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Standard texture rating scales of hardness, adhesiveness, fracturability, cohesiveness, and denseness were modified during the training of a Texture Profile panel. New reference materials were selected for each scale to better illustrate the texture characteristics and intensities and to account for previously recommended food products no longer available. In addition, new reference scales for wetness, adhesiveness to lips, roughness, self-adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness of mass, moisture absorption, adhesiveness to teeth, and manual adhesiveness were developed. The application of new texture reference scales reduced the variability among panelists and provided consistent judgments in texture evaluations. Expanded and improved definitions and evaluation procedures for texture attributes are presented. Also, special considerations for the use of reference scales in texture evaluations are discussed.  相似文献   
The spatial association between the specially protected cacti Coryphanta durangensis, Echinocereus longisetus and Peniocereus greggii and potential nurse plants was evaluated, as was their relative position to the sun under the crown of the latter in the southern Chihuahuan Desert. The soil temperature under potential nurse plants was lower than under direct sunlight. There was more nitrogen and organic matter in the soil under Prosopis laevigata trees than in soil under direct sunlight. There were 68 plants of C. durangensis, 59 plants of E. longisetus and 157 of P. greggii. Only one individual of C. durangensis and one of E. longisetus grew outside the shade of the crown of other plants. Echinocereus longisetus was not associated with any particular species, but grew more often than expected by chance in the northern segment of the crown (i.e. the area most shaded in the afternoon). Coryphanta durangensis and P. greggii grew more often under P. laevigata than expected by chance. The effect of other plants, and P. laevigata in particular, on the facilitation of growth of protected cacti species should be considered in management plans of the Chihuahuan Desert, where mesquite (P. laevigata) is often harvested for charcoal production.  相似文献   
Salicylic acid (SA) is necessary for plant defence against some pathogens, whereas NPR1 is necessary for SA perception. Plant defence can be induced to an extreme by several applications of benzothiadiazole (BTH), an analogue of SA. Thus, plants that do not perceive BTH grow unaffected, whereas wild‐type plants grow stunted. This feature allows us to screen for mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana that show insensitivity to BTH in a high‐throughput fashion. Most of the mutants are npr1 alleles, with similar phenotypes in plant weight and pathogen growth. The mutations are clustered in the carboxyl‐terminal part of the protein, and no obvious null alleles were recovered. These facts have prompted a search for knockouts in the NPR1 gene. Two of these KO alleles identified are null and have an intermediate phenotype. All the evidence presented lead us to propose a redundancy in SA perception, with the paralogs of NPR1 taking part in this signalling. We show that the mutations recovered in the screening genetically interact with the paralogs preventing their function in SA signalling.  相似文献   
To reveal specific Cl transport activities in the symplastic pathway, uptake, long‐distance transport and distribution of Cl have been investigated in the citrus rootstocks Carrizo citrange (CC, Cl includer) and Cleopatra mandarin (CM, Cl excluder). Using an external concentration of 4.5 mm Cl, both species actively transported Cl to levels that exceeded the critical requirement concentration by one and two orders of magnitude in the excluder and the includer rootstocks, respectively. Both CC and CM modulated Cl influx according to the availability of the nutrient as uptake capacity was induced by Cl starvation, but inhibited after Cl resupply. Net Cl uptake was higher in the includer CC, an observation that correlated with a lower root‐to‐shoot transport capacity in the excluder CM. The patterns of tissue Cl accumulation indicated that chloride exclusion in the salt‐tolerant rootstock CM was caused by a reduced net Cl loading into the root xylem. Genes CcCCC1, CcSLAH1 and CcICln1 putatively involved in the regulation of chloride transport were isolated and their expression analysed in response to both changes in the nutritional status of Cl and salt stress. The previously uncharacterized ICln gene exhibited a strong repression to Cl application in the excluder rootstock, suggesting a role in regulating Cl homeostasis in plants.  相似文献   
Abstract Invasive woody species frequently change the composition of the established vegetation and the properties of the soil under their canopies. Accordingly, invasion may well affect regenerative phases of the community, especially at the seed bank level, likely influencing community restoration. Pyracantha angustifolia (Rosaceae) is an invasive shrub in central Argentina that affects woody recruitment, particularly enhancing the recruitment of other exotic woody species. There is though no information regarding its effect on the soil seed bank within the invaded community. The present study was set up to gain further insight into the canopy effects of P. angustifolia. We aimed to assess whether the invasive shrub affects seed bank composition, richness and seed density as compared with the dominant native shrub Condalia montana (Rhamnaceae), and to relate the observed seed bank patterns with those of the established vegetation. We evaluated the composition of the germinable seed bank and the established vegetation under the canopy of 16 shrubs of P. angustifolia, 16 shrubs of C. montana, and in 16 control plots (10 m2) without shrub cover. The floristic composition of the seed bank differed among canopy treatments. However, seed bank richness did not differ significantly. There was an overall high seed density of exotic species throughout the study site, though exotic forbs showed significantly lower seed densities under the invasive shrub. Pyracantha angustifolia would not promote the incorporation of new species into the seed bank of the invaded community but rather favour the establishment of woody species that do not depend on seed banks. The absence of dominant woody species in the seed bank, the dominance of exotic forbs, and the high similarity between established exotic species and those present in the seed bank may surely affect community restoration following the main disturbances events observed in the region.  相似文献   
Cyclical parthenogens, which combine asexual and sexual reproduction, are good models for research into the ecological and population processes affecting the evolutionary maintenance of sex. Sex in cyclically parthenogenetic rotifers is necessary for diapausing egg production, which is essential to survive adverse conditions between planktonic growing seasons. However, within a planktonic season sexual reproduction prevents clonal proliferation. Hence, clones with a low propensity for sex should be selected, becoming dominant in the population as the growing season progresses. In this context, we studied the dynamics of the heritable variation in propensity for sexual reproduction among clones of a Brachionus plicatilis rotifer population in a temporary Mediterranean pond during the period the species occurred in plankton. Clonal isolates displayed high heritable variation in their propensity for sex. Moreover, the frequency of clones with low propensity for sex increased during the growing season, which supports the hypothesized short‐term selection for low investment in sex within a growing season. These results demonstrate (1) the inherent instability of the cyclical parthenogenetic life cycle, (2) the cost of sexual reproduction in cyclical parthenogens where sex produces diapausing eggs and (3) the role of the association between sexual reproduction and diapause in maintaining sex in these cyclical parthenogens.  相似文献   
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