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The fossil hyaenids from Langebaanweg in South Africa are revised taxonomically using both morphological comparisons and measurement data. Ictilherium preforfex is found to be a synonym of Ikelohyaena abronia . Other hyaenid taxa in this fauna are Hyaenictitherium namaquensis, Chasmaporthetes australis and a new taxon similar to Chasmaporthetes australis in the size and shape of the M1, trigonid and other characters, but differing from this taxon in having short P3 relative to P2, a smaller anterior accessory cusp on P4 and M2, present. This taxon has previously been referred to Euryboas sp***, but comparison with Eurasian hyaenids indicates that it shares diagnostic characters with Hyaenictis graeca , type species of the genus Hyaenictis . This genus is poorly known and its content is reviewed. We find that only the new species from Langebaanweg, formally described as Hyaenictis hendeyi sp. nov. , and the Spanish Hyaenictis almerai probably belong in this genus, while other taxa intermittently referred to Hyaenictis belong to other genera. Thus, neither Leecyaena bosei nor Chasmaporthetes silberbergi belong in Hyaenictis .  相似文献   
The movement of IAA through 6-mm segments excised 1 mm, 7 mm,and 13 mm behind the apex of the primary root of Zea mays seedlingshas been investigated at temperatures between 10 and 25°C. In all segments, and at all temperatures, the movement of IAAwas polarized acropetally, more IAA being found in apical receiverblocks than in basal ones after transport periods of up to 24h. The amounts of IAA which moved acropetally through a segmentdecreased as the segment was taken at an increasing distancebehind the root apex. Similarly, at least after transport periodsof 8 h, more IAA moved basipetally through the apical segmentthan through the basal ones. At 10°C the velocity of acropetal movement was similar inall three segments, but the acropetbut the acropetal flux wasgreatest in the apical segment and smallest in the most basalone. The same situation appears to exist at the other temperatures. The flux and velocity of the acropetal movement of IAA througha 6-mm segment taken 7 mm behind the apex of the root were similarto those previously reported for the acropetal movement througha 12-mm segment excised 1 mm behind the apex. The smaller amountsof IAA which move acropetally through longer root segments aretherefore attributable to a limitation of the flux in the mostbasal regions of the segment.  相似文献   
Noninvasive genetic sampling has increasingly been used in ecological and conservation studies during the last decade. A major part of the noninvasive genetic literature is dedicated to the search for optimal protocols, by comparing different methods of collection, preservation and extraction of DNA from noninvasive materials. However, the lack of quantitative comparisons among these studies and the possibility that different methods are optimal for different systems make it difficult to decide which protocol to use. Moreover, most studies that have compared different methods focused on a single factor – collection, preservation or extraction – while there could be interactions between these factors. We designed a factorial experiment, as a pilot study, aimed at exploring the effect of several collection, preservation and extraction methods, and the interactions between them, on the quality and amplification success of DNA obtained from Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus) faeces in Israel. The amplification success rates of one mitochondrial DNA and four microsatellite markers differed substantially as a function of collection, preservation and extraction methods and their interactions. The most efficient combination for our system integrated the use of swabs as a collection method with preservation at ?20 °C and with the Qiagen DNA Stool Kit with modifications as the DNA extraction method. The significant interaction found between the collection, preservation methods and the extraction methods reinforces the importance of conducting a factorial design experiment, rather than examining each factor separately, as a pilot study before initiating a full‐scale noninvasive research project.  相似文献   
The ongoing changes in the global climate expose the world's ecosystems not only to increasing CO2 concentrations and temperatures but also to altered precipitation (P) regimes. Using four well-established process-based ecosystem models (LPJ, DayCent, ORCHIDEE, TECO), we explored effects of potential P changes on water limitation and net primary production (NPP) in seven terrestrial ecosystems with distinctive vegetation types in different hydroclimatic zones. We found that NPP responses to P changes differed not only among sites but also within a year at a given site. The magnitudes of NPP change were basically determined by the degree of ecosystem water limitation, which was quantified here using the ratio between atmospheric transpirational demand and soil water supply. Humid sites and/or periods were least responsive to any change in P as compared with moderately humid or dry sites/periods. We also found that NPP responded more strongly to doubling or halving of P amount and a seasonal shift in P occurrence than that to altered P frequency and intensity at constant annual amounts. The findings were highly robust across the four models especially in terms of the direction of changes and largely consistent with earlier P manipulation experiments and modelling results. Overall, this study underscores the widespread importance of P as a driver of change in ecosystems, although the ultimate response of a particular site will depend on the detailed nature and seasonal timing of P change.  相似文献   
Abstract: Survival of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns has been quantified throughout much of North America. However, few studies have assessed the influence of intrinsic factors (e.g., fawn age and birth mass) and habitat on fawn survival. During 2002-2004, we captured and radiocollared 166 fawns in southern Illinois, USA, to estimate survival rates, determine causes of mortality, and identify factors influencing fawn survival. We used a known fates model in program MARK to estimate survival rates and compare explanatory models based on Akaike's Information Criterion corrected for small sample sizes (AICc). We developed 2 candidate sets of a priori models to quantify factors influencing fawn survival: model set 1 included intrinsic factors and model set 2 focused on habitat variables. We recorded 64 mortalities and the overall survival rate was 0.59 (95% CI = 0.51-0.68). Predation was the leading source of mortality (64%) and coyotes (Canis latrans) were the most prominent predator. For model set 1, model {Sage X year} had the lowest AICc value suggesting that the age at mortality varied among capture years. For model set 2, model {Slandscape+forest} had the lowest AICc value and indicated that areas inhabited by surviving fawns were characterized by a few large (i.e., > 5 ha) irregular forest patches adjacent to several small nonforest patches, and survival areas also contained more edge habitat than mortality areas. Due to the magnitude of coyote predation, survival areas could have represented landscapes where coyotes were less effective at locating and capturing fawns when compared to mortality areas. This study was the first account of macrohabitat characteristics directly influencing fawn survival. Wildlife managers can use this information to determine how habitat management activities may affect deer populations.  相似文献   
Reliable delimitation and identification of species is central not only to systematics, but also to studies of biodiversity, ecology and pest management. In the era of Internet‐based biodiversity databases misidentifications are rapidly disseminated and may have far‐reaching consequences. Leafhoppers from the genus Aphrodes (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae) are common and abundant, but, nevertheless, they are still a taxonomically challenging group whose members are often assessed in ecological studies and are also potential vectors of plant diseases. Previous study has shown that the syntype series for A. aestuarina (Edwards) includes also specimens of A. makarovi Zachvatkin and has suggested that misidentifications may be widespread in museum collections. We studied Aphrodes individuals collected from the U.K. and Slovenia in order to provide a more comprehensive analysis of this genus using multiple criteria. Combined work using male and female vibrational signals emitted during courtship, and a 600‐bp fragment within the barcoding region of the COI mtDNA gene, provided validated specimens that we also used for morphometric study. Analyses confirmed A. aestuarina, A. bicincta, A. diminuta and A. makarovi as behaviourally, genetically and morphologically distinct species. Although any of these approaches could be used alone to distinguish between species, combining morphological and molecular approaches will help to improve reliability, especially when identifying females. Morphological investigation of validated individuals from the U.K. and Slovenia also revealed geographic differences within species. By combining several body and aedeagus morphological characters males can be reliably identified, however, morphological differences between species are, nevertheless, relatively small. By contrast, observed genetic distances between Aphrodes species are relatively large (4.2–7.0%). At about half of our collecting sites more than one Aphrodes species was found and A. makarovi was collected together with every other species, including A. aestuarina on tidal saltmarshes. Due to low morphological variation between syntopic congeners it is likely that many museum specimens of Aphrodes have been assigned to the wrong species and species identification in ecological and vector studies may also be questionable.  相似文献   
Abstract Successful ecosystem restoration requires the re-establishment of fundamental ecological processes, many of which involve plant-animal interactions. Myrmecochory (seed dispersal by ants) is a particularly important plant-animal mutualism in Australia, but little is known about its response to either disturbance or restoration following disturbance. Here we investigate the effects of disturbance on seed dispersal by ants, and the extent to which the ant-seed relationship has re-established at sites undergoing rehabilitation, at Ranger uranium mine in the seasonal tropics of Australia's Northern Territory. We focused on the composition of seed-dispersing ant assemblages, rates of seed removal by ants, and the dispersal curves generated by ants, as determined by observations of removal from seed depots. Ten sites were studied, comprising four ‘natural’ (undisturbed) sites representing a range of savanna habitats occurring in the region, four disturbed sites representing a range of habitat disturbance but with intact soil, and two waste rock sites subject to preliminary revegetation trials. A total of 22 ant species from 10 genera were observed during 154 observations of seed removal, most commonly Rhytidoponera aurata (53 records), Monomorium (rothsteini gp) sp. 1 (14), Iridomyrmex sanguineus (13), Iridomyrmex pallidus (12) and Pleidole sp. 3 (10). Removal rates (over 3 h) averaged 29% across all sites and time periods, varying markedly both between and within sites. However, mean rates of removal were similar between natural, disturbed and waste rock sites (29%, 28% and 31%, respectively). A high incidence (62% of all depots) of'aril robbing’ by ants (primarily Monomorium spp.) eating arils in situ, without removal, was observed. Dispersal distances varied markedly between ant species, with Iridomyrmex sanguineus having both the highest mean (7.25m) and maximum (13.08 m) dispersal distances. Species of Pheidole typically dispersed seeds less than 0.5 m, and Meranoplus, Monomorium and Tetramorium spp. only ever moved seeds a few centimetres, usually dropping and abandoning them before reaching the nests. The dispersal curves characteristic of each site varied markedly due to the different composition of seed-dispersing ants. The mean dispersal distance at disturbed sites (3.91 m) was significantly higher than at natural sites (2.19 m), and the curves were strongly skewed in the former, but relatively uniform in the latter. The implications of these differences for recovery following disturbance are unclear. At rehabilitated waste rock sites, all observed removals involved distances less than 0.5 m, with a mean of 17 cm. This lack of effective ant-seed relationships might represent a barrier to further vegetation development at rehabilitated sites.  相似文献   
Abstract Dryland salinity presents an overwhelming threat to terrestrial and aquatic habitats in Australia, and yet there remains very little empirical evidence of the impacts of secondary salinization on the biodiversity of riparian communities. Here we describe the response of a riparian plant community to stream and soil salinization, 25 years after the experimental clearing of a catchment in south‐western Australia. Riparian plant species diversity was inversely related to soil salinity, and plant species composition was significantly altered by increased soil salinity. Despite the evidence for an impact of salinization on the taxonomic diversity and composition of the riparian plant community, there was little evidence for any effect of salinization on functional group diversity, or on ecological functioning, as measured by the percentage of above‐ground plant cover.  相似文献   
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