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A combined morphological, molecular and biological study shows that the weevil species presently named Mecinus janthinus is actually composed of two different cryptic species: M. janthinus Germar, 1821 and M. janthiniformis To?evski & Caldara sp.n. These species are morphologically distinguishable from each other by a few very subtle morphological characters. On the contrary, they are more readily distinguishable by both molecular and biological characters. A molecular assessment based on the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit II gene revealed fixed differences between the two species with p‐distances between samples of both species ranging from 1.3 to 2.4%. In addition to this, the larvae of the two species are found to develop on different species within the genus Linaria (Plantaginaceae): M. janthinus is associated with yellow toadflax (L. vulgaris) and M. janthiniformis with broomleaf toadflax (L. genistifolia) and Dalmatian toadflax (L. dalmatica). Molecular and host use records further suggest the occurrence of a third species associated with L. vulgaris within M. janthinus, sampled from north Switzerland, central Hungary and east Serbia. The significance of these new findings is of particular importance because species of the M. janthinus group are used, or are potential candidates, for the biological control of invasive toadflaxes in North America.  相似文献   
Gall formation is a specialised form of phytophagy that consists of abnormal growth of host plant tissue induced by other organisms, principally insects and mites. In the mainly parasitoid wasp subfamily Doryctinae, gall association, represented by gall inducers, inquilines and their parasitoids, is known for species of seven genera. Previous molecular studies recovered few species of six of these genera as monophyletic despite their disparate morphologies. Here, we reconstructed the evolutionary relationships among 47 species belonging to six gall‐associated doryctine genera based on two mitochondrial and two nuclear gene markers. Most of the Bayesian analyses, performed with different levels of incomplete taxa and characters, supported the monophyly of gall‐associated doryctines, with Heterospilus (Heterospilini) as sister group. Percnobracon Kieffer and Jörgensen and Monitoriella Hedqvist were consistently recovered as monophyletic, and the validity of the monotypic Mononeuron was confirmed with respect to Allorhogas Gahan. A nonmonophyletic Allorhogas was recovered, although without significant support. The relationships obtained and the gathered morphological and biological information led us to erect three new genera originally assigned to Psenobolus: Ficobolus gen.n. (F. paniaguai sp.n. and F. jaliscoi sp.n. ), Plesiopsenobolus gen.n. (Pl. mesoamericanus sp.n. , Pl. plesiomorphus van Achterberg and Marsh comb.n. , and Pl. tico sp.n. ), and Sabinita gen.n. (S. mexicana sp.n. ). The origin of the gall‐associated doryctine clade was estimated to have occurred during the middle Miocene to early Oligocene, 16.33–30.55 Ma. Our results support the origin of true gall induction in the Doryctinae from parasitoidism of other gall‐forming insects. Moreover, adaptations to attack different gall‐forming taxa on various unrelated plant families probably triggered species diversification in the main Allorhogas clade and may also have promoted the independent origin of gall formation on at least three plant groups. Species diversification in the remaining doryctine taxa was probably a result of host shifts within a particular plant taxon and shifts to different plant organs. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0021F253‐4ABA‐4EAA‐A7A9‐FC0AD1932EA3  相似文献   
1. A logical way of distinguishing functional groups of phytoplankton is to cluster species according to their functional traits, such as growth rate and nutrient assimilation constants. However, data for such an approach are lacking for the vast majority of the species. 2. In this study, we show that a classification based on simple morphological traits may capture much of the variability in functional properties among the phytoplankton. We used information on more than 700 freshwater species, from more than 200 lakes situated in climate zones ranging from subpolar to tropical. 3. Morphological characteristics correlated well with functional properties, such as growth rate and sinking rate, and also with the population size and biomass attained in the field. This suggests that morphology is a good predictor of the functional characteristics of species. 4. Cluster analysis was used to define seven species groups based on morphology. Although some of the clusters are taxonomically homogeneous, others include species of several separate divisions. Functional traits (not used for the classification) differed significantly among the clusters, suggesting that the clusters may indeed represent meaningful functional groups. 5. Advantages of our morphological approach to classification include its objectivity, its independence from taxonomic affiliations, and the relative ease of its application to the majority of species for which physiological traits are unknown and are not readily determined.  相似文献   
Casal, J. J., Sáchez, R. A. and Deregibus, V. A. 1987.Tillering responses of Lolium multiflorum plants to changesof red/far-red ratio typical of sparse canopies.—J. exp.Bot. 38: 1432–1439. Plants of Lolium multiflorum were grown either in growth roomsunder radiation sources providing equivalent PAR but differentR/FR ratios between 0·46 and 2·36, or under sunlightsupplemented with a series of small fluence rates of FR throughoutthe photoperiod. In both kinds of experiments a reduction oftillering was found along with small depressions of R/FR ratiobelow the values typical of sunlight. In this range both thesquare-root-transformed rate of tillering and the site-fillingrate were linearly related to the estimated phytochrome photo-equilibriaand the slope was very steep under conditions that allowed hightillering rates. The addition of low fluence rates of red lightat the base of the shoots raised tillering of plants exposedto low R/FR ratios to the level of plants grown under high R/FRratios in spite of the ratios received by the rest of the plant.Moreover, irradiation of plant bases with intermediate-low R/FRratios reduced tillering indicating that this would be one siteof perception. These results show a high sensitivity to changesof R/FR ratio typical of different degrees of shade in sparsecanopies. This suggests that by monitoring these changes Loliummultiflorum plants would be able to perceive an anticipatedsignal of impending competition in growing canopies.  相似文献   
1. Ants modify soil properties via nest construction and by doing this modulate soil resources for other organisms. In this sense ants are recognised as ecosystem engineers. 2. In this framework, two less well‐studied issues are focused on: (i) the permanence of the effects of ant nests on plant communities after colonies have died, and (ii) the scaling up from patch to landscape‐scale effects. 3. The aim of the present study was to address these issues in the open dry forests of Uruguay, inhabited by the ant Atta vollenweideri Forel. The active and abandoned nests of this ant represent different and conspicuous patches (30–60 m2) in the landscape. 4. The soil concentration of sodium, a key element in the system, was substantially higher among active nests, and remains high during the early stages of abandoned nests. Woody species abundance, richness, and composition were affected at the patch scale, and simulation models suggested an increase in species richness at the landscape scale. 5. The present study highlights the importance of abandoned nests for plant‐species richness in the ecosystem engineer framework and the need to advance in an integrative approach to study both local and landscape effects of ant's nests.  相似文献   
1. Unravelling the strength and modes of interspecific interactions between resident and introduced species is necessary in order to understand the basis of their coexistence or the displacement of the former by the latter. In Argentina, the indigenous Tephritidae fly Anastrepha fraterculus overlaps its distribution and host fruit with the introduced species Ceratitis capitata. 2. This study focused on the relative strength of intra‐ and interspecific competition during the larval stage as a potential factor supporting coexistence. Classical competition experiments (addition and substitution) were conducted between larvae of the two species reared in artificial larval diet. The study evaluated whether a temporal separation between oviposition events affects the outcome of the competition. 3. When both species started to consume the resource at the same time, A. fraterculus experienced a negative effect in larval survival, pupal weight and duration of larval stage, while for C. capitata, pupal weight decreased. When A. fraterculus started feeding 1 day earlier than C. capitata, the negative effects became milder, and when the temporal separation increased, these effects were reversed. Substitution experiments showed an increase in pupal weight when larvae had to share the resource with heterospecific larvae, and showed negative effects suffered for both species when they shared the resource with conspecific individuals. 4. These results suggest that intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific competition, and a differential oviposition preference could generate an asynchrony of these species in nature. Such mechanisms could favour coexistence between A. fraterculus and C. capitata in an environment previously occupied only by the former.  相似文献   
Carpal evolution in diprotodontian marsupials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carpal anatomy in adults of 13 outgroup species and 50 diprotodontian species from all families except Tarsipedidae was examined, as well as a histological sectional series of a pouch young Vombatus ursinus . The results are discussed in the light of recent phylogenies, and functional aspects were considered to gain an understanding of carpal evolution in this diverse marsupial clade. Mapping of eight carpal characters on alternative diprotodontian phylogenies results in trees of similar lengths. Of the eight characters investigated, five characterize major diprotodontian clades and one offers an additional autapomorphy for the order. The occurrence of a prepollex varies across Diprotodontia, and for some species is polymorphic. Petauroids, Cercartetus and Trichosurus share the presence of a lunatum, a well-developed proximal process of the capitatum, a deep ulno-triquetral joint and a deep palmar process of the hamatum. Most macropodids are distinguished by the lack of a lunatum, lack of a proximal process of the capitatum, a short palmar process of the hamatum, a pointed ulno-triquetral articulation and a variably occurring groove in the scaphoid. The macropodines are set apart from the potoroines by their loss of a lunatum and a short palmar process of the hamatum. Two terrestrial clades, vombatiforms and macropodids, differ from the arboreal possums in similar aspects, indicating that carpal diversity might be related to function.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 369–384.  相似文献   
Araucaria araucana seeds and seedlings respond to wounding after48 h with a 3- to 4-fold increase of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins(HRGP) in the cell walls of the embryo and with a 15-fold increasein the cell walls of the megagametophyte. The megagametophytewalls accumulate six times more hydroxyproline per µgof cell wall protein than the embryo in this wound response.Tissue immunoprints of different parts of seeds and seedlingsobtained with polyclonal antibodies raised against HRGP fromcarrot roots or soybean seed coats indicate that the responseis due to an increase in a protein similar to the ones seenin carrot roots or soybean seed coats. Western blots of embryoand megagametophyte cell wall proteins subjected to SDS-PAGEshow three bands that cross-react with these antibodies. Ina native cationic gel system followed by Western blot analysis,only two bands react with these antibodies. Expression of suchproteins in Araucaria araucana seeds seems to be developmentallyregulated and tissue specific, since they are present mainlyin the megagametophyte and the root cap of the embryo. Key words: Araucaria araucana, seeds, seedlings, cell walls, hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins  相似文献   
Hoarding food is an important strategy of rodents in desert environments characterized by unpredictable and poor food resource availability. In the Monte Desert, Prosopis produces abundant food, unevenly in time and space, in the form of pods and seeds. Sigmodontine rodents (Graomys griseoflavus, Akodon molinae, Eligmodontia typus and Calomys musculinus) use Prosopis propagules extensively, and they could be predators or dispersers depending on how they handle and where they leave the propagules. The objectives of this study were: (1) to know what rodent species transported propagules; (2) to evaluate what hoarding pattern was used by species that transport propagules (larder and scatterhoarding); and (3) to analyse in which condition were propagules left by the rodent species, both at the food source and in caches. Our results showed that all four species transported propagules, with G. griseoflavus and E. typus being the species that carried more seeds. Our study supported the evidence that food caching is common among species and that many species both larderhoard and scatterhoard food. Graomys griseoflavus and A. molinae, the largest species, larderhoarded more than did the smaller E. typus. These results uphold the hypothesis that larger species will show greater propensity to larderhoard than smaller species. Considering the interaction between seed‐hoarding patterns and plants, E. typus was the species that could most improve germination because it scatterhoarded propagules and left seeds out of pods. In contrast, G. griseoflavus could have a negative impact on plant populations because this was the species that predated more seeds and larderhoarded a high percentage of them. The smallest C. musculinus was the species that transported propagules least, and left them as seeds inside pods or pod segments mainly at the food source, which makes seeds more vulnerable to predation.  相似文献   
Although forest loss is still a problem worldwide, estimated rates of deforestation have declined in the last decade, primarily because of an increase in the area of tree plantations. This leads to the central question of how suitable plantations are for indigenous species. Native plantations are thought to have higher value for biodiversity than plantations of non‐native trees; however, not all studies support this view. We assessed occupancy and density of the araucaria tit spinetail (Leptasthenura setaria, Furnariidae), a near threatened species, in the highly endangered araucaria forests of north‐eastern Argentina and in araucaria plantations, which comprise 90% of the remaining habitat for this species. All natural forest remnants were occupied by araucaria tit spinetails. Only 85% of the plantations were occupied; however, density was almost threefold higher in plantations compared with natural forests. Our models indicated that stand age was the most important factor in determining occupancy and density of this bird species in plantations. Plantations <10 years old exhibited lower densities than older plantations. This species does not occur in plantations of non‐native trees, but our results indicate that native plantations may provide important habitat for the araucaria tit spinetail, particularly given that most native forest has been removed. Restoration of natural remnants and conservation of old, connected plantations may assure the protection of significant populations of spinetails. The role of native araucaria plantations as habitat for other species merits further examination.  相似文献   
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