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Freshwater mussels (Unionidae) are among North America's most imperilled organisms. Mussels produce small larvae (glochidia) that parasitize aquatic vertebrates. We modified the Epicentre QuickExtract protocol to extract DNA from a single glochidium, collected directly from the marsupium of a female mussel, to use as template in polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). Yield per glochidium in a 40 µL extraction volume provided enough DNA for ≥ 15 PCRs per individual. We were successful in using this DNA for microsatellite analysis of up to three loci per individual. Offspring from one female showed evidence for multiple paternity within her brood. Our results are the first documentation of this phenomenon in freshwater mussels.  相似文献   
Linking herbivore-induced defences to population dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Theoretical studies have shown that inducible defences have the potential to affect population stability and persistence in bi‐ and tritrophic food chains. Experimental studies on such effects of prey defence strategies on the dynamics of predator–prey systems are still rare. We performed replicated population dynamics experiments using the herbivorous rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus and four strains of closely related algae that show different defence responses to this herbivore. 2. We observed herbivore populations to fluctuate at a higher frequency when feeding on small undefended algae. During these fluctuations minimum rotifer densities remained sufficiently high to ensure population persistence in all the replicates. The initial growth of rotifer populations in this treatment coincided with a sharp drop in algal density. Such a suppression of algae by herbivores was not observed in the other treatments, where algae were larger due to induced or permanent defences. In these treatments we observed rotifer population densities to first rise and then decline. The herbivore went extinct in all replicates with large permanently defended algae. The frequency of herbivore extinctions was intermediate when algae had inducible defences. 3. A variety of alternative mechanisms could explain differential herbivore persistence in the different defence treatments. Our analysis showed the density and fraction of highly edible algal particles to better explain herbivore persistence and extinctions than total algal density, the fraction of highly inedible food particles or the accumulation of herbivore waste products or autotoxins. 4. We argue that the rotifers require a minimum fraction and density of edible food particles for maintenance and reproduction. We conjecture that induced defences in algae may thus favour larger zooplankton species such as Daphnia spp. that are less sensitive to shifts in their food size spectrum, relative to smaller zooplankton species, such as rotifers and in this way contributes to the structuring of planktonic communities.  相似文献   
We used DNA fingerprints to determine whether the population structure and colony composition of the cooperative social spider Stegodyphus dumicola are compatible with requirements of interdemic ('group') selection: differential proliferation of demes or groups and limited gene flow among groups. To investigate gene flow among groups, spiders were collected from nests at 21 collection sites in Namibia. Analysis of molecular variance showed a small but highly significant differentiation among geographic regions (ΦPT = 0.23, P  = 0.001). Thirty-three nests at four collection sites (6–10 spiders per nest, 292 individual spiders) were investigated in more detail to evaluate variation within and among colonies and among collection sites. In these 33 nests, an average of 15% of loci (fingerprint bands) were polymorphic among nestmates; 16% of observed variance was partitioned among collection sites, 48% among nests within a collection site, and 36% among individuals within nests. Spatial autocorrelation analyses of spiders at three collection sites showed that the maximum extent of detectable spatial autocorrelation among individuals was approximately 30 m, indicating dispersal over greater distances is not typical. These results indicate limited gene flow among nests, as well as spatial structuring at the level of regions, local populations, and nests, compatible with interdemic selection.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 235–246.  相似文献   
The energy produced from the investment in biofuel crops needs to account for the environmental impacts on soil, water, climate change and ecosystem services. A regionalized approach is needed to evaluate the environmental costs of large-scale biofuel production. We present a regional pan-European simulation of rapeseed ( Brassica napus ) cultivation. Rapeseed is the European Union's dominant biofuel crop with a share of about 80% of the feedstock. To improve the assessment of the environmental impact of this biodiesel production, we performed a pan-European simulation of rapeseed cultivation at a 10 × 10 km scale with Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC). The model runs with a daily time step and model input consists of spatialized meteorological measurements, and topographic, soil, land use, and farm management practices data and information. Default EPIC model parameters were calibrated based on literature. Modelled rapeseed yields were satisfactory compared with yields at regional level reported for 151 regions obtained for the period from 1995 to 2003 for 27 European Union member countries, along with consistent modelled and reported yield responses to precipitation, radiation and vapour pressure deficit at regional level. The model is currently set up so that plant nutrient stress is not occurring. Total fertilizer consumption at country level was compared with IFA/FAO data. This approach allows us to evaluate environmental pressures and efficiencies arising from and associated with rapeseed cultivation to further complete the environmental balance of biofuel production and consumption.  相似文献   
Fire-driven deforestation is the major source of carbon emissions from Amazonia. Recent expansion of mechanized agriculture in forested regions of Amazonia has increased the average size of deforested areas, but related changes in fire dynamics remain poorly characterized. We estimated the contribution of fires from the deforestation process to total fire activity based on the local frequency of active fire detections from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors. High-confidence fire detections at the same ground location on 2 or more days per year are most common in areas of active deforestation, where trunks, branches, and stumps can be piled and burned many times before woody fuels are depleted. Across Amazonia, high-frequency fires typical of deforestation accounted for more than 40% of the MODIS fire detections during 2003–2007. Active deforestation frontiers in Bolivia and the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso, Pará, and Rondônia contributed 84% of these high-frequency fires during this period. Among deforested areas, the frequency and timing of fire activity vary according to postclearing land use. Fire usage for expansion of mechanized crop production in Mato Grosso is more intense and more evenly distributed throughout the dry season than forest clearing for cattle ranching (4.6 vs. 1.7 fire days per deforested area, respectively), even for clearings >200 ha in size. Fires for deforestation may continue for several years, increasing the combustion completeness of cropland deforestation to nearly 100% and pasture deforestation to 50–90% over 1–3-year timescales typical of forest conversion. Our results demonstrate that there is no uniform relation between satellite-based fire detections and carbon emissions. Improved understanding of deforestation carbon losses in Amazonia will require models that capture interannual variation in the deforested area that contributes to fire activity and variable combustion completeness of individual clearings as a function of fire frequency or other evidence of postclearing land use.  相似文献   
Food web structure in riverine landscapes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. Most research on freshwater (and other) food webs has focused on apparently discrete communities, in well-defined habitats at small spatial and temporal scales, whereas in reality food webs are embedded in complex landscapes, such as river corridors. Food web linkages across such landscapes may be crucial for ecological pattern and process, however. Here, we consider the importance of large scale influences upon lotic food webs across the three spatial dimensions and through time.
2. We assess the roles of biotic factors (e.g. predation, competition) and physical habitat features (e.g. geology, land-use, habitat fragmentation) in moulding food web structure at the landscape scale. As examples, external subsidies to lotic communities of nutrients, detritus and prey vary along the river corridor, and food web links are made and broken across the land–water interface with the rise and fall of the flood.
3. We identify several avenues of potentially fruitful research, particularly the need to quantify energy flow and population dynamics. Stoichiometric analysis of changes in C : N : P nutrient ratios over large spatial gradients (e.g. from river source to mouth, in forested versus agricultural catchments), offers a novel method of uniting energy flow and population dynamics to provide a more holistic view of riverine food webs from a landscape perspective. Macroecological approaches can be used to examine large-scale patterns in riverine food webs (e.g. trophic rank and species–area relationships). New multivariate statistical techniques can be used to examine community responses to environmental gradients and to assign traits to individual species (e.g. body-size, functional feeding group), to unravel the organisation and trophic structure of riverine food webs.  相似文献   
In many studies, reviewed in this paper, eluates of separatedplant extracts and various known endogenous and exogenous substanceshave promoted or inhibited adventitious rooting when appliedto stem cuttings. Some of the promoters are thought to act inconcert with auxin (the co-factors) and include various phenolics. The mode of action of most rooting promoters and inhibitorsis obscure. There is no good evidence that rhizocaline, theoriginally postulated root-forming hormone, consists of an auxin-phenolicconjugate, and other explanations for the action of phenolicsare not well substantiated. It is suggested that the action of many rooting promoters andinhibitors is mediated by chemical injury. Irrespective of theirchemical identity, sublethal concentrations promote rooting,while higher concentrations are inhibitory. Rhizocaline, co-factors, promoters, inhibitors, adventitious rooting  相似文献   
This is the first study to demonstrate significant differences between two natural Trinidadian guppy populations in susceptibility to a pathogenic monogenean parasite, Gyrodactylus turnbulli . Following experimental infection with an isogenic laboratory culture of G. turnbulli , fish from the Upper Aripo (UA) lost parasites more slowly and carried up to three times as many parasites at peak infection than did those from the Lower Aripo (LA). The UA population appeared to be more susceptible than the LA fish, even though fish of both populations were naïve to this particular laboratory strain of G. turnbulli and had not encountered any gyrodactylid infection for at least 65 days. The parasite infection reduced the feeding response and feeding activity of UA and LA fish to a similar extent. Our findings suggest that this ectoparasite may have an important impact on the evolutionary biology of guppies (and possibly of other teleosts), particularly as the prevalence of Gyrodactylus infection in natural populations may be as high as 50%. We discuss the role of parasite infections on natural and sexual selection, the good genes model and the implications for immunogenetics in small genetically isolated host populations.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 645–651.  相似文献   
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