearwater streams, but Trichoptera had a minimal role in invertebrate community development.
5. Establishment and production of salmonid fish populations in the new streams related principally to stream flow and sediment characteristics.
6. Future pathways along which the streams may develop is probably dependent on the degree of large organic debris input.
7. Stream development, structure and function are summarized including reference to theories of ecosystem development, ecological succession and community stability.  相似文献   
The indehiscent fruitlets of the apparently basalmost extant angiosperm, Amborella trichopoda, have a pericarp that is differentiated into five zones, a thin one‐cell‐layered skin (exocarp), a thick fleshy zone of 25–35 cell layers (outer mesocarp), a thick, large‐celled sclerenchymatous zone (unlignified) of 6–18 cell layers (middle mesocarp), a single cell layer with thin‐walled (silicified?) cells (inner mesocarp), and a 2–4‐cell‐layered, small‐celled sclerenchymatous zone (unlignified) derived from the inner epidermis (endocarp). The border between inner and outer mesocarp is not even but the inner mesocarp forms a network of ridges and pits; the ridges support the vascular bundles, which are situated in the outer mesocarp. In accordance with previous observations by Bailey & Swamy, no ethereal oil cells were observed in the pericarp; however, lysigenous cavities as mentioned by these authors are also lacking; they seem to be an artefact caused by re‐expanding dried fruits. The seed coat is not sclerified. The fruitlets of Amborella differ from externally similar fruits or fruitlets in other basal angiosperms, such as Austrobaileyales or Laurales, in their histology. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 148 , 265–274.  相似文献   
Abstract: Fossils of dyrosaurid crocodyliforms are limited in South America, with only three previously diagnosed taxa including the short‐snouted Cerrejonisuchus improcerus from the Paleocene Cerrejón Formation of north‐eastern Colombia. Here we describe a second dyrosaurid from the Cerrejón Formation, Acherontisuchus guajiraensis gen. et sp. nov., based on three partial mandibles, maxillary fragments, teeth, and referred postcrania. The mandible has a reduced seventh alveolus and laterally depressed retroarticular process, both diagnostic characteristics of Dyrosauridae. Acherontisuchus guajiraensis is distinct among known dyrosaurids in having a unique combination of craniomandibular characteristics, and postcranial morphology that suggests it may have occupied a more placid, fluvial habitat than most known Old‐World dyrosaurids. Results from a cladistic analysis of Dyrosauridae, using 82 primarily cranial and mandibular characters, support an unresolved relationship between A. guajiraensis and a combination of New‐ and Old‐World dyrosaurids including Hyposaurus rogersii, Congosaurus bequaerti, Atlantosuchus coupatezi, Guarinisuchus munizi, Rhabdognathus keiniensis and Rhabdognathus aslerensis. Our results are consistent with an African origin for Dyrosauridae with multiple dispersals into the New World during the Late Cretaceous and a transition from marine habitats in ancestral taxa to more fluvial habitats in more derived taxa.  相似文献   
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