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A reliable chemical means of assaying small quantities of marihuana or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) isomers in body fluids and cell preparations has long been sought. A possible immunological approach was suggested by work with oestrogen haptens. It was established earlier that diazobenzoic acid under appropriate conditions enters the A ring by virtue of the phenolic function of C-3, yielding oestrogen azobenzoic acid derivatives1, 2. These compounds are coupled readily through the benzoyl carboxyl to proteins and solid matrices containing accessible NH2 groups, retaining the important antigenic specificities contributed by the reactive ?OH and = O groups as well as those associated with the ringed backbone1, 3. Other biologically important molecules which lend themselves to similar manipulation are the principal psychotomimetics. In our search for useful haptens and active antibodies to be used in a reliable model assay system, we have chosen to report the investigation of THC. Similar results have been achieved with the phenanthrene alkaloids (S. J. G., unpublished) preserving all the determinant functional groups * unlike the reagent for morphine assay recently reported4.  相似文献   
Chaflinches have differentiated within the last million years on the Canary Islands and the Azores. All island populations differ more from mainland relatives than from each other. The characteristics of island birds are large body size, short wings, long legs and beaks, and blue dorsal colour. Beak depth and width have increased on the Azores but not on the Canaries. As a consequence the Azores chaffinch has evolved more in the direction of the Canary Island F. teydea than have Canary Island chaflinches. Character displacement may have occurred on the Canaries. Most of the evolutionary shifts are not predicted from a knowledge of clinal variation on the mainland. Populations have differentiated more on the Canaries than on die Azores, but are less variable regardless of whether ecologically restricted (by teydea) or not. Similarly, within the Azores archipelago the most differentiated populations are die least variable. On the Azores, but not on the Canaries, differentiation increases with isolation, whereas wimin-population variation decreases with isolation and increases with elevation. A model for diese patterns is proposed in terms of gene flow between populations, which reduces differentiation but enhances variation, and directional selection and random genetic processes which have the opposite effects.  相似文献   
The date endosperm consists of living cells with the same generalcellular structure throughout the seed. The major storage products,as shown by histochemical staining, are lipid, stored as numeroussmall lipid bodies which fill the cytoplasm, and protein, aslarge but variably-sized protein bodies. Nuclei are presentbut lack large amounts of heterochromatin. Plastids and mitochondriaare present but infrequently seen and have poorly developedinternal membranes. No endoplasmic reticulum or dictyosomesare present before or after hydration. The cell wall is thickexcept in areas of pit fields and consists of three layers whichdiffer in their staining behaviour: middle lamella, thickenedwall and inner wall. Both the endosperm and embryo of the imbibedseed undergo aerobic respiration, but the embryo respires ata more rapid rate than does the endosperm. A small area of theendosperm around the distal pole of the cotyledon shows histochemicallydetectable levels of succinic dehydrogenase. Phoenix dactylifera L, date palm, endosperm, ultrastructure, histochemistry, respiration, succinic dehydrogenase  相似文献   
Abstract: Although fecal pellet counts have been widely used to index changes in deer abundance in forests, few studies have modeled the relationship between the indices and deer density. We examined the relationships between 3 fecal pellet indices (total pellets, pellet groups, and pellet frequency) and the density of deer (primarily red deer [Cervus elaphus scoticus]) in 20 enclosures in the North and South islands of New Zealand. In each enclosure we estimated the 3 indices on 30 randomly located 150-m transects, with each transect having 30 circular plots of 3.14 m2. We developed 4 candidate models (1 linear and 3 nonlinear) to describe the relationship between the indices and deer density. We used a Bayesian analysis to account for uncertainty in the estimates of deer abundance and to facilitate fitting models that included random transect effects. The 4 models explained the relationship between the 3 indices and deer density similarly well. The slopes of the linear relationships between the 3 indices and deer density were positive. Our results suggest that fecal pellet counts may be useful indices of deer abundance.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The Saturniidae, or wild silkmoths, number approximately 1861 species in 162 genera and nine subfamilies including Cercophaninae and Oxyteninae. They include some of the largest and most spectacular of all Lepidoptera, such as the moon or luna moths, atlas moths, emperor moths, and many others. Saturniids have been important as sources of wild silk and/or human food in a number of cultures, and as models for comparative studies of genetics, development, physiology, and ecology. Seeking to improve the phylogenetic framework for such studies, we estimated relationships across Saturniidae, sampling all nine subfamilies plus all five tribes of Saturniinae. Seventy-five exemplars (45 Saturniidae plus 30 bombycoid outgroups) were sequenced for four protein-coding nuclear gene regions (5625 bp total), namely CAD (the fusion protein carbamoylphosphate synthetase/aspartate transcarbamylase/dihydroorotase), DDC (dopa decarboxylase), period, and wingless. The data, analyzed by parsimony and likelihood, gave a strongly resolved phylogeny at all levels. Relationships among subfamilies largely mirrored the pre-cladistic hypothesis of Michener, albeit with significant exceptions, and there was definitive support for the morphology-based proposal that Ludiinae form a tribe (Micragonini) within Saturniinae. In the latter subfamily, the African tribe Urotini was shown to be paraphyletic with respect to Bunaeini and Micragonini, also in accord with recent morphological findings. Relationships within the New World subfamilies Arsenurinae, Ceratocampinae and Hemileucinae nearly always accord with previous morphology-based phylogenies when both are clearly resolved. Within Hemileucinae, Hemileucini are paraphyletic with respect to the monotypic Polythysanini. A preliminary biogeographical analysis supports ancestral restriction to the New World, followed by dispersal and/or vicariance splitting most of the family into a largely New World versus a largely Old World clade.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. We examined the effect of water deficits in soybean, Glycine max [L.] Merr., on the growth and survival of Mexican bean beetle larvae, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).
2. Larvae were reared under growth chamber, glasshouse, and field conditions on foliage from plants that were either well-watered or subjected to water deficits.
3. Larval survival, growth rate and pupal weight were reduced, and development time was increased when larvae were reared on foliage from plants subjected to water deficits. These results are contrary to White's (1974) hypothesis that water deficits in plants cause increased growth and survival of herbivorous insects.
4. Changes in foliage chemistry caused by water deficits, possibly in the concentration of free amino acids, are the most likely causes of the observed effects on growth rate and development time. However, under glasshouse and field conditions, physical changes in foliage and/or the foliage's environment that accompany water deficits are also important.  相似文献   
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